
Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
Thanks to everyone for checking out the game. Feedback is really helpful at this point especially those initial reactions.

Is Pregnancy planned?
It's a possibility but I need someone to help explain what they want from pregnancy in terms of gameplay mechanics. Putting in literally 9 months of pregnancy and then birthing and raising a child is too much from a design standpoint but if it is something simpler would probably be possible. But I'm not sure where to start or what to focus on.

will this be a full game?
Given enough time and support the plan is to make a full game.

fatal error for unreal engine games, any ideas?
I've seen this posted on a number of other Unreal 4 engine games and it looks like it's usually an issue with drivers or meeting the requirements for Unreal 4. Couple things to try - if there is an error code with the fatal error try copy pasting that into google something like "unreal 4 fatal error #4567d8d" and see if it gives any decent results. Or grab another unreal 4 engine game and see if that gives a similar issue. If it's only this game then give me a heads up and I can try digging a bit more but I'd mostly be doing google searches since I don't have multiple hardware setups to test builds out on. Hope that helps.

You should film your sex scenes and put it on the pornhub if you wanna get some money on your patreon, dude. Good luck.
Hah, I'm with you. Once I get some polished animations and facial expressions in there I'll look into setting up a pornhub account. Thanks!

Is this game made only for widescreen monitors? The only resolution i find in this game sends a part of the game off screen......
Even if go in fullwindow mode.
Hmm, the options menu populates the resolution list based off of what your computer tells it the native resolutions are. Or at least I think that is how that blueprint node works. In the options menu is it set to fullscreen? and is native fullscreen checked? If you don't mind changing some ini settings you can grab those in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\PF\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini I'll try to remember to turn on the console in the next build so people can just type it directly in game.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017

Mostly doing technical cleanup this week. I noticed the landscape was eating up a bunch of texture resources so I started digging in to solutions. I ended up rebaking out the entire heightmap and stepping down the resolution so the space the landscape takes up is still the same it just has less geometry and should run better at the cost of a little bit of terrain fine detail. I figure I can offset that detail loss with static terrain meshes and foliage and it won't be too noticeable.

The screenshot is the debug stuff I get to stare at when I'm doing similar work. The left image is the before and the main thing I'm fixing is the Terrain_Heightmap memory. Dropped it from 341 MB down to 85 MB. Which now I can use that texture memory on other things than just the ground.

I also decided to revamp the starting area a bit adding more changes in elevation to limit the sight lines and let the engine cull out the parts that aren't visible and at the same time shorten up the travel distances between points of interest. It should make the area feel more full and increase performance. Hopefully this is the last major landscape change that needs to be done moving forward and should give me a decent base.

I made some new rocks to use for cliff faces and to fill out some of the terrain. I was looking back at how they handled the terrain in Skyrim and they use rock static meshes everywhere to add interest and detail to the terrain.

In regards to Pregnancy you could do what does with his or hers Flash games where you see the sperm enter the egg and the the egg grows then attaches to the uterus and further growth makes the mothers belly larger and then the mother has the child and then child ends up in a basket, in your game the child could run around with your character or stay at home.
Thanks for giving me the quick overview and I'll check out niiCri's work once I get some free time. I've only had a chance to look over some screenshots of their games so far.

So if I understand correctly there's a lot of stuff here that I don't have any systems currently in place to support. Like the sperm and egg part I'm picturing something like the opening scene from Look Who's Talking - is that right? But it would keep growing and developing in a fast forward? Doing this would require a ton of fx work, camera shots, models, or else figuring out how to do all of that in a 2d window or something.

I do agree that it would be cool to be able to have children and then take them on adventures but that's also a ton of systems, models, textures, and animations. I think we've all seen poorly modeled and animated children in other video games and if it isn't done well they just look creepy especially if they share the same animation sets as the adults do.

How is this handled in Corruption of Champions? It's been a while since I've played and I'm a little fuzzy on the details. Isn't it like a text message that the player might be pregnant, then a few messages as their belly gets bigger, then a short birthing scene description and then the offspring runs off never to be seen again? I could do something along those lines. The belly getting bigger I have the rough systems for but I would need to add new blendshapes for all the models and something to keep track of the time and size of the belly. I could also do a popup message when the player first gets pregnant, then a progress message or two maybe after resting as the pregnancy progresses, the easiest way to do the birth scene would just be a text message description and then the player is immediately back to their pre-pregnancy physique. Trying to animate that scene well and having it look good is probably beyond my abilities.
But would that be enough for people who are asking for pregnancy or am I missing the point?


