
Oct 25, 2017
I did distort her, but you have/can distort every fight?

I'm not sure what I should do now I did a 20 or so turn orgy and now everyone is ready for all their T3s and have over 1T trauma on everything

Should I just grind the T4s until the final battle? (am day 33)
You don't have to Distort every fight, especially for Megalomania. Repeating some distortions (Tempt, Orgy, Negotiate) will make them easier to achieve in the final battle. Megalomania doesn't do that.

Sure, get those T4s broken.

Is it worth making a 100+ EE commander if I can manage a 30 turn orgy with a 20 EE commander?
Probably not. At your stage in the game, I go for two basic Commander types:
Type 1: Maximal INJU: INJU Punisher, 4 extra duration, all 5 captures. No flight. Cost 44EE. This one's for raising Self-Destruct. It uses all 3 captures against the same Chosen in the following way to grow Self-Destruct as quickly as possible:
T1: Ambush the Chosen we're raising INJU Punisher Effectiveness on
Barrier until a second Chosen comes in or the first one self-destructs
When the first one self-destructs, do a normal surround and hit the other 3 circumstances
When a second Chosen comes in, standard attack, hit Grind/Humiliate with the two surround actions you get. Recapture the first, she booms again in 2 turns. When she's free again, use the third and final capture. Total will generally be 90+150+180 or 120 + 180 + 210 so it doesn't take long to build up to 1000%. You get much more progress focusing on one Chosen than trying to hit all 3 here.

Type 2: Maximal HATE/PLEA/EXPO: no punisher/suppressor/defiler, 6 turns, all 5 captures, Flight. Cost 54EE. Orgy as quickly as possible, even a short one. Once Extermination finishes, you're trying to draw the battle out as long as possible, surrounding one at a time and letting the others do all of their special moves, then using two of your Captures against the flying Chosen. Since it doesn't have special equipment, it doesn't cause Self-Destruct to activate.


Sep 6, 2021
So a really minor thing but it would be nice if you spare a forsaken her loop "partners" gain + Training consent. Seems kinda weird of them fearing treatment of their friends after sparing them.


Feb 15, 2018
The ability to choose spared Forsaken to add to an orgy when meeting with a Forsaken (spared or otherwise) would be nice. I want to continue breeding my fucked up lineages of Chosen even when all the ones I have currently met don't have any use as active Forsaken.


New Member
Apr 5, 2018
1st install. Played for a bit, saved game, closed it, came back later to play. Load doesn't work, tried saving and then loading right after, no save available. Checked game folder for save, isn't their. Tried both exe and jar, neither worked. Looked up issue in thread, saw messages about virus protection/run via admin/need another save first. Grabbed most recent save in thread, pasted in game folder, disabled virus protection, ran game via admin. Still no load option, tried saving and loading again, didn't work either. Maybe issue with save? Grabbed two more saves after thinking that and tried running same way, with same results. Reinstalled game from another source, didn't work.


Sep 6, 2021
1st install. Played for a bit, saved game, closed it, came back later to play. Load doesn't work, tried saving and then loading right after, no save available. Checked game folder for save, isn't their. Tried both exe and jar, neither worked. Looked up issue in thread, saw messages about virus protection/run via admin/need another save first. Grabbed most recent save in thread, pasted in game folder, disabled virus protection, ran game via admin. Still no load option, tried saving and loading again, didn't work either. Maybe issue with save? Grabbed two more saves after thinking that and tried running same way, with same results. Reinstalled game from another source, didn't work.
If I remember correctly that happens when the path to the game folder is too long. I fixed it by placing my Corrupted Saviours folder in a folder on my desktop. You can do the same or extract the game on your desktop directly. As long as your main files aren't more than 2 folders in, it should work.
  • Heart
Reactions: Deathrevived


New Member
May 10, 2019
So I'm trying to learn to play this game, and I have to say the lack of anything consistent (apart from game mechanics) is probably the single biggest impediment to trying to learn it. I've been trying to follow various guides, and I can make it through the early game and get a steady flow of 3EE per day, but I'm having difficulty ever managing to obtain any breaks really. current file is on day 25 and I haven't managed a single one, but I can't tell if that's because I'm doing something wrong, because this particular group is a challenge, or just using the wrong technique. 25 days in and I only just realized there's no autosave, so I can't even really go back to try things again against the same group, and a new playthrough would throw an entirely different set of Chosen at me.

