Oct 12, 2018
Just out of curiosity before I go downloading it, how much H content is in the game currently, or in the current version on here anyways, and does it tie into gameplay? Or is it more of a separate mode where all the sex takes place?


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
Just out of curiosity before I go downloading it, how much H content is in the game currently, or in the current version on here anyways, and does it tie into gameplay? Or is it more of a separate mode where all the sex takes place?
It's tie in the gameplay, and you have... 5-6 H scene for the moment?


Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
So I buy it, ok, where? I can't see it in the trader menu back at the base.
In the base there should be a trader directly next to your storage. This store should have every weapon part in scrap quality.

I do want more informations, tho'. Figure we can talk privately if you know where I can get Version Twelve?
You're asking the one person in this thread that is actively against leaking newer versions :KEK:

On a sidenote: Any changelog for v13?


Feb 20, 2021
You're asking the one person in this thread that is actively against leaking newer versions :KEK:

On a sidenote: Any changelog for v13?
Wow, way to step a man in the back...
I would post the Changelog, but I have to go to the Hospital now to get that Knife removed and to cry in a corner over my hurt feelings :HideThePain:

Also, I did answer the question truthfully, it was just the answer some individuals here do not like.


Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
Wow, way to step a man in the back...
I would post the Changelog, but I have to go to the Hospital now to get that Knife removed and to cry in a corner over my hurt feelings :HideThePain:
Lemme twist that knife: *stab
Well, folks, I'm sorry to tell you, but we will never see those changelogs..


Jan 21, 2019
Game not really good enough to support just yet, i'll wait. Not that many H animations, the randomness of H animations annoys me. The fact that there's only one scene if you seduce someone mean that style of play is just seeing the same one over and over again. Don't particularly like the stealing system. Kinda sucks that if you wanna play this as a porn game, you'll inevitably lose as the enemies take all your gun parts until you have 0 gun. If it's in my inventory fair enough, but taking parts from the actual gun is incredibly annoying.

The initial gun is complete crap as well. Slow to aim and do anything, low damage, and just feels like complete crap to use. Enemies feel way to bullet spongy too. Plate armour isn't invincible, they should be getting knocked down at least. If you want the game to be tactical which is the style this game is going for, one round to the head should be a kill. The damage system is good, the implementation is not. In a game like Arma, it's possible to take things slowly, and also see your enemies. There's too much open ground and not enough cover, especially when enemies see and react to you through bushes n stuff. Plus there's no crouching or going prone to mitigate recoil like those games too.

Lastly, the motions of the H animations are good, but her face never changes. Weird to see someone getting absolutely railed with a completely blank expression. Some more camera angles like a POV or something would help. Similar games like Too Much Light are really capturing the H part of it much better than this one. The alternate clothing is good to have, but it's just a reskin. I assume there will be more later. Plus a way for her to not cover up which i assume will be implemented.

Basically, not a good enough shooter, and not a good enough porn game for me to be dropping £10 a month on yet. I'm sure they'll make it work tho, and consistent updates are promising.
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Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
If you want the game to be tactical which is the style this game is going for, one round to the head should be a kill.
It is. I never (even with the most shitty gun) had to fire a second shot. Maybe your shots missed, because the gun was too inaccurate.


Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
Can you post a video. I want to see where I'm going wrong.
I'm not doing a full Let's Play, but I can give some tricks that made the game more enjoyable for me. I saw you did a 1*-review (I don't agree with that rating but you do you, my friend) so I'll address mainly your points from there.

Pinning you with an effect that is blurs the almost the entire screen in seconds AND fucks with your controls.
This is basically you being stunned. You can't do anything really and that's the intention, like flashbangs in CS:GO. BUT you can open up your inventory and take a painkiller to negate the effect. That's their intended purpose. Does the system work well yet? No, a painkiller hotkey would be way better imo, but the game is in development so eh.

