
Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
So I've got a (hopefully) teensy request, think we could just re-name pieces of outfits while editing? Sometimes an outfit is otherwise spot-on, but maybe the frilly panties could be swapped out for lacy ones for this character, or something like that, you know?

And not to pressure you, CSDev, but I also noticed Ambassador's are still kinda clunky to swap around (unless I missed something), just wondering if that might still be something on the to-do list, or if I should just make it easier for myself and stop dreaming?
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Reactions: Sonsuka


Oct 25, 2017
For Day 8, I'm not able to get above a small Orgy no matter how I manage it. This does, however, open up the ability to take over the High Rises, which I do.

Day 9:
You have 26 Evil Energy.

Tip: During downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.

Hymn's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Sphinx's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Figment's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)

Strategic Advantage: 71.0M
Fortification:       136k


Overall corruption progress:

Hymn        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Sphinx      +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Figment     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
I decide that the path forward might involve a tempted Figment, so I put that distortion plan on her to make sure that I don't get any other Breaks on her. This means I should be sure not to Penetrate/Inseminate Sphinx or Figment today so that everyone can be on INN next turn, which limits what I can do today. With 26 EE, I take Genius-> Reality Sealing to finish off all actually necessary research besides what's needed for the final battle. I send out the weakest Massacre I've sent for a while with the plan of earning some extra EE through an early Escape. I end up earning 5EE in the battle, which I could have gotten by Draining one of the many chosen I don't introduce, but I take this option because of the compounding damages from Control Center and Transmission Tower.

Day 10
You have 25 Evil Energy.

Tip: The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM.  The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.

Hymn's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Sphinx's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Figment's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)

Strategic Advantage: 73.1M
Fortification:       225k


Overall corruption progress:

Hymn        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Sphinx      +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Figment     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [-][-][-][-]
INN (min)     [X][x][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][-][-][-]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Which information do you want to view?
Today, I need to:
1) Break Hymn's T2 INN for an extra 5EE because the vacation vignette happens.
2) Break Figment's T2 INN so that I can try for Tempted next day
3) Break Sphinx's INN also to delay all 3 of them. My preference is to break both of hers.
Time for Scissa, sent out originally vs Hymn.

Day 11
You have 62 Evil Energy.

Tip: When captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.

Hymn's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Sphinx's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Figment's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)

Strategic Advantage: 3.69G
Fortification:       371k


Overall corruption progress:

Hymn        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Sphinx      +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Figment     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [-][-][-][-]
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][-][-][-]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Which information do you want to view?
I manage all of that plus a 10-turn Orgy.
So, my goal today is a Tempt on Figment for the sole purpose of getting 100EE. I'm planning to break it immediately afterwards. Sending Scissa vs Figment to start. It is fine if Hymn breaks her INN T3 as Sphinx still has an INN T2 to break. If the Tempt goes through, I will have enough EE for a commander hitting all Circumstances, which is what I need to break the upper tiers, I believe.

@CSDdev Typo alert:
Sphinx doesn't really care whether other people look down on her for getting turned on in the middle of battle, but her hatred for the Demons and contempt for those Enthralled by them mean that she is uncomfortable about letting them make her feel sexual pleasure. She resists as hard as she can, but her body's instinctive desire to cum is outside of her control.

Sphinx squirms wildly against the Thralls, knowing that just the lightest touch to her clit could push her over the edge, but they aren't interested in making her cum just yet. They bring her over to Hymn, whose glazed-over eyes barely even notice her presence due to the Thralls running their hands all over her body.

Sphinx snarls at Hymn as the two Chosen are bound together with steel cable. For her part, Hymn is too distracted by the warm of Sphinx's body to fight back properly. The Thralls surge forward to try to tear off Sphinx's torn armor plates, and their pulling, groping, rubbing hands force her to orgasm during battle for the first time. Hymn can clearly feel the wetness suddenly dripping from her pussy.
Should be "warmth"

Day 12:
You have 230 Evil Energy.

Tip: Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.

Hymn's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Sphinx's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Figment's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)

Strategic Advantage: 3.69G
Fortification:       612k


Overall corruption progress:

Hymn        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][?]  280%
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Sphinx      +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Figment     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][~][~][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Which information do you want to view?
I didn't remember if being Tempted counted as a vulnerability break, but it obviously does because they're all still on PLEA. My Achievements from repeatedly breaking Chosen are high enough that I need 400% in DIG and 300% in all other areas. These Forsaken should feed my strong ones well.

I send this big boy out:
[X][X][X][X][ ][ ][    ] Duration (Next: 2 EE)
[X][X][X][X] Extra Captures
[X] Ambush (free)
[X] Flight
Suppressor: Hunger [HATE]
Defiler: Spite [INJU, EXPO]
Punisher: Hypnosis [PLEA]

Your Commander is a huge, vaguely-humanoid titan of a Demon capable of restraining its prey and inflicting various tortures and humiliations.  Its imposing size serves to distract from its true weapon - its cloud of mind-influencing hypnotic spores which quickly take effect while its victims are immobilized.  In place of arms, its torso is covered in mouths whose long tongues are incredibly flexible and powerful.  Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for four rounds at the start of battle, and then four more times whenever you give the order, even against a flying target.  It is worth 116 Evil Energy.  You have 114 Evil Energy remaining.  This may interfere with the team's Distortions
I spend the extra EE on Flight just in case someone ends up very close to the next level of damage I need. Remembering that Figment's action after Tempt took all her Trauma away, I start with her.

Day 13:
Hymn's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Sphinx's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Figment's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)

Strategic Advantage: 336G
Fortification:       1.01M
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Hymn        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][?]  280%
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Sphinx      +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][X][/][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Figment     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][~][~][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
I managed a 13-turn Orgy, which I thought would be enough to get everyone into the 10G Trauma area at least, but Figment is still below that due to her modifiers from Trauma, and Hymn is also still below that. The Laboratory is still open to be seized, but I'd like to wait until it's worth 45EE to do so. The good news is that everyone is stuck on INJU like I had hoped. My new specialized Forsaken ought to be able to cause a larger Orgy on her own, at a significant discount over a big Commander:
Assplodey (formerly known as Cunning Cat Pounce)
Real name: Ushioda Rin

Stamina: 66.6%
Motivation: 136.5% (max 136.5%)

HATE: 54.0k (x1.146 dmg)
PLEA: 55.0k (x1.149 dmg)
INJU: 136k (x1.282 dmg) (x1.335 dmg from Domina's drain)
EXPO: 88.6k (x1.219 dmg)
x8.300 trauma dmg from Ritual's parasitism
Combat Style: Desperate (1000% INJU)
Lacking confidence in own abilities, acts with singleminded focus to disable the target.  Useful early in the battle to increase future circumstance damage taken.

Training Plan: Desperate (1000% INJU)
Increases INJU expertise only

Defiler Specialty: Torture (INJU)
Can torment a target with at least 10k INJU, dealing bonus INJU damage, multiplying all damage with lower Disgrace, and causing tier-2 Confidence Break

Trait: Animalistic Forsaken
One-third motivation gain, +75% damage

First Impregnation: Ritual (+36.5% max Motivation)
First Drain: Domina (+33.5% INJU damage)
First Parasitism: Ritual (+730% trauma damage)

Hostility: 65% (Hateful toward humanity itself)
Deviancy: 30% (Elaborate sexual fantasies)
Obedience: 69% (Eagerly obeys)
Disgrace: 43% (Object of base lust)
A rare snippet from combat turn 1 to see how she's doing:
Sphinx is fighting alone!

  FEAR:     0 [Lv 0] x4(HATE) x4(PLEA) = x16 Total
  DISG:     0 [Lv 0] x2(HATE) x8(PLEA) = x16 Total
  PAIN:     0 [Lv 0] x2(HATE) x4(PLEA) x2(INJU) = x16 Total
  SHAM:     0 [Lv 0] x2(HATE) x4(PLEA) x2(own EXPO) = x16 Total

  HATE:   100 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/2(highest Circ.) = x3 Total
  PLEA:   280 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/2(highest Circ.) = x3 Total
  INJU:   100 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/2(highest Circ.) = x3 Total
  EXPO:   100 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/2(highest Circ.) = x3 Total

Choose your action.  Assplodey can capture Sphinx for 7 rounds.


Assplodey and Sphinx catch sight of each other across the battlefield, and Assplodey takes a defensive stance as the Chosen charges toward her.

FEAR [=~~~~~~~~~] (    0 + 10.9k = 10.9k) frantic desperation
DISG [==~~~~~~~~] (    0 + 20.5k = 20.5k) struggling not to be sick
PAIN [==~~~~~~~~] (    0 + 23.1k = 23.1k) sobbing with pain
SHAM [=~~~~~~~~~] (    0 + 19.0k = 19.0k) reflexively covering herself

HATE [-'''''''''] (  100         =   100) hating her situation
PLEA [--''''''''] (  280         =   280) blushing and distracted
INJU [~~~~~~~~~-] (  100 +  9899 =  9999) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [-'''''''''] (  100         =   100) clothes have some small tears

INJU up!  Sphinx reels as her previous overconfidence is punished with attacks that start to draw blood.  Patches of red are beginning to spread across her clothes, and she'll only have a harder time defending herself from here.
Oh, she'll do just fine, I think.

I manage to get about a 10-turn Orgy out of her and break some more stuff, keeping everyone on the same cycle.

Day 14:
You have 245 Evil Energy.

Tip: When a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5.  When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.

Hymn's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Sphinx's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Figment's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)

Strategic Advantage: 518G
Fortification:       1.66M
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Hymn        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][ ]  175%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][?]  280%
CON (min)     [X][X][/][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Sphinx      +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][X][X][?]  280%
CON (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Figment     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][X][/] 2020%
At this point, the battle is really pretty much won, but I'd really like to get as many T4 Breaks as possible against this team. I'll check in again before the Final Battle.

