
Jun 15, 2018
What determines relationships between the chosen and the forsaken? Some are relatives, that is straightforward but others are childhood friends etc.. Is there a limit to how many there can be? Should I try to send each forsaken to each chosen one by one to determine this?

Moreover how can you induce bonding between forsaken and chosen? Sending Ambassadors seem to be futile even if the chosen is corrupted. The only exception is if they had some sort of a relationship prior to meeting as chosen and forsaken.

Are there plans to introduce game mechanics to mend rifts between forsaken? You cannot even force anything between them even when you can force them to do pretty much anything else with effort.
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Oct 25, 2017
What determines relationships between the chosen and the forsaken? Some are relatives, that is straightforward but others are childhood friends etc.. Is there a limit to how many there can be? Should I try to send each forsaken to each chosen one by one to determine this?
Family relationships between Chosen are generated along with the Chosen as far as I know. A chosen will generate with a possible number of mothers, siblings, etc. If a Chosen x has a mother y that has a mother z, z will show as x's grandmother, and this relationship holds for various levels (aunt, cousin) before devolving to "distant relative". As far as I know families are generated at campaign start. If the game needs to generate a relationship for someone whose actually related Chosen are all already created, it will make a "childhood friend" relationship with one of the new Chosen.

Moreover how can you induce bonding between forsaken and chosen? Sending Ambassadors seem to be futile even if the chosen is corrupted. The only exception is if they had some sort of a relationship prior to meeting as chosen and forsaken.
Instill Fixation training does this, I believe, but I'm honestly not sure if it's two-way or just one-way as implied. It causes a Forsaken to become obsessed with all 3 Chosen in the current loop (if used before the loop is complete). I've not experimented with it much because current mechanics reward making them hate each other just in case a Forsaken needs to be sacrificed. Also the cost in Deviancy is high since it's the only 150% Training action it'll always raise Deviancy which doesn't really have an upside (higher Deviancy only makes it more difficult to change Corruption stats through training and makes training actions grant less Expertise).

Are there plans to introduce game mechanics to mend rifts between forsaken? You cannot even force anything between them even when you can force them to do pretty much anything else with effort.
No such plans have been announced, so your guess is as good as mine.


Nov 8, 2019
What determines relationships between the chosen and the forsaken? Some are relatives, that is straightforward but others are childhood friends etc.. Is there a limit to how many there can be? Should I try to send each forsaken to each chosen one by one to determine this?

Moreover how can you induce bonding between forsaken and chosen? Sending Ambassadors seem to be futile even if the chosen is corrupted. The only exception is if they had some sort of a relationship prior to meeting as chosen and forsaken.

Are there plans to introduce game mechanics to mend rifts between forsaken? You cannot even force anything between them even when you can force them to do pretty much anything else with effort.
Relationships are mainly set when the Chosen is first generated for a campaign, beyond that there is only 3 ways to mess with relationships. The first is the obvious, Chosen on the same team will develop a relationship based on how the loop went, which is then locked in when they become Forsaken. The second is using the Instill Fixation training which will make the Forsaken receiving it gain a relationship with the current team of Chosen. Thirdly is using the Bait position, which will randomly generate a new "childhood friend" relationship between the Bait Forsaken and one of the three Chosen in the next city (so if you set a Bait Forsaken during a loop it only takes effect at the start of the next loop).


Feb 15, 2018
Update on weird corner-case issue I encountered. I have now made that chosen a forsaken and now the game thinks they are male but uses female pronouns for them, unless it is in a sex scene with just her and another chosen (might be all sex scenes, but I didn't test that). Additionally, in the customize body options it's set as if they are futanari despite also saying that both they're current form and original form are male.
Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 1.52.00 PM.png

Finally, if I shift them a few time between male, female, and futanari, their opinion on their penis while female or futanari cycles between prideful and deviant. Though they do now finally have a bust size when female or futanari.
All in all, this is very weird.


Jun 15, 2018
I do not know why but my chosen now start with pre broken stats (T2) rather than start as blank slates. How can I correct this?

I want to engineer a new gameplay where I use "tempt" only to break them. So only breaking pleasure and expo while not touching Injury and Hate (For some reason there is no PLEA/EXPO option for defiler).