Sep 17, 2017
I dont know if this has been discussed before, but I am having a bug where hotkey settings behave wierdly. Where does this game save this settings? Deleting the folder and extracting again doesnt seem to work, and I have not been able to find where this settings are stored


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017

Worked on some new head presets for the character editor. Still need to break them into the individual pieces and hook them into the engine but the hard part is done. I figure I can keep updating the character editor over time as I start needing new faces for specific NPC characters. But this will double the amount of base facial features that people can use for generating their characters in the next build.

The slime girl has a full set of blendshapes for her head and is ready for another rigging pass. I still need to do the facial control setup and constraints inside of Maya and then she'll be ready for full animations.

Did some FX work practice. I'm starting to get comfortable with the cascade ui finally. Then I saw this really cool 3d noise feature that is in Niagara (the newer fx editor in UE4) so I opened up the UI for that... oh, that's going to take some getting use to. Just the overview page from the UE4 wiki:

NEVERMIND, FOUND THE FOLDER. C:/users/MYUSERNAME/appdata/PF. I can play this now.
I'm glad you got that issue sorted out. I had another issue where I needed to dig up that appdata folder as well. I was thinking about adding a readme or something into the installation folder with directions on how to find those ini files. Would that be helpful or will most people just skip over that and come directly to the forum posts first?


New Member
Jul 8, 2017
Loving the artstyle. With that said, I'm not really a fan of porn games that force you to use both hands. I would have preferred click-n-follow control scheme similar to Diablo.
And those penises need to flow better into their models.

Still, I wish you good luck with your game


New Member
Jan 7, 2018
The first thing i noticed in this game that is time- it run quite fast, but that make me realize the visual in the game (the light dies out in the sunset)


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017

Worked a bit on the blacksmith outfit. It's crazy how many NPC clothing sets are needed to fill out the characters in town. I also went back and looked at Skyrim's first town Riverwood. If I counted correctly there's 14 different outfits in that one small town alone. So I sat down and worked out a quick list of the necessary NPC outfits I would like to have for Feign's starting town. Tavern employees, blacksmith (sculpt shown above), general store owner, town sheriff, mayor, misc farmers, and probably make some new town guard armor. Getting all of that stuff done should make the town feel a lot more alive and populated rather than just having the same 2 people duplicated everywhere and wandering around.

Slime girl animations are in progress finally!

Did a few fixes to the time of day and waiting/resting mechanic. It should be more stable now and I also added a fade in/out effect to let people know it's working. Otherwise if the player was indoors there would be no change or indication that anything had happened.

Loving the artstyle. With that said, I'm not really a fan of porn games that force you to use both hands. I would have preferred click-n-follow control scheme similar to Diablo.
And those penises need to flow better into their models.

Still, I wish you good luck with your game
Thanks! Yeah, the both hands situation is a difficult problem to solve. Even going with a control scheme like Diablo any higher level gameplay would still require that second hand on the keyboard. But I hear you. I'm hoping that during more "intense" moments in the game to make those only require one hand on the keyboard at a time but during times of running around, selling stuff at shops, or managing inventory or combat those will most likely require two hands by default. There is the option to rebind keys in game though and there's also the option to pick up one of those mmo mice with all the keys on the side and as a final option there's always various accessories and mounts from companies like fleshlight that wouldn't even require the use of the player's hands. I wonder if they have referral deals...hmm.

I like the models and stuff but yeah it is VERY proof of concept.
Hah, thank you. Yes it is. But it's also most of the core systems that will be necessary for the rest of the game. I wanted to really have a stable foundation for the game before trying to put in polished assets. It should make for a better game in the long run and one that's easier to work with. I've seen a lot of projects get partway through development and then need to stop or reset because there wasn't that stable foundation to begin with.

The first thing i noticed in this game that is time- it run quite fast, but that make me realize the visual in the game (the light dies out in the sunset)
Yes, the time of day goes by really quickly right now. The sprint speed is also ridiculously fast. Things like this are mostly to make development a bit easier on me and to show off features without the need to sit there and wait for them to happen in the game. I guess it's easiest to think of them like cheat codes that I've left on for the players. In the future as the game develops things will get tuned and slowed down and those cheats will be turned off. But for now people can enjoy running around the map faster than most cars can travel.


Aug 22, 2018
Hah, thank you. Yes it is. But it's also most of the core systems that will be necessary for the rest of the game. I wanted to really have a stable foundation for the game before trying to put in polished assets. It should make for a better game in the long run and one that's easier to work with. I've seen a lot of projects get partway through development and then need to stop or reset because there wasn't that stable foundation to begin with.
I hope it doesn't get abandoned because I can see some real potential with this project.
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Jul 3, 2018
an idea for the pregnancy system...
a system like the skyrim mod, where a pregnancy goes over few ingame month or like Botn where it last a few days will be great...
but such a system can realy fast turn in "pain in the ass" to bring this to work.
the same is the growing up phase for the child/s...
yeah to see a child running around the house or so, would be a great "life-like" thing... (see above to the pregnancy system).
if you let spawn an adult npc after the pregnancy... hmm, okay it looks not so great but i dont know if this will be better for a game like this and it is a bit easier to creat.
a system which niicri is using, will a bit simpler... if you make it so... i hope it comes with a few more "stages".

