This is why I'm so mad at him. He has time and money to very easily just outsorced more asstes. This game has a lot of potential, but most of the time, work and money goes to new anticrack methods. New clothes and character features should be just contracted to 3d artists, it's not that much money. New set of clothes every update, some new hair or even completly new character and we would be much happier. You know why there is no option to just drop your stuff, only remove it? For two reasons, it's much much easier to set up inventory system with only abstract objects ( that is objects that have no visual representation in the world ), and also you don't have to bother with buying 3d assets for dropped items. I would really like to see the source code and all the bullshittery that goes on there.
Adding a monster should be just outsorced also to 3d aritst ( make custom skeleton, mesh, animation... ) but judging by how greedy he is, I'm almost certain that he thinks he could do this cheaper, and that's why we don't see new monster, he tries to do this himself.
This wasted potential triggered me so hard that I decided to just make my own SLUTKER, I will post when I will have anything to show for it, but for now I have inventory system with visual objects.....