4.60 star(s) 45 Votes

Curious Nekomimi

New Member
Mar 30, 2021
Incredibly polished. I eagerly look forward to seeing how this game develops!

In the Train, Tinker, Hack, Inventory, and Upgrade menus, the "Done" button moves right and is replaced by the "Back" button. Keeping the button in the same place as other menus would help with muscle memory. I clicked the "Done" or "Back" button so many times when I meant to hit the other simply because it kept changing positions.

Options for the PC's gender and sex. Being able to play as a woman would be neat. Having options for trans, futa, gay, and lesbian PCs would be awesome!

Extreme modifications for mid/endgame like extra limbs, unconventional sex organs (tentacles, cyborg, multiple, canine, equine, tentacle, cutting edge semi-legal designed for max pleasure), additional breasts. The ability to have unconventional body parts would be cool, things like power arms/legs, body armor, modular orifices that can be swapped around (e.g. pussy mouth).

I like the idea of turning people into sexbots via surgical operations/nanomachine infection, mind breaking, mental rewiring, hypnosis, brainwashing sex machines, neural implants. Maybe there could be a dark path where the PC decides to make extra money, or it's a tempting option in the harder difficulties, and stoops to that level just to survive (or get rich).

Maybe Mitsutachi Corp. really is setting you up for black ops, as suggested in the intro, and after a while a dark path opens up (maybe an optional branch) and starts bringing you inconvenient people, e.g. activitsts, reporters, investigators, etc... to convert into sexbots.

Black market type activities, like the above, could present risks for the combat mechanic, shady deals gone wrong, fighting off private investigators or would-be rescuers, and nosy police (maybe with options to capture and convert them too), having a change of heart and rescuing or hiding someone you were ordered to convert.
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
Incredibly polished. I eagerly look forward to seeing how this game develops!

In the Train, Tinker, Hack, Inventory, and Upgrade menus, the "Done" button moves right and is replaced by the "Back" button. Keeping the button in the same place as other menus would help with muscle memory. I clicked the "Done" or "Back" button so many times when I meant to hit the other simply because it kept changing positions.

Options for the PC's gender and sex. Being able to play as a woman would be neat. Having options for trans, futa, gay, and lesbian PCs would be awesome!

Extreme modifications for mid/endgame like extra limbs, unconventional sex organs (tentacles, cyborg, multiple, canine, equine, tentacle, cutting edge semi-legal designed for max pleasure), additional breasts. The ability to have unconventional body parts would be cool, things like power arms/legs, body armor, modular orifices that can be swapped around (e.g. pussy mouth).

I like the idea of turning people into sexbots via surgical operations/nanomachine infection, mind breaking, mental rewiring, hypnosis, brainwashing sex machines, neural implants. Maybe there could be a dark path where the PC decides to make extra money, or it's a tempting option in the harder difficulties, and stoops to that level just to survive (or get rich).

Maybe Mitsutachi Corp. really is setting you up for black ops, as suggested in the intro, and after a while a dark path opens up (maybe an optional branch) and starts bringing you inconvenient people, e.g. activitsts, reporters, investigators, etc... to convert into sexbots.

Black market type activities, like the above, could present risks for the combat mechanic, shady deals gone wrong, fighting off private investigators or would-be rescuers, and nosy police (maybe with options to capture and convert them too), having a change of heart and rescuing or hiding someone you were ordered to convert.

Next update is coming probably next week (unless we manage to get things done by weekend). There will be lots of UI/UX improvements, reducing extra clicks and generally adding some QoL. Would like to get feedback on it before adding more UI related things to todo list.
Also you can right click anywhere to "Back" and middle click/press wheel to "Home". This is how i usually playtest.

As for MC gender. It is unlikely, mostly because of basically doubling/tripling assets needed, especially if some sort of body modifications will be added too, in this case it will require hundreds renders for every single scene. Technically it may be possible. Especially if this was text-only game. But for now, i don't think i will be able to add this.
But i surely can see how it would be nice as an option.

Option to add non-girls, non-humans, may be added if/when i add bot models/parts modding. I have dummy stubs in code to support generic body modifications (like tits/ass size) in code already, plus rudimentary pronounces support.
But it will be only as external independent mods, base game content (at least related to trainable bots) will be pretty much: bots are girls-only, mc is a guy.

Unconventional modifications is directly linked to assets again. For text-only game it would work. For game using layered 2d images i may work. For game with real-time 3d it may work too. But for this one, right now, sorry.

Turning people into bots is interesting, but very unlikely, lore is "everyone can distinguish bots and humans instantly, no matter how you you disguise one or another".
No comments on other ideas, still not sure how things would develop, so i can either drop spoiler or promise and fail to deliver. Don't like both options :D


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
Incredibly polished. I eagerly look forward to seeing how this game develops!


