Wait, MC didn't bang her or did i miss something ?
how do you bang morgan _.......Good call, that's as close as you can get. Damn I miss this game. At least I got to bang Morgan though.
I don't think so unfortunately, he deleted everythingAnyone know of other ways to reach Ancho? or are all areas communication completely gone?
Still has his twitter igAnyone know of other ways to reach Ancho? or are all areas communication completely gone?
..., south, south, south, south, south, south, south, south, ...Love to see the trickling praise for this gem continue after its untimely death. It's a tribute to just what a unique and engaging tale Ancho crafted. A shame it never translated into enough support to keep his entusiasm and finances strong enough to continue. A sad, sad loss of a truly original game.
I also liked Ancho's project management. His art style got cleaner and more vibrant, his animations got better, his chapters got bigger. But he kept it in check, the gap between episodes was never too crazy, and he never mentioned any desire to remake the game, just kept going forward (of course, hell of a lot harder to remake with hand-drawn art than 3d renders, but still). Like I love What a Legend! and appreciate the ambition and the crazy amount of work that goes into an episode, but the time it takes to make an episode is just too long.Love to see the trickling praise for this gem continue after its untimely death. It's a tribute to just what a unique and engaging tale Ancho crafted. A shame it never translated into enough support to keep his entusiasm and finances strong enough to continue. A sad, sad loss of a truly original game.