...when she had the dream/nightmare wearing horse SM outfit thinking about Farm 218...(this is not a fan ART)
as many psychologists claim in every dream/nightmare there is an hidden desire... (maybe a DM hidden desire..???... I hope he will find the courage to do it in the game)
it is only a reading key... but I really think not be alone in this
I'm also thinking that Monica secretly loves to be fucked even she do not want admit with herself..
there are a lot of choices... when the player hit on "accept" or "agree" is Monica that accept to do everything becase she is the protagonist...
Obviously her mental health is in border line under the circumstances ... she tries to save something of her dominantrix magazine boss past this makes Monica a unique woman it is interesting ... she is willing to do all the most depraved things in order to return to being the head of her company .., and she thinks she can do it as if all the experiences she is experiencing will not have effect ... but I believe that even if she manages to go back to being the boss she will soon realize that she will no longer be able to live without having sex in a perverse way ... maybe she will continue to deny the evidence she is corrupt now.
I love Monica story and for this reason I am not in hurry to start playing the Ep2.1
I'm waiting for the EP2.2 completion
(Under every dominant man/woman there is an hidden slave!)
OK.. now I have to start a great one of the
best RPGM game ever that was updated yesterday...
see you next time