Secondarily I want to start with one male two female chosen. I can modify the ratios from options... Would modifying this in options after the first round of chosen selection impact future cities? Or would the ratio be locked to when the game started?
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Jun 15, 2018
Update on weird corner-case issue I encountered. I have now made that chosen a forsaken and now the game thinks they are male but uses female pronouns for them, unless it is in a sex scene with just her and another chosen (might be all sex scenes, but I didn't test that). Additionally, in the customize body options it's set as if they are futanari despite also saying that both they're current form and original form are male.
View attachment 3294759

Finally, if I shift them a few time between male, female, and futanari, their opinion on their penis while female or futanari cycles between prideful and deviant. Though they do now finally have a bust size when female or futanari.
All in all, this is very weird.
I find it weird how they forget their gender. If you shift them to futanari and back they forget that they used to be male/female originally.
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Nov 8, 2019
I do not know why but my chosen now start with pre broken stats (T2) rather than start as blank slates. How can I correct this?

I want to engineer a new gameplay where I use "tempt" only to break them. So only breaking pleasure and expo while not touching Injury and Hate (For some reason there is no PLEA/EXPO option for defiler).

Secondarily I want to start with one male two female chosen. I can modify the ratios from options... Would modifying this in options after the first round of chosen selection impact future cities? Or would the ratio be locked to when the game started?
Chosen have always (or at least for a long time) been able to spawn with a pre-established T2 Break. There is no way to prevent it as far as I'm aware.


Aug 5, 2018
I'm getting a freeze/crash when going to the next city after loop 3. Freeze occurs when selecting the "Next City" button. I think it's linked to the alternative route option, as the game freezes before displaying the option.

Save is C3-End.

Edit: looks like this only occurs on 49D? Save works fine on 49.
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Jun 15, 2018
I am trying to start a campaign with my selected chosen... I am not sure how I can achieve this. Begin generates them instead of selecting from the list.

I want to start with the team I have saved but I am unsure how to extract the save file nor do I see a sensible way to edit it.



Nov 8, 2019
I am trying to start a campaign with my selected chosen... I am not sure how I can achieve this. Begin generates them instead of selecting from the list.

I want to start with the team I have saved but I am unsure how to extract the save file nor do I see a sensible way to edit it.

View attachment 3302411
Click edit and go to each chosen and check their "valid custom partners" list, custom chosen can only be on a team with custom chosen on that list, if there is not enough chosen to fill the team the game will generate chosen to fill the remaining slots. The logic behind the teams is that there cannot be overlapping vulnerabilities (so each chosen team can only have one Core/Significant/Minor vulnerability for each type of vulnerability), for this reason you need to check all the chosen, as just cause one custom chosen might have 2 other chosen on their valid partner list, those two might not have each other as valid partners. If you want to start a campaign with all 3 Chosen as a team in a single loop, you'll either need to set their vulnerabilities so that there is no overlap between them, or make more custom Chosen with different vulnerability configurations.


Jun 15, 2018
Click edit and go to each chosen and check their "valid custom partners" list, custom chosen can only be on a team with custom chosen on that list, if there is not enough chosen to fill the team the game will generate chosen to fill the remaining slots. The logic behind the teams is that there cannot be overlapping vulnerabilities (so each chosen team can only have one Core/Significant/Minor vulnerability for each type of vulnerability), for this reason you need to check all the chosen, as just cause one custom chosen might have 2 other chosen on their valid partner list, those two might not have each other as valid partners. If you want to start a campaign with all 3 Chosen as a team in a single loop, you'll either need to set their vulnerabilities so that there is no overlap between them, or make more custom Chosen with different vulnerability configurations.
They were a team before. What should I change?

1706412251394.png 1706412315004.png 1706412369799.png


Nov 8, 2019
What loop did you encounter them as a team in? Cause Superior Chosen cant appear until Loop 3 and Animalistic Chosen cant appear until Loop 5. So since they are set to be a special species of Chosen it should be impossible for them to appear in Loop 1, as while normal human custom Chosen can be generated as Superior Chosen, I don't think the game will downgrade a custom Chosen set as Superior/Animalistic/etc down to a normal human Chosen.

The only way to make them appear together is to either remake them as normal humans, or play through loops until you get a 1 Animalistic & 2 Superior Chosen team while hoping that they don't get selected for any earlier loop containing Animalistic and/or Superior Chosen that isn't of that configuration.


