
Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
What are you supposed to do?
You start in a swamp, the map shows nothing, nearby you find a town with almost no nps's and nothing to do.
There are a few people walking around doing nothing, a shop and an Inn.
The innkeeper talks about miners having trouble, but there are no mines and no miners.
He also talks about mushrooms, but if you pick them up you can't use them for anything.
On the almost empty map, there is a town, but heading north is taking forever and there is nothing to do and it takes forever.
Why do you start in a empty town with nothing to do and is there a reason for going to the town?
If the content is, as I assume, in the town then why start me in the middle of nowhere and with nothing to do?
There are no quest, no urgency, nothing to make me wanting to play only emptiness and a swamp town with no textures.
I haven't played the latest version but from what I've read it's in an awkward state right now as the dev is transitioning to UE5 which meant he had to disable some things such as quests until he could transfer them properly over to UE5. This version, from previous patch notes, seems like more of an example of how the swamp area would be and so all of the content for this particular version is centered around that. From what Slaen (the developer) has stated earlier it also seems like he's still in the process of tuning how spawning works as well which would explain why the game is comparably more sparse than previous versions.
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May 8, 2017
I haven't played the latest version but from what I've read it's in an awkward state right now as the dev is transitioning to UE5 which meant he had to disable some things such as quests until he could transfer them properly over to UE5. This version, from previous patch notes, seems like more of an example of how the swamp area would be and so all of the content for this particular version is centered around that. From what Slaen (the developer) has stated earlier it also seems like he's still in the process of tuning how spawning works as well which would explain why the game is comparably more sparse than previous versions.
Fair, I'm just seeing a 4.5 year old project, with nothing in it and nothing in the changelog to suggest that there was an engine change.
Also, is there really enough of a gain moving it to UE5 for something like this.
Oh well the dev does what the dev wants, I'm properly not sticking around this, as I have seen to many engine changes etc. that leads nowhere but an abandoned game.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
Fair, I'm just seeing a 4.5 year old project, with nothing in it and nothing in the changelog to suggest that there was an engine change.
Also, is there really enough of a gain moving it to UE5 for something like this.
Oh well the dev does what the dev wants, I'm properly not sticking around this, as I have seen to many engine changes etc. that leads nowhere but an abandoned game.

Since the game hasn't been shared in a while, if you weren't following the devs patreon posts it's easy to understand why it was a bit of a shellshock.

Things would likely be different if the developer could focus solely on development but he's juggling another job as well and given the scope of the game it's no surprise that everything is taking a long time. I couldn't tell you either way about engine switching other than it's possibly to "future proof" the game but I've also seen a few devs ultimately switch back to 4.
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Feb 9, 2023
What are you supposed to do?
You start in a swamp, the map shows nothing, nearby you find a town with almost no nps's and nothing to do.
There are a few people walking around doing nothing, a shop and an Inn.
The innkeeper talks about miners having trouble, but there are no mines and no miners.
He also talks about mushrooms, but if you pick them up you can't use them for anything.
On the almost empty map, there is a town, but heading north is taking forever and there is nothing to do and it takes forever.
Why do you start in a empty town with nothing to do and is there a reason for going to the town?
If the content is, as I assume, in the town then why start me in the middle of nowhere and with nothing to do?
There are no quest, no urgency, nothing to make me wanting to play only emptiness and a swamp town with no textures.
The mine is located in the east of the village, with a wooden door on the stone wall for entry, but I still haven't found any goblin or imp, the developers seem to have forgotten to set it up


Oct 9, 2020
looks like i got my question answered. i played this 2-4 years ago, and i remember it having some basic quests, combat, town with npcs, & shops, & some basic enemies to fight/fuck (from memory. goblin & minotaur), & a somewhat detailed environment with placed props, etc..

pretty shocking seeing the change.
spawn in, random swamp path. follow to find an empty swamp town with placeholder textures, 1-2 citizens roaming with placeholder dialogue + sex scene viewer, 1 guard, a tavern keeper, a shopkeeper, a few more enemy types(imps, slimegirls, succubi/incubi, some of them functionless), and i walk all the way to what i assume was the original town, to find it looks far more unfinished, & barren than i remember, with absolutely no questing or content to speak of, beyond a few vendors, the blacksmith supposedly offering a repeatable quest, and the gate guards.

in general, this seems like a really tiny alpha/tech demo with minutes of gameplay..

wish luck to the dev, although this is concerning.

hell knows, i give up on all my modding projects within 1-3 months lol, so respect.


