
New Member
Feb 11, 2019
Thank you to everybody who posted bug reports for R41 and R41b. I do quickly check in on this thread during the bugfix phase after every release, and it's always helpful for tracking down crashes.

It's working as intended, since even while rampaging, the subject is still helping to clear out the last of the Demons. The only exception is the final battle, where cooperation is necessary to land the finishing blow on the Demon Lord - in that case, a rampage will extend the battle even more than a surround does, because the other Chosen can't prematurely end it by executing the rampager.

The rampancy effectiveness percentage is a direct multiplier on how quickly HATE and EXPO damage accumulates. This is helpful, because the Resolve lost for each turn rampaging is multiplied by the subject's HATE level (in exactly the same way that Threaten+, Slime+, etc. all multiply the Resolve damage by the associated trauma level).

This is a tricky interface problem to solve, because players might sometimes prefer to know what the default is whenever it changes. Maybe I should just add a separate button to reset the Chosen to the default cosmetics for her current personality.

This is related to my plans for Angelic Forsaken. Still working on it, though, so I can't give specifics.

When I see how much money some of those VNs make, I do sometimes question my choice of genre for Corrupted Saviors. Unfortunately, it's harder to make the visuals line up with the gameplay in a game like this, and people don't seem to like giving money to projects with few visual elements.

I've considered adding more "story" scenes for the boss Chosen and adding visuals for those, but I'm not sure whether spending time focusing on that would go over well with the people who are happy with the game's current focus.

Typo reports are definitely welcome here too. Incidentally, I find it pretty funny that a typo which has been in the game for so long ended up getting reported by two different players in such a short time period.

Half siblings are possible, but none of the game text acknowledges them as different from full siblings yet. Step siblings will require the game to acknowledge marriage and sexual orientation (which will probably come together, but not for a few more months). Lesbian moms are already in, if you're counting futanari.

The penalty is up to the Obedience difference, but in practice, it's almost always lower, because it also gets multiplied by a fraction depending on the Forsaken's own Obedience. Forsaken at 80% and higher Obedience will not care at all about loved ones with even higher Obedience than themselves. Forsaken at 60% Obedience will only care a little, Forsaken at 40% Obedience will care a bit more, and so on.

Thanks for the report about the incorrect portrait folder being set for some of Victory's lines - I think I caught all of them, but feel free to report any others you find.

This is because the game generates a new Victory for every playthrough, and it determines whether a Chosen is Victory by comparing her to that playthrough's Victory. So, the only way to use Victory's Forsaken bonuses in single play mode is by continuing past the final battle (and using Victory against herself). Some boss bonuses won't be functional outside of campaign mode, but I guess it would make sense to have Victory's be carried over into single play.

I suppose I can spoil a bit of the lore regarding Angels and Devils in this universe. When the Psychic Singularity hit and supernatural events started to crop up everywhere, a bunch of people suddenly remembered that they were actually the human incarnations of Angels and Devils who had existed since the creation of the universe. Most of these people aren't actually Chosen, but they still have supernatural abilities of their own. And the ones who are Chosen are very strong because they're basically getting superpowers from two different sources at once.

Incidentally, there's a big debate over whether these Angels and Devils "actually" existed before the Psychic Singularity. One of the most prominent Chosen, Reason, holds that all the Angels' and Devils' memories of the distant past are just a shared hallucination. But regardless of whether that's the case, Heaven and Hell are real places now, and neither of them are friendly with the Demons.

Using in-game feats to unlock codex entries is an idea that I've considered, but I'm not sure if most players would find it worthwhile. I suppose the item archive accessed from the main menu is already sort of like that - in case you weren't aware, the entry for each item has more flavor text when you aren't viewing it in the middle of a run.

In any case, I do want to write more story entries for the boss Chosen, describing their past history and showing more details about how they react as they're finally corrupted. I plan to go back and write some for Victory if I have time this month.

This sounds like it might be more like sequel territory. I think it's very important for a game to have a tight focus and keep everything tied to the central mechanic. That said, I'd want any sequel to Corrupted Saviors to be of a different genre, but still similar enough that the same players will enjoy both. So, a game with more of a territory conquest focus might fit.

