RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Better send the link to the mods so they can make mirror

Claire's Quest 0.18 - (Patron/Early Access Release!)

Hello patrons and thanks for waiting!

Here is the patron/early access release of Claire's Quest version series 0.18!


If you are using an older save, once you load in, go to the GALLERY, and speak to this guy here.

This will make sure your plugins and scripts are up to date and don't break anything!

Please note that this is an early access release, so as usual, keep an eye out for any bugs, glitches, typos, etc.! I've done my best to make sure no gamebreakers are around, but given my caffeine-wired state I could have missed something - keep your eyes open!

Sorry for the delay of about a day! I think I made the mistake of plugging in too much new plugins and systems, some of which don't play well with one another and drive each other wonky. I've actually had to pull one or two out for further rebalancing. However, we've managed to get alchemy and ranch in fairly good working order, I think!

0.18.1 won't have everything at once. We're got way too much content in one go here and I'd like some of the new major segments tested and cleared of bugs first! Once we confirm alchemy lab and ranch (among others) are good to go, I will start patching in additional content around Narfu and Dargan's "advance" areas and also get any necessary fixes in.

As usual, a full changelog can be found below (and will be updated as we patch in new versions).



* Sally's quest can now be concluded, and if you're lucky, you might... well... Get lucky. Managing to court Sally after her quest ends will net you a permanent +10 boost to Energy and Hunger.

* Fixed a pan-100 error (sound only plays on left side) in the Badlands BGM.

* Fixed Nachali spawning before you talk to Aiyana in the Spider Temple, which basically makes game unwinnable

* Added missing WorldMap image for travel system



* Major new gameplay area and mechanic: the Ranch. The ranch can be purchased after completing all breeder-related jobs in Chemont, and you can hire girls to work there as your breeders. Of course, you'll need to train them up to be up to par!

* You can now hire Isobelle and Thunder to work at the Ranch in Chemont (once you buy it). Once hired, they will move into the ranch permanently. New gameplay mechanics revolving around Libido and Fatigue, which are explained further in-game. Please note, beastslut outfit is not available yet, and the ranch scenes are not in the Gallery yet.

* New scene - Thunder x Isobelle BJ/HJ with Untrained/Trained variations

* New scene - Thunder x Isobelle Penetration with Untrained/Trained variations

* Music swapped for wilderness areas of Rathpike and urban settlement areas.

* The Meat Pit now saps -1 Defiance every night you stay there

* A nude UI portrait added. Comes into effect in Meat Pit and Fairfelt Manor (as prisoner) at the moment.

* Maid outfit added to cleaning job.

* Quest categories restructured as follows: Continental, Rangers, Five Families, The Temple, Refugees, Thieves, Mercenary, Shieldmaiden, then Minor Quests and Job Quests.

* Gallery and Menagerie structure completely overhauled after popular feedback. Now there is a signboard next to each scene in the Gallery telling you what scene it is so you don't have to trigger it without knowing.

* Lore behind demons and monsters rewritten, specifically verifying Andumas and the Spider Goddess (Nachali)'s roles.

* Bubba can now be re-encountered in the Brugginwood after his specific Ranger quest for... head pats.

* Intrigue route added to Cockthulu's scene (the Gypsy quest in the Rocks, Valos). Previously there was only a Defiance route and tonnes of people got stuck there. Hopefully this makes it more open-ended.

* Exclamation Mark Indicators/Quest Markers now added to more parts of the game.

* Testing out a "skip" option for jobs with repeating scenes, such as the Hookton blowjob, or the bar gangbang in Valos.

* Option to revisit Emily after the relevant Temple quest now available. Will be fleshed out more in the future.

* Narfu Village back in, mercenary quest advances up to the Kraken, who has been brought back. New Kraken scene also available. Also, the mercenary outfit + UI portrait becomes available from Mercenary Questline (but stops there for 0.18.1).

* Karland's third quest, the journey to the Badlands, added into the game in its entirety. This is a massive quest, and probably one of the hardest in-game. Unfortunately Nachali/Spider Goddess chase mechanic is kind of shit (sigh) and the poison mechanics are wonky but the quest can be finished nonetheless. This quest introduces Aiyana, the Alchemist, and also adds in a new scene with the Spider Goddess (hint: the gameover scene changes based off Depravity)

* Aiyana the Alchemist comes into the game (after you finish the 3rd Karland quest)! This tsundere gypsy girl is your gateway into the world of alchemy. You can visit her in her lab after you finish the 3rd Karland quest and start the Alchemy questline.

* New scene - Manticore Alchemy / Gypsy Gangbang, available during the first alchemy experiment with a Manticore Tail.

