RPGM - Completed - Dragon Conquista [v1.082] [BanameiR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Gonna start this off by getting my relatively few, and all minor, complaints out of the way. First of all, the combat system is actually pretty decent for an RPG of this style, but the game is so unchallenging that it doesn't really matter because you'll never really need to actually care about it. Secondly, a fairly large chunk of content is locked behind (intentionally [because of the aforementioned lack of challenge]) losing. Also, there's just no fucking reason that this archaic two-hands-on-the-keyboard RPGMaker default control scheme has lasted this long, and for a game released in 2024, it's dumb as Hell that we can't remap the controls natively. That being said, the mouse-only controls generally work fine anyways.

    The story is packed to the brim with content, both lewd and SFW. And all of it is generally pretty good. This game has a genuinely good main story for a fantasy RPG in general, which makes it an absolute gem in comparison to most porn games. The devs could have legitimately sold this game sans lewd content as a solid GBA-era JRPG. The ending is satisfying and even has a nice post-game afterwards.

    There's a variety of non-combat sex events with a variety of characters in a variety of settings and locations. Everything is accompanied by nice art that is generally not reused. There's a rudimentary pregnancy system that has two different key story moments that dramatically alter the course of the game. Naturally, the FMC gets corrupted and is willing to be more risque as her lewdness increases. The virgin route does include comments from whoever takes your virginity whenever it happens and has unique descriptions for every possible loss of virginity but is otherwise somewhat lacking, and there isn't really any reward for it other than being able to be a virgin during some of the post-game content.

    It's hard for me not to give this game 5 stars. Yeah, it's not perfect, but it's a damn good porn game in what I cannot overstate is a sea of mostly trash riddled with unfinished Patreon scams and glorified scene viewers. My one virgin run took about 8 hours without seeing any of the slut-exclusive content or raising lewdness with magazines. I definitely look forward to the dev's future games, and I'm gonna try out the previous game for sure.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Tina Yeung

    What a fantastic game that hit all the right notes to me, with gameplay that also hit it just right. I loved the kinks, the story (whaa), and just...everything. What really hit it for me too was how pregnancy wasn't just IGNORED in the game and it became a plotpoint not just once, but twice! And THEN in postgame you have progression with having more kids and they grow and you get older (to an extent to which it hardcaps lol). Every inch of this game surprised me with "I wonder if I can do this..." AND YOU COULD. I love it.

    My favorite part was 100% the mind control part, and I crave other games like it. I really REALLY wish that was longer and will be searching for more games to hit that spot so perfectly. If anyone can suggest games with that goblin mind control or anything remotely like this section I'd love you.

    My only complaint was there are two love interests postgame and the second was so well hidden I was completely lost lol. Anyways, I love this game. So so good.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. I already loved the previous one but this one surpassed it way more than i thought it would, the story actually overwhelmed me, i didn't think it was gonna be this good. Of course the sexual interactions between the characters is great and gameplay wise i'd say it's alright, not too good and not too bad, still a 5/5 for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first came to this game, I wasn't expect it to be such an interesting adventure, to the point that I have chosen to do the virgin ending first. The plot was easy-to-predict but it is still good either way. I highly recommend everyone to try it out once. I do hope for more games from this author.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Hongfire Survivor

    I rarely ever leave reviews but I have to for this. The story is extremely well told for any game, let alone an Hgame. It has surprising twists and turns and I wanted to complete it, which is rare for me.

    The combat doesn't overstay it's welcome and keeps being engaging until the credits roll. The bosses having constant dialogue and taunting you as you wear them down keeps them from getting boring.

    The lewd stuff is Triple A1, especially if you love pregnancy content. When someone or something impregnates you, it grows up until a certain point. Then, story scenes will make time pass, making the pregnancy progress, keeping everything consistent story wise.

    There are a surprising amount of side quests, but I never bothered to see where they were tracked, if they were at all. Reiri can even fall in love with I believe three different characters on the side.

    Game had me crying during the endgame, where plot threads were cashed in for emotional damage. Post game you can go and get pregnant as much as you want FYI. I'm buying this for sure to support it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique and an engaging fun game as i started this with zero expectation quickly engaged with story line and lewd scenes and i have never seen a separate storyline for goblin temple and pregnancy content overall i would give this a 10/10 and someone please suggest more games like this( yes i am aware of goblin game and i will start it soon Highly Recommended.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the rare RPGM games without engaging combat sex that I finished. I do not even know what drew me in. I don't even like the art because of those ugly melons. Because of this sole reason, I give it a 5 star. I did not cum to it though.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game looks simple, but it proved to be unexpectedly deep and interesting enough to just keep me playing, and finding out what happens next despite the many moments where the game actively cheats our expectations where it seems like it shouldn't.