As alex2011 says, the update which decouples Chosen virginity from Morality Break would be a natural time to add that. Strap-ons will require a decent amount of new flavor text to differentiate them from futa penises, so I don't want to half-ass it.

I always try to maintain save compatibility, but unfortunately, it looks like this one ended up breaking saves due to an oversight on my part.

Thanks for catching this. There are a few cases that slipped by me where certain actions don't increment sex stats. I'll try to fix them all by Release 42.

It means that you have a Forsaken whose Punisher effect decreases the progress requirement enough that you'd be able to use her to break it. If you already have that Forsaken set as your Punisher, then the "?" becomes a "!".

Thanks for the reply, would the compatibility issue be fixed in the future or should i just delete my current save?


Apr 23, 2018
I'd like to have Empathy and Antipathy be replaced by other upgrades depending on the conditions at the start of the loop, but I'm still working on what exactly to replace them with.
One thought for this might be a replacement of Antipathy that allows chosen to sacrifice themselves, instead of their enemies, either to free an ally or just hasten the end of the battle. Not sure how this would be balanced with the boss chosen but it's an idea.


Nov 14, 2017
I found a minor bug

if you are targeting a flying champion with the temptation distortion
using a flying commander with no suppressors
and have the Networked Consciousness upgrade
You can not tempt a chosen on captureas the tempt option dose not appear,
You can however tempt her on the next turn.


Aug 5, 2018
Did the chosen downtime logic change in 41? I'm noticing that sometimes when I pass time, the chosen choose to do an action that generates no EE, when in the past they would have generated at least 1.
If they have over 200 angst, shouldn't they be generating EE?


New Member
Dec 30, 2021
Man, I'm very interested in the game, but I can't figure out how to play it right for the life of me.
Are there any tutorials besides the .txt in the files?
I really want to get into this game.
Jul 14, 2018
Man, I'm very interested in the game, but I can't figure out how to play it right for the life of me.
Are there any tutorials besides the .txt in the files?
I really want to get into this game.
I don't think so. It also depends heavily on the stats of the chosen you face.

I'll give you a very rough guide. I think one of the things with this game is that it's hard to tell when you're doing well or badly (the first 1-2 runs you don't really know until you hit the end of a run, day 50, if you've been doing well or not).

Tip 1: Ignore distortions until you've at least beat a 50 day run once.

Goal 1: Attacks and surrounds
Day 1-9

Ideally a girl generates EE every day after you've met her, though if you're new it's alright if you miss maybe the day you've met her, or once or twice after. It's alright if you're not getting much to happen the first couple of days. Spend the EE to develop research.

To do this, you must learn what attacks each girl is vulnerable to: threaten/slime/attack/taunt.
You also get to learn the basic surround mechanics.

Goal 2: Circumstance damage
Day 10-17

Get every girl to generate 2 EE every day. To get there, you have to break vulnerabilities. There are rare instances where a particular girl is hard to break and you'll have to make do with only 2 girls at 2 EE per day, but most of the time this is doable.

To break vulnerabilities you must do enough circumstance damage (grind, caress, pummel, humiliate).
If you focus on breaking a particular girl:

grind and caress help deal more trauma damage
grind and pummel help deal more circumstance damage
humiliate on one of the other girls help deal circumstance damage to this one

Goal 3: Tier 3 break and friendship
Day 17-26

Besides the daily 6 EE you're getting, you're also getting EE from breaks and events as you've noticed.

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Getting the Tier 3 breaks depends on having sufficient circumstance damage so that you unlock a specific action when a girl is surrounded. The typical way to get there is to have a commander that costs somewhere of about 10-15 EE to create. Non-special commanders are easier to manage than the specialised ones, because they capture a girl even if they just captured another one.

Once you get commanders that can do 3 surrounds the game becomes a lot easier because you can surround each girl as soon as they show up and do them enough damage so you can surround them again when they escape, setting up longer days with lots of damage.

Goal 4: Tier 4 break
Day 27-40

Do enough damage to each girl to get them to T4 breaks where they start to use unethical methods to fight back, opening them up to deeper breaks. The easy way to get there is through multiturn orgies, as the trauma (and therefor angst) builds up incredibly fast from them.

