
Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
ai still as aimbot as the same least now there is trader in starter area. I figure on another playthrough naked brutality I do the pacific run since i notice there rep system in place until run into broke wall to the left after quit the hideout and into russia guy and one tap me before turning to face me and even bullet tracer hit the wall too (I running in third person mode soo I dont have weapon equip I clearly see this guy shot the wall to my left but cuz they aimbot they one tap me anyway) I restart for another run and b line to trader soo at least i can rise tiny amount of rep for them to stop shooting at me

UNTIL I found out that driving were danger than running.
You crash you injury everywhere and ur armor take damage
You drive in forest then you hear the cloth scratch noise before you know it only 2 times u almost lose you top shirt
You crash into these russia guy because they walk into where you want to go (I tried, I dodge 3 times already going between scav trader and corp outpost but this one i cant because they came out of bush into my bike) and whole map open fire on u even guy at Corp outpost snipe me off full speed bike and keep hitting me while i landed and slide into behide truck

I stop driving since then
(after doing couple of road kill for revenage. Don't do it! cuz they can send you flying and they not even dead when you run them over on first time)

until I doing side quest of killing russia raider so I know about two places got this in Highway. I going to factory zone close to trader then after kill one guy when they walking into door way i watching on i run away and flanking the place from the side that full of dirt pile then jumping into one small building. I heard they heard me so I quickly wait up stair THEN getting one tap through wall. There only say I found her. THen BANG jumpscare me and not only that I died in one tap Here, i recapture what happen. capture this happen 2 times straight so this mean it is working as intended for ai. player play along with stealth mechanic of game suggest but they getting easily shot through wall anyway. Why bother playing normally? Oh also one of building around here i get on roof then i trying to shoot a guy from behide after his walking out of cover to my view. He alert anyway and even able to rape me through wall because to access here they need to jump in which they cant so they try through wall instead.

View attachment 4635811

sec video. Longer and trying to capture what happen to me.
There were no guy behide fence, I didnt shoot a single round so they dont know before hand and only "I heard something" then "I found her" and BANG one tap me i died like in this video if were not start with good gears
It's a 3D game; just because you can't see the enemy doesn't mean they can't see you. He heard you running around and jumping, saw you go up, and shot your arm because he could see it from downstairs.

It's always a skill issue. I'm playing on maximum difficulty and I'm able to play stealthily and even reached City with no starting gear and came out with 10000 cash and over 50000 in gear.

I'm not saying that the game is sometimes bullshit, just that most of the time everyone else expects this game to be so easy.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2019
sure they recognize whose footsteps those are. I also mentioned that it happened when no one was around just like in another video if there was no one there behide fences. When I got up there walking, The ground below guy went 'What is that?' Ah, heck with it.
I'm free this week, so I'll record again and reset my save since I don’t think there’s much new content for me to keep playing, aside from unlocking III for Nova. You’ll be able to see it, as explaining without a picture doesn’t really work. They still wallhack, just like I recorded a looooong time ago.
I don’t believe the whole 'your hand is too long' thing, because I don’t see a third-person model for your character, like in Call of Duty or other FPS games that use it in multiplayer. Ah, Tarkov would do! they sync your hands with your headcam. But in this game, the devs actually use a floating sphere entity for the player. So, you think they still see your hands? see my "invisible" hands in the video.
They even shot the window from downstairs. Or maybe they spotted me before I entered the door and shot upwards only the devs can check that. Maybe I should record myself glitching underground and test again. But circling around the dumpster on the city outskirts should already prove they re still shooting that they still trying to shoot through wall despite wasn't changlog mention they shouldn't to? or it only for ground
Oh, by the way, are you able to turn on night vision? I can’t, despite having the augment for it. I pressed 4 many times, but nothing happens.
View attachment 10001110010001001010.mp4

With pacific run, I ve gone through a few times, I hope devs add new dialogue for these guys instead of the same lines they always say when spotting me. Maybe something like, "Oh, it's you," and then they de-aggro for a set amount of time before going on their way especially if the player has a very good rep with them.
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Confused Demoness
Dec 1, 2017
It's a 3D game; just because you can't see the enemy doesn't mean they can't see you. He heard you running around and jumping, saw you go up, and shot your arm because he could see it from downstairs.

