Those goals are very misleading. Before reading this thread I never realised they are supposed to be a tutorial teaching you what to do

At first I thought they are bonus objectives giving you EE, but that was not the case. Then I thought they were things triggering those post battle scenes, but one day they just disappeared and scenes kept going on. So I was like "Huh, what was that green stuff all about?" And I actually went out of my way to complete them even though I didn't need it and wasted couple of days (the goal wanted me to break T2 of a girl I wasn't working on IIRC, so I already did an orgy before goin for her T2 and moving goals forward).
Add info on what you need to do to hit next EE increasing treshold to info screen, that is still very unclear. That information alone is enough to point in the right direction.
Btw, as long as info goes. Thing I really miss is something like this:
A way to see vulnerabilities without examining all the time and, most importantly, what color each girl uses for her voice lines. Having blue haired girl talk in green and green haired girl talk in orange is a nightmare =) Don't know if it's possible to layer images, but at least a colored border will be a godsend, my brain can't work around all the mixed signals -_-
As for the new players, I think the best advice is just replaying first 10-15 days over and over instead of trying to do a complete run. That's a good thing to learn the game. Good goal is "break all core T1s before day 15". It's an easy enough thing to achieve if you know how to play, but very hard if you don't, so try until you do.
Some good suggestions here, thanks for the feedback.
Maybe you could have it be tied to one of the remaining Distortion routes? Like, we already have the Retreat action which is flavoured around abducting people in the way that would cause the most despair so maybe you could have a Blackmail distortion which would be triggered by using a Retreat that would normally make you gain a lot of EE but instead abduct one of the Chosen's loved ones?
This is an interesting idea, too. I have had the vague idea that the Morality/Innocence and Confidence/Dignity Distortions might be less direct-combat-related since they don't have an associated surrounded sinful tactic.
Okay, let me know if a relevant save file would help, but I'm pretty sure you've got a good mental picture of what's causing it.
That's right, you provided me with all the necessary information to find the bug!
I think that the actual process of achieving both LVL 1 and LVL 2 breaks needs more direct instruction, somehow. Something like the original tutorial needs to come in at that point, because that process of which numbers to raise first is daunting. "Would you like a step-by-step for how to make Faith give in to her desire to fight back?", on the day players send out a 5 EE commander. That'd basically require writing an AI, though it wouldn't have to be very complex.
This might be trickier than you'd think. In order to be 100% reliable without fully simulating the battle beforehand, it'd need to make sure that the player has an overwhelming advantage - probably even more than the 5 EE commander.
Made a second revision of useful data, text only.
Almost everything in one place - names in colors they use, defense lvl when escaped, damage lvls, circumstances that are currently being worked on and circ lvls allowing for defiler action are highlited. Only vulnerabilities are missing, but can be squeezed in by shortening names of traumas and circs. Looking at this panel now, not even examining all three girls will give such a nice cross reference, I always overlook something when my screen is flooded with all the details examine displays. So something like this quick reference will be very handy.
This mockup looks really good! And it should be within my coding abilities as well. I think I'll end up doing something very similar to this.
I think adding additional text to the Completion would be a good way to clarify what exactly is going on and why.
Yeah, this is the option I'm leaning toward as well.
I'd at least get a beat on your player base's opinion regarding this with a poll or something. Personally I wouldn't find it annoying in any regard to see a static button on the interface so long as it is separated somehow from the regular buttons to prevent accidental clicks. But the info is currently hidden which is a disservice to you the creator. Soon as I am able I plan to donate to the cause because this game has a lot of creativity in it and you talk to your playerbase like human beings and that gets my respect. To add; the moment I understood the gameplay loop and finished day 50 I immediately looked for "OK so now how do I support this dev asap" and had to dig for it.
Thank you for the encouragement! I suppose I should try to make it so that people who want to support the game don't have to jump through hoops to do so.
Very happy to hear you're looking into ways to incorporate lore and world building. A good point to not want to clutter or cram it into one place but I'd also retort to remember that information is entirely optional and flavor to the player so a thick codex would also be entirely optional to them to flip through if they want (which I want,lol).
The current plan is to tie it to collectibles, but then also give an option on the main menu to browse all the collectibles you've found across all your runs, and browsing the collectibles like that will also display the flavor text. So, you can flip through it without it being intrusive.
I wonder if the creator has played the Sweet Knights series.
I hadn't heard about this one, surprisingly. Looks like it has actual gameplay?
Small immersion/accountability thing:
This would be fine, except that I used a Forsaken to do the Total Innocence Break and not a Commander. This is the after-battle scene after a Total Innocence Break, should be easy to find/fix.
Good catch, I'll make sure the text is a little smarter about reflecting what happened.
Why do so many people advise to save up for good commanders? I think it's a bad habit. I usually get Networked Consciousness around day 13, no way I would achieve that spending 12 days poking with basic attacks. 5EE commander is easier to work with, sure, but 2EE is already capable of breaking T1s in most cases, so you should totally try doing it. And if after couple of hours of reloading you still can't do it, then fine, wait for 3EE one and try again and so on. And when you do get 5EE (which will be way faster with using weaker commanders effectively), you will know what to do to use its full potential, instead of finally breaking T1s with it.
Saving up for a 5 EE commander is a crutch, but I think it's an alright starting point. From the feedback I got before I implemented the guide, I got the impression that a lot of players would (1) spend all their EE on commanders as soon as possible, and (2) keep progressing in the same save file even after unsuccessful battles. Because they didn't know how to make good use of cheap commanders, it would take them until Day 20 or later to stumble upon the right sequence of moves to cause a T1 Break. And because they're used to grindy trainer games, they'd overestimate the effect of the ANGST gained from the unsuccessful battles, leading them to conclude "It took over 10 days worth of 3 EE commanders to grind this girl's status up until I made any progress. This is unreasonable." In order to teach new players how to play the game, I think it makes more sense to guide them toward using excessive resources at accomplish a goal at first, and then they can gradually realize that they can achieve that goal with fewer resources if they play skillfully.
I can't start the second loop of my campaign, game dies after the first fight (against Prayer) of the second loop to be exact. Game version is 34c, save is attached. I'm running the game under Xubuntu 20.04, just in case that is relevant.
This was a weird bug. Normally, loading the game always puts you onto the shop screen, and there's an error in the logic that causes it to throw you straight into battle, which causes problems when it happens in the middle of a playthrough. I'll fix it in the next version. In the meantime, you can make it work by loading the Day 51 save first, then loading the Day 1 save from there.
as much as i like what the current one brought, i wonder what's gonna be in next update tho?
Next up is animal ear Chosen, which are basically the next tier above Superior. I've posted more info about it on my SubscribeStar (which you can view even if you don't have an account).
Have you considered making it so that you can "sell/trade" forsaken for these plots or value or for some event/bonus/benefit. As you go down the loops to higher # you get a lot of forsaken and this ends up blotting the screen as you can only get 5x and then you're scrolling 4-5 pages down. Though I do enjoy the list of corrupted Saviors. Ha title drop
The achievement bonuses for sacrificing Forsaken are meant to provide incentive to trim your roster down, but I suppose the diminishing returns make that less rewarding after awhile. I have thought about being able to send your Forsaken off on "missions" of some sort, so that might actually work well to make it so that you're actually getting something worthwhile in return rather than just throwing them away.