
Mar 11, 2019
So if I use a move on turn 1 of a surround, every turn after that is still using the full effect of that move? And the only difference is coming from multipliers both from girl's actions as well as their traumas/circumstances? OR does the power of a move degrade over time, so that the first use is more powerful on turn 1 than the last use on turn 5 or 8 etc.? If you are trying to stack one stat, should you use the move for that stat first to maximize its damage over time? Or does the base damage diminish?


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
So if I use a move on turn 1 of a surround, every turn after that is still using the full effect of that move? And the only difference is coming from multipliers both from girl's actions as well as their traumas/circumstances? OR does the power of a move degrade over time, so that the first use is more powerful on turn 1 than the last use on turn 5 or 8 etc.? If you are trying to stack one stat, should you use the move for that stat first to maximize its damage over time? Or does the base damage diminish?
It retains the full effect of the move for the entire surround, and it does not diminish. Because there are two actions used by the girls which counter each move you can use, and because the girls can only start using one action each turn, the move you use first might end up dealing more damage on the first turn (because she can start using another action which counters it on the second turn). If her allies haven't started using Distract yet, then the damage you deal before they start will also be greater than the damage you deal after they start. So, there are cases where you want to hit your main target first, but the base damage itself doesn't decrease over time.
Nov 7, 2019
I finished the loop despite it, downloaded 28e, save transfer, started a new game, cheated in tons of EE, bought every upgrade, the bug still happened (see attached). It always happens with surround -> defile+ or surround -> orgy, using the networked consciousness instant action. Surround -> gri/cat/pum/hum -> defile+ works exactly as expected, as well as single person defile.
From your screenshots it looks like on Round 25 you had Rebel in a 17 turn Inseminate and Vanilla in a generic surround with one turn left and then used Inseminate+ on Vanilla.

Whenever a multi-Chosen action is used (Defiler+ or Orgy) it only lasts as long as the lowest opening among the Chosen involved in the action. So because Vanilla only had one turn left, that lowered Rebel's remaining turns to one and they both broke out at the end of that turn. That's working as intended.

If you're claiming that you surrounded Axiom and used Inseminate+ and then she and Rebel broke out at the end of the turn and there's a text mismatch happening in screenshot two then that would certainly be an issue.


Mar 11, 2019
It retains the full effect of the move for the entire surround, and it does not diminish. (etc)
Thank you so very much for explaining. I'm now working on T3 and trying to work around the girls becoming killing machines when I remove their morality, but I'm making lots more progress now that I understand how things are working!!


Aug 25, 2019
Hi, I'm on my fifth run in campaign mode, and I'm still hitting the rock in the learning curve, but slowly as I'm understanding how things work I'm finding it rewarding and it leads me to keep experimenting with different approaches. I have read the guide, but some things are not clear to me, if someone can give me some advice it will save me hours of testing and I would be grateful:

- I saw that there are players who already around the 20s day are in a position to break t3 cores. I would like to see if there is, a better approach than the one I am using, because right now I am around 40 and I have broken a couple of t2 cores, but the numbers required for the t3 are out of my reach. I open the shift on a Fury with a HATE / PLEASURE commander who immediately makes the various multipliers go up a lot, so as soon as Eidolon appears I also capture her who has similar weaknesses and use both to be able to surround them at least a couple of times in the game (max 10 turn I get to last a surround, but enough to trigger an impregnation or one of the other "yellow" conditions), and eventually I get to have a few million in fear or disgust, but we are far from the 100 million required to break sham .. .. surely I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

- what is the use of breaking a significant or minor vulnerability? In concrete terms? Do the multipliers of the respective weaknesses increase? Is there a change in the afternoon action and is more energy being generated? Or is there something else?

- I have very little energy, in this last run where I made clear some mechanisms, I arrived at 11 per day, but 9 end up in the commander of the next day and there is very little capacity for progress like this. What can I improve?

I apologize for the length of the text, but I hope that any answers will also help other players in their first approach.


Mar 11, 2019
I also am new, but I have found that boosting EXPO for the other team members early as possible is very important. EXPO boosts the other member's gain in circumstance, by 2x then 4x then 8x, becoming pretty useful if you can boost to level 2 or 3 expo quickly. Even 1 expo gives 2x multiplier, so if this is the best you can do, I still recommend getting lvl1 expo on someone besides your primary target ASAP.

Also keep in mind if you put the EXPO on a girl who uses "regenerate" she might reduce/remove that useful expo modifier during the battle, so it's best to put it on someone who can't remove it if possible.
Last edited:


Aug 25, 2019
I also am new, but I have found that boosting EXPO for the other team members early as possible is very important. EXPO boosts the other member's gain in circumstance, by 2x then 4x then 8x, becoming pretty useful if you can boost to level 2 or 3 expo quickly. Even 1 expo gives 2x multiplier, so if this is the best you can do, I still recommend getting lvl1 expo on someone besides your primary target ASAP.

