
Oct 2, 2018
While the content is lacking and there are quite a few issues (performance, animation, bugs etc.) - damn, I'm interested after the latest update.
The tentacles, the stomach bulge; amazing. D-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N, what you made with the cum stage is a masterpiece. The fluids are great (maybe except those dripping while walking, but it's a work in progress). I literally downloaded to see if the previews made it justice and they do.

Dev - I beg of you - don't fuck it up. My heart cannot take any more eroge disappointments now and your project seems really cool.

Some general feedback (that's somewhat pointless at this stage, but why not - better earlier than later):
  • I like how deadly the combat might be, and the in-depth damage model
  • The visuals of tentacle writhing inside the stomach is cool - disgusting, as it should be, but cool as fuck.
  • This is very subjective, but I have mixed feeling about the character model of the heroine - she has a cute face, but the hips seem so narrow, the whole figure seems off. That, and she deserves a bigger butt. Or maybe a bit thicker thighs? I can't quite put my finger on it; I know she's supposed to be a fit, athletic kind of hero, but there's some imbalance there. Perhaps breasts are too big for that figure?
  • Not a fan of the struggle mechanic in the current iteration, however I dislike them in general. If this game is supposed to have RPG elements, perhaps consider tying the struggle to a skill check that or something?
  • I can't wait for implementation of more sex mechanics - don't really know what the four stats in the lower left corner do right now (except belly size), but I hope the pre/post sex event effects will be at least as in-depth as the combat damage model :p
  • Iirc the game is supposedly set in Russia? Maybe I got that wrong. Anyway, I assume the level and props are just placeholders, but the writing on some of the walls/doors is in Polish. A happy little accident or foreshadowing the changes in geopolitics in the setting? :p
  • Gun customization is going to be cool, obviously.
  • Tentacle porn is great and there's not enough of that in bigger projects. I really hope that when you go big, you won't "casualize" the content with boring vanilla stuff. I GUESS the game needs human enemies :/

Looking forward to guns, porn and gun-porn :)!


Confused Demoness
Dec 1, 2017
"Quoted stuff"
I agree with a lot of what you said and can expand a bit...

The struggle mechanic makes sense, you pay a price to get out. The better you are, the better your outcome. You can only take so much before you get to your limit then you have to deal with the consequences. The system makes you feel like you have a real and hander time and chance the worse your condition is. The dev has made it apparent that getting any tentacle juice in you will have issues for you and your relations to people. Thus a random chance on first capture to get fucked would be to detrimental to the start. This system is better than the last struggle system version we had which honestly was a clicking clusterfuck. I assume as this goes on, even this will be flushed out a be bitter. Its clunky, but it works.

Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, just because this one doesn't fit the bill for you doesn't mean its spot on for someone else. The dev did say about looking into making the PC modifiable which would be ideal to everyone. But there is a system that takes time. Modify the body means you have to modify the outfits with it. Then any animation needs to account for the changes and be adaptable to work with a array of shapes and sizes. This one is tricky as fuck and I seen a lot of devs get hung up on this step for months on months. Although, having this system in early is much better because any additional systems added in, can be handled one by one rather then having to redesign everything after implementing it from a static model.

Honestly the gun customization and the local body damage are the best parts. There are so many AAA games that could use these concepts. It actually might be too good, all those gun parts actually being comparable is a bit unbelievable. Buuuut its the future right??

The one gripe I have is the weather. It's always raining/foggy/cloudy. You can move the sliders down but 10 sec later you are back to more fog than London. Unless delta is making that happen.. which then it all make sense. If the weather is meant to be realistic, them might need a weight system that leverage the weather to more realistic conditions.


Dec 23, 2018
Did you mean that exactly as you wrote it in english? Because that's non-sense if you did mean that exactly as you wrote it.

Look at this diagram and you'll understand there are not zero people who do this.

I can't play this game until i can invert my mouse.
What Devolution wrote was perfectly clear to me (i played a lot of FPS and Flight-Sims), so i think He meant it exactly like that.
(Engrish is not the Issue here)

The Controls You described are commonly called Flight-Mouse-Control because 99% of Flight-Sims default to them.
(Push to dive, pull to climb, like you would on the Joy-/Flight-Stick)

The Controls in this Game are called FPS-Mouse-Control because 99% of FPS-Games default to these.
(Like the standard Mouse-Operation on the Desktop; push goes up, pull goes down)

You might want to train both approaches, since these Defaults grew in the past 25 Years like that for good Reason.
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Oct 2, 2018
Let me elaborate and argue some points I made:

The struggle mechanic makes sense, you pay a price to get out. The better you are, the better your outcome. You can only take so much before you get to your limit then you have to deal with the consequences. [...] This system is better than the last struggle system version we had which honestly was a clicking clusterfuck. I assume as this goes on, even this will be flushed out a be bitter. Its clunky, but it works.
This one I disagree with - the system right now is just a janky clicker, no skill involved. I like the consequences and I agree conditions should be detrimental to the player - the crux of the matter is how they are applied and how can they be evaded.

