So here is my very first translation in Italian of "Dreams of desire" Ver 11. It is based ONLY on the DoD version from Rescues made with different versions from the one taken from (tested only uncompressed version) are generally incompatible with the translation and are unusable. I started with version 10 and now I've updated it to 11. It already includes the incest patch ("Landlady" is "Mom"). The translation is the one that comes from Google Translate with all the grammatical errors that, unfortunately, includes. And they are thousands. In the next few days I will make the skimming of errors especially for dialogues erroneously related to the wrong sex. But it will be a very long job. At the first start, generally, it produces errors. It happens only the first time. Close and restart. To report errors that occur during the game, please send me the screenshot via conversation here in To install it you need to put the file scripts.rpa in the game folder of the game overwriting the original which is good to have made a backup. I enclose some screenshots. I want to thank Dr.Sin for making this wonderful game. I hope you like all Italian users.