Would it be possible to implement, either as a standalone scenario or an optional 'loop 0' in the campaign, a run where the chosen you face at least have the same distribution of stats if nothing else? The direct input function for creating custom chosen at least implies the possibility would exist, and such a thing might make it easier for those writing guides to get somewhat more specific with regards to showing off different strategies or providing milestones for a new player to check themselves against.

I'd also really like an option to retry the entire day, instead of just the current fight, or a Lobotomy Corp-style system where the game makes an autosave at regular intervals (LC does every five days), and present the option to reload that save as a regular feature on the menu. I think that would make it much easier for new players to experiment with their approach on a given group of chosen.

Also, are the goals that pop up in green selected randomly, or does the game try to give you goals that are relatively easy to achieve? more than once I've had the system tell me to inflict 10k damage on a particular stat for a chosen who only takes single-digit damage on that particular stat. Is that bad luck, or am I missing something that makes doing that much easier?


New Member
Apr 5, 2018
If I remember correctly that happens when the path to the game folder is too long. I fixed it by placing my Corrupted Saviours folder in a folder on my desktop. You can do the same or extract the game on your desktop directly. As long as your main files aren't more than 2 folders in, it should work.
It...... it worked. Thank you, I never thought it would be how many folders in it was. It was about 6 folders deep btw.


Sep 21, 2019
So I'm trying to learn to play this game, and I have to say the lack of anything consistent (apart from game mechanics) is probably the single biggest impediment to trying to learn it. I've been trying to follow various guides, and I can make it through the early game and get a steady flow of 3EE per day, but I'm having difficulty ever managing to obtain any breaks really. current file is on day 25 and I haven't managed a single one, but I can't tell if that's because I'm doing something wrong, because this particular group is a challenge, or just using the wrong technique. 25 days in and I only just realized there's no autosave, so I can't even really go back to try things again against the same group, and a new playthrough would throw an entirely different set of Chosen at me.

Would it be possible to implement, either as a standalone scenario or an optional 'loop 0' in the campaign, a run where the chosen you face at least have the same distribution of stats if nothing else? The direct input function for creating custom chosen at least implies the possibility would exist, and such a thing might make it easier for those writing guides to get somewhat more specific with regards to showing off different strategies or providing milestones for a new player to check themselves against.

I'd also really like an option to retry the entire day, instead of just the current fight, or a Lobotomy Corp-style system where the game makes an autosave at regular intervals (LC does every five days), and present the option to reload that save as a regular feature on the menu. I think that would make it much easier for new players to experiment with their approach on a given group of chosen.

Also, are the goals that pop up in green selected randomly, or does the game try to give you goals that are relatively easy to achieve? more than once I've had the system tell me to inflict 10k damage on a particular stat for a chosen who only takes single-digit damage on that particular stat. Is that bad luck, or am I missing something that makes doing that much easier?

Try getting a commander that is like 4~5 turns and 2~3 captures

start on a magical girl, do all the surround actions on her with the comander, then throw the commander at another girl and while that is going capture the first one again, you'll get a bunch of turns and get to do even much more damage

if the timing is good you can surround girl 2 a second time and then girl 1 a third time

The more levels in stuff you get during a day the more damage you deal, in massive levels of scaling


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm trying to learn to play this game, and I have to say the lack of anything consistent (apart from game mechanics) is probably the single biggest impediment to trying to learn it. I've been trying to follow various guides, and I can make it through the early game and get a steady flow of 3EE per day, but I'm having difficulty ever managing to obtain any breaks really. current file is on day 25 and I haven't managed a single one, but I can't tell if that's because I'm doing something wrong, because this particular group is a challenge, or just using the wrong technique. 25 days in and I only just realized there's no autosave, so I can't even really go back to try things again against the same group, and a new playthrough would throw an entirely different set of Chosen at me.

Would it be possible to implement, either as a standalone scenario or an optional 'loop 0' in the campaign, a run where the chosen you face at least have the same distribution of stats if nothing else? The direct input function for creating custom chosen at least implies the possibility would exist, and such a thing might make it easier for those writing guides to get somewhat more specific with regards to showing off different strategies or providing milestones for a new player to check themselves against.

I'd also really like an option to retry the entire day, instead of just the current fight, or a Lobotomy Corp-style system where the game makes an autosave at regular intervals (LC does every five days), and present the option to reload that save as a regular feature on the menu. I think that would make it much easier for new players to experiment with their approach on a given group of chosen.