Oct 17, 2021
The only monster walking around are the goblins the slime girl demons and the frog dudes, where is the rest of them? the Imps the minotaur? are they disabled for this build?


Oct 9, 2020
The only monster walking around are the goblins the slime girl demons and the frog dudes, where is the rest of them? the Imps the minotaur? are they disabled for this build?
they're in there. alot of the types i found are between the farm/swamp cities. go the opposite way to the swamp town from starting location.

the minotaur specifically(aswell as, if memory serves, an Orc/brute thing), seem to be outside the farm town.
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Oct 6, 2020
One thing I would like to see would be the option to disable a gender to appear ingame.

I.e. disable all female NPCs/Monsters (and replace with male if quest/mission related).
Disable all male NPCs/Monsters (and replace with female if quest/mission related).


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
One thing I would like to see would be the option to disable a gender to appear ingame.

I.e. disable all female NPCs/Monsters (and replace with male if quest/mission related).
Disable all male NPCs/Monsters (and replace with female if quest/mission related).
It definitely wouldn't work for named npcs but for something like that to work for regular mobs you would need male/female variants of all races and they would have to be functionally similar. It's still too early to say how feasible that would be as we don't know if the dev wants to have certain races adhere to particular rules where men and women perform different roles and also how different they'll play even if they perform the same roles. Looking at how the male and female imps appear, it's hard to imagine them playing the same.

At the very least I hope somewhere down the line we can select preferences for our characters so we can avoid the content we don't want to see.


Dec 21, 2020
I used to be able to play this game on windows 7, but now I couldn't even open it, since it always said "The procedure entry point CreateFile2 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
I used to be able to play this game on windows 7, but now I couldn't even open it, since it always said "The procedure entry point CreateFile2 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"
The dev switched over to Unreal Engine 5, that's likely the reason why.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
I used to be able to play this game on windows 7, but now I couldn't even open it, since it always said "The procedure entry point CreateFile2 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"
Someone else sent me this same error message not too long ago but I never heard back from them. But...
after some digging I came across this stuff.

I have no idea if this actually works or not!!! I don't have an installation of win7 and can't test any of this
Be careful when making any changes to dll stuff or installing stuff of unknown origins!!

but yeah it looks like this error was even popping up in the later version of Unreal Engine 4. It seems like Epic is just phasing out support for older versions of windows.

Good luck! I hope you can get it working! Also just as a note for anyone that's previously supported the Patreon if you run into this and can no longer play the game just drop me a message over there if you'd like a refund. Sorry, I know this is a pain! It's a balancing act for us small developers - the newer Unreal Engine versions can have new tools and stuff that can make development easier but then it runs the risk of something like this happening.
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New Member
Apr 16, 2024
I've read in your change log that suggestions are welcome, and I certainly hope that they still are. I've got a few or so.

*This one's important: I only play for short lengths because my computer sounds like akin to an airplane. I must stress that you find some way to optimize the game for lower specs. That only thing that comes to mind, drawn from my miniscule game dev education, is to combine many objects into one object. I have zero experience with Unreal engine, I just know that's what Bethesda did for Fallout 4, Behtesda called these things Precombines... I think. This is probably irrelevant because the Creation Engine isn't Unreal 5, but I'm including it in the unlikely chance that it is.

*Construction projects - a set building in a set location that we can quest to build in stages. A reclusive home, a factory to produce potion or hypothetical bodily augmentations, a barracks for a undefended settlement, etc. When I say in stages, I mean something like clearing a area for a foundation, setting the foundation, raising the walls, constructing and attaching the roof. That kind of stuff, long term. I realize that this one's probably not going to land, but you never know.

*One of your tags under genre said Corruption of Champions. If you're going to go for Corruption of Champions, then will you please add items that alter my character's appearance? Not just to add features to my character(such as animal ears, demon horns ect), but increase muscle mass and breast size beyond what is possible in character creation. In fact, I'd even suggest that you tone down what is possible in character creation so I might achieve perfection from my actions in the game world. Part of the fun of CoC was working to get my character just right so that I could slay or lay enemies in vainglorious style.

