
May 10, 2018
I haven't tested this exact setup, but a strong HATE/INJU aversion forsaken might work
That was plan A until the animalistic chosen that I planned to avert had INN pre-broken.

Remember that the orgy defiler uses the duration of the defiler+ action, the remaining capture duration from the forsaken doesn't matter.
I didn't know this, thought I had to get lucky with instill fixation; I'll look at this then, thanks!


Sep 6, 2021
Misunderstood what you meant with the edit, my bad. Though if you don't mind me asking, how are you planning to get a 10-turn orgy with Reign with 2 breaks and 1/100 damage reduction (assuming loop 7)? I'm currently trying to do the same, and my plan (until the game broke, see below) was to stack EE and slam 500EE forsakens to get enough trauma for it, but I am curious how other people are doing it.
Well because of item choices and the fact I needed another tempted undead, I personally picked the undead city. I also had newspaper as a starter so less energy for commander upgrades and Strength, an animaistic meglomaniac forsaken with 45% damage from achievement.

As for the strategy I had a newly recruited tempted undead forsaken with Plea/Inju/Expo style(Couldn't get Wild in time) and tempt defiler which I used to get temptation on the normal chosen and the undead chosen. With the energy from tempt I bought every 20 energy upgrade other than trancendence.
Then I used Strength to do both t2 break on a single day by spamming Maneuver. After that it was a matter of sending a commander with Drain punisher, Broadcast Defiler(Pretty much impossible for Reign to get 10K expo)and Pleasure suppressor. By capturing Reign last and putting the other two chosen on Broadcast+, I was able to get a 15 turn orgy going.

My second strategy would involve using Strength to trigger an orgy by using Maneuvers on Reign. Btw Meglomaniacs are pretty much the answer to any boss related issues you may be having. Having trouble with Victory or Judgement? Time for a 30+ turn Maneuver.


May 10, 2018
My second strategy would involve using Strength to trigger an orgy by using Maneuvers on Reign. Btw Meglomaniacs are pretty much the answer to any boss related issues you may be having. Having trouble with Victory or Judgement? Time for a 30+ turn Maneuver.
And here I thought that maneuver was the worst of all forsaken defilers; don't think I fully ready to change my mind on that, but cracking a massive damage reduction is definitely a niche that other forsakens don't easily fill, although at least so far Reign is the only one with this issue.


Sep 6, 2021
And here I thought that maneuver was the worst of all forsaken defilers; don't think I fully ready to change my mind on that, but cracking a massive damage reduction is definitely a niche that other forsakens don't easily fill, although at least so far Reign is the only one with this issue.
Really? I would say it's one of the best. A megalomaniac forsaken with Decesive style(Hate/Plea/Inju) is pretty good at dealing damage in any situation and will pretty much break all chosen(Except Reign with 1/1000 reduction). When you get to angel chosen you can get even more value out of them because of Surround freezing of Angels.Of course the best scenario is having a minor dignity Second in command for decent ee cost( Strength costs 20 ee) or using the energy cost decreasing punisher for hate and motivation one for Pleasure. The achievement gives a nice amount of damage too.


May 10, 2018
A megalomaniac forsaken with Decesive style(Hate/Plea/Inju) is pretty good at dealing damage in any situation and will pretty much break all chosen(Except Reign with 1/1000 reduction)
I don't disagree with that, megalomaniac get access to a pretty big unconditional damage buff, but I don't think that is necessary valuable in most cases. Quoting myself:

Maneuver is useless if its a low-cost forsaken that can only do low-level circumstance damage, while higher-cost forsakens, given an arbitrarily large amount of turns, does a lot of damage that is functionally useless, as the highest requirement needed to win is 1G trauma to the team (not to the captured chosen only). It does an impressive amount of damage, but that damage is completely unneeded to actually win the game, so the forsaken is at best a single target trauma nuke, which there are plenty of other ways to accomplish that. Compare that to the tempted forsaken which can singlehandedly achieve all the steps for tempting chosens. There is no niche for megalomaniacs, as “high damage” isn’t actually useful as other forsaken can get high-enough damage while significantly simplifying the distortion requirement.

