If the navigation windows are missing then you'll have to start a new game (restart old save) or try a "reload" in the console. There are 0 ways to move from room to room without the nav bar at the top.
The password input on the phone doesn't show up until after you've clicked the photo on the "Shelf" scene...it's not in the bedroom: (middle shelf on the right)
View attachment 83244
The whole replay section is so broken from typo's and missing images it's not funny. Not to mention it starts the "scene" in odd places and appears to go on forever without ever ending (possibly related to the typo issue); and that's if it even starts the _correct_ scene! >.<
Certainly not up to LewdLab's normal standard, but they've usually made 2-3 hot-fix's before I've downloaded and played so maybe this is normal?