Also keep in mind if you put the EXPO on a girl who uses "regenerate" she might reduce/remove that useful expo modifier during the battle, so it's best to put it on someone who can't remove it if possible.
I had already noticed the boost at the expo in the last run, and I manage to bring it to at least lv 1 before the second capture. Unfortunately alone it is not enough to get the numbers up as much as I need, but it is a start.


New Member
Jul 31, 2020
Been a few versions since I last played; the balance changes are great,
it's not so easy to snowball and you aren't discouraged from using pleasure actions.

One thing I haven't figured out though is how to get saviors to show up again in future loops to fight against their former comrades. If I leave two unbroken in the final battle, even at 5% resolve, they defeat me and I go back to the main menu. If I leave one unbroken they kill themselves. How do I get them to flee? Previous update descriptions made it sound like that was possible.
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Mar 20, 2019
Been a few versions since I last played; the balance changes are great,
it's not so easy to snowball and you aren't discouraged from using pleasure actions.

One thing I haven't figured out though is how to get saviors to show up again in future loops to fight against their former comrades. If I leave two unbroken in the final battle, even at 5% resolve, they defeat me and I go back to the main menu. If I leave one unbroken they kill themselves. How do I get them to flee? Previous update descriptions made it sound like that was possible.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the game after coming back :D!
The chosen returning after they escape happens in the second scenario you mentioned where you leave one alive

when you mean kill themselves you mean like in the epilogue? If so, then you need to make sure you don’t break their t4 vulnerabilities. Afterwards they usually will show up around 2-3 loops after they escape.

if you’re playing in single play mode and not campaign mode then I don’t think the function is available in single play, it’s only in campaign mode
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Mar 11, 2019
Okay, I've beaten the game once, but now I don't know what to do with my Forsaken. I made a backup of my save and tried experimenting with getting their stats really high, but they seemed to "plateau" at various points, possibly because I trained depravity too much? Not sure... Also, how does the game determine what the forsaken start at, statwise? Mine all had about 40-60's in their stats, the guide talks about very low stats though but says its impossible to reduce them, so am I supposed to capture the girls without corrupting them as much, or is there some trick to getting their stats a certain way after the final battle?
And what about attack styles? I am not sure which attack style I ought to be giving to which girls, I assume their stats would come in to play here somehow?
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Mar 20, 2019
Okay, I've beaten the game once, but now I don't know what to do with my Forsaken. I made a backup of my save and tried experimenting with getting their stats really high, but they seemed to "plateau" at various points, possibly because I trained depravity too much? Not sure... Also, how does the game determine what the forsaken start at, statwise? Mine all had about 40-60's in their stats, the guide talks about very low stats though but says its impossible to reduce them, so am I supposed to capture the girls without corrupting them as much, or is there some trick to getting their stats a certain way after the final battle?
And what about attack styles? I am not sure which attack style I ought to be giving to which girls, I assume their stats would come in to play here somehow?
Congratulations on your first win! :D
If you’ve won in single play mode then you only use them in other single play runs.

in campaign mode you use them for that save throughout the loops so they are more important in that mode since each loop increases in difficulty.

I’ll try to answer each of your questions individuallly to keep things simple

To answer your question about why you can’t raise your stats as much it is related to how high your “Deviancy” is
The higher it is, the less expertise you will get from training actions, so it’s good to keep note of how much you raise it.
With the new training actions added this year its easy to max out those 4 stats with the more extreme actions, especially deviancy with the hypnosis training so if you have a PLEA focused forsaken its a good idea to raise their expertise as much as you can before you do the extreme training options

on the topic of “deviancy” it’s one of the 4 main stats of a forsaken as you know. And a forsaken initial stats is tied to two things.

the vulnerabilities you’ve broken on the chosen when you defeated them

and the type of vulnerability it was when they were chosen.

It may be obvious but I’ll still list the correlation in case anyone wants to know

Chosen ————— Forsaken

So if you broke all of the t4 on your chosen before turning them into forsaken that’s the reason their stats were in the 40-60 ranges

and whether a vulnerability was core/significant/minor is why some of those stats were higher than others even if you broke all the t4’s on a chosen

if you broke a chosen’s t4 morality along with breaking her other t4 vulnerabilities and morality was her core vulnerability, then her hostility will be the lowest stat as a forsaken.
and If innocence was her minor vulnerability then her depravity would be her highest stat.

basically, think of it like this, if the chosen valued her innocence when she was a chosen, she would still value it the most when she became a forsaken.

so hopefully this answers your questions about how to get their stats a certain way before turning them into forsaken!

You do have to capture the girls without corrupting them too much but instead of trying to defeat them without corrupting them at all, it might be easier to decide ahead of time what kind of forsaken you want them to be, what their type of vulnerabilities they have, and go from there.

Beyond that, there two things you can keep in mind if you are trying to defeat a chosen without corrupting them too much, distortions, and the late game upgrades for the final battle.

firstly with the distortions, getting used to achieving them on chosen consistently is helpful not only in general, but also for learning to hold yourself back from just breaking every vulnerability on a chosen. Which you want to get decent at when you want to specialize forsaken in certain ways.

