RPGM - Completed - Dragon Conquista [v1.082] [BanameiR]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    version 1.01

    rating is based on how boring and bad game design it is. the game itself is a finished product, not some low effort garbage. but still imo it's a bad porn game. why:

    -it's nearly impossible to lose fights, and most sex scenes are sex on defeat.
    -for "battlefuck" you have to mismanage your SP 3 times so your clothes break each time, then another time naked for the finishing rape "battlefuck", or lose by depleting hp.... but you can'T really do that because you can repair your clothes for free between every encounter, and you cannot really mismanage your SP, you just do a braindead combo: attack->attack->attack->skill use->end turn. and basically you beat everything. very braindead, even though the combat is a bit innovative.

    best sex scenes imo are battlefuck scenes but it's impossible to get them unless you are trying VERY HARD to lose on purpose. other sex scenes have mediocre art/animation... except maybe boob giggle that's nice but it's overused.

    it's just a bad game design, sex on defeat games are always at a disadvantage to be good games, they need gimmicks like tricky enemies or traps or etc where you can actually lose, but here there is no RNG, you can win every encounter with full hp and clothes. so it's just very bad. bad game design. and it's a boring game, mediocre story as well, same clichés but a bit weaker than other rpgm games.

    The only thing going for this game is that it's an actually finished product, and animations are decent. although nothing spectacular.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty damned good.
    Combat is much improved from the previous iteration, the story is actually good and while the art isn't exactly eye blowing it does all that's required of it.
    It's got easily available hints to show you where and what to do next and if some of the acts weren't my preference, or didn't go deep enough into things i do enjoy, that's very much a personal thing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    SO much awesome content. Amazing art, great fight system. Sexy stuff. Love it. Been playing it for hours on end, first day after discovering it. The sexy stuff alone is worth it. The story too, defininitely engaging. Be warned, silly body proportions however :D
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Was really looking forwards to this one. Something about this Banamei guy's art just speaks to me and he couldn't have made a more perfect heroine waifu. More games need to do the cool stoic but naive female warrior/soldier archetype.

    This game has great QOL and you can tell its a passion project and not some cheap cash grab slop built around the CGs. There is fast travel, dialogue skipping, status trackers and easy access galleries.; its 2024 and this stuff should be mandatory for every rpgm game.

    Speaking of map; it is pretty compact and you definitely won't be getting lost in it. It is extremely dense with secrets, scenarios and tasks to do and this rewards you much faster than just levelling up does and gives you special things like max stamina or health regen equipment. I'm not sure if the purchasable gear is deliberately limited or if I completely missed a secret. These sort of games usually have some insanely overpowered endgame armor and weapons sets but as far as I know, clothes don't boost stats and I literally beat the game stuck on a early game weapon. The stamina and skills seems to be where all the real combat potential comes from anyways.

    The combat is really focused around said stamina management and skills. All your real damage comes from the skills but you have to manage stamina to build up technique points for the skills and to destroy the enemy's shields first. Its more engaging than 99% of rpg maker crap but the downsides is you can't one shot enemies even when overleveled due to the shield and the you don't even get combat consumables like health potions (you can health regen using a skill) let alone broader combat options.

    The plot is a real charmer of a bildingsroman about democracy manifest, conspiracies and Kaname from the first game about goblins has a really cool cameo and awesome plot twist. Reassuring to see even hentai artists in Japan have this Patlabor 2 type cognizance about world affairs. Its good enough that I don't really want to spoil anything.

    Of course all of this is kind of moot if the h content is bad; thankfully Banamei said this game drew scenario inspiration from all his favorite RPGM games and this really shows. I don't think there is any common fantasy enemy type that the heroine can't be fucked by and if you've played other peak rpgms, a lot of these scenarios will be very familiar to you in the best ways.

    Pretty solid contender for H RPGM of the year. Right before Christmas season too.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A good improvement over the original, with better gameplay and a considerably longer story, clocking in around 12-15 hours.

