4.80 star(s) 14 Votes


Feb 20, 2023
Theres only this one. There were links about 2 others, similar, on dslite i think, but they seemed to contain loli, so am afraid i avoided em so dont really know if they really are or not? Wish i didnt live in the police state that i do, or i would have found out lol!


New Member
Jun 17, 2023
honestly i love your game and the animations are some of the best to find in this genre if not the best for it so far. theres always the few in the bunch that are going to complain about the game being extreme and also of femdom but thats them and they have enough games to play as it is. youre giving us, the people a game thats entirely something we cant find elsewhere. if anything adding more femdom possibilities would be great. maybe a way to incorporate them is the mistress character has a proceedure or medication to regrow your member so she can have more fun doing her thing. the maid too. could easily incorporate other fetishes that way too that would be of an extreme nature. id love to have a discussion in dm or something where we can jive ideas around freely without people being negative.


New Member
Jul 2, 2023
I wish there was a desition to negotiate about the balls. Where you let her take the balls but let you keep the dick. And also a desition to let both Vice and Ayla to eat your balls and both snip them off or guillotine them. Plus getting to fuck them after castration.
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New Member
May 4, 2020
There should be an instant ban on people who go on threads of games they dont like just to downvote, berate or shame people who do like it. Personally this stuff makes me queasy but there was a time it kinda turned me on, but in general I'm just so fucking fed up with the phenomenon. There's a lot of immature people, and not just on here, who very clearly know about half a percent of what there is to know about sexuality but who think they know everything. Sex is super fucking convoluted and as long as youre not hurting anyone people need to seriously mind their own fucking business.

tldr: Fuck people who are assholes over what turns others on or not. Or actually, don't. Starve them out of the gene pool.
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Feb 20, 2023
There should be an instant ban on people who go on threads of games they dont like just to downvote, berate or shame people who do like it. Personally this stuff makes me queasy but there was a time it kinda turned me on, but in general I'm just so fucking fed up with the phenomenon. There's a lot of immature people, and not just on here, who very clearly know about half a percent of what there is to know about sexuality but who think they know everything. Sex is super fucking convoluted and as long as youre not hurting anyone people need to seriously mind their own fucking business.

tldr: Fuck people who are assholes over what turns others on or not. Or actually, don't. Starve them out of the gene pool.
I am warry of banning. Banning culture has caused so much of our fetish to be attacked, banned. I for one welcome such comments. Not for their content, i do not support belittling someone because of their fetish, or lack of one. I welcome it, because, others comment. You commented about it. You showed your fellow fetishist that they are not alone in the World, an that you stick up for their right to exist! I love that! I love you posted confronting an challenging those narrow minded views, i love you stood up to essentially bullying of a complete stranger! If posts were banned, i would not have seen it, i would not have seen theres maybe hope for the human race after all? An others, silent readers, would not have seen it either. I too have seen to much, experienced to much, but i only usually post when i see something that uplifts my soul. An this thread, an f95zone, has. Perhaps freedom to be oneself, an freedom of speech is not dead after all? Perhaps their are people with souls still around? An perhaps, perhaps there still is hope for the human race after all?
Lol my friend, there has always been, narrow minded, silly, immature people, an there will always will be, it is the nature of the human condition. All one can ever do is realise this. An realise that you yourself have learned, understood the reality of existence, that no two people are the same. If others have not yet discovered this, they may never do so, intellect is never identical, as people , an souls, are never identical. All one can do is, hope, these people grow an develop in time, my friend. :)


Feb 20, 2023
Lol as for downvoting....
Fetishist are ALWAYS at the bottom of any voted thing, hence its a fetish only a few of us exist to vote for it lol! I bet most, if not all fetishiest, like myself, have bookmarked this thread. Those that downvoted, will not, because, well, its not their fetish, its the thread count that shows, i think. Look 16 pages for a game thats not been updated, thats a lot of followers! :)
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New Member
Aug 2, 2020
I created a voice mod for this game using generative AI voice, just extract into base game folder (.exe location) and overwrite when asked. Some lines are a little wonky but it's my first attempt at modding a game like this so take it for what it is.

p.s. if the speed on auto-play is set too fast, some lines may skip before finishing playing. d.s.
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New Member
Aug 2, 2020
I created a voice mod for this game using generative AI voice, just extract into base game folder (.exe location) and overwrite when asked. Some lines are a little wonky but it's my first attempt at modding a game like this so take it for what it is.


p.s. if the speed on auto-play is set too fast, some lines may skip before finishing playing. d.s.
Also made some minor spelling/grammatical corrections.


