I am kinda sad about this game.
I remembered when every month a new update camed with new slutty adventures, if that tread continued we would have 0.50 by now or something, so much stuff that could have been explored, tried, so many gangbangs and punishments....
But just like Tyrant or any other great game, dev gets bored and he does quick endings.
I mean dont get me wrong, jamal ending was very good, all that gangbangs, but others were like meh, like elena fucked 30 ppl , did all these slutty stuff, cheats wherever she goes, and suddenly replaces one man and stays with another man because he has money or something, like come on, that ending makes no sense..
Sad, really sad that it will end without so many stuff still untried or used, so many buildings ppl or events, unexplored , hopefully there is an ending where Elena stays with David but still fcks everyone around, who knows...
Also looking foward to pornstar and chad endings.
Sad that it turned this way.... Best of luck in your life dev. Hopefully you will make other games (if you go again) as good as this one.