The game economy is trash. That instant grab attack? In the same instant they take pretty much all of your stuff. If you actually get taken out? Well you're really fucked then as you just lost all your armour and your weapon... Weapons are built with around 12 parts, and while lovingly designed it rapidly becomes impossible to get your footing back. Especially as it's all down to RNG as to the quality and type of stuff you get.
Now, here's my super duper cheesy how-to-not-get-frustrated-by-getting-hit-once-and-losing-half-your-weapon trick:
You want to kill the guys that stole your stuff. He has everything still in his inventory. Here's how I do it successfully. Once the animation is over you quickly press H to go into first-person mode and reload. While you are reloading try to find this fucker running away from you (or do it very quickly before going into first-person). FUCK.HIM.UP. He's running away and you have enough of a weapon left to kill him (depends ofc on the weapon you had before). Get your loot back. Often your silencer gets stolen, in that case you want to get away into cover and re-attach your weapon parts.

Side-note: I do love armour. Not because I take less HP damage, but because it protects against the stun effect.

The stealth mechanic is a joke. Low, still, and in a bush? Yeah they can see you perfectly.
Yes, that's partially true. You have to have quite a lot of cover in the direct line of sight to stay hidden and they often times see me first. But they are always reacting verbally. So either I book it back into (relative) safety or hide behind the next hard cover. Also, they don't have eyes in the back. Especially in the forest I could sneak up close enough to them from behind for a safe headshot (not too close though or they might hear you).

Side-side-note (because I'm one of those guys): Have you tried playing on a lower difficulty. Especially the starting weapons makes the beginning of the game more fun for most people, I assume.

EDIT: Also, the scan ability can really help to find enemies in hard-to-see areas. It does not need much energy.
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Aug 8, 2017
EDIT: Also, the scan ability can really help to find enemies in hard-to-see areas. It does not need much energy.
The scan ability is the only one I've gotten any use out of. The others either didn't seem to work in the (admittedly limited) testing I gave them, or drained my energy so fast that I was still under their guns when I hit empty.
Nov 3, 2021
The scan ability is the only one I've gotten any use out of. The others either didn't seem to work in the (admittedly limited) testing I gave them, or drained my energy so fast that I was still under their guns when I hit empty.
True, I don't know about the state of the things beyond r11 but the scan augment is practically like an essential and then there is the shock augment, which is the cheesiest way to get loot. Grab some batteries, a few meds and some armour, then go to the warehouse on the first map (where corpo enemies are). It has the best loot and you can breeze through it by walking in there, getting stunned and shocking enemies to death when they try to run up close to rape you. Just don't forget to heal and charge up between encounters ;)
Jun 12, 2022
I'm not doing a full Let's Play, but I can give some tricks that made the game more enjoyable for me. I saw you did a 1*-review (I don't agree with that rating but you do you, my friend) so I'll address mainly your points from there.
I think we'll have to disagree on the rating. That 1* is down to having a great concept and a solid base for the NSFW side of things.

Thanks for your attempt at answers but they've not really answered my questions:

1) How do you employ the super duper cheesy method when you can't see due to jizz/black clouding etc? Especially when the guy in the same instant gets a blowjob, strips your weapon, takes your ammo, and takes your tissues, pills, etc. By the time I'm back in first person, reoriented myself, reloaded, or got the shock hand up; they're fucking gone.... By the time I find them again they're ready to fight but I'm in a worse set up and it's a repeat of the last event. Instantly pinned, controls messed with, and this time usually dead as they stole all my medkits...

The amount that they steal is ridiculous. I could understand it if they stole a single item or had actually sped time looting you. However, they don't.

2) How do you do single shot kills when the RNG throws bullets off by crazy amounts? I dropped to the lowest difficulty after a few hours of trying to figure out what where I was going wrong. I play ARMA, Ready or Not, and other tactical shooters. I had a bullet miss an AI by several feet whilst I was stationary, he was at around 20ft away, and with his back to me. That was with a mix of scrap, legacy, and modern. The bullet should've landed in his spine, but struck a wall about three feet to his right!