The system makes you feel like you have a real and hander time and chance the worse your condition is. The dev has made it apparent that getting any tentacle juice in you will have issues for you and your relations to people. Thus a random chance on first capture to get fucked would be to detrimental to the start.
I agree, a skillcheck might not be the most elegant solution, but personally I would rather leave it to chance (influenced by the character's current state and abilities) than just click like a monkey and hope for the best (that aside, I think you would need an autoclicker for the last stages of struggle, which defeats the purpose of the option - why have it, if it's impossible for a human to succeed?).

I would approach the issue in a different way:
If the game is an FPS with a deadly damage model, then Player should be wary of enemies. "Being good" at FPS games in general is (broadly speaking) shooting accurately, reacting quickly and accordingly and tactics - not random clicking.

In practice, I would say that the Player is expected to watch out for known dangers - such as pools of murky water where tentacles tend to be. If a tentacle is spotted, which shouldn't be that easy, it can be disposed with ease. But it's a creature that attacks through ambushing it's prey - when you're caught, tough luck scrub; git gut and better luck next time - hope you like being a tentacle incubator for the time being.

At most I could see some sort of system that would function like a "get out of jail free card" - for example, if a character has a knife, a taser or the energy to struggle, the player can just use a melee action (or maybe it's a singular input QTE?) to dispose of the threat. It's of course limited somehow - knife's durability, batteries or n amount of times until rested.

Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, just because this one doesn't fit the bill for you doesn't mean its spot on for someone else.
True, hence I underlined it's my subjective opinion. Skimming the thread I got the impression people rather like the model - but personally, I dislike the traits of it I outlined above. I don't even have a specific bodytype preference - I like every type if it's well made: starting from DFC, going through athletic one and ending on thicc and curvy. But this one... with just small adjustments, I believe it could be much better, what can I say more? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The dev did say about looking into making the PC modifiable which would be ideal to everyone. But there is a system that takes time. Modify the body means you have to modify the outfits with it. Then any animation needs to account for the changes and be adaptable to work with a array of shapes and sizes. This one is tricky as fuck and I seen a lot of devs get hung up on this step for months on months. Although, having this system in early is much better because any additional systems added in, can be handled one by one rather then having to redesign everything after implementing it from a static model.
I agree and believe me, I know and understand perfectly what a rabbit hole is a customizable body type and what it entails. Please note I haven't said I expect character customization at all, not to mention at this point in the project. But I understand why you made these points, given how often devs get unreasonable requests from fans regarding features.

That said, I believe feedback regarding the model of the PC should be given as soon as possible, exactly because of the points you mentioned.

The one gripe I have is the weather. It's always raining/foggy/cloudy. You can move the sliders down but 10 sec later you are back to more fog than London. Unless delta is making that happen.. which then it all make sense. If the weather is meant to be realistic, them might need a weight system that leverage the weather to more realistic conditions.
I think that's a given - the current implementation is mostly to showcase different weather/time of day. The quick change is probably an omission that doesn't impact the demo much.
On the other hand, doesn't it always rain in cyberpunk settings? ;)
Last edited:


Confused Demoness
Dec 1, 2017
Let me elaborate and argue some points I made:
You know, reading that it made me think like a skill check that Dead by Daylight does. It feels tricky but manageable.. for a time and critical checks make you feel good when you manage it but those aren't OP either, fails give you that "oh shit, what should I do now" reaction. I don't really agree with just avoiding everything, more so when everything is pretty static to the same spots. Then its just a game of memory and that's one thing I hate about most FPS games, even today. I do understand this level is basically a tutorial level teaching you the basics, but I do hope there is a more random dynamic then mobs wondering a few meters going forward into actual content. Not knowing where the threat is, makes the replay value go up and keeps you on your toes. Then again, am I asking to much of a lewd game? Maybe.. I'm not looking at this game solely as a lewd game, but potential in being a decent FPS action game because of the elements it already has.

I kinda go off on tangents, my apologizes. I write like I think.

I guess my point in the whole body thing was the dev is mindful of the feedback (which we should give) and has plans that hopefully make everyone happy.