Day 14 I see a path to a big orgy and start earning 45EE. Hymn was in Surrender to Instincts so she didn't gain her last T3 break. Fixed Day 15.
Day 17 I notice that Figment's trauma reset at some point, her T3s no longer show as ready to break. I don't worry too much about it as the MOR and INN breaks are low-value (I very rarely use my INN building commander, and Massacre builds Hate enough that I'm not worried about her falling behind)

Day 20, before Final battle:
You have 879 Evil Energy.

Tip: "Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.

Hymn's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Sphinx's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Figment's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)

Strategic Advantage: 2.01P
Fortification:       0


Overall corruption progress:

Hymn        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  460%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][/]  610%
CON (min)     [X][X][X][X]  690%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  340%

Sphinx      +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][/]  310%
INN (sig)     [X][X][X][/]  460%
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  480%
DIG (min)     [X][X][X][X] 2580%

Figment     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  440%
DIG (core) [X][X][X][X][X] 4540%
I figure I can get the last MOR break on Sphinx here by sending out Massacre one last time. I take Threaten+, Taunt+ and Attack+ I note that Hymn and Figment are at Solid Friendship level, meaning that they'll start with 180 resolve. Figment is also not on HATE or EXPO weakness this round, so she'll be the toughest to crack. Sphinx only has 60% resolve and will go down quite quickly. Hymn has high Resolve and is weak to HATE this round, so she'll be the second toughest. I send out Massacre and hope for the best. I should also be able to get an Impregnate against Sphinx, strengthening Massacre just a bit more (6.4%, based on how much Energy I had when I called her to go, even though it only costs 100 to send her).

R5 I release Figment to capture Hymn R6.
R7 I hit Figment for the first time with Taunt: -36% Resolve (144% remaining)
R10 I release Hymn, capture Sphinx R11. Figment uses Mating Dance--I wonder how this works after her Resolve is Broken? Because her DIG is broken, it only affects things for 1 turn. CSdev, is this a p
R13, break Figment's Resolve:
Resolve Broken

Finally, the illusion of Figment's strength is shattered, and with the change in the public's perception, reality follows suit.  Her clothes, already twisted by Demonic influence, finally fade away completely, leaving the naked Kasumi helpless in the middle of the street.  She sobs with despair, not only at her utter defeat, but also at the fact that she'll surely be remembered as nothing but a failure.

"I can't go back to being a normal person..."
R14 I'm starting to get close to 100% Extermination:
Round 14
Evacuation: 250/250 (100%)   [####################]
Extermination: 333/500 (66%) [#############==-    ]

The area is riddled with craters caused by the power of Hymn's attacks!
(Extermination power per Chosen: 50)

[ANIMALISTIC] Figment: Resolve Broken!
[ANIMALISTIC] Hymn: Opening Level 15 vs. Defense Level 3 [Resolve at 180%]
[ANIMALISTIC] Sphinx: Captured for 4 more turns [Resolve at 60%]

Massacre: Busy with Sphinx

Demonic barrier: all damage increased by 15%
Wild Hunt: all future Surround durations decreased by 8

Who will you target?
R17: Hymn broken.
Resolve Broken

Finally, the public's perception of Hymn reaches the tipping point.  With a flash of light, her Chosen garb is gone.  She glances down at herself in shock, then looks around frantically in hopes of finding where her sword went, but it's no use.  Your Demons ignore the newly-depowered Ayame, leaving her to be collected after the battle.

"Huh!?  What's happening!?  Where are my powers!?"
I think I'm a turn short of being able to convert Sphinx. She currently:
Loses 9% Resolve times SHAM level from Taunt when surround is possible
Her shame level is 5, which should be 45%, but she's got 60% resolve left. If I Capture her to do the MOR break I want to do, I think she'll end up killing herself. It may be possible to do things in a slightly different order and have her able to be converted too, so I try a few changes. If I'm able to do just 15% to her before this point I'll get her converted too. I decide to Retry.

R1: capture Figment
R2: Barrier
R3: Release
R4: Taunt (-36% Resolve)
R5: Taunt
R6: Capture Hymn
R7: Taunt Figment
R8: Taunt Figment
R9: Taunt Figment (Converted)
R10: Threaten Sphinx (-8% Resolve)
R11: Threaten Sphinx (-12% Resolve)
R12: Surround Sphinx, Inseminate (3 openings, -3 due to Wild Hunt)
R13: Capture Sphinx
R14: Taunt Hymn (-45%)
R15: Taunt Hymn
R16: Taunt Hymn, extermination finished
R17: Taunt Hymn (Converted)
R18: Impregnate Sphinx
R19: Penetrate (Defiler)
R20: Threaten (Converted)

I'd say that's a fairly good result. I never got Figment's MOR T3 broken, or anyone's INN T4. But this is a dfeinitely acceptable result that brings about the following big change:

Animal Tamer
Animalistic Chosen Broken: 15
Level: 4 (Next: 40 Broken)
Bonus: Each instance of circumstance damage deals at least 60 damage
Animalistic Chosen are special in that they draw their psychic energy from two sources: humanity's sense of justice, and humanity's respect for nature.  Even after becoming Forsaken, they retain their connection to the latter source, and you can turn that power to your own purposes, undermining the resistance of even your most resolute foes.
Primarily, this means that I can ensure Level 1 of any circumstance with two turns of capture. This may actually make some of my 2 circumstance 100% Forsaken useful again.
Kalloi, I just noticed that Hymn shows a s a songbird type, but in your picture pack it seems she uses Hope's portrait which is a cow.
I rename Hymn to "dodobrain"
Sphinx to "lionaroundhaha"
Figment to "..."

Assplodey is quite a bit stronger now:
Assplodey (formerly known as Cunning Cat Pounce)
Real name: Ushioda Rin

Stamina: 16.7%
Motivation: 94.5% (max 136.5%)

HATE: 54.0k (x1.146 dmg)
PLEA: 55.0k (x1.149 dmg)
INJU: 136k (x1.282 dmg) (x1.171 dmg from drained opponents) (x1.335 dmg from Domina's drain)
EXPO: 88.6k (x1.219 dmg)
x4.420 trauma dmg from parasitized opponents
x8.300 trauma dmg from Ritual's parasitism
Combat Style: Desperate (1000% INJU)
Lacking confidence in own abilities, acts with singleminded focus to disable the target.  Useful early in the battle to increase future circumstance damage taken.

Training Plan: Desperate (1000% INJU)
Increases INJU expertise only

Defiler Specialty: Torture (INJU)
Can torment a target with at least 10k INJU, dealing bonus INJU damage, multiplying all damage with lower Disgrace, and causing tier-2 Confidence Break

Trait: Animalistic Forsaken
One-third motivation gain, +75% damage

First Impregnation: Ritual (+36.5% max Motivation)
First Drain: Domina (+33.5% INJU damage)
First Parasitism: Ritual (+730% trauma damage)

Control Center Seized: +27.61% damage in this loop from previous usage

Hostility: 65% (Hateful toward humanity itself)
Deviancy: 30% (Elaborate sexual fantasies)
Obedience: 69% (Eagerly obeys)
Disgrace: 43% (Object of base lust)

What would you like to speak to Assplodey about?
I don't have any new Forsaken to train, so I'll just spend these days optimizing the ones I have.
The holes I have left to fill in my roster are:
A low-cost 1000% HATE damage type that is capable of Release (Preference: 60 Disgrace Undead)
A low-cost 1000% INJU damage type that is capable of Release (Preference: 60 Disgrace Undead)
A medium-power 1000% INJU damage type captured through Aversion that can start Orgies (Animalistic, Disgrace 55-60%--note, this can be weaker than the one I already have that does the same thing through HATE)

Other possibly useful things:
Would it be useful to have Commanders that can start Orgies through PLEA? Through EXPO? They'd have to do it without a Punisher bonus to help build them out in those areas because of the restrictions for Aversion-type Forsaken. So they'd have to be very strong (max EE cost). I think a PLEA might be useful because that naturally comes with high multipliers to Trauma damage and long surround times, but would either of them be useful? Something to consider.

Forsaken idea: A Tempted Forsaken that deals 1000% EXPO like Scissa, transfers over to PLEA like Scissa also, but builds up her own PLEA damage? I decide that since Hypnoqueen (1000% PLEA, tempted, builds PLEA) has not been very useful lately that I'm going to retrain her to do EXPO damage at the start of a fight. This will only take forever, since she's got 82% Deviancy, but she's already built quite a bit of a PLEA multiplier so she'll be better at it than any Forsaken I can find. This will increase her utility quite a bit, but I expect it to take several loops.

Anyway, time to train and make more decisions later. Also I have enough extra shit Forsaken to earn the next tier of free EE at the start of a fight. I'll sacrifice them just before changing area.