The two drawbacks to long orgies are that this might do enough damage to open up multiple T4's, which can be hard to deal with when you haven't figured them out well enough. And the other is that it generally goes past distortions: but we were going to ignore distortions. Therefor I often stop orgies early at specific points if I want an easier end game.

Get at least one T4 break on each girl. Plan which you want to develop to 1000 so that you can do tier 5 breaks

Learning how each T4 operates can be part of the fun. You need to get their vulnerability to 1000. You don't need to get to 1000 in this period, but some progress is helpful.

Goal 5: The last day
Day 35-50

The easiest end game is if you break at least 1 T5 on each girl. The more the better.

Though there are also a number of ways to win without this. The research and girl profiles are updated to give some insight in how to win the last day. How to do the last day well depends more on the preparation than how you do the day itself.

Nemo de Nemo

Jul 30, 2020
Man, I'm very interested in the game, but I can't figure out how to play it right for the life of me.
Are there any tutorials besides the .txt in the files?
I really want to get into this game.
Outside of the in game "hit this goal."? No.
There are, however, several game guides in this thread that will hold your hand through a loop while you get your bearings, the one I used was by Fruit_Smoothie (or something similar as I may have mispelled) which did the first half of the loop day by day.

Failing those guides, another (less optimal) option you can do is to turn on cheats and only use the change day cheat to basically give yourself infinite time to learn the mechanical knowledge in one loop. There are other cheats, but those will mess with the game balance significantly so it would be best to stick with the one cheat for properly learning the mechanics of battle and setting up breaks in a vacuum (aka no timer). After that? Practice doing standard (0 modifier) loops or scenarios to get a feel on doing it on a normal non cheat playthrough.
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Mar 3, 2018
So is there a reference/help guide anywhere?
not so much for gameplay itself, but with gameplay elements like how the four attacks work as a whole, what the various distortion plans fully entail, what the various Forsaken mechanics fully entail, etc.
Because the only way I have been able to figure any of that out has been by banging my head against the wall and redoing entire loops after figuring out that something I was doing wasn't a good thing to do in the long run.

For example, I triggered rampancy on one loop and that turned out to be the right move because it was easily triggered, prevented final battle end (giving me the ability to get all three of the chosen as forsaken) and gave me 30 evil energy every day as long as I triggered it, but then on a different loop I triggered temptation (near the end of the loop sadly because I made the mistake of trying to go for more than one distortion) and that turned out to be a terrible move because it had a huge trigger requirement to start, required multiple days of triggering to lower the requirement to something more manageable, only gave 15 EE, and did not prevent the other chosen from straight up murdering her during the final battle, which basically forced me to redo the whole loop if I wanted to try to get more than just a single chosen on my side.

So like, some kind of reference guide that explains mechanics fully would be infinitely helpful with this game because there is a lot that is currently just left to guess work since they are not explained clearly anywhere in the game, resulting in a lot of save scumming (like what do the four Forsaken trait percentages do? Because the only one that is actually explained is Disgrace, which lowers that forsaken's power but makes them more affordable)


Apr 23, 2018
So is there a reference/help guide anywhere?
not so much for gameplay itself, but with gameplay elements like how the four attacks work as a whole, what the various distortion plans fully entail, what the various Forsaken mechanics fully entail, etc.
Because the only way I have been able to figure any of that out has been by banging my head against the wall and redoing entire loops after figuring out that something I was doing wasn't a good thing to do in the long run.
Have you tried reading the text files that came with the download?
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Oct 25, 2021
Hey is the reletionsship custom option bugged? As none of the custom chosen I set as reletions appear


New Member
Dec 30, 2021
I don't think so. It also depends heavily on the stats of the chosen you face.

I'll give you a very rough guide. I think one of the things with this game is that it's hard to tell when you're doing well or badly (the first 1-2 runs you don't really know until you hit the end of a run, day 50, if you've been doing well or not).

Tip 1: Ignore distortions until you've at least beat a 50 day run once.

Goal 1: Attacks and surrounds
Day 1-9

Ideally a girl generates EE every day after you've met her, though if you're new it's alright if you miss maybe the day you've met her, or once or twice after. It's alright if you're not getting much to happen the first couple of days. Spend the EE to develop research.