Rain is so cliché! And I hate being wet :p
Aug 24, 2017
What Devolution wrote was perfectly clear to me (i played a lot of FPS and Flight-Sims), so i think He meant it exactly like that.
(Engrish is not the Issue here)

The Controls You described are commonly called Flight-Mouse-Control because 99% of Flight-Sims default to them.
(Push to dive, pull to climb, like you would on the Joy-/Flight-Stick)

The Controls in this Game are called FPS-Mouse-Control because 99% of FPS-Games default to these.
(Like the standard Mouse-Operation on the Desktop; push goes up, pull goes down)

You might want to train both approaches, since these Defaults grew in the past 25 Years like that for good Reason.
No thanks. This is the digital equivilent of Nuns smacking kids on their knuckles for being left handed. His reasoning that "only vehicles get inverted controls" is his own arbitrary preference. Why not give some one an option to have 1 set of controls? Invert all the looking. Why make me do both and laternate because i'm in a vehicle vs. not? I've played countless 1st/3rd Per. shooters and ive never played a final product that lacked the invert-y toggle. He may include it yet, so i spoke up.

I've made my preference known because from that unfact he said before, sounds like there's real danger this feature won't make the cut. If i don't speak, they may continue believing that nonsense.
Aug 12, 2018
To the inverted conrols topic:

I'm also using inverted Y controls in most of my games, like actual a lot of people too. Yes, people like me, anonymus_nick and many others are a minority, but a minority out of round about a billion gamers worldwide is still a couple of million people.
So i do not really understand why some dickheads here in this thread are face-palming or shit-talking the points, anonymous_nick makes, down.

Also, i cant remember a single major FPS of the past decade who did not offer the ability invert mouse controls.

Giving that, I'm really curious why some people here think they have the right to bash other people for their preferred choice to play a game.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
At least 80% of those billion "gamers" only play on mobile devices. So if your mother plays an occasional mobile game, she is counted as one of those billion gamers. So your math is actually only a couple tens of thousands gamers. Like World of Warcraft only has like 7 million subscribers worldwide.

Lots of options exist in old FPSes that aren't here yet too. Like Key rebinding, optional 3rd person combat (build engine games, like Duke 3D had this), and difficulty settings that did more than just increase enemy hp / damage. I'd prefer those were put into the game first, before something like inverted controls. Inverted controls is an accessibility option, like color-blind mode, or a mode that disables a lot of strobbing effects.

I say that they can invert controls, once the other more higher priority stuff is implemented, like key rebinding. Right now there isn't really much of a FPS, as enemies don't shoot back, there are no ammo pickups, and you run out of ammo really fast unless you use the cheat code for unlimited ammo.

I prefer to play as a blonde, busty, bootilicious female in games. Doesn't mean developers will cater to that though.

The other thing is, it may be difficult to invert camera controls in UE4. They might be hard-coded.


Sep 22, 2020
The other thing is, it may be difficult to invert camera controls in UE4. They might be hard-coded.
It's not difficult. Simple multiplying controller input value by -1 before adding it character's camera pitch. I'm sure the developer can easily implement this at any time. But now there are more important things to work on.
Aug 12, 2018
At least 80% of those billion "gamers" only play on mobile devices.
You are wrong.

The total number of people who play video games on a regular base, including those on smartphones or tablets you mentioned, has already reached more than 3 billion by the end of 2020. (Not 2021, so this number could be even higher now.)

I'm only talking about the people who play regular on consoles (PS, XBOX, Wii, PSP, Switch, etc.) and PC. The estimated number of the group of PC gamers is 1.5 billion, according to the report of the DFC.
8%, around 250 million players, (also) rely on a console. Overlaps between the individual groups (PC, Consoles and Mobile Devices) are very likely, because many players should belong to two or even all three categories.

Because of this overlapping effects and because not everyone is a core gamer, i talked about roughly a billion "real" gamer.
Of these ≈1 billion players, perhaps 90-95% use the standard configuration, which means that a good 50 to 100 million people prefer inverted controls. 1 out of 10 or 20 is without a question a minority, but definitely not negligible as you like to put it here.

Given the fact that you don't even know your numbers and so not knowing what you even talking about, perhaps you shouldn't talk at all.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
What actual reports are you looking at? I looked at their website, and each report costs like $3,000 USD to even view. So, links would be preferable to what you are looking at.


New Member
Oct 5, 2019
current games that have inverted mouse look: Cyberpunk 2077;Assasins Creed;Halo Infinite;Kingdom Come deliverance;
Im sure thre are more.So no,inverted mouse look is not only used for flight sims as the dev claimed.And thats what this discussion is about(at least for me).


Oct 2, 2018
"How to make a mountain out of a molehill 101" aka several (shit)posts about a basically non-issue.

The game has no inverted mouselook, can it get one?
Is adding said feature time consuming?
No. Making an option in the menu to enable it will probably take more time.
Are there other features that are more important right now?
Fuck yes.
Is it wrong to offer feedback regarding controls* in an alpha?
Fuck no.

*Inverted mouselook compared to colorblind accessibility mode, now I've seen it all.

Everything else is literally irrelevant including comparisons to different games, engines and (lol) "gamer statistcs" ffs.
Let's we move on please.
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