Feb 20, 2023
Thank you zkall :)
I am now dling an cant wait to hear what it is you have created!
Thank so very very much, i love how this game has grown and grown since a simple, little post, i saw on a femdom board, its now on the most impressive games boards there is!


New Member
Dec 4, 2023
Holy crap this is awesome, and why I joined this site :)

Shame to hear OP (Final Fetish) is not going to expand on this genre? I for one am happy to pay money for this kind of stuff, though I'm in a Muslim country and my card has a habit of refusing sex-based payment processors. There are usually ways around such things though.

Thank you Zkall for the voice mod! Can't wait to hear some sound effects too :)

For the haters - if it's not your kink, why come here and whine? There are thousands of different kinks out there but I've never felt the need to tell other people their kinks are wrong.

For the confused - What is arousing as a sexual fantasy can be 100 miles from what you want in reality. I'm also into executrix/snuff, with women seducing and killing men, preferably with a knife to the heart. What I want that in real life? Nopes. Is it hot as hell when my wife role-plays that with a retractable-blade knife? Hell yeah!

In fairness it's not her kink either, but she enjoys seeing me so horny and she knows she'll get endless backrubs and affection after, so it's a win-win.

No I don't want to die or lose my genitals. Yes I do want to watch or imagine experiencing a bad girl being really bad and ending me or my manhood - as long as I'm still intact and can do it again later :p

As I said, I'm only here cos I heard about this game. Frankly, the idea of adult games strikes me as a little weird. There's full-on video porn freely available, so why are you here playing games? Because they can cater to my kink? OK, sign me up!

For the guy creating his own castration game, good luck, I'm rootin' for ya!
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Jul 11, 2020
Imagine being so insecure that you have to post whole ass pages of replies to explain how much you can't understand a kink. A virtual kink at that! This isn't real! It's just polygons!

Hell, a few years ago I'd just walk by this thread, because I was not into gore whatsoever. And now I'm here, hyped to check out how my new fetish is implemented in a game.

Cygnus X-1

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2021
If you want more of this stuff, head over to rule34 xxx. There are pictures containing all sorts of crazy stuff. Though much of it is physically impossible and / or anatomically incorrect. o_O


New Member
Nov 12, 2023
Holy crap this is awesome, and why I joined this site :)

Shame to hear OP (Final Fetish) is not going to expand on this genre? I for one am happy to pay money for this kind of stuff, though I'm in a Muslim country and my card has a habit of refusing sex-based payment processors. There are usually ways around such things though.

Thank you Zkall for the voice mod! Can't wait to hear some sound effects too :)

For the haters - if it's not your kink, why come here and whine? There are thousands of different kinks out there but I've never felt the need to tell other people their kinks are wrong.

For the confused - What is arousing as a sexual fantasy can be 100 miles from what you want in reality. I'm also into executrix/snuff, with women seducing and killing men, preferably with a knife to the heart. What I want that in real life? Nopes. Is it hot as hell when my wife role-plays that with a retractable-blade knife? Hell yeah!

In fairness it's not her kink either, but she enjoys seeing me so horny and she knows she'll get endless backrubs and affection after, so it's a win-win.

No I don't want to die or lose my genitals. Yes I do want to watch or imagine experiencing a bad girl being really bad and ending me or my manhood - as long as I'm still intact and can do it again later :p

As I said, I'm only here cos I heard about this game. Frankly, the idea of adult games strikes me as a little weird. There's full-on video porn freely available, so why are you here playing games? Because they can cater to my kink? OK, sign me up!

For the guy creating his own castration game, good luck, I'm rootin' for ya!

final fetish really stop these kinds of games?

too bad it was really good


New Member
Aug 2, 2020
Hello, I previously made a voice mod for this game, my first time ever making a mod, however I wasn't actually satisfied with the results and I have now redone the whole mod from scratch using professional paid AI voice software and I am much happier with the results. Extract and drop the mod in the "game" folder
Base folder>game>"mod here"
Overwrite when asked, if no overwrite prompt appears, it's the wrong folder.
Only works for windows.
Also, a reminder that auto play speed needs to be set to like 70% to not skip some of the longer lines.

Download mirrors:

Let me know what you think.