Next up:
Damage Mitigation: 47% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 20
Luxuries: 4823% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 1 Undead, 2 Animalistic Chosen
19 Influence

Damage Mitigation: 44% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 20
Luxuries: 7059% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 3 Animalistic Chosen
19 Influence
Definitely going to Kitakyushu, as I actually need one more Undead. Hopefully the pre-breaks will match up well. Goodbye dodobrain, lionaroundhaha, garbage, and rejected, we never got to know you all because you sucked.
Last edited:
  • Heart
Reactions: Kalloi


Oct 25, 2017
Loop 18, Day 2:
Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Deployment cost: 436 Evil Energy
Sadistic Breeder (+8.8% own max Motivation per Impregnation)
Resourceful Hypnotist (-156% Hypnosis Effectiveness required for Hypnosis)
Painful Harvester (+44% victim Resolve damage from Attack)
Practical Publicist (+44.0% victim EXPO damage as Forsaken)

Deployment cost: 167 Evil Energy
Earnest Breeder (-40% victim Hostility)
Adaptive Hypnotist (+0.1 own Expertise gain multiplier per Hypnosis)
Timid Harvester (-40% victim Obedience)
Notorious Publicist (+200% own trauma damage per Parasitism)

Deployment cost: 134 Evil Energy
Protective Breeder (+7.1% own max Stamina per Impregnation)
Blunt Hypnotist (+35% victim Resolve damage from Slime)
Gluttonous Harvester (+1.4% own Stamina regeneration rate per Drain)
Rising Publicist (-2% own Disgrace per Parasitism)
Looks like:
Purgatory can be Aversion'ed to fill one of the holes on our roster. Not only that, her Notorious Publicist will make her pretty awesome at that role, as 1000% Anger will also build a Trauma multiplier for all circumstances.
These fights shouldn't be too tough with my team, so I'll focus on highlights--first I want to get Talon and Moo cycling together.
Obviously I can afford Control Center Day 2 so I get that one.
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Nov 5, 2023
Loop 18, Day 2:
Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Deployment cost: 436 Evil Energy
Sadistic Breeder (+8.8% own max Motivation per Impregnation)
Resourceful Hypnotist (-156% Hypnosis Effectiveness required for Hypnosis)
Painful Harvester (+44% victim Resolve damage from Attack)
Practical Publicist (+44.0% victim EXPO damage as Forsaken)

Deployment cost: 167 Evil Energy
Earnest Breeder (-40% victim Hostility)
Adaptive Hypnotist (+0.1 own Expertise gain multiplier per Hypnosis)
Timid Harvester (-40% victim Obedience)
Notorious Publicist (+200% own trauma damage per Parasitism)

Deployment cost: 134 Evil Energy
Protective Breeder (+7.1% own max Stamina per Impregnation)
Blunt Hypnotist (+35% victim Resolve damage from Slime)
Gluttonous Harvester (+1.4% own Stamina regeneration rate per Drain)
Rising Publicist (-2% own Disgrace per Parasitism)
Looks like:
Purgatory can be Aversion'ed to fill one of the holes on our roster. Not only that, her Notorious Publicist will make her pretty awesome at that role, as 1000% Anger will also build a Trauma multiplier for all circumstances.
These fights shouldn't be too tough with my team, so I'll focus on highlights--first I want to get Talon and Moo cycling together.
Obviously I can afford Control Center Day 2 so I get that one.
Reading your posts is fascinating. It's like trying to learn piano next to Mozart.

Quick question for everyone: are all the guides written for this game located in this forum or in the game folder? Or has anyone made an online Wiki yet? I have a lot of experience writing training materials & documentation for my day job, so I was thinking of documenting my attempts to learn the game somewhere others can see it, so that they can get through Loop 1 at the very least.
Last edited:
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Nov 8, 2019
Reading your posts is fascinating. It's like trying to learn piano next to Mozart.

Quick question for everyone: are all the guides written for this game located in this forum or in the game folder? Or has anyone made an online Wiki yet? I have a lot of experience writing training materials & documentation for my day job, so I was thinking of documenting my attempts to learn the game somewhere others can see it, so that they can get through Loop 1 at the very least.
The text files that come with the game are all written by CSdev to my knowledge. There are guides in this thread as well, but no one has actually compiled them or anything, so the most I can link you are the ones I've written:

The post I wrote about items that I linked you the other day, admittedly not great though.

This was a general early days guide I wrote up a couple months ago.

This I wrote a little after the previous guide and explains some mechanics like Trauma and Circumstances, and expands some on that guide.
Nov 5, 2023
The text files that come with the game are all written by CSdev to my knowledge. There are guides in this thread as well, but no one has actually compiled them or anything, so the most I can link you are the ones I've written:

The post I wrote about items that I linked you the other day, admittedly not great though.

This was a general early days guide I wrote up a couple months ago.

This I wrote a little after the previous guide and explains some mechanics like Trauma and Circumstances, and expands some on that guide.
Okay I'm glad I hadn't just missed some previous compilation of guides. (btw your item guide was enough for a newbie to items like me haha).

Hmm. I think I'll spend a bit of time today searching through the last 211 pages of forum posts for guides, then doing what you did, linking them in one post. Then potentially CSdev can have the compilation post linked on the OP.

Obviously some guides will be a bit dated since they will have been written several versions ago, but it's a good start.
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Nov 5, 2023
Last Updated: 12th November 2023

Hi everyone! This post contains a compilation of all guides created for Corrupted Saviors, as of Version 47. These guides are a mix of guides created by the developer, and those written by other players.

I take no credit for anything written in these guides, I simply wanted to collect everything together in one place to help my journey in understanding the Dwarf Fortress of corruption games.

This post will be broken into two sections:

- Developer guides
- Community guides

Where possible, I will use spoilers to keep this post from breaking T4 Length vulnerabilities.

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Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
Ohhhh, right, right, right, thank you! Been a while since I played outside of just fooling around with new mechanics, which lately has mostly been clothes and sex scenes and such.

And on that note; I don't know what kind of sorcery you're practicing, but the clothing descriptions as you edit the outfit kinda blow my goddamn mind, man.
Glad that you're enjoying them! It took a significant chunk of a monthly release's work to add all the clothing description variants, and there's more that I want to add.
OK. I'll be specific here--it's the lack of training days after Loop 3, 5, 7 that's the real culprit. Because of how the Loop 2 skip is implemented, there are naturally plenty of training days after Loop 1, but there's not a lot of time to get your Superior Forsaken ready for Loop 5, and your Undead/Animalistic ready for Loop 7/10. I've been through this phase twice now and both times I passed up on at least one skip to get a better item and some time tuning the damage types on the Forsaken.
Yeah, I'll definitely do something about this next time I do a game balance adjustment. It could be this month, depending on how quickly everything else goes.
Yes. With over a dozen Forsaken, I can't really afford her debuff that affects everyone's Motivation, so that was the one that I switched.
That's the culprit behind the tougher loop modifiers, then. A 10% increase is actually quite a lot.
I'll start posting AARs after loop 15 because I think there are probably not many people providing feedback about how the game actually works at this point--at least, no one's doing it here.
I'm certainly finding it helpful! Currently, it isn't really possible to play the game "as envisioned" past Loop 10 because there's always supposed to be a species unlock at that point (Devils if you fight Splendor, or Angels if you fight Victory). But I still appreciate getting more perspective about the current state of the game just so that I have a better idea of what needs to be brought to the table by the new species.
How averse would you be to me decompiling and poking around in there? I haven't used Java since college but I'm pretty sure I can still read it. I know others have done it and posted results in the thread, and this area of the game still seems to be a mystery to most people. I'm not promising to do it, but I've thought about doing it a time or two.
I certainly wouldn't mind, but I plan on tearing it all apart and putting it back together in a more sensible way very soon.
Minor typo in the final battle.

"[...] if defeat looked inevitable" in the first sentence.

View attachment 3058060


Damn, soooo, the game just froze up when I used Tempt on someone for the first time, but I hadn't saved for a while and can't seem to replicate it separately so I'm not sure how to figure out what the issue was. I used it (Tempt) in the previous loop without issue though, so I can at least say there's some sort of criteria for it.

Oh, and this was on 47b.
Thanks for the typo report. Regarding the crash, even providing a screenshot can be helpful because it shows the last line of text the game was able to print before crashing.
Bug reports:
Forsaken's stat page virginity report error.
Having taken her virginity with a personal encounter during the run (this was in single play classic) the girl's stat page reported "personal encounter with the Demon Lord", after conversion to Forsaken the stat page says "raped by Thrall during combat"

Approach and Observe broken.
On a related note, in this save the Approach and Observe actions are broken in this particular run (hangs after selecting "Back Alley"), no idea what triggered it (single play fortified).
Both runs were with cheats enabled if that matters.
Bug Report:
More trouble with stat page virginity.
In this run (Campaign loop 1, cheats enabled) Phantom's virginity taker gets attributed to an "obsessed admirer" even when it was taken during a personal encounter with the Demon's Lord. Included before and after state in the save file.
Thanks for the bug reports. These should all be fixed in the next version.
Commander menu.
Would be nice to have better control of the commander creation, right now it is only possible to completely reset it if you misclick. Having options to lower stuff manually would be nice.
Additionally, it would be useful to have a way to save pre-made commanders (similar to saving pre-made bodies) so that it doesn't have to be recreated every time if you want to use the same one.
The commander menu was one of the first things I coded for the game, so it's absolutely due for a makeover.
And for a question, while training the Forsakens I triggered the "Unfocused (3% HATE/PLEA/INJU/EXPO)" combat style that can't be normally trained, what are the criteria to trigger it?
Also, why can't it be trained? Is it particularly useless or particularly useful?
It's almost never useful. Basically, it only pops up when the Forsaken's preference weight for alll four damage types is just too similar to pick out two or three to use. I didn't include it as an option because I was worried it'd be a newbie trap.
Not sure, but maybe someone can help. Try to run this game on linux, but there is a problem: window size working strange. I fell like it's some kind of scaling problem, but can't figure out how to help it. Resizing of height is working, but i cant change width, so third part of game always not seen. When entering full screen, it's still using wrong width. Maybe someone can help
The game is coded to never go below a minimum width so that there's room to display all the buttons for every screen. Ideally, I'd like to have it just handle narrow screens better, but that'll require more interface work.
Completed first loop while playing normally, no crashes or freezes or interface oddities, played around the newest additions and all was good. I personally liked the new content, it was very fun to play around with, awesome work as always CSDev (y)

Side Note: I'm curious about something, all the system for conquering the chosen and forsaken are great to play around with, i wanted to ask about two things specifically. The first one is about the system used during a sex scene. It uses a similar system as a eraEngine game, but lacks a upgrade and development system. I wanted to know if it's intentionally there so you can expand it in the future or is it intentional to be that way? I find it very limiting at times, sometimes i wish i could turn it off so i can enjoy the sex interactions freely, since it cannot be used to develop the forsaken or chosen, like increasing their stamina in sex scenes (tiredness gain reduction).

