I have made a discovery in the old, demo version of the game, which has different animations for almost all the characters, which is still available on
Normally you are blocked from the second and third areas of the game and gallery by giant black blocks that say "DEMO" on them, stopping you from being able to access any scene past the minotour girls.
HOWEVER, the save system in this game is very simple and each file can be edited in notepad. All three save slots are literally just labeled clearly in the same folder as the game .EXE
Don't worry about what all the numbers mean, most of them are irrelevant, but the number in the 11th row is the room ID, meaning as long as you know the ID of the room you want to be in, you can go anywhere in the game, including areas that are normally cockblocked by demo blocks
This method isn't perfect, however, as there are some rooms that remain blocked because Kyrieru set up some extra defenses, as well as not unlocking the CG images for unintended enemies
I have taken the liberty of finding every room ID that works and what enemies are in each room, in the order you meet them, so you don't have to! So that you can experience the old but still gold versions of these animations firsthand, and not through a shitty xvideos video
(It is also worth noting that this version of the game does not have cheats, but I think one of the first 3 numbers in the save is your health, another one is your shot meter, and another is whatever the sparkles in the corner of the screen are. just set them all absurdly high and you'll never die)
(anything not listed either crashes the game, was a first world area, or was otherwise uninteresting)
3: ordinary start
26: dryad boss
29: options menu
32: Fullscreen & catgirl game over CG
33: Minotour(demoblocked)
34: Dryad boss fight
35: Blank game over
37: slime girl game over
39: Minotour
41: Minotour, harpy, pixie
43 & 42: Minotour, harpy, slime
44, minotour, harpy, singer
46: Induces seizures in epileptics(seriously, dont use this if you are at risk)
47: Minotour, singer, mummy
48: Minotour, singer, harpy, mummy, rock(still DTF)
49: Demoblocked
50: Minotour, singer, harpy
51: platforming segment
52: pixie, lizardwoman, sorceress
53: Demoblocked
54: alrune, slime, mummy, sorceress, lizardwoman
55: Lizardwoman, slime, sorceress
56: endgame level:vampire, lizardwoman, sorceress (hard platforming)
57:endgame level: harpy, minotour, lizardwoman catgirl, alrune, slime, mummy, sorceress, pixie (leads into room 59)
58: area 3 checkpoint(demoblocked)
59: endgame level: Dragoness, Minotour, Harpy, vampire (This level leads to the final boss fight)
60: Area 3 checkpoint(Demoblocked)(also plays normal start music for some reason)
61: Final boss
62: Area 2 boss
64: catgirl CG
72: Harpy CG
73: Singer CG
74,75:Mummy CG
76: area 2 boss CG
77: Lizardwoman CG
78: Sorceress CG
79: vampire CG
80: Dragoness CG
81: Final boss CG
82: Singer Game over
83: Dryad game over
84: Minotour game over
85: harpy Game over
86: Mummy game over
87: area 2 boss game over
88: lizardwoman game over
89: Sorceress game over
90:Vampire game over
91: alrune game over
92: Dragoness game over
93: Final boss game over
Armed with this knowlege, you can now set up your 3 saves to act as a gallery for the 3 different areas without needing to worry about pesky demo blocks getting in the way!