
Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Just out of curiosity before I go downloading it, how much H content is in the game currently, or in the current version on here anyways, and does it tie into gameplay? Or is it more of a separate mode where all the sex takes place?
besides what everyone else also told you, realise that...
  1. there is also only ONE singular tentacle scene
  2. you can't control the scenes yourself: no play, pause, seek, replay whatever, nothing
  3. the transitions within the same scene from one action to the next are just a dumb interpolation where everything passes through everything for around half a second
  4. the scenes are fairly short, maybe 30 seconds each of 2-3 actions
So playing this just for the smut is absolutely pointless. But hey if you want to shoot russians and get shot while naked running thru darkness this is the game for you
Jun 12, 2022
The concept is great but ideas don't contribute anything to a score. Is Mass Effect: Andromeda a four out of five game? No it's a terrible game but has one of the most interesting concepts in gaming. Yet it failed to live up to it's predecessor in overall quality and that wasn't the highest bar. In this case specifically; the NSFW stuff is a great base and worth the star it gets. The combat aspect of the game makes up more than half of the gameplay loop (as you want to avoid the NSFW contnet) and I think it's badly designed. It gets zero stars for that. Three would mean that it's doing everything competently meshing the systems together. Four means every system meshes almost perfectly, and something in the gameplay rises beyond my expectations in implementation or content. Five stars would require something to utterly blow my mind in it's sheer unmitigated excellence.

Playing ARMA etc is not about tactical genius etc. It's highlighting that I playing games that seem to have served as inspired for the combat mechanics. They're the metrics by which the game gets judged. Due to your obvious intellect, I'm sure you just willfully misinterpreted for humour's sake. After all the hilarious level of your vitriol certainly gave me a chuckle.

Okay, let's calm down a bit and not insult each other. We are civilized folk on this porn game site :Kappa:
Sorry if you felt I was insulting you, not my intention. Apologies if that's the case though.

Haven't tried it yet, but the electroshock ability should be faster. Maybe that's easier for you.
That's the one I generally go for as it's the quickest and I've had limited success with. It's got a very short range, and most of the time they've usually run off by the time I've reoriented myself on them (and possibly trying to see through or clean off visual distortions). I think we agree that sprinting or spamming fire in this situation will have the exact opposite result of the desired goal. Try it though from the sounds of it you'll get a lot of mileage out of it.

Either very high quality weapon or veeery close range. Use hard cover often and wait for them coming close or around a corner. You can hear them pretty well. When fighting in the open I never just shoot once except when I'm having a top tier scoped weapon with me (which I usually don't). I never use full auto, but I'm tapping the shit out of them. At those ranges often times my weapon (and maybe aim) is not good enough to reliably hit the head.
The audio cues might be part of the issue for me. What weapon rating do you find you're getting that result for range? Highest I got was around 6, but difference felt negligible. So full auto is just a way of losing ammo rapidly? Never got to use one, and the only time I remember seeing one I was trying scrounge up to buy tissues to scrape the jizz off.

I'm always moving from hard cover to hard cover. Fuck bushes, get thicc trees. I love buildings (shoutout to the warehouse, it's the best). So often times once I'm spotted I'm back into hard cover in a second or two. Also, I'm paranoid as fuck and scan (the ability) the area in front of me regularly. Btw, even without the scan ability you have enemy info on the right of the screen once they are visible and you are directly facing them. That's especially useful if you want to sneak up on them, because it tells you if the are starting to notice you.
I've been sticking to hard cover as much as possible, ever since discovering that bushes seem to be little more than set decoration after my first stealth run after losing everything. However, once the pinning kicks in even if I make it round a corner they hurtle in and insta-grab.


Jan 21, 2019
Just out of curiosity before I go downloading it, how much H content is in the game currently, or in the current version on here anyways, and does it tie into gameplay? Or is it more of a separate mode where all the sex takes place?
ignore the other guy. There's 5-6 scenes that i've seen. 1 tentacle one, and about 4 or 5 with the human enemies
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Jan 21, 2019
The concept is great but ideas don't contribute anything to a score. Is Mass Effect: Andromeda a four out of five game? No it's a terrible game but has one of the most interesting concepts in gaming. Yet it failed to live up to it's predecessor in overall quality and that wasn't the highest bar. In this case specifically; the NSFW stuff is a great base and worth the star it gets. The combat aspect of the game makes up more than half of the gameplay loop (as you want to avoid the NSFW contnet) and I think it's badly designed. It gets zero stars for that. Three would mean that it's doing everything competently meshing the systems together. Four means every system meshes almost perfectly, and something in the gameplay rises beyond my expectations in implementation or content. Five stars would require something to utterly blow my mind in it's sheer unmitigated excellence.

