RPGM - Completed - Dragon Conquista [v1.082] [BanameiR]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I can see why many people love this game, but it has some glaring flaws and was quite a struggle to get through for me.

    - interesting characters
    - complex plot that kind of stays on track (despite some weird phases)
    - combat is more creative than a lot of the usual RPGM games
    - hidden scenes and side plots to explore
    - some well scripted cut scenes
    - you get to control another character for a while mid game - i actually preferred her a lot more to the MC

    - text is badly translated in many places
    - story is hard to follow because of flashbacks that make little sense due to the bad translation
    - sex scenes are only available on loss. so you have to go around deliberately losing to every new enemy to see most of the content
    - corruption doesn't feel very meaningful. you can grind to get lewd points, read books etc but don't really get a sense that the character is getting more lewd - it's just a stat to max out
    - combat gets very easy very quickly
    - combat doesn't require any strategy besides conserving stamina. different types of attacks don't seem to have many pros and cons beyond differences in damage
    - hard to know where to go next, especially late game. the journal area that should prompt can be very vague or again badly translated.

    - translation arrghh
    - some parts are extremely grindy, where you have to advance a lot of time in small increments
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is more intersting than i thought, from the plot, the side combat,... although they can do more with the combat mechanic, it kind of easy to defeat the enemy, can wait til this game on steam
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has an actual story which could be split out from the all the H-content and stand on its own. There are still weaknesses to it, but just that alone puts in above most other games on this site. Unfortunately, having a non-H main story makes some of the H-content stick out like the beach or casino stuff. Money is never really that tight, the combat is pretty simple and encounters are easy enough that there's not too much need to do more than the basic H-content. Another issue is that a lot of the H-content comes from defeat, either in enemy encounters or big setpieces like the Holy city of Sereme. That's how you're supposed to get Lewd score so you can access other lewd content (you need a score of 50 to wear a bikini to even enter the beach for example). But you can just buy a dozen lewd magazines from the bookshop in the capital and get the points that way.

    It's a good game, but there's something missing to make it a bit more cohesive. Still worth playing.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was amazing, it's the first time ever that I've done a pure play through.

    I came here for a H-game and found a gem. The story and the game-play was so fun that I'd 100% recommend this game to everyone.
    The amount of care I felt for Reiri by the end of the game, what a great character.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Reiri is a fantastic character, so any porn in this game would be S+ tier even if it wasn't written well.
    That being said, the scenes are drawn and written on an outstanding level, so as far as porn scenes go this is one of the best games I've played.
    The only problem I had is that for the gameplay to be interesting you have to avoid fighting the low level mobs because it makes you overpowered and imposible to beat.
    Also if you are into pregnancy YOU MUST PLAY THIS GAME!!!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent example of “came for the tags, stayed for the story”. Though the premise is a fairly generic, the pacing and solid writing really pull this game above similar titles to the point I actually cheered when I hit a particularly emotional beat. The gameplay is simple stamina management where you attack to build meter and cash out with specials that never gets too tedious or hard - if anything I wish the game was a bit more difficult and the specials/elemental system just a bit more fleshed out.

    Porn-wise, the artwork is decent, there’s a great variety of fetishes and while animations are simple and sparse, they are appreciated. Most importantly, the H-scenes are unlocked as you play so you don’t need to lose to get them, with all scenes (except the “lover” routes) being unlocked when you beat the game - which took me about 10 hours to do.

    I’d recommend this to just about anyone, with my only ding is that music is mostly forgettable.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: 4 out of 5

    I think I figured out how to save the gaming industry and their horrible story writing. Play lots of indie games or unknown games, find talent among them and bring them all together to create the ultimate game.

    Whoever wrote this story can beat any triple A game out there. Not a fan of the whole shorticon thing but that won't stop me from giving the game a high score. I don't score base on my morals or what I think is right or wrong but execution.

    Story was good. It would have gotten a 5 out of 5 if it had more appealing characters. I only remember 3 characters, the MC, the pink hair girl (I think it was pink), and the other crazy chick with the martial arts skills. The master didn't really show much personality till the end of the game.

    I did hope there was some decent men in the game I could pick for a partner.... maybe there is and I just didn't look hard enough.

