Your question is confusing but i'll give it a go.
When you say "I can only get to where the maid started" I'm assuming you mean when Monica begins her job as a maid at her old home. If my assumption is correct then you need to make a save at the end of ep1 in Monica's new bedroom (Julia's old room). When you then begin ep2 load the save you made in the new bedroom from ep1. The saves are visible from the ep2 saved games screen
To play from start to finish this method must be used. Although you can just answer the questions at the beginning of ep2 to match your ep1 playthrough. The only difference starting fresh on ep2 is Monica will always have Julia's panties on when waking up.
Your question is confusing but i'll give it a go.
When you say "I can only get to where the maid started" I'm assuming you mean when Monica begins her job as a maid at her old home. If my assumption is correct then you need to make a save at the end of ep1 in Monica's new bedroom (Julia's old room). When you then begin ep2 load the save you made in the new bedroom from ep1. The saves are visible from the ep2 saved games screen
To play from start to finish this method must be used. Although you can just answer the questions at the beginning of ep2 to match your ep1 playthrough. The only difference starting fresh on ep2 is Monica will always have Julia's panties on when waking up.
Unfortunately, my friend. every time I tried, the game collapsed. I bought the game on Steam. So I wrote to the producer on Twitter. If I can find a solution, I'll add it here. Thanks anyway.
can you clarify what version you have bought
and why didn't you buy it at DecentMonkeys patreon page
for now the versions are named
version Episode 1,1
version Episode 2.1 v0.16
version Episode 2.1 v0.16 Extra 1080p
version Episode 2.2 v0.17 version Episode 2.2 v0.17 Extra 1080p
Unfortunately, my friend. every time I tried, the game collapsed. I bought the game on Steam. So I wrote to the producer on Twitter. If I can find a solution, I'll add it here. Thanks anyway.
Ok so you have bought ep1 on steam and are having trouble getting the steam ep1 saves working in ep2. I have no idea if the steam versions are compatible with the new ep2 versions. One of the development team who post here will have to answer that.
My advice would be to download the ep2.1 that is on the first page of this thread, start a new game from that and enter the choices you made in ep1. As I stated in my previous post the only difference doing it this way is Monica has Julia's panties glued to her when she wakes up early in ep 2.
if I remember well you have to talk to the photographer and ask about where is Melanie
in any case the new Eveni List will help you in this case
it is hard to help if you are using old saves... is your Event List active?
Thanks to be interested in my posts. Your account was created just today 31 December at 12:00 CET Welcome to this thread. you have just posted your first and unique post just after confirm your email... I'm glad you seems very interested in my opinions
I'm not a game developer but I'm computer expert and also expert Fashion Business player since the Episode 1 and I know how the versions number are used in the most important apps (Adobe, Apple, Microsoft,) I know all bugs that has been affected this game in the years...
you are a new entry in this community so i suggest you to check out in the whole thread by hit the word "bug" and you will found 24 pages of 20 posts with more than 220 post. You will be able to know the bug history of this game.
Good Luck with your new account
Happy New Year Eve to you and all the Fashion Business players that follow this thread!
I've played this game too long... Such an addictive time-suck. ( and that's praise ).
I realized too late that the secret to seeing all the content appears to be to play all the paths and just keep a mental conception of Monica not doing the things she wouldn't really do, but save the game with her having done everything.
I've played this game too long... Such an addictive time-suck. ( and that's praise ).
I realized too late that the secret to seeing all the content appears to be to play all the paths and just keep a mental conception of Monica not doing the things she wouldn't really do, but save the game with her having done everything.
Hi there and welcome to our little corner of the internet.
I totally agree that at this point of the games development we are better off just letting Monica agree to all the current paths.
As you wrote in your spoiler having Monica work as a VIP escort and the next day blowing a bloke on the street for a lot less money doesn't make any logical sense and most of the other paths don't logically work together either. Hopefully when this game is completed there will be significant consequences and a variety of endings from choosing one path over another or even mixing paths together.
Unfortunately the best we will get I believe are a number of alternate endings to close off episode 2 (like we had a couple in ep1)with one possible scenario continuing into ep3.
For now I'm just enjoying the ride while ignoring a lot of the points you brought in your post.
I've played this game too long... Such an addictive time-suck. ( and that's praise ).
I realized too late that the secret to seeing all the content appears to be to play all the paths and just keep a mental conception of Monica not doing the things she wouldn't really do, but save the game with her having done everything.
I love it. You have introduced doublethinking to our gaming experience. In my playthrough Monica is an escort, a stripper and a street whore, but in my mind she is practically a virgin.
Strange I am on Windows 10 even the original Ep 1 exe doesn't work for me.
The episode 2 one works flawlessly.
Edit: Nevermind seems to be extraction related issue with 7zip.
Unpacked it using default windows extraction and it worked.
Does anybody know which switch needs to be switched if you chose no for the stranger bj? I think I misread it saying; Do you want to postpone?
I'm talking about Renpy save editor.
Does anybody know which switch needs to be switched if you chose no for the stranger bj? I think I misread it saying; Do you want to postpone?
I'm talking about Renpy save editor.
I want to try this game. Which version (versions) I should download to play from the beginning? Episode 1 (separately) and then Episode 2.1 v0.16 or Episode 2.2 v0.17 (which of them?)
I want to try this game. Which version (versions) I should download to play from the beginning? Episode 1 (separately), Episode 2.1 v0.16 or Episode 2.2 v0.17?