This is partially tied to the fact that EE is not actually that valuable once tempt/rampages get going, so if EE were to be relevant and you would want to try to get 150EE/day (for despair, for example), the high damage would have a niche. But even then megalomaniacs would not really be the best source of it either.
Basically they do more damage that it is necessary (at least from my experience, no boss needed more than a 3EE tempted to break, while a 18EE tempted animalistic was speedrunning loops), so forsakens that can do enough damage and have other utility are better. I have not considered Reign's damage reduction when I wrote this, so you can replace "useless" with "useless except for loop 7 distortion on Reign," which to be fair, given how valuable Reign's buffs are, is a pretty decent niche, and is making me re-evaluate how I want to go into early loops.


Sep 6, 2021
Basically they do more damage that it is necessary (at least from my experience, no boss needed more than a 3EE tempted to break, while a 18EE tempted animalistic was speedrunning loops), so forsakens that can do enough damage and have other utility are better. I have not considered Reign's damage reduction when I wrote this, so you can replace "useless" with "useless except for loop 7 distortion on Reign," which to be fair, given how valuable Reign's buffs are, is a pretty decent niche, and is making me re-evaluate how I want to go into early loops.
I mean you can literally trigger any and all distortions through Manuevers. The best thing about it is the fact you can keep your openings while getting enough damage to trigger a t2 break and then surround again to either get another break/Tempt/Rampage or a high turn orgy.

Undead Tempted Forsaken are one of the most op ways to go through the game because of the tempt defiler but that doesn't make maneuver useless since you can get similar or in some cases better results if you play your turns right.


May 10, 2018
that doesn't make maneuver useless since you can get similar or in some cases better results if you play your turns right.
"Useless" is definitely a strong word and I am probably exaggerating, but if tempt (admittingly OP, hope it gets nerfed), traumatize (and maybe orgy, I have not had enough experience) together can do the same job as maneuver, except that :
  1. they are easier to create
  2. they can get stronger punishers (for tempt)
  3. I can also have more than one (for stamina purposes, to have more options for damage types)
  4. I can leave the second-in-command for angels to passively buff the other forsakens, something that is unique to second-in-commands

I would argue (again based purely on my experience, my current is leaning more aversion heavy so I can experience the other distortions better) that there definitely is something better at what you want to do, and if you want to minmax the turn count (which again, is what I usually try to do, but it is not necessarily what other people aim for), I don't think they are worth using beyond removing Splendor's bullshit quicker and maybe breaking Reign, though there is usually little cost to stacking the achievement either.

Maneuver is basically a swiss army knife when there is no cost to having the real tools, except the real tools are cheaper as well. You are not really limited by the number of forsakens you can have and you can usually get what you what, so more specialized ones are better, with the exception of loops 10 to 14/15 where you have to endure Splendor's bullshit with more forsakens.
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Sep 6, 2021
"Useless" is definitely a strong word and I am probably exaggerating, but if tempt (admittingly OP, hope it gets nerfed), traumatize (and maybe orgy, I have not had enough experience) together can do the same job as maneuver, except that :
  1. they are easier to create
  2. they can get stronger punishers (for tempt)
  3. I can also have more than one (for stamina purposes, to have more options for damage types)
  4. I can leave the second-in-command for angels to passively buff the other forsakens, something that is unique to second-in-commands
1. I would say if you can do any of the four normal distortion then Meglomania should be a piece of cake to trigger. I mean multiple times in my playthrough I had to make sure that the chosen on despair didn't get Meglomaniac by mistake so I don't see the issue.

2. For only tempt and like I said a Hate/Plea/Inju Megalomaniac forsaken will get you similar results while also doing a better job at triggering orgies.

3.Not really a point against Megalomaniac. You can still use other forsaken too, though by the time your Second in command runs out of stamina the job would be done already.

4. That's a plus for Megalomaniac. Also right now all bosses have not been released so having a Strong Megalomaniac Forsaken might become more necessary in the future.