Playing ARMA etc is not about tactical genius etc. It's highlighting that I playing games that seem to have served as inspired for the combat mechanics. They're the metrics by which the game gets judged. Due to your obvious intellect, I'm sure you just willfully misinterpreted for humour's sake. After all the hilarious level of your vitriol certainly gave me a chuckle.

Sorry if you felt I was insulting you, not my intention. Apologies if that's the case though.

That's the one I generally go for as it's the quickest and I've had limited success with. It's got a very short range, and most of the time they've usually run off by the time I've reoriented myself on them (and possibly trying to see through or clean off visual distortions). I think we agree that sprinting or spamming fire in this situation will have the exact opposite result of the desired goal. Try it though from the sounds of it you'll get a lot of mileage out of it.

The audio cues might be part of the issue for me. What weapon rating do you find you're getting that result for range? Highest I got was around 6, but difference felt negligible. So full auto is just a way of losing ammo rapidly? Never got to use one, and the only time I remember seeing one I was trying scrounge up to buy tissues to scrape the jizz off.

I've been sticking to hard cover as much as possible, ever since discovering that bushes seem to be little more than set decoration after my first stealth run after losing everything. However, once the pinning kicks in even if I make it round a corner they hurtle in and insta-grab.
More or less what I said in my review. They're good mechanics technically, they just feel terrible


Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
Sorry if you felt I was insulting you, not my intention. Apologies if that's the case though.
Nah, you're good. Wasn't meant for you.

I think we agree that sprinting or spamming fire in this situation will have the exact opposite result of the desired goal. Try it though from the sounds of it you'll get a lot of mileage out of it.
You may be surprised (because I'm a FPS god gamer ofc), but I get caught a few times per raid as well and I'd say on average don't manage to get my gear back instantly twice per raid. And in those cases where I lose sight of those fuckers, I start running straight into the direction I hear their movement from. It must be said, that this happens mostly at the start of a raid when starting in the forest, because I usually start with low quality (full scrap) weapon and forest is hard. Thinking about it, it probably depends on which direction they are running. If they are running towards enemies/uncleared parts you have to catch them instantly or you're fucked. If they run into those areas you have already cleared you can just follow them until you get a clear shot.

The audio cues might be part of the issue for me. What weapon rating do you find you're getting that result for range? Highest I got was around 6, but difference felt negligible. So full auto is just a way of losing ammo rapidly? Never got to use one, and the only time I remember seeing one I was trying scrounge up to buy tissues to scrape the jizz off.
I'd say once you have mostly at least 'modern' parts, especially things like barrel and scope. Ammo is very different as well regarding accuracy. You can click on 'info' in your inventory for each ammo type and you'll want to switch from HMD to FMJ once you have enough of it.
No full auto is personal preference. Also, low quality weapons have very bad handling so full auto is even more inaccurate and while high quality weapons would be good on full auto I often don't feel it's necessary anymore. Once I have a good weapon (let's say at least half composite and rest is modern) I'm already using at least FMJ ammo and dealing serious damage on scavs and raiders. For corporates I play a bit differently like repositioning/larger scope and higher calibre or full auto/APN ammo (basically treating them as mini-bosses), but that assumes I see them first and can prepare.

Here maybe my understanding of different ammo types: Click on info on the ammo in your inventory and values like armour penetration, flesh damage and accuracy are self-explanatory. I only use .45 ACP, 5.56 and 7.62 calibres (small to large). Larger calibre means more energy means more damage but also more recoil when firing. Then we have the quality and type of ammo which are HMD (handmade = shit), FMJ (full metal jacket = standard ammo), HLP (hollow point = high flesh damage only) and APN (armour piercing = killing corpos).