So far what i have read and see from this game... it looks great and i think it have a lot of potential.
i hold an eye in this project and see how it goes.
keep up the great work and i hope this game will not be abandoned :O

P.s. sorry for my ugly english o.o
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Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017

I was thinking, what if the player doesn't want to fight everything in sight? What if they wanted to play a more peaceful role in the world? What if they wanted to solve their problem with love instead of violence? So I started putting together the mechanics for non-violent encounters. This won't be ready this next build but maybe in a rough state in the December build. It will allow the player to either attempt to talk their way out of an encounter or else just let the NPC to have their way with them. This also will need a way of dealing with the player respawning after being "defeated" since the current default behavior is to simply spawn back in town. But what if the player wants to go to the next town over (once I actually have that made and in the game) but the want to experience encounters along the way without having their progress reset after each one. I was thinking that most monsters, assuming the player doesn't resist, would have a bit of fun and exhaust the player without actually damaging the player's health. That way at the end of a scene I can test to see if the player's health has been reduced to a point that they would pass out and be revived in town or if they just needed a few moments to catch their breath and continue their journey from where they are. Thoughts? ideas? feedback? I'm still fleshing out the systems so I'm sure there's a few cases I haven't considered yet.

Almost done the textures for the blacksmith outfit. Still a few things I want to do and then I need to make the blendshapes for all the different body types.

Worked on the AI a bit. AI has the basics for dealing with day/night activities. As well as only having some AI perform specific tasks. After the next build comes out wait until nighttime and watch the guards in town for a bit. Currently these tasks are tied into the AI perception radius which is relatively small so it's easier to test and this will get iterated on in the future.

I hope it doesn't get abandoned because I can see some real potential with this project.
I don't plan on abandoning the project any time soon. Especially since I'm just now getting to the really fun parts of game design, writing out quests, creating the world and characters, designing dungeons all the really creative stuff that I've never been able to do working at a professional studio.

an idea for the pregnancy system...
Thanks! and thanks for the suggestions. It's going to be some time before I can implement a pregnancy system but my current plan for when I do is to start with the basics and take player feedback. The initial planned features will be really simple - a small text description telling the player they are pregnant, the character's belly growing over time, then another text message when the player gives birth. Something really basic to see how those systems will fit into the game and to see if that's what people want. From there it's mostly a matter of what the player response is to those systems.


Jul 3, 2018
this mechanics sounds interesting.
im not sure if i unsterstand it correct.
do you plan this as an alternative way in the game to go, or do you want to replace the combat system? :oops:

if this will be a alternate way to play, then i must say it can be awesome.
when you have the choice to do what you want in the game.
i mean... (it's only my sight) with this method it can give the feeling of an open play through.
my thinking because the "spawning mechanic", will it be possible to let player at this point where he was defeatet?
when yes, then it will be possible to go the way from there to the point, this will be a bit more life-like. (it's only my view to this)
if this will not be possible then it can be frustrating, when the player always must try to get from the "last spawnpoint in town".

when a spawnpoint is needed then, will it be possible to make "checkpoints" in the field?
so like campfires or so where a player can spawn after such an encounter, if one is nearby.
there can sit an npc, so you can give the feeling he/she found you and was bringing you to this "campsite" to rest.
this will give you a few more options, so like the player can be robbed as a example. (if you want to go such a way)

but i dont know how far do you want to go. :devilish:
i mean there can be a option (if you like/want), that the player can end in a dungeon or a camp, after such an encounter or losing a battle as a slave and must "work" to be free.

the blacksmith outfit looks great so far ;)
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2017
sorry for asking what's probably obvious, but how do I do the sex
Update: I figured it out

I really like how this looks so far, and aside from wanting more scenes with the goblins, and cum physics of some kind, this looks great for a proof of concept! The character creator, aside from a few bugs from toggling clothing, and maybe needing some more lip color options, is really great! I especially love that you can create a musclegirl. Very excited to see how the rpg aspects will be implemented. And best of all, this game can somehow run on my barely functioning computer! I really hope this project goes well!
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Nov 10, 2019
This looks really good. Keep up the work for another year or two (and maybe get others on board), and you may well have a new 3D CoC, that everyone has been wishing for. Lol


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017

I found out that the dynamic spawners are broken at the very last minute. If the AI has gotten outside of their spawn bounds and then triggers a scene bad things end up happening. Rather than put people through that I just disabled all the spawners and dropped in static NPCs around the town area. It isn't ideal but I wanted to get a build out on time.

