4.80 star(s) 14 Votes

Cygnus X-1

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2021
Lol been wishing that for decades! Lol ever since the origional Doom got a Leather clad feminazi mod way back in the day,(shows how lon been waiting lol). I wished, an wished, the femnazis would evolve into penis munching canniballs, but, alas....no... :( Now, finally, someone does something fantastic, an, then, decides to stop!
Where did you see penis eating cannibals? o_O I only saw that in drawings online. Not in other games or videos. However you can find online on sites like xvideos make believe castration videos and needles stuck in balls and cocks.
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New Member
Nov 13, 2023
I've been looking for similar games for a very long time, but all the cutting room, my sister put a chastity cage, fate King. I would like to find something else like this, if anyone knows such games, share the link or the name


Feb 5, 2018
I've been looking for similar games for a very long time, but all the cutting room, my sister put a chastity cage, fate King. I would like to find something else like this, if anyone knows such games, share the link or the name
I cannot find the "Fate King" game here. Can you link it? Also these two mentioned games has penectomy or just femdom?

Throngled Dongle

New Member
Jun 1, 2024
If only we could get this quality of 3d animated cocks and ejaculations in non-CBT/penectomy settings. I've wanted to see entire competitive ejaculation self-denial games like that one scene alone, but with different types of consequences for cumming first.
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Feb 5, 2018
If only we could get this quality of 3d animated cocks and ejaculations in non-CBT/penectomy settings. I've wanted to see entire competitive ejaculation self-denial games like that one scene alone, but with different types of consequences for cumming first.
Yeah it is not the most common topic at all. On other sites penectomy and castration pictures, comics use to be downvoted to hell. So unless you find an artist who make games in Unity or UE5 and you pay a bucket of money for it, I do not think anybody would make a game like that just for fun. Which is sad. I would like to see a game where you can interact with different animals/monsters/aliens on various ways including feeding them your penis. :)
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Feb 20, 2023
Lol there are a few cannibal zombie films out there with knob chewing, seem to have lost the one i did have, sorry. It was an American film, they did a few zombie movies, excellent makeup, usually porn, but one had a scene with a zombie girl biting off a mans cock after he got a bj from her. Sorry cant remeber title, it was under Horror porn if that helps any. As for Doom mod, i WISHED, an WISHED, the leather clad nazi women mod, in doom, would have evolved into a penis muching nazi bitches mod, unfortunatly...They never , ever, did, well, not unless you count my in horny dreams anyway lol! Topless women, yes, nazi women, yes, but no cock munching Doom mod, lol!


Feb 20, 2023
Does anyone know where to find similar castration games? Or similar content
I wish, but this place is the only place where any real leads have developed, ie, Cutting Room, an the list of fetish games in another thread. This is the problem, they just dont exist, every other fetish is out there, but as this one could involve blood, or dismemeberment, in most countries they are considered illegal, if they have not been rated, an they never get passed those rating them (IF, they could actually afford to submit them to be rated in the first place that is!). Thats why, THIS PLACE, is the BEST source of finding any such related stuff, beleive me, i know, been surfing nearly 40years for this kinda stuff!


New Member
Jun 6, 2020
LIt was an American film, they did a few zombie movies, excellent makeup, usually porn, but one had a scene with a zombie girl biting off a mans cock after he got a bj from her. Sorry cant remeber title, it was under Horror porn if that helps any.
'Porn of the Dead' perhaps?

Does anyone know where to find similar castration games? Or similar content
Check out 'Shortcut to Geldding'. The current version is censored, but the author is supposed to release an uncensored version with music/sound effects:

Cygnus X-1

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2021
" " has one such scene. The film is a Japanese sci-fi horror comedy / parody. It has buckets of blood and lots of bits and pieces flying around plus some funny scenes as well. :giggle:


Jan 18, 2024
If only we could get this quality of 3d animated cocks and ejaculations in non-CBT/penectomy settings. I've wanted to see entire competitive ejaculation self-denial games like that one scene alone, but with different types of consequences for cumming first.
Agreed 100% I don't go for guro and especially not castration/CBT, but I absolutely LOVE the "don't cum or I'll punish you" aspect. I've been looking for games with this theme and this one managed to scratch the itch, so much that it outweighs my dislike of guro. And the animations are excellent when everyone's still intact. When the actual violence happens, the fact that there are no voices and only minimal blood help lessen the effect too. So I had a lot more fun with this than I thought I would.

Does anybody know of more games with the "don't cum or I'll punish you" theme??


Oct 26, 2021
The only flaw of this game is that it is too short and has few girls without having included a conquest ending. the next one should be a management software for the castration brothel ahaahahhaahahhaahhahahahahahahaahhahahahaahahhahahaahhahaahhaahhahahaha HOPE NEVER DIES
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New Member
Feb 20, 2025
Are there more updates in the future??, maybe you can add the scenes about why the main character was kidnapped, or add more scenes about cut and stories to make the story more deeply. I am looking forward to seeing more
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4.80 star(s) 14 Votes