    Dragon Conquista is basically more of Goblin Conquista, more enemies, more story, side quests and a full exploreable map. If you enjoyed the first game, you are set to enjoy this one as well.

    However, those who were expecting new mechanic introduction over Goblin Conquista might be disappointed, as the game only offers you three choices of impregnation and the same style combat, with big difficulty spike from bosses.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the first one, this is an upgrade in basically every area. I wish kaname would have gotten a scene or two but that's honestly the only complaint I can come up with. I played an mtl and got most of it down but once a good translation comes out with images translated too I think this will probably be my fav Hgame on this site other than Fate, but that's not really an Hgame that's just a VN with H scenes
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Very repetetive and boring gameplay i was bored to death after 20 minutes of playing this game art is quite good but again scenes are reused tooo much and i downloaded full save, i just couldn't play this more

    combat is boring and its like in other jrpg h games where you have surrender skill or something this game is not breaking the patterns and have this "feature" but with gimmick

    overall game is disappointment and i hoped for something more the "go from points A to B to get scenes" wasted potential.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very easy hentai game of the year nominee for me. There is no better game released this year than this. I'm focusing more on the fapability of the game, but if you want to know more about the gameplay I can tell you that its very dynamic and the animations are fantastic and unlike any you've ever seen in a game like this, I mean it. Expect some, if not the best, boobs bounce animation ever seen in a japanese 2d hentai game.

    Dragon Conquista looks very simple on paper. Its the usual premise, the super sexy heroine who is strong willed but sexually very innocent gets corrupted more and more.

    However, as it turned out, the plot has a large amount of depth, the characters don't solely feel like caricatures and the game has so much detail with most of them actually being fapable. Theres just about anything for anyone here and its drawn in a sexy way. Not only that, but there is the subversion that you're not the only sexy woman out there, as you can tell by the example images seen on the OP post. Theres other, even more sexier girls that have scenes. The game sells the perspective that you're still the 1:1000 catch of a woman very well, but the world is fleshed out in a way to show that you're not the only one with a body like that. The way people in the world react around you is probably the best in the entire genre of hentai RPG. This should be the game that all other hentai RPG should take note about.

    Many of the scenes have different ways to play out too. For instance, you can ask our someone to go on a date or to engage in some roleplay or cosplay. Other scenes follow a more simplier structure but its usually you walking around and interacting with things, choosing what you want to happen instead of the game always taking over like most of the japanese hentai games.

    All the scenes are well structured too, with very believeable dialogue usually seen in the best of the best japanese hentai RPG. You can get fucked by humans to become more corrupt or you can be defeat fucked by all those random enemies, and all scenes are the best in the genre. Even if you don't like watching the heroine getting fucked by goblins or animals, this one is one of the few that pulls it of while still being fairly hot. And I'm usually not someone that jerks off to that shit.

    Speaking of my tastes, there is stuff I really like, the boobs and ass bouncing is animated, the art, which is really simple, turns out to be quite complex yet there aren't any differences in the art quality such as body parts looking entirely different from another perspective or weird faces. There is a entire section about the game that explains how insane you can make your tits bounce and how it drives people wild.

    The only real downside here is that all the scenes follow a theme. To give you just a few examples, you have the bunny girl theme, dancer theme, maid theme. All follow the structure of the innocent girl getting more and more sexual as she does the job, instead she should've already be a total slut after the first few sex scenes, considering how quickly she begins liking getting fucked. Its like she forgets all the precious encounters and just resets in a way. A minor issue for me is that no penis stands out. Its gigantic tits vs above average cock, kinda standard in modern hentai games and i wish sometimes they would make the dick bigger as well to match the sexyness of the woman. Here it works because you play as a really sexy woman, but not the sexiest.

    Overall you probably have over 100 single scenes that show the heroine from different angles. Most scenes are in sets, like foreplay sex or in sex positions and its almost always animated. All the scenes are well made and there is absolutely no issue with anything about it. The gameplay is nice too.

    Easy 5 star for me. No way theres games coming out more fapable then this this year. I busted 8 huge nuts in 6 hours basically devouring this shit in japanese.