    Combat - 4 out of 5

    Really fun combat but I felt it was missing something. Ultimate attacks? Debuffs on the MC, and I think it would have been cool if any travelers that join your party automatically fight and/or you could swap who the main fighter is while the other fights with you in the background doing auto damage to the enemy.

    About the H scene in combat, they should give armor Hp too and repairing armor isn't too expensive but not cheap either.

    Music 1 out of 5 - Boring.

    Can't stand it when game developers don't give us good background music. Too many game developers just add generic music and considers it less important than anything. Sick of it. Music will increase your games feel, mood and value.

    At this point, I'm begging you guys to go back and consider the music.

    Art - 5 out of 5, no complaints but it can always be better.

    Characters - 3.5 out of 5. I wish there were more memorable characters. I only remember 4 or maybe 5. Where are the cool guy characters? Why are all the men assholes? At least add 1 or 2 cool ones (or maybe I missed them).

    overall the game was epic and I enjoyed it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    In a degenerate website scattered with H-RPG games, this is a diamond in the rough. There’re so many hours of content in this game as well as the quality of the game itself. I'm surprised at how good this game is.

    Plot & Setting
    Without getting too heavy into spoilers, what is seemingly just a simple revenge story has you diving into a lore that explains the nuances of what really happened behind her childhood trauma and how it affects Rei's journey. Although initially it seems like you're on a one-way journey to simply avenge your scorched hometown you'll find a hidden plot revolving around the corruption in the kingdom and the efforts to stop all of this. This conspiracy takes you all around a well-made setting and I have nothing but praise for this aspect.

    We’re all familiar with RPG maker combat. Spam enter attack and some quirky magic is shown in on the side. What I appreciate about Dragon Conquista is that it keeps all these aspects as painless and simple to follow compared to other games. Since the world map is huge, you’ll have to travel around dungeons where a simple stamina meter is monitored as you attack, otherwise you’ll Rei will get grabbed by the enemy. There’s almost no grind necessary as the monsters aren’t tough.

    The quality and quantity of what’s offered to us horny enjoyers is excellent. Touching on my previous points; the plot is deep to the point that the number of scenes you’ll view isn’t limited to just one town, one city or a battle loss collection. There are multiple dungeons with scenes, large villages, the capital and even separate arcs with new characters to show. None of them are repetitive, art is good and if you don’t like one fetish that’s fine you can see another type easily.

    5/5 must goon
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    almost missed this gem, great game story music and graphics, you can skip the porn if you want, there is some nudity in the main story, for what im seeing the porn is secondary corruption, you have to force the mc to do it otherwise it's just a pure knight maiden but the story is engaging and worth playing and the characters are great
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool story, cool art, cool mechanics, cool bosses (some really creative), cool characters, cool dialogue, cool animations, cool twists, cool progression, cool combat (even though it's extremely easy).

    Cool game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean, it already has 96 votes and it's still near 5 stars. I don't think it's worth bothering praising this game even more - it's cool. Story is unique, antagonists are amazing, especially the main ones. Boss fights have an interesting dynamics. This game was an experience that will definitely stay with me. If you're into experience, then 100% play it.

    The main downside is just that the fighting system is good for bosses, and bad for mobs, it gets repetitive. Also, many scenes rely on you losing to them... which is impossible. Literally not even once was i CLOSE to losing to a normal mob. Even if by some miracle and your own dumbfuckery mob will manage to land a hentai hit - rape depends on how much layers of armor you have. And let me tell you, you have A LOT of layers. And you can repair it instantly at no cost out of battle. I think the only way to ever lose to them is by attacking something way above your level, like end-game bandits to the right of the city, or being braindead, spamming attack, ignoring feedback of your fails.

    Has the best masturbation scenes i've ever seen, though. And the other scenes i've seen are quite good too, which is unfortunate, because i would've had to intentionally make bad choices or lose to see more. The ones you get without being dumb just aren't enough.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful game that ticks most of my boxes!

    I usually don't like linear narrative-heavy games, but in Dragon Conquista the plot is surprisingly good, with many unexpected twists. It's also fairly long.