In the end it is a preference of how you want to play. I also mainly use Tempted Undeads in my playthrough too but having Maneuver has made my job easier on multiple occasions before loop 10(After that I get Megalo on Splendor).

Also you can min/Max turns way better with Maneuver though? Since if you capture your third chosen while extermination is left by releasing early you can keep the other chosen occupied with a +Defiler till their last surround before flight while manuevering and then release into a big orgy.


Sep 6, 2021
I know I reported this way back but are we really not supposed to get any energy If we trigger tempt while others are doing a t2 downtime and there is a devil present?


Also I think Reign's aversion ability isn't working properly. First of all, the chosen start the loop with 1G angst(Don't know if it's intended) and devils still get their damage reduction.


And I have no words for this(Greater sins imminent ):



Dec 5, 2022
And I have no words for this(Greater sins imminent )
That one looks weird. They did pick PAIN, and they both have T2 CON breaks, and they do have enough angst, so I don't understand why they aren't doing the 5EE action.
...oh wait, Warning probably doesn't have enough PAIN damage for the 5EE PAIN downtime. The wiki lists 2M in the trauma as a rough estiamte for how much you need to get the 5EE action (depends on hidden stats of the choosen).


May 10, 2018
Also you can min/Max turns way better with Maneuver though? Since if you capture your third chosen while extermination is left by releasing early you can keep the other chosen occupied with a +Defiler till their last surround before flight while manuevering and then release into a big orgy.
I don't want to have this conversation go on forever since we clearly have very different experiences with megalomaniacs, but I am curious as for your HATE/PLEA/INJU megalomaniac. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a save to show it off that you can share? From my experience even with stacked achievement the orgies I got with megalomaniacs are not relevantly better (as in, 1T and 1P of damage are functionally identical, so big orgies are not a relevant benefit of megalomaniacs) than any others, so I would like to have a look at your suggestion without playing a new campaign. Furthermore, in my experience, 3-type forsakens are at best competitive with a 4-type demon while being more costly, so I would like to see how somebody made it worth using.

Also I hope I was not coming off as too argumentative, I genuinely enjoyed seeing how other people play the game, especially given that there is fat chance that I can talk with my friends about CS (not because it's porn, mostly because it's autistic).
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May 10, 2018
I know I reported this way back but are we really not supposed to get any energy If we trigger tempt while others are doing a t2 downtime and there is a devil present?
This is especially weird since rampaging chosens will choose another action that would generate some EE when castigated, so I feel that one of these is unintended.
Sep 2, 2020
It's long due I create this post and stop procrastinating...getting stuck on Reign is not a reason to not post

So this is main post for Spectacular Species, it will be updated with new things when they come.
This is a portrait pack I created to fill the void left by Chekhov's pack in digital style portraits - Chosen Species. What I grown to love in it is diffrent poses, enviroments and extra stuff that gives Chosen some flair. In turn this pack tries to achieve uniqueness for every chosen, as much as I can push through with AI generator. For those who might be new to the game - Chosen Species is a harder version of simple Chosen with their unique strength, style, and description. You will encounter them later in the campaign, so keep that in mind.
Regarding a pack - all specific information can be viewed in txt. file that also in the zip file itself. But here's a short of it, - 7 animalistic, 7 undead, 4 angel, 5 devil, 4 Bosses and Crown. 23 chosen are new characters made based on games descriptions and subtypes of species, that are based on Vunerabilities. You probably encounter these subtypes in your campaigns but even if subtypes are different, it's fine to replace portraits with ones you like. 4 bosses are a conversions - delete existing files and put my own, image type in different(jpeg and png) so it won't replace.

