
Oct 25, 2017
New patch up:

No images:

  • Content: Added a new Day 15 intermission (guaranteed to appear in Loop 3 of campaign mode).
  • Content: Added a new vignette.
  • Content: Added ten new pieces of civilian clothing which can be selected by Chosen and Forsaken.
  • Content: Added support for Forsaken tools to have their own associated dialogue (with some dialogue for the breast expansion tool).
  • Balance: When a warp has been unlocked for a loop which offers items, the city choices' items may be picked even when choosing to warp.
  • Balance: Offspring of Forsaken will now tend to belong to the species of the higher-tier parent.
  • Interface: Added a Forsaken status and prediction summary to the Forsaken selection screen.
  • Interface: When the only Defilers available are those that would break a Distortion, the Chosen selection button is colored red instead of yellow.
  • Interface: Current Animalistic weaknesses are displayed on the team Vulnerability summary screen.
  • Interface: Chosen profiles now display the Forsaken tool unlock conditions they've fulfilled.
  • Interface: The Forsaken Positions screen is now a bit more clear about how they work.
  • Interface: When changing the species of a campaign custom Chosen with a non-default alias, customization details will be retained.
  • Interface: Forsaken in Punisher positions will display their Punisher abilities in their own profile.
  • Bugfix: The shop screen and button selection no longer fails to account for Tomorrow's Newspaper refunds until refreshed.
  • Other: Forsaken are now less random about using their equipped tools.
  • Other: Added information about initial Forsaken corruption to the Forsaken reference file.
  • Other: Forsaken corruption passive training can now be set to stop automatically at a target value.
  • Like
Reactions: Hongfire Survivor


Jul 14, 2017
I've tried this game a few times but I have no idea what I'm doing, I don't even know if I'm making progress... Seriously I tried searching for a walkthrough or a guide but the file provided didn't import, or I'm doing it wrong.

Could someone give me an explanation of what I'm supposed to do. Should I focus on minor, significant or core vulnerabilities first? Hate seems to be the "best" stat as that seems to amplify all the other stats gain, or am I thinking wrong about this?

Also what is the determining factor for how much damage I'm doing, it doesn't seems to be just connected to what level of vulnerability it was. Should I try to get a girl surrounded as quickly as possible, or should I try to target multiple stats so make the surround last as long as possible?

What stats should I focus on when I surround a girl? Or does that depend on what vulnerability she has? Also is there list anywhere of what effect different stats have? Exposure seems to affect a girls Shame but also has an effect on the other girls. Hate seems so just strait up affect every stat?


Oct 25, 2017
I've tried this game a few times but I have no idea what I'm doing, I don't even know if I'm making progress... Seriously I tried searching for a walkthrough or a guide but the file provided didn't import, or I'm doing it wrong.

Could someone give me an explanation of what I'm supposed to do. Should I focus on minor, significant or core vulnerabilities first? Hate seems to be the "best" stat as that seems to amplify all the other stats gain, or am I thinking wrong about this?

Also what is the determining factor for how much damage I'm doing, it doesn't seems to be just connected to what level of vulnerability it was. Should I try to get a girl surrounded as quickly as possible, or should I try to target multiple stats so make the surround last as long as possible?

What stats should I focus on when I surround a girl? Or does that depend on what vulnerability she has? Also is there list anywhere of what effect different stats have? Exposure seems to affect a girls Shame but also has an effect on the other girls. Hate seems so just strait up affect every stat?
If you're earning breaks, you're making progress. If you aren't earning breaks, you aren't. With that said, you won't be making much progress the first 9 days or so (don't worry if it takes you a few days longer than that). During that time, as long as you're getting 1EE from each Chosen each day, you're doing fine. 1EE requires only 200 Trauma of the same type. During this time, you probably shouldn't use EE on summoning Commanders. It's possible to use a Commander and come out energy-positive during this phase, but it kind of requires knowing what you're doing in a way a new player won't.

Your ability to progress depends on setting up long surrounds where you're hitting all 4 circumstances and traumas. Basically, this happens when you can summon a Commander with at least 4 turns and 2 captures (costing 5EE, hence the green guide text). Until then, continue collecting EE and buying all the 1-2EE upgrades.

Once you've got the ability to summon a 5EE commander, you'll need to understand how to actually play the game. There are lost of posts here about how to understand multipliers so you can get T1 and T2 breaks. Here's mine. Others will probably be along to link theirs--this is a friendly thread and there's been lots of advice posted.