    For example the brothel or casino, I expected Reiri to get there as the story progressed, but it turned out to be the usual afterend content to explore on your own, you have nothing to motivate Reiri to get there and have to do it out of pure interest, which breaks some of the immersion and imagery.
    Don't get me wrong, I realize it's kind of cliché, but it could have been played up in different ways

    On the other hand having afterend content is both a plus and a minus, in terms of exploring the world, it does feel like an adventure, but in terms of connectedness I feel there are a lot of gaps in the story itself since the author spent a lot of effort on that content and the story itself suffered because of it.

    I mean we have quite a few different events that contribute to Reiri's corruption, and if you're like me you're not losing battles to the first man you meet and waiting for a decent scene where you can give her virginity, then that's not good at all, and good thing the author thought to add a simple method of raising the corruption through erotic books, but that also in turn breaks the consistency and logic of Reiri's actions.

    It's the world and its harshness that Reiri needs to change, not the literary gum with 18+ pictures in the book

    In short, you can see how there are many missing elements in the game, and I hope that the author will finalize it in new updates or DLC, otherwise I will have to do it myself?

    All in all I definitely recommend to read and play it, it's the best game this year for me by the total impressions I got while playing it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of the top RPGM games i liked although there are a few short comings i still like it alot

    its story-driven; it isn't necessary to lose in any fights, and there isn't an easy switch to unlock all scenes, which is a plus for a challenge.

    Characters look lovely and have a great personality to actually carry on the perspective, jiggle physics, <3 and plus, even with 100+ lewds, they dont change personality that much through the main story. The characters aren't boring and have their own unique personality, which is much better than everyone being boring perverts.

    Although it is an RPGM, the fights are fun and interesting, unlike any other game of its genre.

    Art style is honestly amazing for all characters, even those without a lot of scenes.

    There are not a lot of scenes in this game, even if you unlock it; it's mostly repetative, and most of the other heroines have not many scenes even when you finish the side quests. All in all, i would rate this 8/10
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really incredibly game, I had written a whole review where I listed all my compliments and complaints about the game but then I accidentally misclicked below submit rating button which removed the review window and made me lose my review sooooooo I'll just sum it up with amazing story but its a slow burn to get to the interesting parts, love the continuation of goblin conquerors story, love the art as always buuuuut the gameplay is worse than before with enemies being huge HP sponges and not a fan of the enemy variety where its like 6+ different version of thieves/grunts or fucking gross animals/bugs.

    And like goblin conqueror this series is THE hgame series you wanna play if you want pregnancy mechanics, no other game does it as good as them. Well to be specific, the process of being pregnant, I'm sure there's something better if you only wanna pump out kids with a machine gun pussy
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game overal. The storyline and characers, are shockingly amazing, even compared to most AAA games. Easily one of the best stories from an H-game to date. The gameplay, while a little repatative, is unique enough compared to the useual, spam attack, that similar games often do. Rather ironically, the only real issue the game, for me at least, is the actual 18+ stuff. While the character designs are top notch for me, the actual H-events are a little lacking, though that suprsingly doesn't really damper the overal experience. Overal, great game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Better story than AAA western studios, we need more developers like this. It sucks that some of the tags will lower the audience. Truly a fantastic game and experience (There's even more content after finishing the story).
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is easily in the top 5-10 porn games I have ever played. I'm glad I gave this game a chance because originally when looking at the preview images, I thought the art looked kinda bad and I am glad this game proved me wrong. The story is just alright/serviceable. The gameplay isn't too bad. A bit of a slog at times when dealing with harder/stronger enemies but it's ok because it is practically impossible to fail a battle in this game unless you do so on purpose to see the main character fail and get fucked by whatever you're fighting.

