They really need to tone down how impatient everyone is, you can walk up to a table, and some dude can start groping you, and then get pissed off you haven't taken his order yet because he was too busy fondling you, and that took up a whole turn, so you also piss off everyone else waiting for an order because one guy decided to grope you, or a whole table starts spanking you or something, and then complain about how long they've been waiting. People also finish their drinks way too fast. People would be black out drunk if they drank as quick as the NPCs in this game, the gameplay is more annoying than anything, every single little action takes up a whole turn, meaning anytime you try to do anything, you are just pissing people off, and the skill tree progression to improve this is painfully slow, I should not have to do 3 days worth of shifts to improve my skills marginally with a "10% increase in patience" or one more action during flirting.
I have served tables, gone to another table, and in those 2 turns the people at that original table suddenly finish their drinks and call for a waitress again, their countdown should reset once they order also, otherwise you get into these losing battles where everyone is impatient and loosing their minds and your only remedy is a once in 10 turn flash or one in 5 turn kiss to make them happy.