Options for the PC's gender and sex. Being able to play as a woman would be neat. Having options for trans, futa, gay, and lesbian PCs would be awesome!

I like the idea of turning people into sexbots via surgical operations/nanomachine infection, mind breaking, mental rewiring, hypnosis, brainwashing sex machines, neural implants. Maybe there could be a dark path where the PC decides to make extra money, or it's a tempting option in the harder difficulties, and stoops to that level just to survive (or get rich).
Absolutely love the idea for turning people into sexbots....Super cool idea!

Not sure why, since it's a robot, you couldn't build it to be multi gendered.
That way the new owner, or builder, could have twice as much fun with it? I dunno.....

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Reactions: Curious Nekomimi


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
Absolutely love the idea for turning people into sexbots....Super cool idea!

Not sure why, since it's a robot, you couldn't build it to be multi gendered.
That way the new owner, or builder, could have twice as much fun with it? I dunno.....

Lore answer: because greedy corporations control the market and add very serious DRM
Dev answer: because assets


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
Lore answer: because greedy corporations control the market and add very serious DRM
Dev answer: because assets
Yes, sorry should have mentioned, I was just musing a bit again.
Keep it up, you're doing really great.
Think it's funny just how many suggestions you're getting... lol
It's good quite a few folks are getting interested.

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Reactions: Halfelf and Radnor


New Member
May 28, 2020
I quite like the base of this system, so here's some ideas you could consider.

The big thing, now that I realize how PsychoCore works, is having an option to manually lower it, since in some situation there's a benefit to having it low.

Another idea is some way to modify parts to give bonuses to certain skills. For instance, you could modify a techie robot's eyes with alternate vision modes to enhance their ability to work with machinery or electronics, or a combat robot's arms to add concealed weapons, or a pleasure robot's skin for increased sensitivity. As a more endgame idea it could be neat if the modifications aren't mutually exclusive, but each one raises the difficulty of the modification for the other, for those people that want to build a perfectly submissive sexbot that happens to be also be a tremendously powerful bodyguard, or things like that.

While it would require more picture sourcing, I'd also love it if it were possible to assign different subclasses to the standard 3 roles, maybe dependent on the base model of robot. I fixed up an AGRX-10 and was happy to see the reference to BDSM in the description, but it feels like it's not really manifested in any stats, text, or picture differences. So for an example, I'd love if the Bedroom Toy had a Slave subclass, if nothing else at least for the AGRX-10s. Similarly, you could have techies specialized to either electronics or mechanics, or even provide different things than assistance with repairs like going out and bringing back salavageable pieces for you to fix up. (Could even be a way to find special rare parts you can't otherwise at the moment).

Another idea might be letting you pick a sexbot to escort you while you're out and about. A perfectly tuned sexbot accompanying you could be a powerful persuasive argument when pitching your skills and services, a techie that could come with you to help scavenge or appraise flea market goods, or a bodyguard if we might be going into a dangerous part of town in the future.

Finally, I think it would be nice if there were little random interactions with your sexbots that pop up during the day, just to make your place feel more alive as you add more and more of them.


Oct 19, 2018
I fixed up an AGRX-10 and was happy to see the reference to BDSM in the description, but it feels like it's not really manifested in any stats, text, or picture differences.
I assume something like that could be done with the personality system (once it's in place). For example, certain bots could slightly more easily develop certain personalities, that they were designed for.


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
I quite like the base of this system, so here's some ideas you could consider.

The big thing, now that I realize how PsychoCore works, is having an option to manually lower it, since in some situation there's a benefit to having it low.

Another idea is some way to modify parts to give bonuses to certain skills. For instance, you could modify a techie robot's eyes with alternate vision modes to enhance their ability to work with machinery or electronics, or a combat robot's arms to add concealed weapons, or a pleasure robot's skin for increased sensitivity. As a more endgame idea it could be neat if the modifications aren't mutually exclusive, but each one raises the difficulty of the modification for the other, for those people that want to build a perfectly submissive sexbot that happens to be also be a tremendously powerful bodyguard, or things like that.

While it would require more picture sourcing, I'd also love it if it were possible to assign different subclasses to the standard 3 roles, maybe dependent on the base model of robot. I fixed up an AGRX-10 and was happy to see the reference to BDSM in the description, but it feels like it's not really manifested in any stats, text, or picture differences. So for an example, I'd love if the Bedroom Toy had a Slave subclass, if nothing else at least for the AGRX-10s. Similarly, you could have techies specialized to either electronics or mechanics, or even provide different things than assistance with repairs like going out and bringing back salavageable pieces for you to fix up. (Could even be a way to find special rare parts you can't otherwise at the moment).