Feb 9, 2020
Does "unlocking", aka removing pair-up restrictions, a lot of custom chosen for a campaign run increase the odds of crashes? Because so far every time I´ve tried, the game´s frozen, crashed or otherwise messed up after a few ingame days, including saves becoming unplayable/breaking at the same point repeatedly.
Not tried with the new version yet, just 48b
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Nov 8, 2019
I've tried this game a few times but I have no idea what I'm doing, I don't even know if I'm making progress... Seriously I tried searching for a walkthrough or a guide but the file provided didn't import, or I'm doing it wrong.

Could someone give me an explanation of what I'm supposed to do. Should I focus on minor, significant or core vulnerabilities first? Hate seems to be the "best" stat as that seems to amplify all the other stats gain, or am I thinking wrong about this?

Also what is the determining factor for how much damage I'm doing, it doesn't seems to be just connected to what level of vulnerability it was. Should I try to get a girl surrounded as quickly as possible, or should I try to target multiple stats so make the surround last as long as possible?

What stats should I focus on when I surround a girl? Or does that depend on what vulnerability she has? Also is there list anywhere of what effect different stats have? Exposure seems to affect a girls Shame but also has an effect on the other girls. Hate seems so just strait up affect every stat?
I wrote 3 guides that might help you:

General early game guide

Basic mechanics/stats/modifier guide

Very basic loop 1 item pick comparison


Nov 8, 2019
Does "unlocking", aka removing pair-up restrictions, a lot of custom chosen for a campaign run increase the odds of crashes? Because so far every time I´ve tried, the game´s frozen, crashed or otherwise messed up after a few ingame days, including saves becoming unplayable/breaking at the same point repeatedly.
Not tried with the new version yet, just 48b
I'd recommend posting one (or more) of these saves here so someone can look at it and see if they can figure out what's wrong. Personally though I've never messed around with that setting so I have no experience with it myself, but considering the game isn't really designed with that setting in mind it's possible that the problem is that for some reason a relationship scene is trying to play or something even though they aren't supposed to causing a crash. Granted that's just a guess on my part and we cant really say for certain without more information or access to the save file.


Feb 9, 2020
Great point, should´ve propably kept those saves :FacePalm: ... Welp I´ll try again at some point with the new version and try to remember this time.


Jul 14, 2017
If you're earning breaks, you're making progress. If you aren't earning breaks, you aren't. With that said, you won't be making much progress the first 9 days or so (don't worry if it takes you a few days longer than that). During that time, as long as you're getting 1EE from each Chosen each day, you're doing fine. 1EE requires only 200 Trauma of the same type. During this time, you probably shouldn't use EE on summoning Commanders. It's possible to use a Commander and come out energy-positive during this phase, but it kind of requires knowing what you're doing in a way a new player won't.

Your ability to progress depends on setting up long surrounds where you're hitting all 4 circumstances and traumas. Basically, this happens when you can summon a Commander with at least 4 turns and 2 captures (costing 5EE, hence the green guide text). Until then, continue collecting EE and buying all the 1-2EE upgrades.

Once you've got the ability to summon a 5EE commander, you'll need to understand how to actually play the game. There are lost of posts here about how to understand multipliers so you can get T1 and T2 breaks. Here's mine. Others will probably be along to link theirs--this is a friendly thread and there's been lots of advice posted.
Thank you this is really helpful! I though I was just not making progress but I guess i should focus on a few unlocks first. I was creating commanders costing 2-3 EE that didn't leave me much for upgrading. Or, as I tried to follow the green text, I saved up 5 EE to create a powerful Commander without really feeling like I made progress.

Thank you, I will read through them.
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Oct 25, 2017

Is this intended behavior? When using the new "skip a loop and pick up one of the items" choice, Influence is calculated as if you fought/recruited the Chosen in that Loop. Example:


My understanding is that Influence is supposed to be awarded based on what's missing/not there. Since the two choices at the bottom don't give you any Chosen, they should have the Influence value from the Undead/2 superior (Barrier Jammer choice) or Undead/Animalistic/Normal (for the Inevitability choice) added back, right? Or were these choices intended to leave you with fewer resources as compensation for them being extra choices?

Also, after loading and sacrificing Forsaken that I didn't want before starting the loop, a lot of things disappeared:


Save file attached. Load slot "chooseloop9"
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New Member
Feb 3, 2019
The game keeps freezing up whenever I try and customize characters, whenever I change their outfit to have the hips and butt exposed and everything else covered it freezes the game and all I can do is close the window... I just wanna give my chosen a leotard.


Oct 25, 2017
OK, so--I'm completely stumped on how this might be possible to do without cheating, but maybe someone else out there understands better than me.

I'm in Loop 11, after beating Splendor, and I want to get through to the "alternative route" so I can hurry on to Victory. Last time I fought a Devil, it was with an Undead + Superior I think, which was very doable. But this time, she's with an Animalistic + Superior and I'm... just not seeing a path.