In practice it looks like this: I'm starting with scrap weapon and HMD ammo (either .45 or 5.56). Over time I collect more and more FMJ ammo (usually .45 or 5.56) and better gun. At some point I have enough FMJ and switch (calibre depends mostly on what I have). I'd say more often then not at that point I also have a 'modern' weapon. Later I may save a bit of APN for corpos, but every other ammo type gets sent straight to the base (via drone) or sold. If I have enough 7.62 FMJ I like to use it just for their raw damage output (higher recoil is balanced by good gun and single auto fire mode). All personal preference ofc.
Jun 12, 2022
You may be surprised (because I'm a FPS god gamer ofc), but I get caught a few times per raid as well and I'd say on average don't manage to get my gear back instantly twice per raid. And in those cases where I lose sight of those fuckers, I start running straight into the direction I hear their movement from. It must be said, that this happens mostly at the start of a raid when starting in the forest, because I usually start with low quality (full scrap) weapon and forest is hard. Thinking about it, it probably depends on which direction they are running. If they are running towards enemies/uncleared parts you have to catch them instantly or you're fucked. If they run into those areas you have already cleared you can just follow them until you get a clear shot.
Lol, don't try lying to make me feel better!

I'm pretty sure they tend to run towards others. Not sure if that's my crap luck or intended. If the latter, it's kind of cool in an irritating way.

I'd say once you have mostly at least 'modern' parts, especially things like barrel and scope. Ammo is very different as well regarding accuracy. You can click on 'info' in your inventory for each ammo type and you'll want to switch from HMD to FMJ once you have enough of it.
No full auto is personal preference. Also, low quality weapons have very bad handling so full auto is even more inaccurate and while high quality weapons would be good on full auto I often don't feel it's necessary anymore. Once I have a good weapon (let's say at least half composite and rest is modern) I'm already using at least FMJ ammo and dealing serious damage on scavs and raiders. For corporates I play a bit differently like repositioning/larger scope and higher calibre or full auto/APN ammo (basically treating them as mini-bosses), but that assumes I see them first and can prepare.

Here maybe my understanding of different ammo types: Click on info on the ammo in your inventory and values like armour penetration, flesh damage and accuracy are self-explanatory. I only use .45 ACP, 5.56 and 7.62 calibres (small to large). Larger calibre means more energy means more damage but also more recoil when firing. Then we have the quality and type of ammo which are HMD (handmade = shit), FMJ (full metal jacket = standard ammo), HLP (hollow point = high flesh damage only) and APN (armour piercing = killing corpos).

In practice it looks like this: I'm starting with scrap weapon and HMD ammo (either .45 or 5.56). Over time I collect more and more FMJ ammo (usually .45 or 5.56) and better gun. At some point I have enough FMJ and switch (calibre depends mostly on what I have). I'd say more often then not at that point I also have a 'modern' weapon. Later I may save a bit of APN for corpos, but every other ammo type gets sent straight to the base (via drone) or sold. If I have enough 7.62 FMJ I like to use it just for their raw damage output (higher recoil is balanced by good gun and single auto fire mode). All personal preference ofc.
Thanks for the tips. I’ll try build up on that, maybe doing frustrating “stealth” runs to try build a weapon of 'modern' parts by scav'ing gear via drones. I'll be honest, I don't think it'll change my mind for this build. As there's too many frustrations with other aspects, but who knows. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.


Jan 5, 2018
Playing through again I've had some success, but really, not a fan of the playability here. You need to have really great equipment to have a chance at all, and once you lose that you're in trouble. It's like you're fighting the lich at level 1 and have to min/max to survive. What's the point if 75% of the gun parts are useless? Why is there so much modding? It seems unnecessarily complicated. I feel that this is really at its heart a gun mod simulator.
Oct 9, 2021
Can anyone reccomend a playthrough video or something before i commit to downloading a 5gb game?
The trailer provided shows the game's essence. If you would like in detail maybe try the Zombie Laser? it is an SFW work similar to Delta Zone. It is hard to up a video of this without spoiling and being in development stage, resource hogging.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
The third person mode is tacked on, and is barely functional, so saying it has 3rd person is basically baiting and switching.

You move slower, jump less height, can't fight at all, and the camera has a weird jittering effect, while running in 3rd person, making it nausea inducing.

The only reason you would want to switch to 3rd person is because cum in eyes, doesn't affect your vision in 3rd person, and if those money-grubbing raiders take all your tissues, you can't wipe the cum off. So you can't actually see at all. Whoever decided that you can't use your hands, like a regular person, to wipe off cum, should be dragged outside and shot in the nuts. Make it work faster with tissues, but come on, cum, isn't liquid cement, and should be removable with your hands.