The second thing i wanted to ask is related to something i have noticed every time i ended a forsaken sex scene, and it always got me thinking about it. You know the line the system tells you how a part of the chosen always felt torn about the demon lord leaving them after the sex interaction? It kinda reminded me of one of the paths you could go in some eraGames where you could either completely dominate a character's heart and soul and make them into a full slave or through seduction and interactions, make them dependant and conquer their heart instead. After seeing that system, i was wondering if there is a chance a way to seduce and make the forsaken actually turn around and be full-fledged lovers of the demon lord could be considered? There were parts in the hypnosis that gave me that idea as well as during some fights against the next groups of chosen going against a forsaken, where they say something like "I don't think the demon lord is fully evil". It seems to me something like this could actually work and would be pretty sweet to do, having a love harem of forsaken of your own choosing doesn't sound too bad :love:
Happy to hear that it's working well! Yes, there's a lot more future expansion intended for the custom sex scene system, including more era-like mechanics to make it feel more rewarding. Some more dating sim style interactions would be feasible too. There's just a lot of other higher-priority stuff to implement right now.
It's not exactly what you're talking about per se, but what you're describing is mostly wrapped up in the flavor text derived from the Obedience stat, and to a lesser degree some combat banter from the Negotiate Distortion (which makes the Chosen fall for you to some degree).

But to be clear, while it is technically what you're talking about, the flavor of Obedience is more that of brain-washing/mind-breaking (especially as it reaches the higher levels), whereas you seem to be coming at this from a more genuinely romantic angle? I wouldn't mind that myself, but if CSDev said it kinda goes against what the Demon Lord actually is, I can't say I'd disagree.

That's not to say it's an impossibility. After all, the narrative is pretty open about the exact thoughts going through the Demon Lord's head, but you are, inherently, an abusive prick, and anything beyond that is more left to head-canon right now. That said, the Favorite position could be interpreted as you making the Forsaken in question your very own Demon Queen.

Anyways, yeah. At the moment I think it'd mostly be up to your own head-canon, but the Negotiate Distortion and having Obedience around... 50, maybe? That should at least give some dialogue that fits what you're looking for.

EDIT: Come to think of it, maybe being the Favorite could confer some kind of buff? Or unique Defiler ability, perhaps? :unsure: Also kinda curious what CSDev has to say about romance.
I want to keep the Favorite positions as purely a flavor thing. There's a lot more specific flavor text planned for that position, and I want to make sure that players are able to see all of it without being penalized in the gameplay.
A "Pass Time" action similar to the one that shows up after negotiation being always available would be nice to have, even if it is a suboptimal choice.
Maybe I'll have its visibility depend on whether there's a completed loop on the save file, just to hide it from newbies.
Ah, found a bug. Here's the report:

View attachment 3065762

So, when you go to customize the forsaken's text color, you can input any values to red, green and blue, it will not matter. The text will change from any color it was previously to this yellow color, and will stay this way. So for example, if you tried to input an RGB code of 0, 255 and 217, you would get a cyan color, but the text will still be yellow.
Currently, your Forsaken in the trainer position is always set to temporarily use yellow text, because they have some scenes with other Forsaken and it'd be weird if both rolled the same text color. Maybe I should add an override for players who manually assign text colors.
For some reason, during an Orgy, her INN +2 doesn't unlock despite going quite a bit higher than 1k PLEA--I suspect this is a bug CSdev
Yep, that was a bug. It should be fixed in the next version.
Yo, Im just playing the game by using the Jar file on mac. It runs fine, but I can't resize the window or turn on portraits. The portraits setting automatically turns off the second I leave the options menu, and it's crazy difficult to modify the code since it's a jar file
The game automatically turns off portraits if it can't find empty.png in the portraits folder. I believe that in the past players have run into problems where their computer wouldn't give the game access to the folder.
Oh, typo notice, CSdev, this piece is missing a reference to the Forsaken's name.
@CSDdev Typo alert:

Should be "warmth"
Thanks for catching these, they'll be fixed.
I hope this overview of how I play and think about the game, and some examples of high-level Forsaken I use, is helpful for someone still not sure how to train Forsaken.

Strategic Advantage definitely mattered here, primarily Transmission Tower and Control Center. But I was never in danger of losing strategic advantage, and I couldn't afford any days not spent fighting even if I were behind in that system. Perhaps that will chagne as the loops get trickier? Both of these are fairly tight choices, but I think overall easier than the loop I just did.
I'm certainly finding the feedback helpful! Part of the issue is that the Strategic Advantage system does not scale with the early deadline modifier. If you're on-pace to complete a loop in 20 days, then the Chosen's fortification won't be able to keep up with you. But if it's a hard loop which gives you 50 days and requires you to use all of them, then you'll have a much harder time hitting those numbers in the lategame. Right now, the game gives you lots of 20-day loops past Loop 10, but that'll happen much less often once the advanced species are in, because those species are also worth many more difficulty points. (Every loop adds 10. Superior Chosen are worth 11, Animalistic/Undead are worth 22, and Devils/Angels will be worth 44. Victory and Splendor are technically worth 46.)
So... I've just run into an odd bug, That I cannot reproduce - where the "examine" button did not return any text
View attachment 3071441
I'm not sure exactly what caused it, and I cannot reproduce the issue after restarting the game, or restarting the battle. My guess is that there's some trigger condition with chosen fleeing the battle after an orgy that can trigger this, but again - cannot reproduce.
Seems like something must have caused a problem with the Chosen's body object, but the code to repair saves upon starting the game apparently caught it, which is why it wasn't reproduced. I'll take a look and see if I can narrow down where it might be happening.
It could very well be that in the fight that got her over the treshold another T3 broke as well. But how do I get the innocence break now? Ive had multiple fights since then and its not happening
The game should check at the end of every day whether there's a damage type which is over its T3 break threshold. Only one will break at a time, but if the day ends with no T3 break happening even though there's a damage type over its threshold, then that's a bug and I'd appreciate it if you'd upload your save so I can take a look.
This brings up a small non-crash bug, CSdev : If you regain EE from 0 after a buy, your screen temporarily shows no techs available. This can be fixed by going into any other menu and back.
I see, this is happening because the game runs through every upgrade once each time you access the shop screen, and it doesn't go back and check whether the previous upgrades should be buyable even if a later one gives you a refund. I'll have to go back and code it in a different way.

Incidentally, Tomorrow's Newspaper also gives you the full refund even if you obtained the upgrade for free from another item.
I'll be honest, I don't know if I'll ever sacrifice a Forsaken unless they are just unmanageable, only because I feel guilty about it lol.
If it helps, the ones with high Deviancy/Obedience tend to enjoy the process.
View attachment 3077034
I can't quite put my finger on it.... but something doesn't seem right here....
Oops, looks like I missed some text which was meant to be excluded from the transformation paragraph for mid-battle transformations. That'll be an easy fix.
So I've got a (hopefully) teensy request, think we could just re-name pieces of outfits while editing? Sometimes an outfit is otherwise spot-on, but maybe the frilly panties could be swapped out for lacy ones for this character, or something like that, you know?
I'll add this to my to-do list.
And not to pressure you, CSDev, but I also noticed Ambassador's are still kinda clunky to swap around (unless I missed something), just wondering if that might still be something on the to-do list, or if I should just make it easier for myself and stop dreaming?
Yes, I'm planning on improving that, but I also want to add the ability to meet all the Chosen together, so I figure I'll do all that interface work at once.
R10 I release Hymn, capture Sphinx R11. Figment uses Mating Dance--I wonder how this works after her Resolve is Broken? Because her DIG is broken, it only affects things for 1 turn. CSdev, is this a p
Your message here got cut off, but to answer your question, the code for Mating Dance checks to see whether the subject is at 0 Resolve or dead (and if she is, then it doesn't try to force you to target her).


Mar 20, 2019
Last Updated: 12th November 2023

Hi everyone! This post contains a compilation of all guides created for Corrupted Saviors, as of Version 47. These guides are a mix of guides created by the developer, and those written by other players.

I take no credit for anything written in these guides, I simply wanted to collect everything together in one place to help my journey in understanding the Dwarf Fortress of corruption games.

This post will be broken into two sections:

- Developer guides
- Community guides

Where possible, I will use spoilers to keep this post from breaking T4 Length vulnerabilities.

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Really great to see a hub for all the various guides and tips for the community to see! It's always been difficult to find specific posts that has with really helpful information, thank you for doing this :D!

Honestly a wiki sounds like an excellent idea, a definitive place for information like that would make the process even better.
Since you went through all this trouble, I'll also attach the guide that's included in my portrait pack that deals with basic training tips/directions for learning how to trait forsaken, its more refined than the post I made on here ages ago. You can view it either under the spoiler tag or as the txt file here.

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Nov 5, 2023
Really great to see a hub for all the various guides and tips for the community to see! It's always been difficult to find specific posts that has with really helpful information, thank you for doing this :D!

Honestly a wiki sounds like an excellent idea, a definitive place for information like that would make the process even better.
Since you went through all this trouble, I'll also attach the guide that's included in my portrait pack that deals with basic training tips/directions for learning how to trait forsaken, its more refined than the post I made on here ages ago. You can view it either under the spoiler tag or as the txt file here.

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Happy to do it, at the very least it makes my own life much easier. :D

Thanks for the guide, honestly the Forsaken training bit is still super scary for me because it feels so... permanent lol. I'm gonna give it a read now. I've also added the guide to my compilation post so others can see it.

The only things that stopped me from making a wiki was:
- not wanting to 'own' it, cause my time is a bit limited
- I only know enough to be vaguely comfortable with beating Loop 1, I still have a lot to learn lol

May revisit the wiki idea closer to the Xmas/NY break though!