It's always a skill issue. I'm playing on maximum difficulty and I'm able to play stealthily and even reached City with no starting gear and came out with 10000 cash and over 50000 in gear.

I'm not saying that the game is sometimes bullshit, just that most of the time everyone else expects this game to be so easy.
There are some legitimate and comprehensive reports of enemies being able to shoot through some select areas, more commonly when a y-axis is also involved. There has been numerous tweaks to enemy AI detection and it seems to be one of the areas of common tweaking since a small change can take idiot Ai to godly and vice versa.

ai still as aimbot...
I feel the AI aiming is pretty pathetic and predicable honestly if you play into the stealth style. Even then if you shoot and pivot your angle of attack, you can keep the enemy guessing and not even looking your way, restoring you to the initiative. The worse thing you can do is fire from one location, cover and keeping peak firing. Run around foliage, not through it. Every collision makes then reevaluate and predict your path. Only run if shit gets to noisy and keep running, one thing they rarely do is run at you. If they run at you, they actually disengaged and are trying to reposition randomly, drop and stop and ready a hand charge.

Keep shots brief, every cluster of rounds, pivot to a new angle. Wait them out till you can pick one by one. Take one down, move about 10m+ to a new location and wait about a minute for follow ups from other enemies. Loot up and repeat.

If you are located, "There you are!" and you aren't sure where they are, sprint into foliage. Get cover, find a new angle while moving quiet.

Smaller caliber and subsonic is your early game friend, its quieter so you'll spook less mobs and they'll have a harder time finding you from a distance. Granted you can get corpos, but you shouldn't be dealing with them till you are in legacy+. Don't bother with AP or high calibers till you can back it up with skill or a tanky gear build. Once you got them figured out, and a decent weapon, then you can hunt the corpos. Tack in 7.62 AP, one or two in the noggin and you can start reapin the late game rewards.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2019
i doing those and been doing just fine in pacific run kill 7 corp (wihtout they knowing who kill them) despite i still only found scrap and poopy gun without glitch but the issue is that guy spot you without direct line of sight or rather wall actually not real to them. Who knows how many actual "cover" won't work for feature player? I sad that dev now put on shoot through wall now so we might get shot through them more in future in close quarter fight and you hugging the wall or behide cover in tight space like Nova place that i wish night vision would work around here

*just fix my video link not show up. didnt know this website 265 codec didnt work on them

Oh yea i forget to mention...what with these slow frame running animation on ai? we evolve graphic backward? also why they running side way (facing player) or backward despite animation is running foward? is this next Ready Or Not cheat ai? That they using floating sphere entity then apply simple/default animation to them so they look broke? and all that to shoot player. Ah right, I HOPE that dev should get ai coder or something add to animation to them when they are ready their weapon or a "bandage the wound" for now with simply after gun out or spot player they must come to stop before shooting in set amoung of time or reset animation before enter pathfinding to cover phase/process pathfinding. this should fix the issue but for long run FIND coder like Trepeng 2 that NPC must have their gun actually on player and tracer follow where gun aim too. Not hitscan out of their head(the actual tracking where ai looking not follow head and some game make this where they bullet come out of) and tracer from gun just only for deco. They nail the ai that follow player rule there. Also I hope dev look into .45 with scrap gear i easily get shot one tapped by a scav with rusty guns but when i unload to them? the guy that died and drop .45 they walk away with over 8 or 9 shot to their torso. I using FMJ too.

There also a bug when i jump into bike my character are floating or something?? game saying my feet staimina is out and screenshaking and whenever i jump out of bike i get teleport underground before teleport back into surface kill both of my legs in prograss. This happen 3 times now
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Dec 22, 2024
I was never easy on this game, and complained a lot mainly due to heaps of wasted potential that I see, but the more I read this thread the more I doubt if some of you play games at all xd. AI cheat? This game is mostly inspired by tarkov and stalker, enemies can also hear you not only see you, this is much more slower tacital shooter than some COD. You are expected to use cover, change angels, and then with some experience you really take on most of the enemies even in large groups, but I must addmit that sometimes there are to many packed in small area. Good enemy AI for tactical shooters is absolute nightmare to make ( see tarkov for example, only years of modders work could somewhat fix it, but it's still got maaany problems) and this is one field that I'll admit that dev should not try to perfect, it's much more effort than it's worth. Monster ( melee) enemies would somewhat fix this issue, couse thier AI is much easier to code.