    My only gripes are that:
    • It's a bit too railroaded. I would have liked more repeatable quests, etc.
    • Pregnancy does not progress naturally (except during special events)
    • You can only get pregnant with humans and gobbos
    • NPCs could react more to lewd clothes and behavior
    Anyway, that aside, I love Dragon Conquista!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game,

    Character design are good,
    Plot is really good.
    Battle mechanics.... meh
    I just wish we had more
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    But worth trying! very similar to its previous game Goblin Conquest but better!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The best RPGMaker game I’ve played so far

    The story is surprisingly good and the writing (characterization & plot progression) feels natural, H-scenes length are perfect. Tons of optional contents that are fun to unlock.
    Combat is simple, fun and unintrusive.

    There are some downsides
    - moaning voice isn’t loud enough and there is no option to adjust it
    - The final 1/3 of the game (not including post-game) have NO H-scenes at all since the story went full serious
    - There are 2 arcs that I personally think were too long: Goblin City and Prison where we have to bear daily chore for the duration of pregnancy (280 days). Prison was fine since there are tons of nice H-scenes, but Goblin City is just extremely repetitive with so little content variety.

    I enjoyed this game and I’ll be playing Goblin Conquista next.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is solid! For being the second game from the developer I would say it is a huge improvement, there is a lot that could be improved in my opinion, like the art is not that good for me and there is not really much h scenes but overall the story is decent. I'm really excited to see the future games from this developer.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with great potential. I really like all the things that you can do and monsters to mate.
    Closest thing to Sikorskys games like War Demon Kirsten.

    It does have few flaws:
    -Sex animations arent that good, couple of images...no real motion or complex set of actions
    -Sounds are scarce and like done on budget or quickly
    -Some more animals would be plus...
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Thanks for the translation DazedAnon, greatly appreciated :)

    I really liked this game!

    I don't really like the CGs that much they are a little vanilla for me, but they were fun and great within the context of the game, it's not require too much effort I think experiencing the game for yourself is the most fun, other than the start of the game lacking more lewd options its great!

    The story was nice
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I really don't understand the high rating this game gets, like yeah it's good, really its a 4/5 but I rated 3 because there's just so much bringing it down for me.

    The amount of H content in comparison to the rest of the game is rather low, which makes me feel like I'm wasting my time. These games should AT LEAST be 50/50 imo. This game is very much not. This game also locks you into very dragged out story arcs, twice. So I go through the main story, and really for what? Because it doesn't unlock any new side h content.

    I think the game is good overall, but it ends up just not being worth the investment of time you have to give to all the stuff you don't care about.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    Ugly art, women with 10 size melons. Unispiring dull gameplay, grindy with lots of walking.

    Boring and skippable story that feels like a filler.

    Weird fights that don't show enemy HP, so you never know when the fight ends.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Gonna start this off by getting my relatively few, and all minor, complaints out of the way. First of all, the combat system is actually pretty decent for an RPG of this style, but the game is so unchallenging that it doesn't really matter because you'll never really need to actually care about it. Secondly, a fairly large chunk of content is locked behind (intentionally [because of the aforementioned lack of challenge]) losing. Also, there's just no fucking reason that this archaic two-hands-on-the-keyboard RPGMaker default control scheme has lasted this long, and for a game released in 2024, it's dumb as Hell that we can't remap the controls natively. That being said, the mouse-only controls generally work fine anyways.

    The story is packed to the brim with content, both lewd and SFW. And all of it is generally pretty good. This game has a genuinely good main story for a fantasy RPG in general, which makes it an absolute gem in comparison to most porn games. The devs could have legitimately sold this game sans lewd content as a solid GBA-era JRPG. The ending is satisfying and even has a nice post-game afterwards.

    There's a variety of non-combat sex events with a variety of characters in a variety of settings and locations. Everything is accompanied by nice art that is generally not reused. There's a rudimentary pregnancy system that has two different key story moments that dramatically alter the course of the game. Naturally, the FMC gets corrupted and is willing to be more risque as her lewdness increases. The virgin route does include comments from whoever takes your virginity whenever it happens and has unique descriptions for every possible loss of virginity but is otherwise somewhat lacking, and there isn't really any reward for it other than being able to be a virgin during some of the post-game content.

    It's hard for me not to give this game 5 stars. Yeah, it's not perfect, but it's a damn good porn game in what I cannot overstate is a sea of mostly trash riddled with unfinished Patreon scams and glorified scene viewers. My one virgin run took about 8 hours without seeing any of the slut-exclusive content or raising lewdness with magazines. I definitely look forward to the dev's future games, and I'm gonna try out the previous game for sure.