If it helps, the ones with high Deviancy/Obedience tend to enjoy the process.
This actually does help a little, thank you. :ROFLMAO:
Last edited:
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Active Member
Jul 30, 2020
Unfortunately my guide at least is really old, and was, I believe, made before distortions were a thing


Mar 20, 2019
Primarily, this means that I can ensure Level 1 of any circumstance with two turns of capture. This may actually make some of my 2 circumstance 100% Forsaken useful again.
Kalloi, I just noticed that Hymn shows a s a songbird type, but in your picture pack it seems she uses Hope's portrait which is a cow.
Oh this is simply due to Hope technically not having her actual portrait designed yet. Basically some chosen names use the same portrait character temporarily, this was fine in earlier stages in the game since the only variants in-game were like forsaken or superior etc. But once new species were added it becomes far more noticeable and you encounter things you've saw like the flying cowbird Hymn

This is an issue I'm aware of and sometimes even screwed over myself lmao. Fun fact, awhile back I began concept work on Tyrant's animalistic form and only like 10% into the work designing her as raptor when I realized that "Triumph" is what her actual name is and TYRANT had the placeholder portrait. Basically making the whole thing pointless since Triumph's animalistic form is cat-based How did I make that mistake? In my current run I came across Tyrant in her animalistic form :KEK: I have a literal file of what portraits are done and where they're supposed to go and I still forgot haha

Anyways, This is slowly being resolved each update as new designs take their rightful positions each update but as a temporary measure I'm considering deleting the animalistic folder in those temporary portraits for the time being.

Also ty for these detailed reports, the additional insight of an experienced player like yourself is super cool to see keep it up! :D


Mar 20, 2019
Happy to do it, at the very least it makes my own life much easier. :D

Thanks for the guide, honestly the Forsaken training bit is still super scary for me because it feels so... permanent lol. I'm gonna give it a read now. I've also added the guide to my compilation post so others can see it.

I hope it helps! and its really understandable to be wary about forsaken training the only redo button is loading an older save from who knows how many loops ago, but as you get more comfortable with the system it will feel like second nature to scope out viable forsaken candidates haha

The only things that stopped me from making a wiki was:
- not wanting to 'own' it, cause my time is a bit limited
- I only know enough to be vaguely comfortable with beating Loop 1, I still have a lot to learn lol

May revisit the wiki idea closer to the Xmas/NY break though!
I can get that, there's only so much time in the day after all,
if you do decide to try the idea out just let me know and I'll contribute what I can to it, don't have a lot of experience making wikis but happy to help out all the same :D

And hope you enjoy your current run, eventually Loop 1 will just seem like a warm-up!
Nov 5, 2023
Unfortunately my guide at least is really old, and was, I believe, made before distortions were a thing
That's fair, but it could still be the difference for a newbie just trying to get their first vulnerability breaks. I put the disclaimer in saying "what you read could be out of date" so I'll leave it up to the reader to decide.

I hope it helps! and its really understandable to be wary about forsaken training the only redo button is loading an older save from who knows how many loops ago, but as you get more comfortable with the system it will feel like second nature to scope out viable forsaken candidates haha
I'm saving every single day to a new save file while I play around with things haha. From reading your guide, and my chat with McHuman yesterday, the idea of creating 'roles' for each Forsaken is a good idea. I just don't know what I need yet, so that bit will take some time. But I'm only on Loop 2 so all I have to contend with is a Day 47 finish and some damage reduction. So we'll see how things go.

I can get that, there's only so much time in the day after all,
if you do decide to try the idea out just let me know and I'll contribute what I can to it, don't have a lot of experience making wikis but happy to help out all the same
The advantage of a wiki is that more visual-style guides can be made. I think it can sometimes be hard to understand some of the CS concepts in text, whereas some pictures could work wonders. I'll let you know what I decide to do.

And hope you enjoy your current run, eventually Loop 1 will just seem like a warm-up!
Hahaha hopefully Loop 2 feels the same way eventually!


Oct 25, 2017
Reading your posts is fascinating. It's like trying to learn piano next to Mozart.

Quick question for everyone: are all the guides written for this game located in this forum or in the game folder? Or has anyone made an online Wiki yet? I have a lot of experience writing training materials & documentation for my day job, so I was thinking of documenting my attempts to learn the game somewhere others can see it, so that they can get through Loop 1 at the very least.
Thanks! I don't know how useful this feedback is to someone just learning to play. This must feel kind of like being tossed into the deep end of the pool from a helicopter. But basically, from what I've seen, there aren't a lot of people providing feedback on what high-loop play is like, and how stuff works when you start getting damage resistance up around 50% and multiple thousand % trauma reduction.

CSDev said:
Your message here got cut off, but to answer your question, the code for Mating Dance checks to see whether the subject is at 0 Resolve or dead (and if she is, then it doesn't try to force you to target her).
I thought I knew that part, actually. But I didn't think they were supposed to use Mating Dance when it only worked for 1 turn. I've never seen them use it in that situation before.

I'm certainly finding the feedback helpful! Part of the issue is that the Strategic Advantage system does not scale with the early deadline modifier. If you're on-pace to complete a loop in 20 days, then the Chosen's fortification won't be able to keep up with you. But if it's a hard loop which gives you 50 days and requires you to use all of them, then you'll have a much harder time hitting those numbers in the lategame. Right now, the game gives you lots of 20-day loops past Loop 10, but that'll happen much less often once the advanced species are in, because those species are also worth many more difficulty points. (Every loop adds 10. Superior Chosen are worth 11, Animalistic/Undead are worth 22, and Devils/Angels will be worth 44. Victory and Splendor are technically worth 46.)
Right, game is hard right now, requiring focused near-perfect play past loop 15 as you have seen. I'm not going into what I do with the battles turn-by-turn as much any more, but every day has a bunch of, "Does this work? No. What if I release her on R4 and recapture instead of on R5? I need an extra surround on the last one that comes in, what delays Extermination enough to give me that?" If I included all of that these posts would be even longer.


Here's what this loop looks like day 5, after the first vulnerability break vignettes:

You have 42 Evil Energy.

Tip: Chosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.

Talon's phase: Playful (full EXPO damage)
Moo's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 1 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 2 in 3 days

Strategic Advantage: 5.13M
Fortification:       18.4k


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [ ][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [ ][X][ ][ ]
I spend 2EE on Eager Breeders and re-summon Massacre for 40. Goal is a MOR break on Moo to get the Animalistic both lined up. I bought Transmission Towers at some point along the way too.

Day 6:
You have 43 Evil Energy.

"I think Gibber will be alright."

Talon's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Moo's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 1 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 2 in 2 days

Strategic Advantage: 6.99M
Fortification:       30.4k


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
I bought a few techs before I took this, I actually had something like 47EE. Many of the techs were free, or unlocked one of the Defiler techs which give me back +5EE (so, technically, free).

So, I need an Orgy to progress basically. I have a Forsaken built just for this situation:
Hatefuck (formerly known as Proud Lioness Sphinx)
Real name: Takamine Umeko

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 100.0%

HATE: 401k (x1.441 dmg) (x1.445 dmg from Rapetrain's impregnation)
PLEA: 44.6k (x1.118 dmg)
INJU: 67.0k (x1.178 dmg)
EXPO: 63.7k (x1.170 dmg)
Combat Style: Mean (1000% HATE)
Avoids direct combat, instead taunting and manipulating the target's emotional state.  Can set up for a powerful surround afterward.

Training Plan: Mean (1000% HATE)
Increases HATE expertise only

Defiler Specialty: Orgy (all)
Can throw a target into an existing Defiler+ action to create a weaker Orgy (stronger with lower Disgrace), so long as the target has at least 10k HATE or INJU

Trait: Animalistic Forsaken
One-third motivation gain, +50% damage, Distortion trait changed

Trait: Dissociative Identity (Perfect Pet)
While consenting, training can only increase Disgrace.  +50% all circumstance damage

First Impregnation: Rapetrain (+44.5% HATE damage)
First Drain: Hypnoqueen (+8.0% Stamina regeneration)

Hostility: 68% (Pretending to be hateful toward humanity)
Deviancy: 14% (Pretending to fetishize aberrant actions)
Obedience: 45% (Pretending to be eager to obey)
Disgrace: 48% (Object of base lust)
Testing indicates that to get any real Orgy out, I need Passion Release and Networked Consciousness, so since I have neither of these, it's not Hatefuck's time just yet. I take Passion Release, unlocking the free-to-me tech Impregnation, which allows me to send out a shit Forsaken on a raid today.

+7G ANGST to all Chosen
Hooray! This unlocks +5 EE downtimes for all Chosen.

Day 7:
You have 46 Evil Energy.

Tip: A Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.

Talon's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Moo's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 1 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 2 tomorrow

Strategic Advantage: 6.95M
Fortification:       50.2k


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
I take Networked Consciousness and send out Scissa. I need to get breaks on Moo (INN T1, T2)and Talon (MOR or CON T1) today for this to continue working--otherwise it's better not to get the breaks and move on to an INJU weakness.

I successfully get a CON break on Talon, and multiple breaks on Moo.

Day 8:
You have 59 Evil Energy.

Tip: The first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.

Talon's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Moo's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 2 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 3 in 3 days

Strategic Advantage: 7.83M
Fortification:       82.8k


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [ ][X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
I can try to get an Orgy here to break Purgatory, or I can wait until next turn and send out Assplodey for 51EE, where it's pretty much a sure thing. I decide to try Scissa, so I try out a purchase of Soul Resonance (+5 EE from free Drain) and Genius/Reality Sealing (+5 EE from Genius, +5EE from free Parasitism). I'm not able to find a way through with this, so I go back to before this, buying both skills still, but instead of combat, I drain the shit out of a Forsaken that refused to go on the Raid I made day 6. That'll teach her, and give me enough EE to send out Assplodey, who wants to try out the strength I had her take from the last round's Chosen.

Day 9: no change, I didn't have a battle yesterday. I have 58EE and both Forsaken are on INJU weakness.