* Dargan Town back in game, but nothing to do there yet. You can explore if you want. The next couple of patches will fill this in.

* Basically all pre-overhaul areas are back in-game, and will be fully fleshed out and patched back in by the time 0.18 is done.

* Mercenary escort services are back

* Zayana mistakenly shows up in Fat Jack's pre-rescue. Fixed and removed.

** Lots and lots of minor stuff I tweaked and fixed that probably don't warrant individual mentions, but if you come across weird tiles that look like they shouldn't be there or bump into invisible roadblocks PLEASE let me know in Discord.

Blog 169

Hello all, and welcome to another blog post!

To start with, I'm pleased to announce version 0.18 of Claire's Quest is now out and available to patrons!

As usual, once the game is tested, patched, and in its final state, it will be released out to the public! The average waiting time in-between the early access and public versions are around 30 days, depending on the amount of content patched in and the types of bugs that need fixing!

After 0.18 is finalized, we'll move onto final development for Overgrown: Genesis!

Just one thing regarding BLOGS. Currently, our blogs are numbered weekly, meaning if there's nothing much to discuss during one week, that numbered blog is usually just combined with the next meaningful blog.
This is kind of pointless, so from now, the blogs will simply be released when there's meaningful things to discuss (as is the situation now) and numbered just by blog count rather than by weekly count.

So, going forward, after we wrap up Overgrown: Genesis our plan is to focus entirely on Claire's Quest, while possibly back-adding small little bits of content to O:G, like consensual male/romantic encounters for Juno that don't really affect the main storyline and act as "expansion" material.

Given Claire's Quest completion of the overhaul, and our growing patron support base over the years, we'd also like to start making a push to expand our production. To that end, we've brought on new CG artist pollenoxide to work alongside Pigutao. The hope is that with two committed CG artists we will be able to double up our production.

The main reason is because recently we've started making a move towards more complex, high-quality artwork, involving multiple partners or complex characters. These sets take way, *WAY* more time compared to a 'standard' scene. I've put two of them side-by-side for comparison here:

While Pigu works very hard and, I think you guys can agree, does an amazing job with these, the increased effort into complex scenes means each one takes a very long time to complete. As much as twice the duration of a 'basic' scene, in fact. Sometimes triple!

I'm loathe to compromise on the quality, and I quite like the freedom in writing and increased complexity + flavour that the complex scenes bring, so that's the reason we've brought on two artists, in the hopes that even if they each work on ONE complex scene each, that scene will have so many variations, backgrounds, outfits, characters, etc. that it'll be pretty damned worth it. (the Ranch scenes are a good reference of that kind of scene).

Of course, more realistically speaking the idea will be to divvy up the work nicely, allowing each artist to alternate between working on a complex scene or multiple quick basic scenes.

Anyway, that's all the news from me for now. Tune in next time for more!
Nice to see the remastering is finished. Also two artists should really speed up the work on drawing the scenes. :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
If your going to add artists then I think each one should create art for one character, but the styles would need to be similar so you have a uniform look, which is just about impossible to achieve without the artists getting frustrated that their own style is being limited. For artists looking to jump start their popularity it should work. Having said that, the artist will get commissions which should allow them to really express their style. The style of one artist has kind of been inconsistent, really cant blame him or her since they've been dealing with a leg injury.


New Member
Aug 18, 2018
Please, I need your help. Does anyone know how to use black blood poison to kill Nachali, every time I use it is game over.


Sep 8, 2017
Anyone else have movement speed problems with 18.2? I keep going slow as a snail to normal speed. But its mostly snail speed, even with always run on ...


Oct 7, 2017
Anyone else have movement speed problems with 18.2? I keep going slow as a snail to normal speed. But its mostly snail speed, even with always run on ...
I keep forgetting this too, if you need sleep (Energy is 0) you're stuck at walking pace.
Sleep at an inn.

dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
Hey yall. I'm a bit lost on quest paths. Here's what I can gather:
clair paths.png
Edit: I feel kinda dumb cause I just saw the walkthrough link. I think I'll be okay now...
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
I agree, pigutao's artstyle is not bad, but not good either, his drawings look kinda bland and amateurish.
Anatomy philosophy of womens torsos consist 90% of expandable penis hole and if the guys penis isn't the size of a baseball bat or a traffic cone can it even be called rape. He's just not good as a game cg artist when you want to believe things on the screen are actually happening and are not a fever dream, constant immersion breaking. That woman licks lips to indicate anticipation meme belongs in a donald duck comic. Subtlety goes a long way.
claire anus.png

Waiting for a fix that spider boss potion bug.
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