
Friendly Neighborhood Lolilewder
Oct 1, 2018
0.17.4?? is that same as PC 0.17.3 or is there a diff?
there's a difference, I'm not sure what the exact changelog is but v0.17.4 is the newest public build available

EDIT: here is the changelog for it
CHANGELOG (0.17.4)

* Basically just forgot to mention this last patch, but experimental new Gallery system where you can pay for a mass unlock for a given's areas scenes. Using as a placeholder for a later full unlock system for now. Now works as intended from 0.17.3 after removing coin deduction error and count error.

* No option to sell Tigerlily to Soft-Spoken Gypsy; also, Tigerlily is not checked, but rather, the Permit from Fort Amberley, for antidote. Fixed both issues.

* Fat Jack's old sprite in jail during thief progression. Fixed.

* Forbidden Knowledge quest does not update when speaking to Old Bailey innkeeper if you've unlocked the anal scene. Fixed.

* Several more pathing issues found and fixed in Prologue.

* WorldMap image missing, thus disabling the travel system. Fixed. `
Last edited:


May 26, 2018
I am not that good with computers so i have to ask how do i transfer my save from an old version to the new one?
Thanks in advance


Aug 19, 2018
After loading my old save (0.17.2 version) Natalie is still gone from he thieves's basement. Did she go somewhere else, or is this just bugegd? Quest log tells me to seek her out and speak to her now that she's rescued. I did that in the old version, after that she vanished from the basement (did she say something about going to Fat Jack's house? I can't really remember). Maybe I need to start a new game to get that quest line. Or am I missing something?


Feb 2, 2018
The post-Fairfelt scene with an imprisoned Lawrence uses Sleeping Powder rather than Aphrodisiac. Fixed.

wait, there's a way to "win" the fairfelt quest with drugs ? how ?

Omega Deose

Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018

Introducing... Evie!

Hello and welcome to another exclusive sneak peek, this time we're featuring the second recruitable character for the breeder questline: Evie!
Evie is one of the three characters Claire can hire to work in her personal ranch. Having come from a farming background, Evie is a rough n' tumble sort of girl who isn't afraid or squeamish in the slightest. Evie is also unique in that she is the only breeder recruit who has breeding experience, and will in fact work with Claire in the bullpen prior to the purchase of the ranch.

This redheaded cowgirl comes with a hulking bull, Brutus, who is ostracised and feared for his size, despite his gentle persona. She is greatly attached to Brutus, and unhappy with how he is treated. To recruit Evie, you must promise to take in Brutus, too, and thus have a place for both in your ranch.
Of the three breeders Claire can train, Evie starts with the highest base sum of Libido. Thus, she is the easiest to train, and by extension, 'corrupt'.

The higher the Libido, the more actions/scenes can be performed by the breeder - as well as the outfits that can be worn!

At 50 Libido, the breeder will be willing to accept a Beastslut Outfit as a gift, and will even give Claire a gift in exchange!

Once the Beastslut Outfit is donned for Evie, her sprite and scenes all change to reflect this new state of submission to Claire, Brutus, and the ranch in general... ❤

Due to feedback, we know piercings aren't everybody's thing, so Piercings are a separate item that can be added onto the Beastslut Outfit or skipped altogether - your call!
And that's all for now - stay tuned for additional updates and bonus artwork!

Evie will be the next breeder we will work on after Isobelle's sets are all completed! Isobelle's sets set the "foundation" for all breeder scenes so it's necessary to finish her sets before we attempt Evie's, but we hope you eagerly anticipate what Evie and Brutus have to offer!


Sneak Peek: Isobelle's Corruption (Revised)

A side-by-side of Isobelle's slow descent into depravity featuring the new beastslut outfit... Brought to you by Claire's Breeding Ranch, purveyors of the finest seed and spunk! :D
question where can i start the breeder questline?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
With all the delays and everything else its great to see the games revamp is just about finished! I'm sure there is atill some things to polish up, but the games story and quests should be moving along now. I wouldn't be surprised and really the dev deserves a some time off!


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Any save with futa path, the futa routh where Claire become alredy futa, can youshare with me?
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