Feb 5, 2018
I wish this game wouldn't be abandoned forever and the creator would add new things, scenes and stuff. I would even pay for some DLC-s with new scenes, new characters...etc. But good things always come to end. :(

Thank you for the voice pack, it is a good addition.
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Feb 20, 2023
It sure is, i for one cant wait to try it out! Text to Speech software, the really, impossible to afford, or find, ones, are so realistic it really is amazing to hear, they really, really have come on so much! Lol wish i had one myself actually, daz3d has a rather good lip sync abitlity now as well!
Ah i miss the good ol days were everything was free an online, so people could just create stuff an up it for free, now....Now everythings banned, theres no where to up to that dosent condem you, and the free software, meshes, has all dried up an been blocked by the escape goat seeking, corrupt, money grabing, politician lead, copywrite, poor bashing, filth, police of the World! Ok, my daily crying about how all freedom is now dead on the net is over.
f95zone is one of the only free places left where people can actually have a comunity, or even discus this stuff, i LOVE f95zone! An everyone in it! :)

Lol Jungletrek you lucky lucky lucky bugger lol! You have a wife willing to play like that, dam you!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol! Dont supose she has a unmarried sister by any chance? ;)

Cygnus X-1 true rule34 xxx has some good stuff, unfortunatly, it also has loli an just visiting such places, if you live in the UK, means you can be sent to prision! Just warning people, most in UK dont know even 1 image, even remotly considered such, can end with you in jail! Every ip acessed by everyone in the UK is now recorded by the UK govenment, theMet police estimated 50% of the UK population could be arrested and sentenced to prision under the powers it has now! Ah, i do remember freedom, it was nice wheen we had it......

loloidk like everywhere else...There are fantastic artists, creators, fans, out there, only politicians, police, souless companies, get in the way. Credit card companies block payments to certain sites. Hosting servers refuse certain content incase of police harassment. Fetishes, of all types, easy prey for politicians or public attention seekers, to make targets of to blame for the Worlds ills, so start campaigns, stir up public opinion, companies get scared of loosing money, easier to just ban everything thats not "NORMAL". Hence no way for artists to be paid. No sites to host their creations. No places to even discus these things.... Hence i posted my support for this creator in the first place! These wonderful, wonderful artists, create things others are to scared to, real passion goes into their creations. Knowing full well, the haters, the cowards, the souless, will attack their creations, but, they must be told, their works bring so much hope to so many! ALL creators should take spirit from ALL these comments, ALL these posts, we ALL LOVE what they do, no matter WHAT any others say, or what pressure dickwads apply, YOUR WORKS ARE HEAVENLY! The PROVE we are NOT alone in our darkest, shunned fetish!

zkall i LOVE you! Lol no seriously! Not only are you supporting this artist, but your also adding your own creations to it! A creative, adding their own creations to enhance someone elses masterpiece! No money grabbing, no conditions, just freely offering up your art to those who share your fetish. Never change zkall, never change! Every one of your additions gives me faith that the human race is not infact doomed! An perhaps, just perhaps, the human race is worth saving after all? YOU do that, you, your work, your artistic efforts, your sharing, its beutiful, truely beutiful, i love your soul! Not much moves my cold bitter heart these days, so please, just take it as its meant, what can i say, i am a old hippy at heart lol! Peace and love to everyone! :)


Cygnus X-1

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2021
Holy crap this is awesome, and why I joined this site :)

Shame to hear OP (Final Fetish) is not going to expand on this genre? I for one am happy to pay money for this kind of stuff, though I'm in a Muslim country and my card has a habit of refusing sex-based payment processors. There are usually ways around such things though.

Thank you Zkall for the voice mod! Can't wait to hear some sound effects too :)

For the haters - if it's not your kink, why come here and whine? There are thousands of different kinks out there but I've never felt the need to tell other people their kinks are wrong.

For the confused - What is arousing as a sexual fantasy can be 100 miles from what you want in reality. I'm also into executrix/snuff, with women seducing and killing men, preferably with a knife to the heart. What I want that in real life? Nopes. Is it hot as hell when my wife role-plays that with a retractable-blade knife? Hell yeah!

In fairness it's not her kink either, but she enjoys seeing me so horny and she knows she'll get endless backrubs and affection after, so it's a win-win.

No I don't want to die or lose my genitals. Yes I do want to watch or imagine experiencing a bad girl being really bad and ending me or my manhood - as long as I'm still intact and can do it again later :p

As I said, I'm only here cos I heard about this game. Frankly, the idea of adult games strikes me as a little weird. There's full-on video porn freely available, so why are you here playing games? Because they can cater to my kink? OK, sign me up!

For the guy creating his own castration game, good luck, I'm rootin' for ya!


Feb 20, 2023
I wish there were more such beautiful games
Lol been wishing that for decades! Lol ever since the origional Doom got a Leather clad feminazi mod way back in the day,(shows how lon been waiting lol). I wished, an wished, the femnazis would evolve into penis munching canniballs, but, alas....no... :( Now, finally, someone does something fantastic, an, then, decides to stop!
4.80 star(s) 14 Votes