Also, are the goals that pop up in green selected randomly, or does the game try to give you goals that are relatively easy to achieve? more than once I've had the system tell me to inflict 10k damage on a particular stat for a chosen who only takes single-digit damage on that particular stat. Is that bad luck, or am I missing something that makes doing that much easier?
You need to get effective with using to reach vulnerability breaks.


New Member
Oct 17, 2021
Hey all! I've been trying to make a breakthrough in my understanding of how to make useful Forsaken. I've read tons of comments (lots of good stuff from SuperSkippy), the wiki, and the included text files, and I am trying to put together a plan for a fresh loop 1 set of chosen. Here's the preview and info:


The highlighted punishers are the ones I'm thinking I want to target because they seem good for the use cases I'm picturing, which are:

Vendetta - High-EE cost breeder aiming to give better Forsaken in future loops a good HATE buff. I'm thinking I should aim for her current 45% with a Negotiation distortion, though I don't know how I would bring down her cataclysmic 500 EE cost (as far as I know, disgrace is all that affects EE cost?) I am okay with not getting a personal HATE damage buff for her from a different Distortion since I don't need her to do big damage, just to distribute her buff to later Forsaken. I plan to hold onto her for a long time

Silhouette - Low-EE INJ specialist that I can use for T2 INJ breaks and maybe lower-cost T4 INJ breaks, which would be nice since I have never actually been able to successfully T4 INJ break over my previous 3-loop campaign. Gonna break all her vulns as best I can with no distortion since I'm not confident in being able to do a negotiation+temptation on two Chosen at the same time in a timely manner. Not a long term keep

Iris - High-EE Breeder and Hypnotist also giving future Forsaken good bonuses. Going for Temptation without breaking further than T2 DIG to maintain buff strength, but I'm not quite sure how to accomplish that if I have to orgy at some point. I plan to hold onto her for a long time

Does this plan sound reasonable and achievable for someone with low-mid skill and understanding of the game? Am I missing out on better uses for these three? Am I going too hard on loop 1 (probably)? How should I actually pull this off if temptation and negotiation are counterproductive to activate? Any input would be big appreciated!


Oct 25, 2017
Hey all! I've been trying to make a breakthrough in my understanding of how to make useful Forsaken. I've read tons of comments (lots of good stuff from SuperSkippy), the wiki, and the included text files, and I am trying to put together a plan for a fresh loop 1 set of chosen. Here's the preview and info:

View attachment 3642535

The highlighted punishers are the ones I'm thinking I want to target because they seem good for the use cases I'm picturing, which are:

Vendetta - High-EE cost breeder aiming to give better Forsaken in future loops a good HATE buff. I'm thinking I should aim for her current 45% with a Negotiation distortion, though I don't know how I would bring down her cataclysmic 500 EE cost (as far as I know, disgrace is all that affects EE cost?) I am okay with not getting a personal HATE damage buff for her from a different Distortion since I don't need her to do big damage, just to distribute her buff to later Forsaken. I plan to hold onto her for a long time

Silhouette - Low-EE INJ specialist that I can use for T2 INJ breaks and maybe lower-cost T4 INJ breaks, which would be nice since I have never actually been able to successfully T4 INJ break over my previous 3-loop campaign. Gonna break all her vulns as best I can with no distortion since I'm not confident in being able to do a negotiation+temptation on two Chosen at the same time in a timely manner. Not a long term keep

Iris - High-EE Breeder and Hypnotist also giving future Forsaken good bonuses. Going for Temptation without breaking further than T2 DIG to maintain buff strength, but I'm not quite sure how to accomplish that if I have to orgy at some point. I plan to hold onto her for a long time

Does this plan sound reasonable and achievable for someone with low-mid skill and understanding of the game? Am I missing out on better uses for these three? Am I going too hard on loop 1 (probably)? How should I actually pull this off if temptation and negotiation are counterproductive to activate? Any input would be big appreciated!
Yeah, sounds like a good plan! The easiest and quickest way to bring down their cost to something more reasonable is DIG breaks, which will increase their starting Disgrace. Even the T1 break will have a significant effect on their cost (every 10 Disgrace cuts the cost in half) while having a generally moderate effect on their Punishers. If these were my starting Chosen, I'd have essentially the same plan. These will of course also reduce the power of their Punishers, so considering these tradeoffs carefully is important--how much EE do you think you'll have at the end of a Loop to throw out those Punishers? Base your decisions around that.