3) How do you retreat when as soon as you start to do so, they instantly open up pinning you with the blurred vision and control altering effects?

The visual effects for pinning alone wouldn't be that bad. However, the controls being messed with usually leads you into the open.

As bad as RoN is with it's unrealistic movement (SWAT can't run, but suspects can...) and inhuman response times from the AI with killshot wounds not necessarily killing them (literally had one guy get back up with a bullet wound decal where his aorta is :FacePalm:), it's at least manageable as the guns don't send bullets off in completely random directions.

Like I say, I absolutely love the concept, but the implementation is dreadful.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
The scan ability is the only one I've gotten any use out of. The others either didn't seem to work in the (admittedly limited) testing I gave them, or drained my energy so fast that I was still under their guns when I hit empty.
The electrochock ability are super usefull when you have no weapon, or the mercenary are going to catch you for raping you, also, you can kill 2-3 people at the same times


Feb 20, 2021
I think we'll have to disagree on the rating. That 1* is down to having a great concept and a solid base for the NSFW side of things.
So wait, you think that everything is great/ has a Solid base but you give it one Star because of (what is basically) a skill issue? You apparently do not know how a ranking system based on stars works.
I play ARMA, Ready or Not, and other tactical shooters.
And what is that supposed to tell us? That you are a tactical genius just because you play those games? Honestly, I have seen some of the dumbest Idiots in Arma who think that putting an Suppressor on a MG is a great Idea and then wonder why the gun keeps jamming or starts to cook-off. Or they are send to capture a HVI and the first thing they do is throwing a bunch of Frag grenades into the house with the HVI in it. Yes, I know that there are some people who are like gods in that game, but that is because they went through reallife military training or they spend thousands of hours in that game, learning how to cheese its mechanics. And after reading through the stuff you wrote, I highly doubt that you are one of the people that have actual training or an understanding on how to learn to cheese a games mechanics.

Now to address some of the things you are bitching about:
How do you employ the super duper cheesy method when you can't see due to jizz/black clouding etc?
Getting stuff in your eyes has been addressed in later versions, but it still is in the game in a adjusted form. It will still obstruct your vision but you can get rid of it by going into water. And before you cry about tentacles, the new map has some water sources that are not infested. Also, the tactic is based on speed and some luck, so the quicker you are, the higher the chance of you being able to spray down the enemy or at least inflict a fatal wound.
How do you do single shot kills when the RNG throws bullets off by crazy amounts?
It is NOT RNG. If you use a short scrap barrel with .45 homemade ammo then it will not be as accurate as when you where using a longer barrel and 5.56 Full metal jacket. And if you do not use the very handy weapons resting feature,that helps with the arm fatigue and gives extra accuracy because the weapons sway gets negated, then its no wonder that the round goes where ever it wants. Again, its not RNG, its the game having a realistic system in place that takes everything into account and gives you the result based on math not some random number.
How do you retreat when as soon as you start to do so, they instantly open up pinning you with the blurred vision and control altering effects?
I would have expected more tactical prowess from someone that uses Arma and RoN as a claim of his skill.
The answer to your question is easy:
It is a realistic depiction of what can happen to you when you are under fire. Having a bunch of rounds going over your head or hitting around you fucks with your brain. It will stress you out because you know that ,if you move even a millimeter, you are fucked and that will cause your heart rate to skyrocket, you will fell like you can not breath while the only thing you hear is the rounds, breaking the sound barrier while flying over your head. It takes a lot of mental strength to keep your cool in that situation.
In the game, if you get pinned by enemy suppressive fire, you better hug that cover and wait for them to stop shooting. The AI only gets 60-90 rounds of ammo each, so they will stop shooting wildly when they start to run low. Once the shooting stops you can relocate and eliminate (never peek a corner twice!) or you try to lure the enemy close so you can shock them or cant miss your shot.
The amount that they steal is ridiculous. I could understand it if they stole a single item or had actually sped time looting you. However, they don't.
Mate, they are removing your pants and shirt to fuck you or cuff your hand behind your back. You do not see it happen but it still happens. So that obviously is where they are searching and stealing your shit.


Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
Okay, let's calm down a bit and not insult each other. We are civilized folk on this porn game site :Kappa:

How do you employ the super duper cheesy method when you can't see due to jizz/black clouding etc? Especially when the guy in the same instant gets a blowjob, strips your weapon, takes your ammo, and takes your tissues, pills, etc. By the time I'm back in first person, reoriented myself, reloaded, or got the shock hand up; they're fucking gone....
Haven't tried it yet, but the electroshock ability should be faster. Maybe that's easier for you.
More additions to my patented super-duper-omega-cheese strat: Once the screen goes black after the animation and the 'Press V to redress' appears on screen I start pressing buttons. So the moment I'm able to see again I'm halfway through the reload (depending on reload speed ofc).
Also, and I've tested that just for you, if you wanna be extra cheesy you can switch weapons. You have two weapons, but nobody ever uses that feature (me included) which you can switch with the 1 and 2 keys. But they can only steal attachments from you currently used weapon. So just switch to your second one (which is nothing ofc) and they can only steal inventory items.

2) How do you do single shot kills when the RNG throws bullets off by crazy amounts?
Either very high quality weapon or veeery close range. Use hard cover often and wait for them coming close or around a corner. You can hear them pretty well. When fighting in the open I never just shoot once except when I'm having a top tier scoped weapon with me (which I usually don't). I never use full auto, but I'm tapping the shit out of them. At those ranges often times my weapon (and maybe aim) is not good enough to reliably hit the head.

3) How do you retreat when as soon as you start to do so, they instantly open up pinning you with the blurred vision and control altering effects?
I'm always moving from hard cover to hard cover. Fuck bushes, get thicc trees. I love buildings (shoutout to the warehouse, it's the best). So often times once I'm spotted I'm back into hard cover in a second or two. Also, I'm paranoid as fuck and scan (the ability) the area in front of me regularly. Btw, even without the scan ability you have enemy info on the right of the screen once they are visible and you are directly facing them. That's especially useful if you want to sneak up on them, because it tells you if the are starting to notice you.

Mate, they are removing your pants and shirt to fuck you or cuff your hand behind your back. You do not see it happen but it still happens. So that obviously is where they are searching and stealing your shit.
The funny thing is, often they just strip those clothes and not steal them.
He's complaining about the amount of stuff they remove. I get that. I think currently it feels too much. You could ofc always argue 'They should steal everything, because that would be realistic!', but that's silly imo.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
It is NOT RNG. If you use a short scrap barrel with .45 homemade ammo then it will not be as accurate as when you where using a longer barrel and 5.56 Full metal jacket. And if you do not use the very handy weapons resting feature,that helps with the arm fatigue and gives extra accuracy because the weapons sway gets negated, then its no wonder that the round goes where ever it wants. Again, its not RNG, its the game having a realistic system in place that takes everything into account and gives you the result based on math not some random number.
Me using pistol because brr brr piouw piouw

I understand the concept in the game with the bullet, but I don't learn about guns as much... If I see my gun with certain bullets kills faster, I use that, don't give a fuck about the name
Don't take this the wrong way, but it's the first sentence that came to me with the jargon of your message


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
The funny thing is, often they just strip those clothes and not steal them.
He's complaining about the amount of stuff they remove. I get that. I think currently it feels too much. You could ofc always argue 'They should steal everything, because that would be realistic!', but that's silly imo.
I think, at this actual moment, he steal a % of what you have

If you have, like, 100 different items, they steal 20
3.60 star(s) 62 Votes