And secondly, being able to take a chosen out of the picture without much of a hassle using their distortion is really helpful when you’re trying to defeat a relatively uncorrupted chosen since you can spend more time on that chosen than her teammates. Which I will be honest can be quite hard depending on the situation

The second thing I mentioned is your late game abilities, I mostly mean your “+” upgrades like “Attack +” or “Slime +” Or “Antipathy”

i mostly want you to take note of two them at the moment though

“Attack +” and “Threaten +”

the reason why is these two are able to to resolve damage and defeat chosen in the final battle, even if they aren’t t4 corrupted At all.

1% from attack + isn’t much but it’s better than nothing and it should be the worst case scenario

threaten on the other hand, can go up to 4% if you impregnated her other two teammates, so you can get some good resolve damage on her, especially if you raise her fear from it.

and remember that if you get the antipathy upgrade they will start off with reduced resolve the more they hate their teammates. Of course relationships may end up causing some vulnerability breaks if they go sour enough as well but that’s why its good to plan ahead of how pure you want your chosen to be really early on.

i hope this helps a little with trying to capture pure chosen for you :D

And which attack styles are best vary
In their expertise and also the cost to deploy them

expertise is obvious but why the cost is important is because the cheaper it costs to deploy the forsaken(How much EE they cost) the less damage they do

the Low cost forsaken do very well with the attack styles that deal two damage types(ie. the "wild" attack style does INJU/EXPO damage) but are awful with the the attack styles that deal all four damage types at once. If the low cost forsaken is distorted one like aversion or temptation then they can get way with the 3 damage type attack styles along as they involve the damage type they have a buff in.

Mid cost forsaken 20-50 range in my experiences do well with 3 damage-type attack styles and high cost forsaken do best with 4 damage-type attack styles but ironically are sort of underwhelming with the attack styles that deal two damage types.
CSDev has a post explaining this in better detail If you want to me find it I can try to find it. Either way I hope it helps! :D
Nov 7, 2019
I know this was mentioned in patch notes somewhere but I can't find it and, unfortunately, I don't have the scene in my current save so this might be a little vague.

I was going for an Innocence/Dignity Distortion and encouraging rivalries among the Chosen. However, at some point my I/D chosen got raped by one of the other Chosen and it broke her T2 Morality and prevented her from going I/D.

I assume this scene is triggered by a T3 Morality break on the person with that as a Core Vulnerability and that they attack the person with it as their Minor. Is that right? Is the T2 break avoidable by having them fully I/D first or does a T3 Core Morality break always break T2 Minor Morality?


New Member
Dec 23, 2018
I know this was mentioned in patch notes somewhere but I can't find it and, unfortunately, I don't have the scene in my current save so this might be a little vague.

I was going for an Innocence/Dignity Distortion and encouraging rivalries among the Chosen. However, at some point my I/D chosen got raped by one of the other Chosen and it broke her T2 Morality and prevented her from going I/D.

I assume this scene is triggered by a T3 Morality break on the person with that as a Core Vulnerability and that they attack the person with it as their Minor. Is that right? Is the T2 break avoidable by having them fully I/D first or does a T3 Core Morality break always break T2 Minor Morality?
From the R25 patch notes:
"In lieu of adding new vignettes this month, I made some extra variants for the tier-3 Morality and Confidence Core Break scenes (i.e. the ones where the subject assaults one of her teammates). Now, if the would-be victim is on the Tempt path, things won't quite go as the attacker had planned. This will leave the corresponding Minor Vulnerabilities intact so that the scenes don't interfere with continuing the Tempt path. The later Distortions, once they're added, will also come with alternative scenes which preserve the relevant Vulnerabilities."
Nov 7, 2019
From the R25 patch notes:
"In lieu of adding new vignettes this month, I made some extra variants for the tier-3 Morality and Confidence Core Break scenes (i.e. the ones where the subject assaults one of her teammates). Now, if the would-be victim is on the Tempt path, things won't quite go as the attacker had planned. This will leave the corresponding Minor Vulnerabilities intact so that the scenes don't interfere with continuing the Tempt path. The later Distortions, once they're added, will also come with alternative scenes which preserve the relevant Vulnerabilities."
Perfect, thank you!

dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
I've got a pregnancy themed expansion in the works. I have a major professional exam in April, so between exam preparation and work I have very limited time that I want to set aside for this atm, and probably won't have any release until May. Those who are very curious can follow along here:
how goes the mod?
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Active Member
Jul 30, 2020
I experienced a bug where sodomizing two chosen together made them escape after a single turn even though they shouldn't. One had 16 turns of surround remaining, and the other had 17 opening levels and I used sodomize+ as the surround action with networked consciousness. I think networked consciousness is probably the source of the bug.


Aug 3, 2018
Is there no cheat mode in the game currently? I can't find it anywhere, I really just wanted to playtest some of the new additions real quick to get a feel for them.


Apr 10, 2021
I experienced a bug where sodomizing two chosen together made them escape after a single turn even though they shouldn't. One had 16 turns of surround remaining, and the other had 17 opening levels and I used sodomize+ as the surround action with networked consciousness. I think networked consciousness is probably the source of the bug.
Which version do you have?
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