Note that to put these Forsaken in these Punisher positions you'll have to either raise their Obedience to 50% or distort them. An Aversion Distortion will work very well for Vendetta, but using Iris in the Hypnotist position will require also raising her Deviancy, and making Silhouette usable for T1/T2 INJU breaks will require raising her Disgrace significantly from where Aversion would have her end up. You can accomplish these through careful breaks during Combats or training afterwards. Personally, I'd use Aversion on Silhouette too because of the ease of triggering it and just devote myself to training her later.

That +Consent will be incredibly helpful with you building Megalomaniac Chosen, since they can refuse even Obedience/INJU trainings.
Last edited:


Feb 15, 2018
An idea occurred to me: I remember a while back there being the comment about the lack of ability to have draconic chosen in the game. If the dev ever ends up adding another tier of Chosen to the game, I could see the addition on the Animalistic side of things being Mythical Beasts which could include stuff like dragons, griffins, unicorns, etc. and then as a counterpoint on the undead side of the tree you could have alien/eldritch. Things not of this world in one way or another.
Nov 7, 2019
So I'm trying to learn to play this game, and I have to say the lack of anything consistent (apart from game mechanics) is probably the single biggest impediment to trying to learn it. I've been trying to follow various guides, and I can make it through the early game and get a steady flow of 3EE per day, but I'm having difficulty ever managing to obtain any breaks really. current file is on day 25 and I haven't managed a single one, but I can't tell if that's because I'm doing something wrong, because this particular group is a challenge, or just using the wrong technique. 25 days in and I only just realized there's no autosave, so I can't even really go back to try things again against the same group, and a new playthrough would throw an entirely different set of Chosen at me.

Would it be possible to implement, either as a standalone scenario or an optional 'loop 0' in the campaign, a run where the chosen you face at least have the same distribution of stats if nothing else? The direct input function for creating custom chosen at least implies the possibility would exist, and such a thing might make it easier for those writing guides to get somewhat more specific with regards to showing off different strategies or providing milestones for a new player to check themselves against.

I'd also really like an option to retry the entire day, instead of just the current fight, or a Lobotomy Corp-style system where the game makes an autosave at regular intervals (LC does every five days), and present the option to reload that save as a regular feature on the menu. I think that would make it much easier for new players to experiment with their approach on a given group of chosen.

Also, are the goals that pop up in green selected randomly, or does the game try to give you goals that are relatively easy to achieve? more than once I've had the system tell me to inflict 10k damage on a particular stat for a chosen who only takes single-digit damage on that particular stat. Is that bad luck, or am I missing something that makes doing that much easier?
It sounds like you're not utilizing commanders, like DeviantArtaaa and Superskippy said. Loop 1 plays out pretty similar with a few variations depending on pre-broken minors and weakness distribution but basically:

Day 1-2: Only one Chosen, get to 100 in as many circumstances (other than Fear) as possible, and do a 2-3 turn surround on the turn before the battle ends in order to buy more turns. You do this because the second and third chosen show up after a fixed number of turns and the sooner they show up, the quicker you can get more EE.

Day 3 (maybe Day 2 if you're really lucky): Switch to the new chosen as soon as they arrive and hammer their weakest stat to get it above 200 before the battle ends. Don't forget to surround Chosen #1 the turn before the battle ends.

Days 4-6: Focus on the chosen with lower Angst (probably Chosen #2) and do the same thing you were doing days 1-2.

Day 7 (6 if you've gotten good surrounds): Same as Day 3 but with Chosen #3.

Day 8+ is like days 4-6, just focus on the weakest chosen while you gather EE.

For upgrades, I usually go Fast Breeders, Psychic Reading, Wide Deployment, Focus, Enhanced Polymorphism, Weakness Sense in that order and then Perception, Patience, and Cunning in any order. That will let you buy a 5 point commander who lasts for 4 turns and can capture twice. You CAN achieve a lot with a 4 point commander (3 turns, 2 captures) but let's play it safe.

In total you'll need to have spent 16 EE* (not factoring in Tomorrow's Newspaper) on upgrades and have another 5 for the commander, which means on Day 11 you should be ready to strike. Build your commander and attack the Chosen who has the most points in HATE and ANTI (the first and third lines on the right side). Grind/Pummel (whichever has fewer points), then the other, then Caress, then Humiliate. If they aren't at 100 points in Hate, Plea, and Anti, restart and try hitting whichever of those three didn't hit 100 first. Experiment.

