Doesn't work for me either, was it made for the hotfix or 22.0 only?It should say that. Press X to masturbate or undress character - if it works then crack was successfull.
Doesn't work for me either, was it made for the hotfix or 22.0 only?It should say that. Press X to masturbate or undress character - if it works then crack was successfull.
its because u use implants, some of them heavily change appearance
Probably hotfix ruined the uncensor. My character doesn't get naked or does any adult stuff. And half of the menu is locked.Doesn't work for me either, was it made for the hotfix or 22.0 only?
Use skin implant max level then all implants will stop showing
дай ссылку плиз на последний кряк.версия 22.1 игры. кряк последний от kekpuker. запускать и не сворачивать игру, затем нажать skip login - у меня все арбайтон робертовичдай ссылку плиз на последний кряк.
не не работает.
Thanks, those pesky æøå'sFor those who have problem with the crack. You should use ENGLISH FOLDER NAMES for the game. You can't use ukranian, russian, arabic etc.
use the cheat menu to enable cyber edits, under the skin cyber edits enable the human skin for face and body... it will remove the cyber looks to human looks.
you either press the give up button or lose the mini gamebut how do you start the sex animations? when a tentacle grabs me it then stays in the strangulation animation, it doesn't go forward
Ok, 1 thing that helped me personaly (maybe it will help you awell): go into the folder C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\DeltaZone\Saved\Config\Windows. Deletecrack doesn't work at all, did the same as told from instruction but nothing happened
spam P button: nope , check adult tab in option: nope , everything is still censored.
some file is not in english name? i did't see anyfile with that.