The truth is that I don't plan to add those things to the game, since I plan the game to be linear in the style of the old "Resident Evil" games, besides this is the first game that I develop in my life, so I prefer to continue acquiring experience with RPG Maker before trying to make that kind of games.
Also I've been quite limited by the poor performance of my pc and by having to use such an old engine as RPG Maker Ace VX, so it's best to be prudent for now and make the game as simple as possible.
Regarding the locations, the laboratory will only be an instance, eventually Eve will escape from it and the rest of the game will take place in different locations, for example Eve will eventually wear the tiny red dress she has on the cover of the game and of course this will happen in another scenario ...
I hope I have solved your doubts, thanks for giving my game a chance