Once a second Chosen shows up, capture them and do the same thing. Before the battle ends, re-surround the first Chosen you targeted. This may mean you aren't able to do all four actions to Chosen #2, in that case, prioritize Humiliate because they're just there for the Expose bonus to your real target.

Do the same ability rotation on Chosen #1. Before the surround ends, make sure to re-surround Chosen #2 and you can use any spare turns to work on them a little. Then, before their surround ends, re-surround Chosen #1 for the third time.

Because of the randomness, you may have to try targeting a different Chosen or switch up ability order, etc. Just play around but this should allow you to get some breaks starting on Day 11.
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2019
Hey all! I've been trying to make a breakthrough in my understanding of how to make useful Forsaken. I've read tons of comments (lots of good stuff from SuperSkippy), the wiki, and the included text files, and I am trying to put together a plan for a fresh loop 1 set of chosen. Here's the preview and info:

View attachment 3642535

The highlighted punishers are the ones I'm thinking I want to target because they seem good for the use cases I'm picturing, which are:

Vendetta - High-EE cost breeder aiming to give better Forsaken in future loops a good HATE buff. I'm thinking I should aim for her current 45% with a Negotiation distortion, though I don't know how I would bring down her cataclysmic 500 EE cost (as far as I know, disgrace is all that affects EE cost?) I am okay with not getting a personal HATE damage buff for her from a different Distortion since I don't need her to do big damage, just to distribute her buff to later Forsaken. I plan to hold onto her for a long time

Silhouette - Low-EE INJ specialist that I can use for T2 INJ breaks and maybe lower-cost T4 INJ breaks, which would be nice since I have never actually been able to successfully T4 INJ break over my previous 3-loop campaign. Gonna break all her vulns as best I can with no distortion since I'm not confident in being able to do a negotiation+temptation on two Chosen at the same time in a timely manner. Not a long term keep

Iris - High-EE Breeder and Hypnotist also giving future Forsaken good bonuses. Going for Temptation without breaking further than T2 DIG to maintain buff strength, but I'm not quite sure how to accomplish that if I have to orgy at some point. I plan to hold onto her for a long time

Does this plan sound reasonable and achievable for someone with low-mid skill and understanding of the game? Am I missing out on better uses for these three? Am I going too hard on loop 1 (probably)? How should I actually pull this off if temptation and negotiation are counterproductive to activate? Any input would be big appreciated!
Just a note, do not rule out Silhouette as a Publicist, doing a T4 DIG break will result in a Forsaken with pretty high Disgrace which can be bad unless you want them to be a low EE early days Forsaken, so having a Forsaken that can lower Disgrace when you want to do higher cost Temptation/Rampancy Forsaken is pretty valuable. Especially for Rampancy Forsaken since their variable cost means a low disgrace one can be good in the early days without falling off at more expensive deployments.


New Member
Oct 17, 2021
Yeah, sounds like a good plan! The easiest and quickest way to bring down their cost to something more reasonable is DIG breaks, which will increase their starting Disgrace. Even the T1 break will have a significant effect on their cost (every 10 Disgrace cuts the cost in half) while having a generally moderate effect on their Punishers. If these were my starting Chosen, I'd have essentially the same plan. These will of course also reduce the power of their Punishers, so considering these tradeoffs carefully is important--how much EE do you think you'll have at the end of a Loop to throw out those Punishers? Base your decisions around that.

Note that to put these Forsaken in these Punisher positions you'll have to either raise their Obedience to 50% or distort them. An Aversion Distortion will work very well for Vendetta, but using Iris in the Hypnotist position will require also raising her Deviancy, and making Silhouette usable for T1/T2 INJU breaks will require raising her Disgrace significantly from where Aversion would have her end up. You can accomplish these through careful breaks during Combats or training afterwards. Personally, I'd use Aversion on Silhouette too because of the ease of triggering it and just devote myself to training her later.