To do this, you must learn what attacks each girl is vulnerable to: threaten/slime/attack/taunt.
You also get to learn the basic surround mechanics.

Goal 2: Circumstance damage
Day 10-17

Get every girl to generate 2 EE every day. To get there, you have to break vulnerabilities. There are rare instances where a particular girl is hard to break and you'll have to make do with only 2 girls at 2 EE per day, but most of the time this is doable.

To break vulnerabilities you must do enough circumstance damage (grind, caress, pummel, humiliate).
If you focus on breaking a particular girl:

grind and caress help deal more trauma damage
grind and pummel help deal more circumstance damage
humiliate on one of the other girls help deal circumstance damage to this one

Goal 3: Tier 3 break and friendship
Day 17-26

Besides the daily 6 EE you're getting, you're also getting EE from breaks and events as you've noticed.

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Getting the Tier 3 breaks depends on having sufficient circumstance damage so that you unlock a specific action when a girl is surrounded. The typical way to get there is to have a commander that costs somewhere of about 10-15 EE to create. Non-special commanders are easier to manage than the specialised ones, because they capture a girl even if they just captured another one.

Once you get commanders that can do 3 surrounds the game becomes a lot easier because you can surround each girl as soon as they show up and do them enough damage so you can surround them again when they escape, setting up longer days with lots of damage.

Goal 4: Tier 4 break
Day 27-40

Do enough damage to each girl to get them to T4 breaks where they start to use unethical methods to fight back, opening them up to deeper breaks. The easy way to get there is through multiturn orgies, as the trauma (and therefor angst) builds up incredibly fast from them.

The two drawbacks to long orgies are that this might do enough damage to open up multiple T4's, which can be hard to deal with when you haven't figured them out well enough. And the other is that it generally goes past distortions: but we were going to ignore distortions. Therefor I often stop orgies early at specific points if I want an easier end game.

Get at least one T4 break on each girl. Plan which you want to develop to 1000 so that you can do tier 5 breaks

Learning how each T4 operates can be part of the fun. You need to get their vulnerability to 1000. You don't need to get to 1000 in this period, but some progress is helpful.

Goal 5: The last day
Day 35-50

The easiest end game is if you break at least 1 T5 on each girl. The more the better.

Though there are also a number of ways to win without this. The research and girl profiles are updated to give some insight in how to win the last day. How to do the last day well depends more on the preparation than how you do the day itself.
Thank you very much for your in-depth reply!
It helped me quite a bit!
And it's very nice of you to have spent the time to answer me.

One question remains for me though:

It seems the main goal is to attack their core vulnerabilites.
But in order to do that, you need to raise their circumstance damage to level two,
but their core vulnerabilities are very resistant to that particular cicrumstance damage!

I can barely reach 200 circ damage, even while deploying my commander with special circ modifications and capturing my victim of choice several times.

What am I doing wrong?
If I don't break their first vulnerabilites soon, then I'm missing out on all the evil energy, falling behind even further.

I don't know what to do.
I tried stripping another heroine first, or increasing the chosen victims lust first, but nothing seems to work.


May 22, 2018
Thank you very much for your in-depth reply!
It helped me quite a bit!
And it's very nice of you to have spent the time to answer me.

One question remains for me though:

It seems the main goal is to attack their core vulnerabilites.
But in order to do that, you need to raise their circumstance damage to level two,
but their core vulnerabilities are very resistant to that particular cicrumstance damage!

I can barely reach 200 circ damage, even while deploying my commander with special circ modifications and capturing my victim of choice several times.

What am I doing wrong?
If I don't break their first vulnerabilites soon, then I'm missing out on all the evil energy, falling behind even further.

I don't know what to do.
I tried stripping another heroine first, or increasing the chosen victims lust first, but nothing seems to work.
Do not use commanders with damage types. Due to how modifiers work you want to use basic commander in your initial breaks. Specialized will be used much later.


Aug 5, 2018
Thank you very much for your in-depth reply!
It helped me quite a bit!
And it's very nice of you to have spent the time to answer me.

One question remains for me though:

It seems the main goal is to attack their core vulnerabilities.
But in order to do that, you need to raise their circumstance damage to level two,
but their core vulnerabilities are very resistant to that particular circumstance damage!

