Adenan; Which FPSes have inverted mouselook? Honestly the only one that comes to mind is Halo: Combat Evolved, but I don't recall it being in there for Halo 2 and beyond. 90s FPSes didn't have inverted mouselook; ie Quake 2, Duke3D, Doom, Shadow Warrior, etc... the bigs, didn't have inverted mouselook.
D-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N; Okay, good to know it will come eventually. Also good to know you aren't blocking me, but rather just ignoring me

Ends up being about the same, but at least you'll see my positive comments, when I have some more.
I'd also be interested in a birthing sequence from tentacles. Perhaps as a button, like masturbation, but locks you into an animation, so, you want to do it in a secluded spot. Also some kind of penalties to her, as her belly gets bigger, more tentacles are birthed, such as wincing in pain, groans, slowed movement, brief periods of stunned, etc...
And yes, I'll update the review when new builds comes out.