Today I try a Forsaken that has so far been a bit disappointing: Jamie the Fox.

Jamie the Fox (formerly known as Crafty Fox Nightmare)
Real name: Baisho Junko

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 100.0%

HATE: 1 (x0.500 dmg)
PLEA: 1 (x0.500 dmg)
INJU: 231k (x1.360 dmg) (x1.531 dmg from drained opponents)
EXPO: 1 (x0.500 dmg)
Combat Style: Desperate (1000% INJU)
Lacking confidence in own abilities, acts with singleminded focus to disable the target.  Useful early in the battle to increase future circumstance damage taken.

Training Plan: None
Remains idle when at full Stamina

Trait: Animalistic Forsaken
One-third motivation gain, +75% damage

First Impregnation: Massacre (+6.5% Massacre's HATE damage)
First Hypnosis: Cleopatra (+2.8% Cleopatra's PLEA damage)
First Drain: Demon Lord
First Parasitism: Massacre (+122% Massacre's trauma damage)

Hostility: 64% (Hateful toward humanity itself)
Deviancy: 72% (Fetishizes aberrant actions)
Obedience: 55% (Obeys out of fear)
Disgrace: 64% (Viewed with contempt)
She costs 12EE, so if she's able to get an Orgy off she'll do it at significant savings over Assplodey. If not--well, then she's basically worthless. Your future is riding on this, Jamie. Don't fuck it up.

She doesn't fuck it up, guys!
[UNDEAD] Purgatory: Sodomized for 12 more turns
[ANIMALISTIC] Talon: Sodomized for 12 more turns
[ANIMALISTIC] Moo: Opening Level 12 vs. Defense Level 5
What should the Thralls do after surrounding Moo?  2 defiler actions possible.  Orgy with Purgatory and Talon will allow Moo to escape 1 turn early.
Day 9:
Talon decides that she's going to try to crack through the Earth's crust to reach the Demonic hive, and she grabs Moo and makes angry threats at her until she agrees to help.  Moo knows better than to try to stand up to Talon, but in the end she manages to get away without having to do much work, as Talon is too busy making impressive craters and then preening for the horrified crowd to spare any effort to keeping her on task.

"This is definitely satisfying."

"Yeah, whatever..."

-67.5M ANGST, -6.75M PAIN, -3.37M SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 158MFEAR +146MDISG +344MPAIN +269MSHAM = 919M added ANGST
Total ANGST: 7.64G

-67.5M ANGST, -6.75M PAIN, -3.37M SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 1.38GFEAR +1.62GDISG +2.11GPAIN +1.36GSHAM = 6.47G added ANGST
Total ANGST: 13.2G

Talon: Over 100M Unresolved PAIN

It isn't enough.  Every painful defeat makes it harder and harder for Talon to maintain her headstrong persona.  Her inability to effectively fight back against the Demons has begun to threaten her very self-image.  The next time she sees a powerful enemy in battle, she'll surely give in to despair.

Moo: Over 100M Unresolved PAIN

It isn't enough.  Moo has been trying to convince herself that she's strong enough to endure the things done to her in battle, but it's getting harder and harder.  She just wants it all to be over.  The next time she sees a powerful enemy in battle, she'll surely give in to despair.

+10 Evil Energy


Rin spends the rest of the day locked in her room, but she can't get any rest.  The trauma she experienced during the battle continually replays itself in her head.

"What... can I do...?"

Total unresolved trauma: 1.10GFEAR +613MDISG +959MPAIN +773MSHAM = 3.44G added ANGST
Total ANGST: 10.3G

Over 100M Unresolved FEAR

It isn't enough.  Purgatory has always tried to make the world a better place, but bad things keep happening.  She's started to wonder whether keeping to her moral principles is just making things worse.  The next time she gets angry, she's likely to do something drastic.


You have 75 Evil Energy.

Tip: When two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other.  When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.

Talon's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Moo's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 2 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 3 tomorrow

Strategic Advantage: 16.5G
Fortification:       225k
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][X][/][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
So that's a fucking huge day. That's enough to take the High-Rises (perfect timing!) and the Entertainment District.

I can also let all 3 of these cores break. Talon has no other cores ready to break. Moo will have MOR ready to break tomorrow unless I do enough damage to another Circumstance to change it. Purgatory does not quite have enough trauma to break CON T3 tomorrow.

It's time to start thinking about what options are best for Purgatory for her two T4 breaks. I can make her deal either HATE or CON damage as I need a better Forsaken for both. Right now HATE is harder to deal early, but I do have Barrier Jammer to break the Forsaken with a Core MOR vulnerability. I don't have something similar for CON, but dealing damage to CON is easier because it's its own best multiplier. Plus, with her Own Trauma+ modifier, she'll get more use out of dealing damage to CON, as dealing damage to HATE makes Trauma go up on its own but dealing CON damage doesn't. I decide to train her in CON. So she'll need to be Drained by a Punisher that improves INJU damage, and that leaves her Impregnation free. I have all options available to me here, but the only one that strengthens her is +Max Motivation, which is not good for a Forsaken that I don't see myself using more than twice a loop. So I decide it's good enough to use Massacre for Impregnation.

As for today's fight, the only real question is to use Jamie or or switch to Assplodey. I decide Jamie is probably strong enough to get the two Forsaken that are close to 1G Trauma over the line.

Battle Update: Jamie is amazing and the situation is better than I could have hoped.
Round 16
Evacuation: 250/250 (100%)   [####################]
Extermination: 164/500 (32%) [######              ]

The Demons have the Chosen at their mercy!

[UNDEAD] Purgatory: In Orgy for 10 more turns
[ANIMALISTIC] Talon: In Orgy for 10 more turns
[ANIMALISTIC] Moo: In Orgy for 10 more turns
Now, this isn't quite what I want, because I need a follow-up Orgy after this one and I can't do that if Purgatory is catatonic. But that's a simple fix: just don't Orgy her on that particular surround. It's a 16-turn Orgy that brings us into the order of 10G for everyone.

Day 11:
You have 240 Evil Energy.

Tip: When two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.

Talon's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Moo's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 3 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 4 in 3 days
Curse Lock: Evil Energy may only be spent on Forsaken.  Curse may be removed by paying 16 Evil Energy or by starting the next day.

Strategic Advantage: 461G
Fortification:       371k
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][/][ ]
INN (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][?]  190%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][ ]  180%
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][/][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][?]  190%
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
My thinking here is: send out Assplodey, get Drain done on Talon and Moo and prepare but do not break same on Purgatory. Don't necessarily try for an Orgy. Everyone's got plenty of Circumstance damage already because of the High-Rises so they should start out able to use their special moves.

Day 12:
You have 396 Evil Energy.

Tip: Attacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failures

Talon's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Moo's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 3 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 4 in 2 days
Curse Lock: Evil Energy may only be spent on Forsaken.  Curse may be removed by paying 38 Evil Energy or by starting the next day.

Strategic Advantage: 461G
Fortification:       612k
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][ ]  235%
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  340%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][/]  380%
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][X][/]  540%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][/][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][?]  160%
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  420%
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
Running into a little bit of a problem--the fact that I want Purgatory with Aversion means that I can't do the usual medium Orgy--big Orgy because it makes Purgatory pass out. That's going to make it hard to get those DIG breaks that I really want to give to Assplodey, as this is the last time she'll be nearly so big (planning to shrink her down to a cost in the 30s or so). Talon is moving on from CON weakness today and Moo is probably not if I try for a big Orgy today. Still this ought to be fine.

Goals for today: break Purgatory's T4 CON with Assplodey, try for a big Orgy. If big Orgy isn't possible, try to keep Moo's MOR from breaking.

Day 13:
Talon's phase: Playful (full EXPO damage)
Moo's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 3 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 4 tomorrow

Strategic Advantage: 468G
Fortification:       1.01M
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][?]  250%
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  380%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][/]  380%
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][X][X]  540%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][ ]  115%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][?]  160%
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  420%
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
So this is a failure at both of those goals. I think it's fine, though, and I'm still hoping to get that DIG break. Sending out Massacre again, this time with 427 EE behind her. If brute force doesn't work, you're not using enough. Goals are to try to break MOO's T4 MOR, set up Purgatory's and Talon's T4 MOR.

Doesn't quite work.
Day 14:
You have 539 Evil Energy.

Tip: The Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.

Talon's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Moo's phase: Playful (full EXPO damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 4 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 5 tomorrow

Strategic Advantage: 468G
Fortification:       1.66M
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][?]  295%
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  380%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  380%
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][X][X]  540%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][?]  295%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][?]  160%
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  650%
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
Moo stopped at 295% but that's fine. Just needed 1 more Wild Hunt from her. I do think that my T4 DIG is not going to be possible. If it is, it'll be by getting Talon and MOO back on the same cycle. So we can hit Talon's T4 MOR today.

Day 15:
You have 585 Evil Energy.

Tip: When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.

Talon's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Moo's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 5 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 6 in 2 days
Curse Lock: Evil Energy may only be spent on Forsaken.  Curse may be removed by paying 6 Evil Energy or by starting the next day.

Strategic Advantage: 468G
Fortification:       2.74M
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][X]  400%
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  380%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  430%
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][X][X]  540%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][/]  340%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][?]  220%
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  650%
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
Shit, I just remembered I wanted a different Punisher CON break on Purgatory. Loading back to day 12, not too much should change so I'll skip the play-by play.

Anyway, I'm back in Day 15 and things look like this now:

You have 549 Evil Energy.

"So, you're handling the Chosen yourself?  Looks like you're ready."

