Jul 14, 2018
oragsmic pleasure typo.

oragsmic pleasure.png

I also remember there being a subtle typo in the petplay interaction between two chosen, but I forgot to screenshot it. There was one word that sounded like the word that should be used instead.


New Member
Apr 23, 2018
Chosen relationships in campaign mode seems to be bugged. If you do not assigned the bait position to your chosen they don't have relationship, but if you it they will have relationships with the randomly generated chosen.


Aug 5, 2018
I've heard that decompiling can be finicky and although it works the end result may do the same thing a completely different way (and a not very useful way).
I think it depends on the language, or perhaps the decompiler. The "Java Decompiler" decompiler gives some odd output, but Quiltflower's output is much more readable.


Aug 5, 2018
I wonder if anyone else would like the option to set chosen gender transformation as random - as apposed to guarantee?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017
Was there ever a full list of what the game looks for with regards to portraits? I'm currently working on bringing my PMMM pack into the modern era since NovelAI lets me make the pics all stylistically similar.

But I'm wondering if I can't be adding a bit more. If there's different portraits for, say, Impregnate, Force Orgasm, and Sodomize, I'm interested in knowing about them.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Haven't played this for a while, what kind of family members of the Chosen are in the game now (sister, mom etc.)? Also, is there yet a way to set names for Chosen in the campaign or am I stuck with Japanese auto-generated names?


Aug 5, 2018
Juggling 3 distorted chosen in a completely broken team into the final battle is.... grueling. But I managed to do it! Cycle one, ending early on day 43, with rampage, aversion, negotiation distortions. Surprised the chosen before they even had their briefing. Rampage+aversion+negotiation basically means you need to engineer a two turn window in which the rampager will be at lv.3 hate, with a high enough injury to not rampage before you can start the orgy. - I also half thing there's a bug in here. If the rampager's status is not concidered when assessing if an orgy is possible or not, so you can attempt to start an orgy but fail because they start rampaging.


Finally, all three of the Chosen have surrendered to your forces. This is a flawless victory - you couldn't have hoped for a better result. By the time the reinforcements from other cities arrive, your Demonic Barrier has already reached full strength, and no more Chosen can enter without immediately losing their powers and joining the ranks of your captives.

The Demons escort Tyrant, Cheer, and Miracle to your throne room, where you will begin to train them into your own loyal servants...


The city of Nagano has fallen under your control. Your followers won't be able to establish a foothold in another city right away, so you can take some time to consolidate power here and enjoy your conquest.

Tyrant, Cheer, and Miracle have been added to the ranks of the Forsaken! This will surely prove useful against the Chosen you've yet to face.


Now that Tyrant is no longer one of the Chosen, the child in her belly is just a regular Demon, and she quickly goes into labor. The resulting abomination slides out of Tyrant's distended vagina while she grunts and strains, then scuttles off immediately in search of its first victim. (+72.0% Stamina, -5.0% Motivation)

Now that Cheer is no longer one of the Chosen, the child in her belly is just a regular Demon, and she quickly goes into labor. The resulting abomination slides out of Cheer's distended vagina while she stares down in horror, then scuttles off immediately in search of its first victim. (+23.8% Stamina)

Overcome by the Demonic influence in the air, Miracle hides in his room and starts to quietly masturbate, jumping in alarm whenever he hears movement outside. (+67.0% Stamina)


Nagano - Day 44

7 days remain before your attack on the next city.


Aug 29, 2017
Congrats on winning. Yah the rampage thing is kinda bug, found about that I think 1-2 months back when two people rampage at same time. If you want an easier time you could also try to get them to have similar distortion allowing for easier time, also rampage is hella annoying to deal with even with the EE you get as a bonus. Rough deal with as forsaken so I never bother with it.


Jun 27, 2017
I love this game but tbh i wish someone could break down the combat system into something easier to understand. I feel like i've read the guide a hundred times and i'm still fumbling around the whole mechanic
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Aug 5, 2018
Is rampage broken? I didn't notice this happening when I didn't have a superior chosen, but they seem to be removing all my angst progress.


Tyrant uses the chaos after her rampage to her advantage, claiming full responsibility for the destruction in order to make the public think of her as more powerful and therefore give her more psychic energy. She sees this as a chance to become even more powerful than she was before, and she's always been willing to exploit whatever tools are at her disposal.

"If I had known that this power was so easy to obtain, I would have begun acting this way long ago."

-60.2k ANGST, -80.4k FEAR, -4720 DISG, -165k PAIN, -20.9k SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +0DISG +0PAIN +0SHAM = 0 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 0

+30 Evil Energy
Jul 14, 2018
I presumed it was a feature. That by embracing being demonic, she loses all her angst about it.

In game terms it also makes sense. You get much more evil energy, but you have to sustain that she rampages every run, or she will be a very unangsty girl.


Aug 5, 2018
I'm glad I gave this a second try after giving up a while ago! Loved it and will come back next update to try to get a better Forsaken strategy going. Until then, I'll share this worksheet I was using. It includes (on different sheets):
-Places to keep track of the Chosen and their stats.
-A disgusting research tree. The creator wasn't lying when he said one wasn't included because it would not be neat. Still, I found it useful to visualize things. Sadly I'm not an excel guru, so couldn't make the lines stay where I put them (something something anchors...).
-A Forsaken tracker.
-I also did a distillation of the prepackaged guide. I feel a big impediment to learning is the sheer number of terms that get thrown at you. I couldn't resist putting in some extra tips, but I'd only class myself as intermediate so please be kind if something's wrong/subotimal.
Finally, I also included an example with stats from my newish game filled in so you can see how I was using it. Of course the beauty is that you can use it however you want- if you don't need a section, delete it!
Aug 4, 2020
Is rampage broken? I didn't notice this happening when I didn't have a superior chosen, but they seem to be removing all my angst progress.


Tyrant uses the chaos after her rampage to her advantage, claiming full responsibility for the destruction in order to make the public think of her as more powerful and therefore give her more psychic energy. She sees this as a chance to become even more powerful than she was before, and she's always been willing to exploit whatever tools are at her disposal.

"If I had known that this power was so easy to obtain, I would have begun acting this way long ago."

-60.2k ANGST, -80.4k FEAR, -4720 DISG, -165k PAIN, -20.9k SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +0DISG +0PAIN +0SHAM = 0 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 0

+30 Evil Energy
All distortions do that
(technically the other don't remove everything but just an enormous amount of angst and trauma, like, 10G for Negotiation)


Aug 5, 2018
I suppose I never noticed this being an issue with the other distortions. I'm guessing because of all the trauma reduction boons this chosen has (campaing, superior), and due to the difficulty getting an orgy of with a rampager, the trauma resolution outpaced my ability to generate.
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