Another idea might be letting you pick a sexbot to escort you while you're out and about. A perfectly tuned sexbot accompanying you could be a powerful persuasive argument when pitching your skills and services, a techie that could come with you to help scavenge or appraise flea market goods, or a bodyguard if we might be going into a dangerous part of town in the future.

Finally, I think it would be nice if there were little random interactions with your sexbots that pop up during the day, just to make your place feel more alive as you add more and more of them.
Thanks. I consider all ideas posted here or on discord. I may not always reply or react, but i check and consider.
Some idea are just great, some i already thought myself and already included in todo. But some of them are way out of game scope/vision, some request content i'm not personally fan of and can't really write/deliver. Some are nice and sound, but will require too big changes into game internals or outright impossible technically.
So yeah, i check ideas, i really do, but can't accept all and every.

As a way around it i have plans to make game moddable. So people could add what they want without my direct involvement. Asset packs will allow you to change images/movies. Proper bots/parts modding will allow you to change existing or even add completely new ones.
Asset packs support will be in next update. Plan to release this weekend (not sure if we can do it, but it is possible) or next week.

Now about your ideas :D

Yes, i considered some way to lower stability, aside from xp gains. Maybe some sort of all-in-all training, where you bomb bot with very mixed questions/tasks, so it naturally destabilize PsychoCore without gaining any xp. This is likely to be added.

Some form of parts addons is planned. Don't want to add more bot part slots, but extending parts themselves with optional subparts is something i plan to add. Eventually.
As for bonuses/special effects, i can add these to parts already, CPU affect xp gains, for example. More will be added later on. Subparts will have such too. Exact bonuses i can't tell right now, just don't know, but game framework allow to setup hooks for pretty much any game logic, so there are lots of possibilities.

As Daedalron said, personality system may do this. I doubt i will add ways to directly link images to bot personality, at least in near future. Right now we trying to make renders reflect base personality, plus asset packs may do wonders if done right. Different flavor text and different actual changes/numbers will be added.
If mixed well with chassis logic (electronics-focused arms addon etc) it may give quite some way to shape your bots.
I personally would love to different bots with different changing personalities in game, so this is almost 100% will be added.

Yes, i thought about companions, well, about bodyguards companions, but idea of having techie or clerk along while shopping indeed sounds interesting. Very likely i will add way to set designated companion, not as role taking role slot, but as separate setting.

More randomish activity vignettes or even tiny events surely planned. Just don't have enough time/resources to do it all right now :D


Oct 19, 2018
Yes, i thought about companions, well, about bodyguards companions, but idea of having techie or clerk along while shopping indeed sounds interesting. Very likely i will add way to set designated companion, not as role taking role slot, but as separate setting.
If you add some way of training by a 3rd-party (like for example, hiring a tutor for your bot), you may end up with a bot which would have a higher skill than yours. Which would give a true interest to bringing a bot with you outside, either as a bodyguard, or as a clerk helping with haggling to lower prices (if you use want to use social for that).

But without 3rd-party training, the need of a bot outside will be quite limited gameplay-wise, since bots would only be able to be barely better than yourself (only 1 rank higher).


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
If you add some way of training by a 3rd-party (like for example, hiring a tutor for your bot), you may end up with a bot which would have a higher skill than yours. Which would give a true interest to bringing a bot with you outside, either as a bodyguard, or as a clerk helping with haggling to lower prices (if you use want to use social for that).

But without 3rd-party training, the need of a bot outside will be quite limited gameplay-wise, since bots would only be able to be barely better than yourself (only 1 rank higher).
Yes, in next version you will be able to find bots with high skills already, so it would make sense indeed. Get good bot and stick to it, as keeping will be more useful than selling it. Like with top CPU now.

As for external training, don't know, but may be possible one way or another.


Mar 26, 2020
great game somewhat similar to ark city(cyber wise) unfortunately it was abandoned. I would love to see some gangbang scenes though and more unique events! for a new game this is pretty polished i would say keep it up great game!


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
great game somewhat similar to ark city(cyber wise) unfortunately it was abandoned. I would love to see some gangbang scenes though and more unique events! for a new game this is pretty polished i would say keep it up great game!
More unique events will be added. But group stuff is really content bound, so while i will think about adding code hooks for possible mods in future, we are very unlikely to add such into vanilla version.


Nov 28, 2021
you can also make military service task focus on training combat or repair combat robot
also make robbery and bodyguard to prevent that.
Also you can make long run task with big reward like repair certain part or bot form certain company many times to get exclusive bot, part or upgrade part to next level.
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  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Radnor


New Member
Apr 22, 2020

Next update is coming probably next week (unless we manage to get things done by weekend). There will be lots of UI/UX improvements, reducing extra clicks and generally adding some QoL. Would like to get feedback on it before adding more UI related things to todo list.
Also you can right click anywhere to "Back" and middle click/press wheel to "Home". This is how i usually playtest.