Talon's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Moo's phase: Playful (full EXPO damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 5 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 6 in 2 days

Strategic Advantage: 461G
Fortification:       0


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][X]  430%
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  950%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  380%
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][X][X]  540%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  490%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][?]  160%
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  420%
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Which information do you want to view?
I'm starting with this big guy:
[X][X][X][X][X][ ][ ] Duration (Next two: 30 EE)
[X][X][X][X] Extra Captures
[X] Ambush (free)
[ ] Flight (Cost: 10 EE)
Suppressor: Lust [PLEA]
Defiler: Spite [INJU, EXPO]
Punisher: Impregnation [HATE]

Your Commander is a huge, vaguely-humanoid titan of a Demon capable of restraining its prey and inflicting various tortures and humiliations. After immobilizing its victims, it tries to penetrate them with its enormous cock, ejaculating a super-potent seed with the potential to impregnate even one of the Chosen. It many hands are nimble enough to stimulate their erogenous zones at the same time, forcing them to climax. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for six rounds at the start of battle, and then four more times whenever you give the order. It is worth 110 Evil Energy. You have 545 Evil Energy remaining.
I'll probably have to fine-tune his number of turns, but 6 is enough to capture Talon, then Surround her, then capture the next Chosen that comes in (Moo). This keeps them from using Wild Hunt.

Day 16:
You have 709 Evil Energy.

Tip: Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.

Talon's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Moo's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 5 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 6 tomorrow
Curse Lock: Evil Energy may only be spent on Forsaken.  Curse may be removed by paying 38 Evil Energy or by starting the next day.

Strategic Advantage: 3.96T
Fortification:       0


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][X]  430%
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  950%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][/][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  650%
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][X][X]  800%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  490%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][/]  310%
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  420%
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Which information do you want to view?
Well, that got Talon into the 100G range for all Traumas, but unfortunately Moo Surrendered to Instincts. I'm going to make sure Talon breaks DIG thoroughly this fight with Massacre and then maybe try one more time to get Moo to break DIG day 17.

You have 796 Evil Energy.

Tip: When "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately.  So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.

Talon's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Moo's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 6 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 7 tomorrow

Strategic Advantage: 3.96T
Fortification:       0


Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][X]  610%
INN (min)     [X][X][/][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  950%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][X][/]  380%

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  650%
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][X][X]  800%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  535%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][/]  310%
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  420%
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
Today we can have one last push to get Moo up in the 100G Trauma. If it fails, I have no extra days left.

Since they're together on PLEA, I send this one, which should be extra good at raising Trauma:
[X][X][X][X][X][X][    ] Duration (Next two: 30 EE)
[X][X][X][X] Extra Captures
[X] Ambush (free)
[ ] Flight (Cost: 10 EE)
Suppressor: Hunger [HATE]
Defiler: Spite [INJU, EXPO]
Punisher: Hypnosis [PLEA]

Your Commander is a huge, vaguely-humanoid titan of a Demon capable of restraining its prey and inflicting various tortures and humiliations.  Its imposing size serves to distract from its true weapon - its cloud of mind-influencing hypnotic spores which quickly take effect while its victims are immobilized.  In place of arms, its torso is covered in mouths whose long tongues are incredibly flexible and powerful.  Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for six rounds at the start of battle, and then four more times whenever you give the order.  It is worth 110 Evil Energy.  You have 686 Evil Energy remaining.
It would again not surprise me if I needed to adjust the turns slightly to maximize the Surround.

This doesn't seem to cut it, so I accept the gains that I have.

Day 18:
Overall corruption progress:

Talon       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][X]  610%
INN (min)     [X][X][X][X]  370%
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  950%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][X][/]  380%

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  650%
INN (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [X][X][X][X]  800%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]

Moo         +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  535%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  430%
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  420%
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Which information do you want to view?
I don't see a use for day 19 or 20, so I'm just going to get Antipathy, Imago, send out Assplodey, and end it here. I buy Threaten+ to convert Talon and Moo.
R1 Capture Talon
R2 Barrier
R3 Barrier
R4 Parasitize
R5 Torture
R6 Barrier
R7 Barrier
R8 Capture Moo
R9 Threaten Talon (-48% Resolve, 12% remaining)
R10 Surround Talon, EXPO
R11 I think I Attacked Moo here? I misclicked, but I don't think it matters. in fact I'm giving up on this turn by turn because there's nothing particularly interesting about the final battle--this is decided as soon as I get a T3 break.

R18 or so I get an Orgy to convert Purgatory.
R26 I one-shot Moo.
R32 I convert Talon as well. That one's done!

I change Assplodey's plan to Increase Disgrace. I want it to be about 30 or so she's easier to summon, but I don't need to bring her out until I can buy 20EE upgrades fairly easily.

I rename my Forsaken:

Dollface is quite far from how I want her to be:
Real name: Ichiyama Rin

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 100.0%

HATE: 30.0k (x1.060 dmg)
PLEA: 20.0k (x1.000 dmg)
INJU: 30.0k (x1.060 dmg) (x1.335 dmg from Domina's drain)
EXPO: 20.0k (x1.000 dmg)
Combat Style: Decisive (20% HATE/PLEA/INJU)
Attempts to disable and then torture the target, inflicting as much suffering as possible in as little time as possible.  For maximum effectiveness, the user must be able to singlehandedly overpower the target.

Training Plan: None
Remains idle when at full Stamina

Trait: Undead Forsaken
One-third motivation gain, 1/4 Evil Energy cost, Distortion trait changed

Trait: Dissociative Identity (Shattered Soul)
While consenting, training can only increase Disgrace.  +50% HATE and INJU damage
Can use 'Shape Memories' in Customize menu

First Impregnation: Massacre (+6.5% Massacre's HATE damage)
First Drain: Domina (+33.5% INJU damage)

Hostility: 49% (Pretending to be hateful toward humanity)
Deviancy: 20% (Pretending to fetishize aberrant actions)
Obedience: 62% (Pretending to be eager to obey)
Disgrace: 9% (Still somewhat respected)

What would you like to speak to Purgatory about?
I don't want to drop her Disgrace until I at least get to feed her a team. So for right now I just focus on getting her damage type right.
I also want to set up the other two (worthless) Forsaken so that I can Grand Concert or have them Assist Raid. And I need to change my Punishers around so that's going to kill Motivation from a few. Fortunately I have the Forsaken I punished earlier for not doing the Raid:
... will be the star of an especially degrading show put on in the middle of the Demonic hive.  In addition to providing useful training to ... herself, it will be especially entertaining to your other minions if her dignity is trampled to new lows.

Consent factors: 
+52 (obedience)
-40 (intensity exceeds current corruption)
-0(uneasy about dodobrain being sacrificed)
+20 (happy with Massacre's treatment)
+32 Total
Yeah she's learned her lesson. Going to have to punish the newbies too so they get with the program. Repeatedly Grand Concerting a whipping girl every turn is a pretty decent way to make sure that your training plans advance as far as they can. Anyway, the training part is not super interesting, so let's skip to the end of loop choices.
Last edited:


New Member
Dec 31, 2017
The game should check at the end of every day whether there's a damage type which is over its T3 break threshold. Only one will break at a time, but if the day ends with no T3 break happening even though there's a damage type over its threshold, then that's a bug and I'd appreciate it if you'd upload your save so I can take a look.
I believe it was just a mistake on my part. It had been multiple fights since I had the Disg Trauma high enough but I think a different Break happened every single day since then since I mathematically broke 4 cores on the same day. Thanks for the response


Nov 12, 2018
Olivia Silence Portrait pack, powered by AI
I didn't do a full test yet but most of it seems working


Oct 25, 2017
So here's my choices for loop 19:
Damage Mitigation: 32% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 20
Luxuries: 35.6k% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 1 Undead, 2 Animalistic Chosen
14 Influence
New Item: Deep-Fried Rotor
Gain +1 Evil Energy every time a Defiler action is initiated against a target.

Damage Mitigation: 36% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 20
Luxuries: 22.1k% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 2 Undead, 1 Animalistic Chosen
14 Influence
New Item: Balance's Pantsu
Any imbalanced trauma penalty to circumstance damage is decreased by one level.
Both items are good, but Balance's Pantsu is basically double damage in most of the situations I create with these 1000% Forsaken. Also 2x Undead is pretty easy to handle in 20 days as I don't have to wait for/worry about lining up the Animalistic cycles, which is expensive in terms of days. So Hiroshima... did something happen here before?

By the way, what I do now is copy my saves after each loop to a subfolder, then delete every savegame manually. It'd be awful convenient if CSdev made a "backup and purge saves" option that did this:
1) Copy saves.sav to oldsaves.sav
2) Delete all saves in Saves.sav except for the most recent.
Currently one loop worth of saves is enough to significantly slow the game down.

Anyway, I fight Day 1 like normal, then peek Day 2:
You have 7 Evil Energy.

Tip: When two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.

Claw's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 2 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 3 in 3 days

Strategic Advantage: 326k
Fortification:       4122


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Which information do you want to view?


If they become Forsaken, the current team of Chosen will have access to these abilities which activate when they perform a Total Break against future Chosen.  Dignity Break will weaken the effects, but will also make them cheaper to deploy.

Deployment cost: 250 Evil Energy
Sadistic Breeder (+8.0% own max Motivation per Impregnation)
Loyal Hypnotist (+40 victim training consent modifier)
Opportunistic Harvester (+8.0% of victim's Drain Effectiveness as EE)
Showy Publicist (+62.5T ANGST to all Chosen per Parasitism)

Deployment cost: 5 Evil Energy
Sympathetic Breeder (+23% victim Resolve damage from Threaten)
Functional Hypnotist (+0.235 victim Expertise gain multiplier)
Responsible Harvester (+9.4% victim Stamina regeneration)
Smearing Publicist (+23% victim Resolve damage from Taunt)

Deployment cost: 167 Evil Energy
Braggart Breeder (+10.0% own HATE damage per Impregnation)
Resourceful Hypnotist (-177% Hypnosis Effectiveness required for Hypnosis)
Powerful Harvester (-177% Drain Effectiveness required for Drain)
Demoralizing Publicist (-30% starting Resolve for all Chosen)
Divinity would be pretty good at being our new Hater. She can grow over time, but we're probably too near the end of our useful playtime for that to matter. I set her up on the Aversion plan. I buy the 1EE techs and the free 2EE, 3EE techs I can reach, along with Eager Breeders. I get the Control Center and send out Scissa, since Claw is on PLEA this time around and that's her Core Vuln.