Hoverbike is kinda whacky, but it's not meant for always going full speed. With little care it will couse little to no problems.

Animations are done this way becouse most people do not realise how hard is to make good 3rd person animations for FPS. I do not see problem with current enemy fighting animations. I thinkt that thier speed should match those anim, but this should be quite easy fix. Honsetly fighting system is the last area where dev's focus should go in my opinion, and trying to make this game tarkov-like shooter is the couse of very slow development and gaping pit of never ending tweaks and minor fixes in the first place.


Mar 17, 2022
Fuu, managed to die accidentally and lost everything i had. Just started playing the game so i'm new to all the mechanics, wandered to the refinery area and some rider shot me apparently through the sound of my foot steps? Just was trying to apply bandage and first aid, but then just suddenly died. I don't feel like starting a new game, as unlocking stuff takes ages at first, but now i don't know if i want to keep playing, as i'm dying of thirst and hunger right as i spawn again. This game really needs an save function. Is there a way to track the raider that killed me, to get my stuff back?


Dec 22, 2024
Fuu, managed to die accidentally and lost everything i had. Just started playing the game so i'm new to all the mechanics, wandered to the refinery area and some rider shot me apparently through the sound of my foot steps? Just was trying to apply bandage and first aid, but then just suddenly died. I don't feel like starting a new game, as unlocking stuff takes ages at first, but now i don't know if i want to keep playing, as i'm dying of thirst and hunger right as i spawn again. This game really needs an save function. Is there a way to track the raider that killed me, to get my stuff back?
If you did not choose permadeath mode, your reputation will be saved. On death you loose all of your gear and there is no way of recovering it. I think you should read hints in starting area, especially those regarding faction reputation...
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New Member
Feb 24, 2023
Well, its a process to troubleshoot but at the front of the page, there is always the crack, fresh AF, people just have to download and unzip it to the game folder. And cracking isnt a new thing at all, i am doing it since 2006 i guess. o_O

But anyway.. Here is the game, precracked, a readme whats transtlated to 26 languages with chatgpt.. :sneaky:
not working on windows, reinstalled torrent after a lot of trying to troubleshoot to no avail. on first few attempts before tampering an error would display "error: uid" on start/whenever i hit skip login. game is still censored, all uncensored aspects are not available. opened the game files up and turned on the disabled mods to see if that works but it didn't. tried giving the game like 3 minutes to boot up and load fully before hitting skip login and that didn't help, neither did hitting skip before the game finishes loading. maybe im missing something huge here but instructions and process are very simple. download, open game, skip login, still censored.

UPDATE! : turns out your installation had a few files in the wrong place. got some rest and after taking a look the mods folder is in the UE4SS folder rather than out in win64. UE4SS.dll and UE4SS-settings.ini also need to be in win64 folder, not the UE4SS folder. works perfectly after this tweak, hope this helps anyone else who needs it.
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Dec 22, 2024
Is there a changelog somewhere? I am confused on how I would complete the threesome sidequest
It's very whacky. There is no 100% chance of getting it. You can try either aggro large group of enemies, or go naked / horny (moaning) into large group. Idk how the game decides that it is threesome. Sometimes proposing normal blowjob worked for me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2019
Fuu, managed to die accidentally and lost everything i had. Just started playing the game so i'm new to all the mechanics, wandered to the refinery area and some rider shot me apparently through the sound of my foot steps? Just was trying to apply bandage and first aid, but then just suddenly died. I don't feel like starting a new game, as unlocking stuff takes ages at first, but now i don't know if i want to keep playing, as i'm dying of thirst and hunger right as i spawn again. This game really needs an save function. Is there a way to track the raider that killed me, to get my stuff back?
you lost stuff you lost forever that what i feel. i dont think there stash stuff where they keep ur loot but when they rob u they not take away that much except whole money. lucky you that you start playing now cuz back then it was all shoot on sight no rep system in place but they all still working together since rep only apply to you and i hate that. I which i see more of cyber cop guy shoo away scav or watching each other at gunpoint before open fire and random run away. this should make game feel more alive rather then you fighting Gmod NPC playground that a ton of them. They not even react to each other! Unlike "Escape from Tarkov" wink wink*