As for MC gender. It is unlikely, mostly because of basically doubling/tripling assets needed, especially if some sort of body modifications will be added too, in this case it will require hundreds renders for every single scene. Technically it may be possible. Especially if this was text-only game. But for now, i don't think i will be able to add this.
But i surely can see how it would be nice as an option.

Option to add non-girls, non-humans, may be added if/when i add bot models/parts modding. I have dummy stubs in code to support generic body modifications (like tits/ass size) in code already, plus rudimentary pronounces support.
But it will be only as external independent mods, base game content (at least related to trainable bots) will be pretty much: bots are girls-only, mc is a guy.

Unconventional modifications is directly linked to assets again. For text-only game it would work. For game using layered 2d images i may work. For game with real-time 3d it may work too. But for this one, right now, sorry.

Turning people into bots is interesting, but very unlikely, lore is "everyone can distinguish bots and humans instantly, no matter how you you disguise one or another".
No comments on other ideas, still not sure how things would develop, so i can either drop spoiler or promise and fail to deliver. Don't like both options :D
suggestion to have non girl, non human content as mod and not part of base game? so no surprise penis lmao
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
So I guess if we were to start comparing size and bragging about who's is biggest:
Then Radnor's todo list
would win! lol

  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Radnor


Jan 2, 2018
Awesome work so far! Really looking forward to where this goes!

I have to say I didn't put together the fact that you got traits from letting the PsychoCore go down, but I really like that idea. I just tried to keep stability high so I didn't get murdered in my sleep.

As far as suggestions for UI: It's not really necessary since you've put in a "Back" button, but adding a way to "Lock" bots that you want to keep in order to prevent selling them. Could be lock/unlock toggle for each slot or maybe specialized "personal bot" slots.

A few suggestions for roles, some of which may have already been mentioned:
Bodyguard/Enforcer: Protect you when combat is implemented. Maybe helps you get lower prices at market from intimidation.
Prostitute: Send your bots to the streets for side income but with high risk of damage
Scavenger: Make them do your trash-picking


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
Awesome work so far! Really looking forward to where this goes!

I have to say I didn't put together the fact that you got traits from letting the PsychoCore go down, but I really like that idea. I just tried to keep stability high so I didn't get murdered in my sleep.

As far as suggestions for UI: It's not really necessary since you've put in a "Back" button, but adding a way to "Lock" bots that you want to keep in order to prevent selling them. Could be lock/unlock toggle for each slot or maybe specialized "personal bot" slots.

A few suggestions for roles, some of which may have already been mentioned:
Bodyguard/Enforcer: Protect you when combat is implemented. Maybe helps you get lower prices at market from intimidation.
Prostitute: Send your bots to the streets for side income but with high risk of damage
Scavenger: Make them do your trash-picking

Idea of "locking" bots is quite good, probably will not add it as something separate, but if you have manually set roles and try to sell bot it will ask for confirmation. So you still able to sell it if you want, but get some safety belts if you just forgot/misclicked.
P.S.: Actually adding specific switch might be not so bad idea too... Just to remove bot from being listed in sales choices at all. Will think about.

Bodyguard will be added for sure, will play big enough role once combat system added.
Scavenger is something i may add.
Prostitute is something i'm not sure about. It would somewhat stretch game scope too much. I have considered whoring your bots, buying brothel property and such. But right now i think it would work better to move anything related to separate game with same ui and same bots, but different story, different core game loop. This way i will be able to make each game focus.
But i guess i may change my mind later on, once i get further with content.

Come to think about, i may add manual missions for bots. If you played SWTOR you would know what i mean.
So there will be roles, bot will do something to help you personally. And there will be missions, when you send your bots outside. I think it would work better than adding 50 roles just to annoy everyone :D
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New Member
Sep 2, 2021
Played awhile last night. Really enjoyed this game.

Weird, but I think a SFW mode would also be really worthwhile, especially as content expands.

You could possibly have branching skill tree, for example Repair branches to Electronics/Mechanics/software skills and sex branches to escort/bdsm/dancer skills. So, after gaining a certain level in the skill, you gain the ability to specialize a bit more. I think this could also become very useful as content is added, especially if people want to do things like BotFights. The combat skills could work like Rock Paper Scissors, with a little RNG

Recurring customers could be interesting. Especially those that come in and request specific parts.

Maybe an ability to filter what you're looking for at the junkyard, which gives a very slight increase to the chance of finding something like a power core. Doesn't have to be for a specific model, just "I want to look for power cores today." This could be tied to your knowledge of the parts you're looking for, making it even more important to repair good parts so you understand where to find them in the junk heap.

This is an excellent premise for this genre. And I want to be able to play a version when the kids are awake.
4.60 star(s) 45 Votes