I can barely reach 200 circ damage, even while deploying my commander with special circ modifications and capturing my victim of choice several times.

What am I doing wrong?
If I don't break their first vulnerabilities soon, then I'm missing out on all the evil energy, falling behind even further.

I don't know what to do.
I tried stripping another heroine first, or increasing the chosen victims lust first, but nothing seems to work.
I suppose the question is - what tool aren't you using? I'd expect that a basic 4/2 commander would afford you the bandwidth to capture one chosen for 4 turns, another for 3, then cycle between the two for another ~3 surrounds. should have enough time to break the initial T0 core vulnerability.

Something like this; Start Battle via capture (4 turns): Pummel->Caress->Grind->Humiliate (Aiming for Lv.2 in every trauma category). Capture next chosen (Pick three actions, probably pummel->Caress->Grind). Surround initial again, attempt same pattern. Once all selected, surround second again, focus on increasing Grind. Finally, surround the first. If all goes well, you should be able to deal enough damage to break some T1 vulnerabilities. If the stars align, you might get a T2 break, but I find that those are more likely with a 5-6/3 commander.
Jul 14, 2018
Thank you very much for your in-depth reply!
It helped me quite a bit!
And it's very nice of you to have spent the time to answer me.

One question remains for me though:

It seems the main goal is to attack their core vulnerabilites.
But in order to do that, you need to raise their circumstance damage to level two,
but their core vulnerabilities are very resistant to that particular cicrumstance damage!

I can barely reach 200 circ damage, even while deploying my commander with special circ modifications and capturing my victim of choice several times.

What am I doing wrong?
If I don't break their first vulnerabilites soon, then I'm missing out on all the evil energy, falling behind even further.

I don't know what to do.
I tried stripping another heroine first, or increasing the chosen victims lust first, but nothing seems to work.
Can you share a screenshot or savegame? Then I can evaluate whether they have really good defense on their core vulnerabilities, or whether you aren't playing things right. Sometimes their cores are just not that easy to break. But maybe you are overlooking some methods of play.


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you very much for your in-depth reply!
It helped me quite a bit!
And it's very nice of you to have spent the time to answer me.

One question remains for me though:

It seems the main goal is to attack their core vulnerabilites.
But in order to do that, you need to raise their circumstance damage to level two,
but their core vulnerabilities are very resistant to that particular cicrumstance damage!

I can barely reach 200 circ damage, even while deploying my commander with special circ modifications and capturing my victim of choice several times.

What am I doing wrong?
If I don't break their first vulnerabilites soon, then I'm missing out on all the evil energy, falling behind even further.

I don't know what to do.
I tried stripping another heroine first, or increasing the chosen victims lust first, but nothing seems to work.

You need to make use of circumstance multipliers. Before you start along this path, you need the ability to make a 4-turn 2-capture Commander. Don't put any other special abilities on it--this allows you to direct the minions that surround after the capture, rather than being reliant on your Commander itself. No Suppressor.

There are 3 ways to increase circumstance damage on a Chosen.

1) Each level of INJU on that chosen triples the circumstance damage.
2) Each level of HATE on that chosen doubles the circumstance damage.
3) Each level of EXPO on the other chosen with the most EXPO doubles the circumstance damage to the other two chosen.

So, you need to stack these together.

My suggestion is that the easiest Core Vulnerability to break will be whatever Core is on the chosen that is weakest to INJU. Ambush that Chosen with your Commander, and in order:

Turn 1: Pummel
T2: Grind
T3: Caress
T4: Humiliate

The rest is going to depend heavily on what turns the other Chosen come in on, and how strong their resistance to EXPO is, so it's not easy to give a turn-by-turn. But some basic principles might help:

1) If there's a big difference between the two other Chosen's weakness to EXPO, pick the one that's weaker to it and do your second capture on that Chosen on the turn she arrives (or not much later). If there's not much difference just get the one that arrives closest to turn 5.
2) On this second Chosen, you want to raise surround turns and EXPO, so your order should be (Pummel or Grind, whichever hits her more)--Caress--Humiliate.
3) You want to surround the first Chosen a second time before your Extermination gauge fills up, so you get a third surround later. Try to get circumstances up, make sure that you are benefiting from Pain in your surround turns. You are going for a long surround here so Caress is important this time.
4) When second Chosen breaks free, surround her again. Raise (whichever move you didn't use vs. her the first time)--Humiliate first. Your goal is to maximize EXPO. You can't get a third surround vs her, so Caress is not important at all. You may benefit from using some basic attacks vs. first Chosen when she breaks free during this surround--you want as many turns on first Chosen as possible, so look for this opportunity, but don't sacrifice a level of EXPO on the second chosen that you could be earning for this--multipliers are key in this game.
5) Before second Chosen escapes a second time, surround first Chosen again. Make sure HATE and INJU are both above 1000, then you should have plenty of multipliers. HATE lvl 2 * INJU lvl 2 * EXPO lvl 1 gives you 4 * 9 * 2 = 72x multipliers. If you get level 2 EXPO on the second Chosen, which is very possible, that's 144x multipliers. Of course you won't actually be doing that much damage but it should total out to around x24 after penalties, plenty of time to raise all but the most stubborn Cores into a T1 break.
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Aug 5, 2018
I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I've got a chosen in loop 2 that's not taking any FEAR damage on day 1. (Seems like I can damage it if they've got some angst built up.)

City stats are:
Damage Mitigation: 3% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 47
Luxuries: 160% Trauma resolution speed


Relevant save is C2-Start, it's the day 1 start of the new city.
I'm basically starting the fight with a can of orgasm Whoop-ass, hit slime,attack,threaten - surround - caress,pummel,force orgasm. You know, the standard early EE gen rush before early 2EE forsaken are available. I feel like that x64 damage to Fear would do... something.... but it's still net 0 damage. Kind of odd. Makes me feel like there's a multiply by zero going on here.


Sep 6, 2021
I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I've got a chosen in loop 2 that's not taking any FEAR damage on day 1. (Seems like I can damage it if they've got some angst built up.)

City stats are:
Damage Mitigation: 3% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 47
Luxuries: 160% Trauma resolution speed

View attachment 2627556

Relevant save is C2-Start, it's the day 1 start of the new city.
I'm basically starting the fight with a can of orgasm Whoop-ass, hit slime,attack,threaten - surround - caress,pummel,force orgasm. You know, the standard early EE gen rush before early 2EE forsaken are available. I feel like that x64 damage to Fear would do... something.... but it's still net 0 damage. Kind of odd. Makes me feel like there's a multiply by zero going on here.
Pretty sure that if they don't have any effectiveness(the "-" in the chosen info) in a trauma or circumstance they will take 0 Damage in that till you build up angst.Also if you are in day 1 why use threaten? Fear only gives opening when 1 other chosen is surrounded or if you have a specific item.


Sep 6, 2021
Just defeated Victory on loop 10 of campaign. Honestly i never thought I would beat her. Got Negotiation on her with all t4 breaks too. Was wondering if there will be a "Boss" achievement in the future. I mean the trait is nice but i think it would be better if there was something else which helped in future loops or in beating bosses, or maybe an item drop?.Just a forsaken trait seems a bit lackluster Or maybe it's just me since before this fight i didn't exactly use many of my forsaken.
Also found a bug while i was doing breaks. If an animalistic chosen reduces the commander damaged by 100% through frenzy,this happens if you have a active commander:
Here Victory reduced the commander damage by 100% THIS turn and when Fang's turn came it got stuck here.Clicking continue just repeats this line.

On a side note, I think deep-fried rotor isn't giving any energy with defiler action, can someone confirm this?
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2018
I would like to suggest a way of sorting the Forsaken so we don't have to scroll through increasing pages of them to train useful new additions. Call me weird, but I never end up sacrificing any Forsaken, even the ones I know will never get used, so every loop I end up having to scroll even more if I want to start training the few additions that are worthwhile, such as distorted Undead or Animalistics. I understand that the point of most Forsaken is to just get sacrificed immediately or when a better replacement is found, I just don't like removing them from the game that way.

I think having the ability to reorder the forsaken list would be beneficial even for those that keep their rosters small and specialized, though.
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