That +Consent will be incredibly helpful with you building Megalomaniac Chosen, since they can refuse even Obedience/INJU trainings.
Thank you very much for the reassurance and advice! I ended up doing something similar to my original plan last night, except I went for double negotiation instead of negotiation+temptation since I thought the logic that applied to Vendetta should apply to Iris as well and I would naturally get the deviancy I needed to use her hypnotist punisher. I finished the loop capturing all three on day 36 (if I remember correctly) and began training, and that's when I realized that your evaluation of aversion suiting Vendetta and being good for Silhouette too was spot on lol. I spent all my days up to 51 trying to get Iris and Vendetta into the 50% hostility range (50% deviancy for Iris too) while keeping disgrace below 20% and without putting more exp into INJU, and Silhouette to sufficient obedience to use the injury punisher. The result seems generally good and I have all my corruptions just about where I want them, but the exp ranges and styles are not good yet, but I'm hoping/assuming the trainer sessions will eventually get them where they need to be:




Going to get into loop 2 later and see if I can actually use these girls after all this effort lol

Just a note, do not rule out Silhouette as a Publicist, doing a T4 DIG break will result in a Forsaken with pretty high Disgrace which can be bad unless you want them to be a low EE early days Forsaken, so having a Forsaken that can lower Disgrace when you want to do higher cost Temptation/Rampancy Forsaken is pretty valuable. Especially for Rampancy Forsaken since their variable cost means a low disgrace one can be good in the early days without falling off at more expensive deployments.
You are right that I've missed out on a tool to get a rampancy Forsaken with staying power into late loop- I'll have to see if I can either salvage Silhouette when/if the time comes or find some other way, or just deal with it. Thanks for the pointer!


New Member
May 10, 2019
noticed a missing word on distract, between "so that" and "be completely visible"

Reaper's Action: Distract

Reaper dances to entice the Thralls, twirling, kicking, and bending over in her cloak so that would be completely visible if not for the occult symbols hanging in the way.

It sounds like you're not utilizing commanders, like DeviantArtaaa and Superskippy said. Loop 1 plays out pretty similar with a few variations depending on pre-broken minors and weakness distribution but basically:

Day 1-2: Only one Chosen, get to 100 in as many circumstances (other than Fear) as possible, and do a 2-3 turn surround on the turn before the battle ends in order to buy more turns. You do this because the second and third chosen show up after a fixed number of turns and the sooner they show up, the quicker you can get more EE.

Day 3 (maybe Day 2 if you're really lucky): Switch to the new chosen as soon as they arrive and hammer their weakest stat to get it above 200 before the battle ends. Don't forget to surround Chosen #1 the turn before the battle ends.

Days 4-6: Focus on the chosen with lower Angst (probably Chosen #2) and do the same thing you were doing days 1-2.

Day 7 (6 if you've gotten good surrounds): Same as Day 3 but with Chosen #3.

Day 8+ is like days 4-6, just focus on the weakest chosen while you gather EE.

For upgrades, I usually go Fast Breeders, Psychic Reading, Wide Deployment, Focus, Enhanced Polymorphism, Weakness Sense in that order and then Perception, Patience, and Cunning in any order. That will let you buy a 5 point commander who lasts for 4 turns and can capture twice. You CAN achieve a lot with a 4 point commander (3 turns, 2 captures) but let's play it safe.

In total you'll need to have spent 16 EE* (not factoring in Tomorrow's Newspaper) on upgrades and have another 5 for the commander, which means on Day 11 you should be ready to strike. Build your commander and attack the Chosen who has the most points in HATE and ANTI (the first and third lines on the right side). Grind/Pummel (whichever has fewer points), then the other, then Caress, then Humiliate. If they aren't at 100 points in Hate, Plea, and Anti, restart and try hitting whichever of those three didn't hit 100 first. Experiment.

Once a second Chosen shows up, capture them and do the same thing. Before the battle ends, re-surround the first Chosen you targeted. This may mean you aren't able to do all four actions to Chosen #2, in that case, prioritize Humiliate because they're just there for the Expose bonus to your real target.

Do the same ability rotation on Chosen #1. Before the surround ends, make sure to re-surround Chosen #2 and you can use any spare turns to work on them a little. Then, before their surround ends, re-surround Chosen #1 for the third time.

Because of the randomness, you may have to try targeting a different Chosen or switch up ability order, etc. Just play around but this should allow you to get some breaks starting on Day 11.
Okay, this helped immensely at getting to +6 EE per day, And I'm able to get the T1/2 breaks *most* of the time when I'm trying to go for them (One of my girls appears to have almost-immunity to pleasure damage, I'm giving up on that). But what does the overall strategy look like after this? the 5-cost commanders seem to drop off after a week or so, am I supposed to be using them every time and accepting the +1/+2 EE a day for upgrades, or is it better to not use a commander for a few days so I can afford the upgrades to make better commanders later on?
Last edited:


Sep 6, 2021
noticed a missing word on distract, between "so that" and "be completely visible"

Reaper's Action: Distract

Reaper dances to entice the Thralls, twirling, kicking, and bending over in her cloak so that would be completely visible if not for the occult symbols hanging in the way.