Jun 15, 2018
What loop did you encounter them as a team in? Cause Superior Chosen cant appear until Loop 3 and Animalistic Chosen cant appear until Loop 5. So since they are set to be a special species of Chosen it should be impossible for them to appear in Loop 1, as while normal human custom Chosen can be generated as Superior Chosen, I don't think the game will downgrade a custom Chosen set as Superior/Animalistic/etc down to a normal human Chosen.

The only way to make them appear together is to either remake them as normal humans, or play through loops until you get a 1 Animalistic & 2 Superior Chosen team while hoping that they don't get selected for any earlier loop containing Animalistic and/or Superior Chosen that isn't of that configuration.
I was attempting it to be the first loop. This explains the source of my frustration.

On an unrelated note, I was messing with their relationships to see what I can do. Unfortunately now I cannot delete two of them from the list of chosen nor reset their relationship. It causes game to freeze and hog up cpu. What can I do to remove them short of deleting the entire save file? I was able to fix this after much effort by "randomizing" the chosen prior to deleting.

Is there a way to use them as foresaken for the first round? Or edit their species in some way?
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Aug 5, 2018
I was attempting it to be the first loop. This explains the source of my frustration.

On an unrelated note, I was messing with their relationships to see what I can do. Unfortunately now I cannot delete two of them from the list of chosen nor reset their relationship. It causes game to freeze and hog up cpu. What can I do to remove them short of deleting the entire save file? I was able to fix this after much effort by "randomizing" the chosen prior to deleting.

Is there a way to use them as foresaken for the first round? Or edit their species in some way?
I don't think you can start with forsaken - as for editing the species, I believe custom chosen without a specified species will upgrade to the appropriate species for the target loop. I'm not sure if advanced species will upgrade or not.


Nov 8, 2019
I was attempting it to be the first loop. This explains the source of my frustration.

On an unrelated note, I was messing with their relationships to see what I can do. Unfortunately now I cannot delete two of them from the list of chosen nor reset their relationship. It causes game to freeze and hog up cpu. What can I do to remove them short of deleting the entire save file? I was able to fix this after much effort by "randomizing" the chosen prior to deleting.

Is there a way to use them as foresaken for the first round? Or edit their species in some way?
If you were playing Single Play you could, but in Campaign you cant start with Forsaken.

As for editing their species, you can change it by clicking on the species tab of the edit Chosen menu, unfortunately iirc changing their species completely resets the Chosen so you'll have to redo their personality and outfit I'm pretty sure.


Feb 15, 2018
I have encountered some further weirdness. Same campaign as all the gender fuckery I brought up before. Moving to Loop 4 and deciding not to skip because I want some more forsaken to sacrifice/grind achievements. Had to downgrade to version 49 because game would freeze up when generating cities in 49d. Upgraded back after creating a save in the new city. Final chosen (superior) spawned on day 5 and at the start of day 6 I sent one of my weaker forsaken after the chosen and purchased Psychic Reading. Then I saw this weirdness in the Superior Chosen's info:

MOR (core) [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
INN (sig) [ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (min) [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (sig) [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Morality: FEAR ----| HATE <= Core Vulnerability: Use Grind and Pummel until 10k dmg
Innocence: DISG --|- PLEA <= Significant Vulnerability: Use Caress and Humiliate until 10k dmg
Confidence: PAIN |--- INJU <= Minor Vulnerability: Use Caress and Pummel until 10k dmg
Dignity: SHAM -|- EXPO <= Significant Vulnerability: Reach Lv 2 EXPO
Notably, her morality had the "reach lv 2" requirement come pre-broken and she can be broken in Dignity as if that was a core vulnerability despite correctly showing 4 boxes in the corruption summary. What is going on here? Did I mess something up that is just going to have slowly cascading effects and I should start a new run?

Side note: I also had a chosen spawn who was identical to a chosen I got in the first round with the exception of her civilian name and her family. I've seen it before so I don't think this is out of the ordinary, but wanted to add it to have more context available.

Update: I proceeded to "break" the superior Chosen's Dignity by reaching lv 2 Expo. There do not appear to be any unexpected results from this and her corruption progress and vulnerability chart are now in sync.
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