    This game loses a star from the previously mentioned just ok story, gameplay that can be a slog, where my main gripe is the fact that practically 95% of all enemies you fight in this game only have one whole position that they fuck the main character in. That's the biggest problem with this game. Only one position where the MC gets fucked is incredibly lazy. Sure, there's like 15 different things the MC can get fucked by, but to only have one position for each one is incredibly lazy. Game also gets a small knock for not having a quest/objectives tab. I went like a week without playing and when I came back I had no idea/couldn't remember what to do next so I ran around for a long time, just spam clicking everything until I found the next person I had to talk to or area to be in.

    Also another minor gripe is the fact that this game advertises multiple women, so you expect there to be quite a bit of content and animations for the other girls not the MC but there really isn't. There's a decent amount for the redheaded teacher of the MC post-game which wasn't too bad, but I wished there was the option to play as each of the girls the game advertised and at least go out into the world and fight the same enemies and see the same situations of that girl getting fucked by the various monsters but no. One girl gives a blowjob scene that's very quick and that's it.

    My last gripe is sometimes in the story the game will lock you in certain areas for awhile. In one part of the game (You'll probably see people saying this was the best part of the game for them in which I heavily disagree) where you are forced to stay for like 2-3 hours at a church where you aren't really given any freedom and the story goes through one of it's few slogs. Honestly, in my opinion, it's easily the worst part of the game. While locked in this area, the one enemy here is the only enemy in the game that gets multiple positions to fuck the MC. It's times like those where I really appreciate the fact that I read very fast cause if I read any slower, I would have just held the control button on my keyboard and skipped all the dialogue.

    But overall, the game was great. I know my review sounds more negative than positive, but I am the type of reviewer that goes more in depth about the negatives because it's more important in my opinion. The game took me about 14 hours to beat, with an additional hour trying to find any post-game content that the game says there is to find after beating the game. Definitely a download and play if interested.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Diego_ Brando_wry_bestial

    Best game I played in these months.

    History 9/10

    Characters: 9/10

    Gameplay: 8/10

    Mechanics: 8.5/10

    Nsfw content: 8.9/10

    Sfx: 8.5/10

    Music: 8/10

    Ending: 10/10

    It doesn't have too much Bestiality media, but it has enough to be good, so 8/10

    The only negative thing is that after finish the game you can't unlock all scenes and Hazel location isn't too clear.

    Besides that, a too much good game , isn't too short, but neither too long, perfect for me, even it doesn't have too much text problem.

    I recommend this game <3
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: One of the greats, combat has an interesting flow to it, story is actually quite nice, scenes are somewhat varied and mesh well with the gameplay

    + Good art
    + Interesting story
    + Combat is a bit more engaging than the standard turn-based fare
    + Decent amount of porn content with good variation (Also includes preg stuff)
    + Pretty much a full-package H-game, can't go wrong with playing it
    + I really liked the prison sequence, very interesting

    - A bit short and could use more smut

    Honestly you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing this.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality story with a few branching options, and surprisingly engaging combat. Wish it was a little harder or that there was a higher difficulty NG+, so that combat scenes can be engaged with organically. Good amount of content too.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute cinema.

    Start to finish it's either among the best or even straight up the best I'd say. And I am not talking about the H-content.

    Story and gameplay are all what every RPGM dev should take a note from. Combat is simple and yet feels really good and rewarding, story hits you right in your feels too. Theres also story segments that change depending on your lewdness value, which straight up just surprised me in a good way. But not only story segments are affected by it, the MC's attitude towards certain NPCs changes based on it as well.

    I can't speak for everyone but this one certainly shares a spot within my top 3 games. Yes, even in terms of non H-games.

    TLDR: Read first 2 words.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the sex but stayed for the plot is an apt description for this game. While The sex scenes are hot, what stood out was the well written story and the mini arcs that this game had. Its a fairly long game with multiple arcs and each character has some form of character development thats actually well paced which is rare for a rpgm game. Overall, this game is one of the few rare rpgm games with a good plot and good ost thats worth playing.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    On one hand, this game does have a few bugs (be sure to save frequently).

    On the other hand, it's amazing. It has two places where you can do a full term pregnancy (be sure to aim for bad ends in what seem like places where it is building up to it).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best plot for a hentai game I've ever played. I've never been more invested in a hentai game's plot in my life, plus the ost are amazing. the story feels so fleshed out and the ideas were pretty well executed. the sex scenes we're great as well. Well ofc it's a hentai game. But I would never have expected the plot to be so interesting that it hooked me instantly. Many people will probably have different perspective then me but i have to say. this is the best Hentai game I've ever played.