Okay, this helped immensely at getting to +6 EE per day, And I'm able to get the T1/2 breaks *most* of the time when I'm trying to go for them (One of my girls appears to have almost-immunity to pleasure damage, I'm giving up on that). But what does the overall strategy look like after this? the 5-cost commanders seem to drop off after a week or so, am I supposed to be using them every time and accepting the +1/+2 EE a day for upgrades, or is it better to not use a commander for a few days so I can afford the upgrades to make better commanders later on?
Just to be clear you aren't using a 5 energy commander all the way are you? Also make sure you have You should use the 5 energy commander(4 turn + 1 Captures) commander first on the chosen who is easiest to break which you can find through reloading saves. Usually it's the one with minor Morality (Unless she has core confidence) Also avoid starting on Core confidence chosen. If you play your moves right you should have enough energy to get the Intelligence and make a +5 Turn and +1 capture commander to use on a different chosen. Use your extra energy to get the Extermination->Evacuation upgrades(Prioritise extermination which is under Mania and then evac Under Lust) if you can. Should be able to break her. After that get genius and make a 6 turn +1 Capture commander to break the last chosen and get more ext/evac if you couldn't before. After that prioritise Networked consciousness and Passion Release upgrades. Also determination to get +2 captures on your commander.

Few more tips for you if you want:
- While trying to deal most damage Inju->Hate should be your priority before Plea/Expo.
-This usually translates to Pummel->Grind->Caress->Humiliate as the best combo to be used early on the first chosen you target. Make sure you can get a level 1 pleaasure before the capture ends to get most openings which is 7 usually.
-For the second chosen make sure to get expo and enough trauma for a second surround
-Now about the breaks, make sure to wait a bit before doing a defiler action. Pay attention to the damage you are dealing and if it's viable to get level 3 Hate/Plea. Inseminate and force orgasm are the best defiler actions to be triggered. If you can inseminate go for it but for force orgasm it may be good to see if you can get level 3 hate first or not. Make sure the defiler is triggered for a decent ammount of turns

- When the first chosen is surrounded for like 11 turns in the end and you have used up all your actions/Are waiting for defilers, it's actually worth it to get some openings on the third chosen through basic moves(At most 4 openings, 5 if you are lucky) and then surround her when only one turn is left on the first chosen. During this surround just focus on using threaten(If you inseminated)/Slime(If you force orgasmed) on the first chosen. This way it's quite possible to get the chosen to millions of trauma enough to get +5 energy.
- Speaking of + 5 energy, that should be your goal if you can get +2 energy generation from each chosen. After that get networked consciousness and passion release and get an orgy going with a 6 turn +2 capture commander.


Oct 25, 2017
noticed a missing word on distract, between "so that" and "be completely visible"

Reaper's Action: Distract

Reaper dances to entice the Thralls, twirling, kicking, and bending over in her cloak so that would be completely visible if not for the occult symbols hanging in the way.

Okay, this helped immensely at getting to +6 EE per day, And I'm able to get the T1/2 breaks *most* of the time when I'm trying to go for them (One of my girls appears to have almost-immunity to pleasure damage, I'm giving up on that). But what does the overall strategy look like after this? the 5-cost commanders seem to drop off after a week or so, am I supposed to be using them every time and accepting the +1/+2 EE a day for upgrades, or is it better to not use a commander for a few days so I can afford the upgrades to make better commanders later on?
I'd suggest a long Inseminate on whichever one you feel like you can do that easiest. You need surprisingly few turns to get them to +5EE, just like 8-12 or so. It's better if you can hit two Chosen at once, but if you can't don't worry about it. You want to get one to 100M Trauma in one area and earn a T3 break if possible, which is generally possible with a 5-turn 2-capture Commander, so you'll want Intelligence. You'll also want the 5EE Extermination and Evacuation upgrades. You should not be trying to build up to 100M Trauma over multiple fights as that's generally wasteful. If you can't find a way to earn additional breaks or get T3 breaks prepared then you're almost certainly wasting EE by sending out a Commander.

The one that's Core INN, you may be able to get further if you try to Inseminate in the second capture and then get a third capture before Extermination as this will do significant PLEA damage. But if not, again, don't worry, as the next phase will make that easy.

