Well, i added difficulty mostly to test different settings. Some people like a challenge. Some don't.
Yep, dump site is one place where difficulty currently used to calculate chances of finding something.
Oh, also i have added hardcore difficulty for even more enjoyment

And to test/add other core variables/flags to internals.
As for bonuses, if/when i add achievements/unlocks system then maybe. Get bot's Sex to S at Hard, get permanent boost to Sex xp for this bot model in any playthrough. This kind of stuff. So hard will be hard, but longer you play less hard it will be.
Yes, if you want to change/mold bot's mind you lower stability, do your evil deeds, then stabilize it back. If you keep it unstable there will be chance of bad/weird events. Think bot going berserk or CPU get burned out due to excessive "thinking".
Computer skill will affect your interactions with bots, you know how their hardware/software works, so you can train them better. Also i will add NetConsole to Home, it will be used there too for multiple purposes.
When talking about orders i meant when you work you can get "client want their bot repaired". Basically specific task for you to complete. RoboSechs and Market are different, you have to initiate deal yourself.
More such tasks and traders will be added later with different requirements and rewards.
Reputations are not used right now, when i get to it, i will rebalance numbers.
In 0.1.2 work will give more xp and become somewhat good way to earn both money and xp. Also there is chance junkie will bring you top parts, like v7, for spare change.
If there is extra AP then rewards are increased, but i guess i should up it a little.
Code-wise 0.1.2 is more or less ready. Waiting for renders to replace current girls assets. No hard ETA, but if all goes well, this weekend, maybe next weak. Meanwhile will close more UI/UX todo entries