*You can differentiate Feign from CoC further(if that's what you want) by making such changes to our character be a quest reward. Questing to become more like the questgiver, or something like that.

*Will you please add options for glowing eyes, glowing nails, and glowing hair?

That's all for now. Whether or not you choose to take them, have a lovely day.
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Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
[...] Not just to add features to my character(such as animal ears, demon horns ect), but increase muscle mass and breast size beyond what is possible in character creation. In fact, I'd even suggest that you tone down what is possible in character creation so I might achieve perfection from my actions in the game world.
I kind of like this idea too but maybe as a toggle in the options so you can choose to have unlocked sliders or restricted, that way you wouldn't have to worry about expanded sliders interfering with animations anymore than they already do at their current limit.
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Oct 29, 2021
am i the only one who stuck?? at this rainbow screen i think it cause by "microsoft visual c++" if my memory was correct it want me to reset it but idk how how ever i manage to get in the game but it was like this


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
I've read in your change log that suggestions are welcome, *snip
This is a really tough one. For starters developing for Unreal is a constantly moving target. Since the engine is always evolving and changing there's new features and old features get updated. Also I'm not an expert when it comes to technical stuff. I do my best to keep things optimized to the best of my knowledge but it's never going to be the same as having a dedicated tech person that does this professionally.
My best recommendations for lower spec machines though is the pretty standard stuff. In the options menu cap the frame rate, bring down the resolution, and turn the vfx down. It's going to start hitting the visual quality but it hopefully won't burn out anyone's PC that way.

Construction stuff
Yes and no. There's a rough object placement system for items and furniture and stuff already in the game and there's a test house that will save whatever the player's put in that house.
The longer term projects - this is probably one of those "eventually" things. The base functionality is in there and at one point I had it mostly working so the player could help upgrade the alchemist's shop like getting her setup and helping her stock the shelves with new items. Thins like that will probably happen it's just a lot of scripting and dialogue to do it and I revamped the entire quest system around the time I jumped to UE5

Character appearance
This is tough because things are in 3d and there's all sorts of clipping issues that I'm already trying to deal with. There's also the issues of getting the player armor to fit wildly different body shapes and styles. When I designed the system I tried hitting a decent middle ground that balanced a certain amount of jank with giving the player control over their appearance. So beyond what is in character creation? Probably not. But capping it during character creation? That's totally possible. Spillthebeans' point of having the sliders locked during character creation but then give the player the option to unlock them too is probably the best course of action. My only remaining hesitation at this point is where to set the default values? Like even if it isn't intentional it still says something when the dev is like "here's the default body / appearance".

Appearance changes as quest rewards
Totally! This is just a matter of writing and designing the quests at this point. I'm pretty sure I have all the functionality there already.

Glowing stuff
Maybe? I hadn't thought about this or heard this as a request yet. I've got to go back and do a polish pass on the human head textures at some point to fix up the long load times on the eyebrows. Hmm. Glowing eyes is probably the easiest, glowing hair probably wouldn't be too bad. Nails? The way things are setup that would be an entirely new map to spin up for a relatively small character detail. Not off the table definitely. At that point it would be almost worth adding the glowing tattoos / runes from the Fable games to the player. But is there a specific game or target that you have in mind?
On the eyes too... I might end up doing glows for vampire / werewolf eyes, also for things like charm magic adding fx to them (depending on how visible that is from a distance). Not too sure if the systems would conflict at all though.

Thanks for the suggestions! It's super helpful knowing what people playing the game are looking at and what people want to see. Feel free to drop more ideas, just the same warning that there could be limitations and stuff!

I kind of like this idea too but maybe as a toggle in the options so you can choose to have unlocked sliders or restricted, that way you wouldn't have to worry about expanded sliders interfering with animations anymore than they already do at their current limit.
Yeah, I think this is probably the way I'll end up going. I need to polish the character creation and its UI at some point too. But it's relatively low priority as I want to focus on building out the in game content first.

am i the only one who stuck?? at this rainbow screen i think it cause by "microsoft visual c++" if my memory was correct it want me to reset it but idk how how ever i manage to get in the game but it was like this
Hrm... that doesn't look so good. My guess would be that it's a hardware issue? Have you run into any issues with other Unreal Engine 5 games? The min specs seem to be something roughly like this
I'm not sure what the visual c++ error could be? Do you have a screen capture of the error message?
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