It needs a lot of work. It has promise, but not much going for it right now. Animation is good, but art is hit or miss. I'm not super into massively huge tits, but maybe that's just me
The content available now is very bare bones. You get one quest outside and it's very easy. The reward for it is nothing. There is XP and stats, but so far they serve no purpose
The English in this is very broken. I gather the creator is not a native speaker so they should consider getting someone to help translate to make it a bit smoother
I haven't seen any glitches other than one scene with a visual glitch, so that's a good mark
Characters seem very cardboard though. Like, the sister is a stereotypical cartoon older sibling who constantly tries to put the younger one down. I'm alos not into incest so I don't care to look down that line. Just saying I know what they're going for with the sister and it comes off as rough
Other characters are pretty cardboard as well. Sister's friend is lesbo who thirsts after sister but will give into urges for MC. Cafeteria lead is stereotypical flirtatious slut. Cafeteria helper is stereotypical shy angry girl who snaps at any attempt to socialize with her. Other characters follow very obvious tropes. They feel like there was no real personality in them other than the trope they're filling in for. They don't feel like real characters who feel. They really need work
So far the only character that seems promising is the storeroom guy and purely because he's there for comic relief.
Things seem very linear so far and not in a good way. You just keep going to the next spot the questline tells you to go to and then progress in that scene. There's really not much input. No dialogue choices to lead to alternative results. Just a slideshow really. It can work that way, but there needs to be a lot of other content to make up for it
I'd give this a 2.5/5 if I could so I guess 3/5 is as close to it as I can get. I see promise, but it needs work. Characters really need to be redone as they're very bland and just fill in tropes. Outside the vault really needs som content. There should be more to do in the vault than go to rooms to talk
This is a parody on Fallout and so far the only real things that feel like Fallout are the idea that you're underground and the idea that the world above is a wasteland, neither of which actually feel like they are factors in this. If you took out the obvious FO paintjob, this would feel like some random bunker and it doesn't even feel like a bunker most of the time. Just feels like a building you live in. I'm not too sure how it can be made to feel a bit more immersive, but I think something should be attempted to make it feel more real
There really needs to be more FO content in this or it just doesn't feel like FO. Bring in some loved FO characters, outfits, weapons, enemies. The world of FO is very varied. Add towns out in the wasteland that you can visit. Like send the player to Megaton for some rustic scavengers to talk with, fuck, and do quests with. Add Paradise Falls as that will enable some darker and optional tones to the game like slavery and rape. Add in Goodneighbor so there's bars, ghouls, and entertainment. Like, a bar scene could enable randomized encounters for both sex scenes and interactions. Add in the Institute so players can craft their own companion(s) for combat or sex. Add in New Vegas so players can gamble and meet Mojave characters. Add in even madeup places for mutants, robots, aliens, creatures, etc. I don't think people would really care if all these characters and places would mix in despite being years and states apart, it's just for fun
Also, something needs to be done about the music. That song is nice, but hearing that over and over again is rough. Toss in some others to spice it up