Day 3:
You have 9 Evil Energy.

Tip: During downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.

Claw's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 2 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 3 in 2 days

Strategic Advantage: 1.00M
Fortification:       6797
A city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [ ][x][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [-][-][-][-]
CON (core) [ ][ ][x][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][ ][-][-][-]
Divinity can get her CON hit by Breaker, who I think is strong enough.

After battle: Yep!

Day 4
You have 26 Evil Energy.

Tip: During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.

Claw's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 2 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 3 tomorrow

Strategic Advantage: 1.00M
Fortification:       11.2k
A city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [ ][X][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][ ][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][ ][~][~][~]
Goal for Day 3: Use Barrier Jammer against Promise, break her T2 MOR. I think if I do this with Massacre, I may also be able to hit Divinity and get her T1 DIG as well. I get all the 2EE and 3EE techs, many of which are free.

Day 4:
You have 33 Evil Energy.

Tip: The first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.

Claw's phase: Playful (full EXPO damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 3 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 4 in 2 days

Strategic Advantage: 4.33M
Fortification:       18.4k
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
This is how quickly it goes when I don't have to wait on and carefully match up multiple Animalistics. I take Causal Projection, Nursery Hives, Human Collaborators, and Vengeful Reconstitution, each of which refunds me from the Defiler tech that I get for free. I also take the Transmission Tower.

Day 5
You have 18 Evil Energy.

Tip: Fearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.

Claw's phase: Playful (full EXPO damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 3 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 4 in 2 days

Strategic Advantage: 4.33M
Fortification:       18.4k


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
Goals for Day 5: Use Disintegration Vapor to break Claw's DIG. See if we can grab either of Promise's T2s, but otherwise not worried about it. Bought Passion Release, hoping to also have Networked Consciousness and be able to send Hatefuck out Day 7.

Day 6:
You have 30 Evil Energy.

Tip: By using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage.  However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.

Claw's phase: Playful (full EXPO damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 3 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 4 tomorrow

Strategic Advantage: 9.13M
Fortification:       30.4k


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
Let's pass the day with an Assist Raid. I buy Networked Consciousness as well.

+5 EE downtimes unlocked!

Day 7:
You have 22 Evil Energy.

Tip: A Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality.  The ANGST bonus is added to this value.

Claw's phase: Territorial (full HATE damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 4 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 5 in 2 days

Strategic Advantage: 9.10M
Fortification:       50.2k


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
I know through time travel that I'll be back at Greater Sins Imminent if I just Drain Soul on a Forsaken today. So I guess we have a fight or something, IDK. Send Massacre.

Well, uh, that went better than expected.

Day 8:
You have 62 Evil Energy.

Tip: Experienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.

Claw's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 4 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 5 tomorrow

Strategic Advantage: 30.3G
Fortification:       82.8k


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][/][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
CON (min)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
Got the orgy on Divinity so we're kind of all set? All 3 Chosen have all 4 Traumas in the 1G range. This allows me to get the High-Rises and the Entertainment District. I buy Soul Resonance, Genius, Reality Sealing and send out Massacre again. Goal this time: Make Promise's MOR break, don't let Claw's MOR break (because I want her to be on CON tomorrow).

Day 9:
You have 149 Evil Energy.

Tip: Ashamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.

Claw's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 5 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 6 in 2 days
Curse Lock: Evil Energy may only be spent on Forsaken.  Curse may be removed by paying 14 Evil Energy or by starting the next day.

Strategic Advantage: 30.5G
Fortification:       136k


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][/][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][ ]  170%
INN (sig)     [X][X][/][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][/][ ]
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][/]  340%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
Divinity is ready to break CON. I check and the biggest bonus I could give her there is +max stamina or +stamina regen. Neither seems very appealing for me as this is a specialist Forsaken that I don't expect to be using more than twice per Loop. So I decide feeding her to Assplodey is correct. Everyone, meet the slightly leaner-but-still-mean-enough Assplodey!

Even Splendor (set as Favorite) says, "I think you'll be happy with Assplodey."

And from the Chosen? Divinity says, "I've heard that Assplodey is no pushover," early in Day 9.

I think I will too! My humor is incredibly refined.

Assplodey (formerly known as Cunning Cat Pounce)
Real name: Ushioda Rin

Stamina: 66.6%
Motivation: 136.5% (max 136.5%)

HATE: 78.7k (x1.201 dmg)
PLEA: 41.4k (x1.107 dmg)
INJU: 194k (x1.334 dmg) (x1.285 dmg from drained opponents) (x1.335 dmg from Domina's drain)
EXPO: 90.2k (x1.222 dmg)
x5.560 trauma dmg from parasitized opponents
x8.300 trauma dmg from Ritual's parasitism
Combat Style: Desperate (1000% INJU)
Lacking confidence in own abilities, acts with singleminded focus to disable the target.  Useful early in the battle to increase future circumstance damage taken.

Training Plan: Desperate (1000% INJU)
Increases INJU expertise only

Defiler Specialty: Torture (INJU)
Can torment a target with at least 10k INJU, dealing bonus INJU damage, multiplying all damage with lower Disgrace, and causing tier-2 Confidence Break

Trait: Animalistic Forsaken
One-third motivation gain, +75% damage

First Impregnation: Ritual (+36.5% max Motivation)
First Drain: Domina (+33.5% INJU damage)
First Parasitism: Ritual (+730% trauma damage)

Hostility: 65% (Hateful toward humanity itself)
Deviancy: 30% (Elaborate sexual fantasies)
Obedience: 69% (Eagerly obeys)
Disgrace: 54% (Object of base lust)
She costs 24EE and should be plenty powerful enough to break through just about anything. And she's about to get stronger, and bigger.

Physical Traits
Ears type:  Cat
Tail type:  Cat
Very tall
Pert breasts
Plump bottom

Selected modification: greater stature
Selected ritual: use 'Drain' on one of the Chosen in battle
A different ritual may be used by selecting the same modification again
Her goal is to Drain Divinity and break Promise's T2 CON. With 2 T3 breaks available on Claw, I'm just going to let them go I think. As I've said before, at this point the loop is won, it's just a question of exactly how won it is. I'm going to mostly be succinct here unless there's an actual interesting decision.

Day 10:
You have 242 Evil Energy.

Tip: Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."

Claw's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 5 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 6 tomorrow
Curse Lock: Evil Energy may only be spent on Forsaken.  Curse may be removed by paying 24 Evil Energy or by starting the next day.
Surging Vitality: Promise takes 1/4 damage from non-Forsaken sources in the next battle

Strategic Advantage: 30.6G
Fortification:       225k


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][/]  310%
INN (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][ ]  210%
INN (sig)     [X][X][X][?]  280%
CON (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][ ]  180%
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  460%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
Sending Scissa to prepare Promise and Claw's T2 INN.

Day 12:
You have 285 Evil Energy.

Tip: From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.

Claw's phase: Torpid (full INJU damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 7 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 8 tomorrow
Surging Vitality: Promise takes 1/2 damage from non-Forsaken sources in the next battle

Strategic Advantage: 30.6G
Fortification:       612k


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][/]  310%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][/]  310%
CON (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][ ]  210%
INN (sig)     [X][X][X][/]  460%
CON (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  320%
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  460%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
This time I remember to swap Defilers before breaking Divinity.

Day 13:
You have 239 Evil Energy.

Tip: Self-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.

Claw's phase: Playful (full EXPO damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 8 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 9 tomorrow
Curse Lock: Evil Energy may only be spent on Forsaken.  Curse may be removed by paying 22 Evil Energy or by starting the next day.

Strategic Advantage: 138T
Fortification:       1.01M
Any city objective may be seized!


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][/]  355%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][/]  310%
CON (min)     [X][X][/][ ]
DIG (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][ ]  210%
INN (sig)     [X][X][X][/]  460%
CON (sig)     [X][X][/][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  470%
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  800%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
Day 12 I get a 20-turn Orgy putting all 3 into the 1-20T range for all Traumas with a fairly standard built out Demon.

Day 20:
You have 268 Evil Energy.

Tip: It isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage.  This limitation does not apply to trauma.

Claw's phase: In Heat (full PLEA damage)
Necromantic Siphon: Lose 18 Evil Energy upon starting the day (will not go below 0)
                    Increases to 20 tomorrow
Enervation: Damage to surrounded Chosen decreased to 92.69% for the rest of the loop

Strategic Advantage: 138T
Fortification:       0


Overall corruption progress:

Claw        +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][X][X]  790%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  400%
CON (min)     [X][X][X][X]  480%
DIG (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  460%

Promise     +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  490%
INN (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  460%
CON (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  400%
DIG (min)     [X][X][X][X]  325%

Divinity    +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][X]  470%
INN (min)     [~][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X]  900%
DIG (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
Practically a formality at this point. Not going to turn-by-turn this battle.


I don't wait to start disgracing Profane--she's good enough now, and I want to continue feeding Hate bonuses to Massacre.
Last edited:


Nov 14, 2017
It's almost never useful. Basically, it only pops up when the Forsaken's preference weight for alll four damage types is just too similar to pick out two or three to use. I didn't include it as an option because I was worried it'd be a newbie trap.
Ha would it shock you that I have one save dedicated to making a champion with this combat style Viable? The end chosen was surprisingly useful.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, next up is Saitama.
Damage Mitigation: 42% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 20
Luxuries: 52.2k% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 2 Undead, 1 Animalistic Chosen
24 Influence

Damage Mitigation: 54% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 20
Luxuries: 13.7k% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 1 Undead, 2 Animalistic Chosen
24 Influence
3.80 star(s) 63 Votes