Be aware that all packs include nudity, so...if you play this game but don't want to see boobs...don't go for this pack. Apart from it there depicted sex scenes, tentacles, a bit of blood, variety of skin colors and body types and zombie girls that look like zombies. Also every pack includes many bonus images, so be free to look, explore and switch them for your enjoyment.
I do hope you have fun and enjoy packs during gameplay. Feel free to reply in thread or message me with your comments and thoughts about the pack. And here's some random previews of different Chosen. Bonus points if you guess swoon one without looking in the .txt file.
P.S. What's your opinion on Victory and Reign packs, do they need more extra something or are they fine as bosses.
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Sep 6, 2021
That one looks weird. They did pick PAIN, and they both have T2 CON breaks, and they do have enough angst, so I don't understand why they aren't doing the 5EE action.
...oh wait, Warning probably doesn't have enough PAIN damage for the 5EE PAIN downtime. The wiki lists 2M in the trauma as a rough estiamte for how much you need to get the 5EE action (depends on hidden stats of the choosen).
Not really sure about that. All the chosen who were starting with 1G angst and pre broken vulnerabilities were doing +5 generation from day 1. And as you can see in second image, Warning herself has done +5 actions before.

I don't want to have this conversation go on forever since we clearly have very different experiences with megalomaniacs, but I am curious as for your HATE/PLEA/INJU megalomaniac. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a save to show it off that you can share? From my experience even with stacked achievement the orgies I got with megalomaniacs are not relevantly better (as in, 1T and 1P of damage are functionally identical, so big orgies are not a relevant benefit of megalomaniacs) than any others, so I would like to have a look at your suggestion without playing a new campaign. Furthermore, in my experience, 3-type forsakens are at best competitive with a 4-type demon while being more costly, so I would like to see how somebody made it worth using.

Also I hope I was not coming off as too argumentative, I genuinely enjoyed seeing how other people play the game, especially given that there is fat chance that I can talk with my friends about CS (not because it's porn, mostly because it's autistic).
No worries, I would call this a disagreement rather than a argument and then again I do agree that as of now you can get the job done with other distortions too but my point was mainly that Meglomaniac itself isn't any lesser than other distortion.

Also I don't think a 3 Type forsaken would compare with a 4 Type Commander. I mean they are always my late game main force and as I said before can beat a 1/100 reduction Reign with Aversion.

Because I beat Splendor with Megalo I don't have Strength as second in command anymore but here is a save file with my initial Reign battle which I later redid to get double temptation.

Goal is to get Aversion which you can get by starting with Miracle and going for Sodomize on her surround. Then Capturing Stiff till only 2 turns are left before extermination is complete. After that capture Reign and surround Stiff to do Humiliate->Grind->Pummel->Caress->Broadcast. Make sure to start manuevering when one turn is left on Reign and put the other two on Orgasm+.
Then when Reign gets level3 Pleasure, release and start Orgy. This was the tactic I mentioned earlier for beating Reign.

Though admittedly beating her with Animalstic chosen would probably be way harder and require deployment of a 4 type commander.


Dec 5, 2022
Not really sure about that. All the chosen who were starting with 1G angst and pre broken vulnerabilities were doing +5 generation from day 1. And as you can see in second image, Warning herself has done +5 actions before.
Those previous 5EE downtimes probably drained Warning's trauma values until she got too low to qualify for them anymore. Your screenshot looks like you have a massive luxury modifier from your current loop, making it hard to keep getting high EE actions.


Sep 6, 2021
Those previous 5EE downtimes probably drained Warning's trauma values until she got too low to qualify for them anymore. Your screenshot looks like you have a massive luxury modifier from your current loop, making it hard to keep getting high EE actions.
Well my point is they can do +5 action without any trauma at all like Maul here-


Sep 6, 2021
what do you mean without any angst? the green girl have 991 million
Trauma not angst. If you beat Reign with Aversion right now all chosen start with 1G angst(Not sure if that is intended or not). This is day 1 generation while I did nothing the whole battle so no unresolved trauma was there and Maul still did a +5 action.


Jun 16, 2017
Trauma not angst. If you beat Reign with Aversion right now all chosen start with 1G angst(Not sure if that is intended or not). This is day 1 generation while I did nothing the whole battle so no unresolved trauma was there and Maul still did a +5 action.
ooooh yeah, frankly I dont really know why sometimes chosen do 5 ee actions and why sometimes its only 2.
When I looked at your screenshot I saw both of them in the same "millions" that is why I didnt catch what you meant
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