I guess you could try pacific run like i do. This should get new player settle much better than fully kit out something they dont know. There a way to get thing done regard of difficulty and i don't want to say too much who knows if dev fanclub are earing about and will tell dev to nerf but i can say that look around and loot stuff and interact stuff after you just get out of hideout. the way ai dev mention in changelog is with rep system they wont open fire on u unless you jump them in corner or u high speed bike pass them then they will start openfire or they get stuck on top of building on stairway and you walking up to see they shoot from the top of your head down to you

Raider (guy in green camo. Thx to Unreal lighting effect sometime i cant tell if they raider) i still 50 50 unsure since sometime they open fire some other time dont if ur rep is zero. the cyber cop i think they do open fire when they jogging toward you and u cant do anything about it but look like they leave u along like other. The common scav (green camo druken) are everywhere soo be on their good side would do nice

Playing naked run should make you familiar with the game. I wish dev should make giant note or floating neno sign ads saying Check out cyberwear! you can install afew of them at med station without down side instead of hidden among other wall of text. I been playing years ago or something without cyberwear (Cuz i watch video and thought that all cool ability that all it has. It must be expensive!) for ages until now i give it a try and find it what make game fun tho I hate that it easily get damage also trader rep keep going down and i dont know how to rise more of them if the side quest keep running out??

for perma dead
I played perma dead for awhile until I rob cyber gunparts and build me one and save just to reailze my inv are all gone like restart a new perma death run soo don't do that. it look like saving with this one doesn't work

ammo type simplfiy
HMD homemade ammo in real life ur gun broke this for suppressing fire but why not kill them instead? dead cant talk after all
APN armor piecing i dont see diff to me
FMJ ur everyday bullet
HWP?? is high explosive bullet for flesh Ha not really but it bad against armor which i can not tell who wear armor if they not cyber cop
SUP sup sonic bullet for less noise it making tho bullet go slower...i cant tell diff for damage tho and dont wanna test if game got no gallery room/firing range for me

Dont use .45 if you want to kill even AI use it against you since they cheat they easily tap u but u not for them
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Apr 30, 2018
Well, its a process to troubleshoot but at the front of the page, there is always the crack, fresh AF, people just have to download and unzip it to the game folder. And cracking isnt a new thing at all, i am doing it since 2006 i guess. o_O

But anyway.. Here is the game, precracked, a readme whats transtlated to 26 languages with chatgpt.. :sneaky:
i love you man


New Member
Nov 19, 2024
It's very whacky. There is no 100% chance of getting it. You can try either aggro large group of enemies, or go naked / horny (moaning) into large group. Idk how the game decides that it is threesome. Sometimes proposing normal blowjob worked for me.
Thanks for the explanation! do you know somewhere on the map where I can find the scavengers to do this? I got that quest from Stray, or can it be done in Hawker's area too?
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Jan 21, 2023
Thanks for the explanation!
For a threesome you need to have 2 people near you when the dialogue ends. So you need to go through it quickly since as of v21 (didn't try 22 yet) the second guy walks away since you already are talking to the first one.

do you know somewhere on the map where I can find the scavengers to do this?
Right after leaving the hideout and making a left hand u turn near the first trader. In the city outskirts there are scavs on the furthest left corner of the map next to the city walls.


Dec 22, 2024
Btw it could be done soo much easier with some variable that tracks squad size. Becouse of fixed spawns, squads and thier sizes would be very easy to set. If you do NSFW interaction with the enemy it checks if he;s solo or not, and in this way decides on having either normal intercourse or threesome. It could be even foundation for procedural ganbang system.


Oct 18, 2018
It's very whacky. There is no 100% chance of getting it. You can try either aggro large group of enemies, or go naked / horny (moaning) into large group. Idk how the game decides that it is threesome. Sometimes proposing normal blowjob worked for me.
just shoot at and aggro them to shoot back at you it will always trigger a threesome... aggro is important...
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