You really want to break for Networked Consciousness as soon as possible. I'd recommend prioritizing it over Genius. But once you have it, pick up Genius, Passion Release, and Determination and send out a 3-capture 6-turn Commander, aiming for an Orgy to open everything up.
Nov 7, 2019
noticed a missing word on distract, between "so that" and "be completely visible"

Reaper's Action: Distract

Reaper dances to entice the Thralls, twirling, kicking, and bending over in her cloak so that would be completely visible if not for the occult symbols hanging in the way.

Okay, this helped immensely at getting to +6 EE per day, And I'm able to get the T1/2 breaks *most* of the time when I'm trying to go for them (One of my girls appears to have almost-immunity to pleasure damage, I'm giving up on that). But what does the overall strategy look like after this? the 5-cost commanders seem to drop off after a week or so, am I supposed to be using them every time and accepting the +1/+2 EE a day for upgrades, or is it better to not use a commander for a few days so I can afford the upgrades to make better commanders later on?
Like the two previous replies said, a general beginner Loop 1 flow looks like:
  1. Get to 5 point commander (covered in previous post).
  2. Break as many Core T1s as possible by Day 15 as you get a one-time bonus of 2EE per during the interview event.
  3. Pick up Intelligence for 5EE so you can make 7 point commanders (5 turns, two captures).
    1. At this point, you should be able to get T2 breaks using the strategy of "capture Chosen 1, do all four moves, capture Chosen 2, do all four moves, re-capture Chosen 1 before Extermination is complete, do all four moves, hit Chosen 3 enough that you can do at least a one turn capture on the turn Chosen 1 would be free, re-capture Chosen 1 and 2. You might even be able to get Defiler+ actions going.
    2. Experiment here. Sometimes the Chosen just show up too far apart or you want to hit Chosen A but Chosen B is the first to show up and they're very trauma resistant. In that case, you can try waiting for Chosen C to arrive or try targeting Chosen C first. This game is all about saving every day and restarting battles or reloading if things don't work out as hoped. You may also just need to wait until you get one of the Evacuation or Extermination upgrades.
  4. Rush Networked Consciousness. This upgrade lets you do an action on the turn you capture/surround instead of having to wait until the next turn to give orders. It costs 20EE itself and requires: Coordinated Deployment and Eager Breeders (2 EE each); Lust, Hunger, and Anger (3 EE each); Causal Projection and Human Collaborators (5 EE each); and Dominance (10 EE). The 2 EE and 5 EE upgrades give Evacuation and Extermination buffs while the other four don't do anything immediately useful so try to prioritize those.
    1. This also applies to step 3, but don't be afraid to have days where you just go in commander-less, hit a chosen a few times, do a three turn surround, and call it a day. If you're earning 6 EE per day, make a 7 point Commander, and don't get any new breaks, you just put yourself back 1 EE when you could have just "skipped" a day and bought 12 points of upgrades the next day.
  5. You should be able to afford Networked Consciousness around Day 20-30 and, at that point, you can do everything. Once you have Determination and Genius you can make 12-14 point commanders (5-6 turns, 3 captures). The in-game tooltip will say you need something stronger but this is enough to get every single break (other than the actual T4 breaks which require Punisher-class upgrades to trigger and CON T3 which requires an upgraded commander) and I rarely use anything else. So at this point, just work on T3 and T4 breaks, try to pick up Reality Sealing as it's a minor boost, but otherwise just grab whatever and work towards end-game.
I hope that helps. This is semi-outdated advice as it predates items but still works really well as a general blueprint for loop 1.


Sep 21, 2019
Something the game doesn't tell you explicitelly (I think) is that the mg will start flying when they break free after a capture that happens after extermination is over. If you capture a girl at 139/140 extermination, then once that capture is over you'll be able to capture her again
Once you have a commander with 2 captures this means you can do 1 at the start on a mg, then capture another mg, then the first mg again before extermination is done, then capture girl 2 and girl 1 again once extermination is almost done
If girls 1 and 2 have say, 10 opening, and extermination is at 139/140 you can capture girl 1, extermination goes to 140/140 but battle doesn't end. 9 turns later you capture girl 2, girl 1 gets free, battle continues because girl 2 is capture, girl 2 now says flight inminent. Then 9 turns later you can capture girl 1 again (should have a massive opening), she'll be "flight inminent" and girl 2 will be flying.
Getting to 3 captures on 1 girl is how you get to a lot of trauma and therefore the breaks
Lining up a 5 or higher turn orgy also gets enough trauma to get all or most t3 breaks on all girls too if you can get it to happen
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