And we need a melee attack. For the times when the raiders take a specific component of your gun, making it unfirable, so that we can defend ourselves.

In terms of animations, there is 3. One blowjob scene, one spitroast and one tentacle scene. All of them are static animations, and will clip into the environment or into other objects. ie if you have a belly, and are in the tentacle scene, the tentacle will clip into your belly. You might argue that since there are transitions, its more than one scene for each, but as there aren't any controls for sex (ie Loop, Go Back, Go Forward), but rather an internal timer, you can't even fap to them.


Feb 20, 2021
Yes but H is a partial thrid person only with weapon unequiped.
DELTA ZONE is a [...] FPS game
Reasons for why the Dev has decided against a Third person shooter system have already been discussed (Character model to high poly, causing bad frames; It not fitting in with the planed direction of the game) in this thread and that decision will not be changed, as far as we are aware.

Third person is only for aesthetics and it is intended to mainly be used in savezones (non-combat zones) and H-Szenes.
And we need a melee attack.
Just this:
The electrochock ability are super usefull when you have no weapon, or the mercenary are going to catch you for raping you, also, you can kill 2-3 people at the same times
As you see, there already is a very effective close range weapon build into the character (Yes its no mantis blade, but it gets the job done). And it even works when all your shit got stolen, provided that you have filled up the battery beforehand and dont mind some spooky things showing up if you overuse it (key word "Cyberpsychosis" release 12)


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
The electroshock ability isn't baseline, as far as I can tell. Never found any batteries either. Why can't we just do a simple punch (ie Doom 1) or weapon stock smash attack (ie Halo 1) or Slice them with a knife (ie Call of Duty).

As far as it is a FPS, it isn't really. Viewport is too easily blocked by foilage or meshes, and the cum effect makes everything worse. You don't aim down the sights, reloading is super slow, and a single bullet doesn't normally stun you so effectively that enemies can do whatever to you. Enemies are bullet sponges unless you use special ammo... which is rare and you don't start with any, which means that your standard weapon and standard bullets are barely functional. Like a Colonial Marine, trying to kill a Xenomorph with standard civilian 308 rounds, when they need armor piercing, explosive rounds to make a dent. Maybe things will get better eventually, but not any time soon. I found a working version of V13 on some scary russian site, with viruses that was playable after my virus scanner killed the viruses, and all these issues are still in the game at v13.

3rd person shooter would work a lot better for a game like this. Gears of War and Tomb Raider has shown that it can work well, especially with aim down the sights in 1st person. If the model is too high poly, then optimize the mesh. That is what all third person game studios do. They use tessalation to bump up the model, when zoomed in close, but uses much lower poly when zoomed out. I really don't know why it is such a high poly mesh, other than the genitals or the face, but with camera controls and non-stop action, you can't really zoom in to take a look anyway.
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Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
The electroshock ability isn't baseline, as far as I can tell. Never found any batteries either. Why can't we just do a simple punch (ie Doom 1) or weapon stock smash attack (ie Halo 1) or Slice them with a knife (ie Call of Duty).
Many loot shooters don't have a melee attack without getting a weapon first. It's part of game design. You don't always need it.
As far as it is a FPS, it isn't really.
AcKtUaLly, it's a 4th person turn-based strategy RPG :KEK:
You don't aim down the sights, reloading is super slow, and a single bullet doesn't normally stun you so effectively that enemies can do whatever to you.
Wat? You do aim down sights, reloading speed is highly weapon part specific and armor values are a thing.
I found a working version of V13 on some scary russian site, with viruses that was playable after my virus scanner killed the viruses
You're funny. Shout-out to your virus killing virus scanner.
I really don't know why it is such a high poly mesh
It's a porn shooter. I don't really have to explain why it's maybe good idea to have a nice looking, high quality female protagonist for the porn. She looks waay better than most AAA 3rd person shooter protagonists and that's important (at least for me).

You are trying to justify your own personal preferences by comparing individual mechanics to other (mostly AAA) games and how they are done differently. That's not usefull at all imo. First, each mechanic has to fit into the rest from a design perspecitve as that makes the difference between good and bad. Secondly, comparison as a justification will lead nowhere. In the most extreme sense you could always argue that the game is missing every feature any big game every did.
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3.60 star(s) 62 Votes