The save at the beginning of the loop is "deviltime". i think it'll be in slot 1 but it may be a few pages back.

The save that represents what I've been able to accomplish so far is "longerfights". It's over halfway through the loop and I haven't been able to break the INN core on the Animalistic Chosen at all yet.

If anyone's got ideas for how to do this legitimately, I'm all ears--but I'm not seeing it myself.

Stankobanko lunky

New Member
Jul 15, 2023
So I'm not sure what happened, I got past day 50 and an option opened up saying "Cheat" and there doesn't seem to be a final battle, it's the first time I've gotten here so I'm very confused. Maybe I just accidentally skipped it while going into auto pilot mode? Not sure, any answer would be greatly appreciated.


Nov 8, 2019
So I'm not sure what happened, I got past day 50 and an option opened up saying "Cheat" and there doesn't seem to be a final battle, it's the first time I've gotten here so I'm very confused. Maybe I just accidentally skipped it while going into auto pilot mode? Not sure, any answer would be greatly appreciated.
First things first, if you ever encounter something that seems like a bug/unintended behavior, post your save file alongside your explanation of what happened. Nothing will make it easier for us to help you and CSdev to bugfix than having access to the save file with the bug.

Secondly, if you want to check things yourself, do you have a save from before Day 50 so that you can go back and replay Day 50 to see if the Final Battle actually happened and you somehow just auto-piloted through it? If you didn't get the Final Battle that is 100% a bug as I don't think there is anyway to just not get the Final Battle, granted I also don't have any idea what bug could even stop the Final Battle from occurring.

Thirdly, do you have Cheats enabled? To check open the Options page from the main menu and the Cheat setting should be displayed at the top of the list. If it's not listed then Cheats are likely disabled though you can double check by hitting "C" on your keyboard as that will toggle the Cheat option and force it to appear.


New Member
Feb 3, 2019
Can you post a save or some specific reproducable steps?
I can't post a save because I'm trying to start one but here's what I've been doing:

>I set the composition to all males.
>Click customize.
>Change the names and go through the personality tests. No advanced species because as much as I'd love to make canonical furries the fact they are more difficult to deal with kinda fucks with that.
>Don't change difficulty. (Probably less relevant but whatever.)
>Change hero-name. No title.
>Customize the outfit. Delete all clothes.
>Create new article.
>Click through the regional options.
>Either click groin, or click all of the options until you get to groin and it should crash by then.

I also tried it again by editing a premade bodysuit, and removing the hips was fine, but when i removed the legs on the article it crashed. It's similar enough that it seems related.


Aug 3, 2018
Day 23 in 3rd loop campaign and I'm getting my ass absolutely handed to me by the superior Chosen (Spice). I just can't break anymore of her things it feels like, she has such high resistance to stuff. Any suggestions?

They have a combination of solid friendships and uncertain friendships with eachother.


Jan 31, 2022
So I haven't played the game in a while(but have been lurking), and I was wondering, has anyone tested and made a list of the exact values needed to get each of the 16(?) different personalities for Chosen? I know I asked something similar ages ago but while I believe they directed me to how they work or I could test them(don't remember which), I never got around to it.

I'd appreciate if someone has done it and could share their findings, or if otherwise someone is willing to test it out, cause it would be great to have for when your trying to make whole teams of custom chosen, as then there's be no chance or repeating personalities, and in general I'd say its better to know what personality they'll end up with so as to better customize them.
(Of course CSDev could technically add it in as either a guide, list, or actual option in the creation, but I don't know how hard it'd be or how long it would take him, and I'd rather not give him work that isn't strictly necessary or prudent)


Aug 3, 2018
So I haven't played the game in a while(but have been lurking), and I was wondering, has anyone tested and made a list of the exact values needed to get each of the 16(?) different personalities for Chosen? I know I asked something similar ages ago but while I believe they directed me to how they work or I could test them(don't remember which), I never got around to it.

I'd appreciate if someone has done it and could share their findings, or if otherwise someone is willing to test it out, cause it would be great to have for when your trying to make whole teams of custom chosen, as then there's be no chance or repeating personalities, and in general I'd say its better to know what personality they'll end up with so as to better customize them.
(Of course CSDev could technically add it in as either a guide, list, or actual option in the creation, but I don't know how hard it'd be or how long it would take him, and I'd rather not give him work that isn't strictly necessary or prudent)
If you open the game folder and go to portraits then open portrait pack guide.txt it will tell you the associated attributes for 12 of the personalities, although it may be outdated since it only lists 12, not sure.
3.80 star(s) 63 Votes