Also slime girls and imps don't have scenes or combat in game yet. The slime girls I have their win vs. male player scene almost ready but then I remembered I don't have their attack animations ready so there is no way for them to attack or knock anyone down and then no way to see those scenes. The slime girl will also be the first character to have facial animations during her scenes and I'm using her as a test bed for that workflow.

Version 1.4 Changelist:
  • 5 new face shape presets in character creation
  • Blacksmith outfit
  • AI now understands and uses objects in the world based upon time of day
  • AI will dynamically follow assigned waypoint pathing
  • The system is in place for dialogue barks (short one sentence "you know what's wrong with skyrim these days?" sort of thing) Still need to write and implement them though
  • Map Optimization and detailing
  • Post Processing updates - depth of field and color grading
  • Resting / Waiting bug fixes
  • Flowers
  • Misc. fixes to environment collisions and textures
i mean there can be a option (if you like/want), that the player can end in a dungeon or a camp, after such an encounter or losing a battle as a slave and must "work" to be free.
Yes, this system will be in addition to the base combat system. It will be an alternative to fighting for those that want to play that way.
I'm currently working out the design for how the system will work in the future and I'm definitely considering doing things like having the player be captured, enslaved, or simply rescued by some random person that brings them back to the local inn. I haven't fully decided on which features will go in or how they will be handled yet but I'll keep posting updates as things progress. First step is just getting the basic system in.

I really like how this looks so far, and aside from wanting more scenes with the goblins, and cum physics of some kind, this looks great for a proof of concept! The character creator, aside from a few bugs from toggling clothing, and maybe needing some more lip color options, is really great! I especially love that you can create a musclegirl. Very excited to see how the rpg aspects will be implemented. And best of all, this game can somehow run on my barely functioning computer! I really hope this project goes well!
Thanks, hah believe me I want to get some time and finish the goblin girl scenes. She really needs some facial animations in there too. Similar thing with the cum systems I really want to get them in the game but I haven't found a way that looks good and performs well yet. I'm still experimenting but it will be in there at some point.

Yeah the character creation I want to put a bunch more color presets for everything. The sliders are there but they're sort of a pain to use and it's much easier to just have a button that gets you pretty close and then fine tune with the sliders. I also need to organize all of those screens better. It's all on the "todo" list.

What bugs were you running into with the clothing toggle in character creation? It's pretty common for bugs to slip by me as I'm only testing on my machine and I'm not testing super thoroughly. Usually I just click through and make sure nothing blows up so bug reports can really help me out.

This looks really good. Keep up the work for another year or two (and maybe get others on board), and you may well have a new 3D CoC, that everyone has been wishing for. Lol
Thanks! That's sort of the plan moving forward and the goal that I'm really hoping to reach. I'd love to be able to bring on some other developers at some point but first I need to get a solid platform and a steady income so I'm not asking people to work for free. Game development is a ton of fun but it's also time consuming and people have bills to pay and I don't want to be one of those developers that promises to pay people in royalties and "exposure".


The Gravewalker
Jun 4, 2018
View attachment 461337

I found out that the dynamic spawners are broken at the very last minute. If the AI has gotten outside of their spawn bounds and then triggers a scene bad things end up happening. Rather than put people through that I just disabled all the spawners and dropped in static NPCs around the town area. It isn't ideal but I wanted to get a build out on time.

Also slime girls and imps don't have scenes or combat in game yet. The slime girls I have their win vs. male player scene almost ready but then I remembered I don't have their attack animations ready so there is no way for them to attack or knock anyone down and then no way to see those scenes. The slime girl will also be the first character to have facial animations during her scenes and I'm using her as a test bed for that workflow.

Version 1.4 Changelist:
  • 5 new face shape presets in character creation
  • Blacksmith outfit
  • AI now understands and uses objects in the world based upon time of day
  • AI will dynamically follow assigned waypoint pathing
  • The system is in place for dialogue barks (short one sentence "you know what's wrong with skyrim these days?" sort of thing) Still need to write and implement them though
  • Map Optimization and detailing
  • Post Processing updates - depth of field and color grading
  • Resting / Waiting bug fixes
  • Flowers
  • Misc. fixes to environment collisions and textures

Yes, this system will be in addition to the base combat system. It will be an alternative to fighting for those that want to play that way.
I'm currently working out the design for how the system will work in the future and I'm definitely considering doing things like having the player be captured, enslaved, or simply rescued by some random person that brings them back to the local inn. I haven't fully decided on which features will go in or how they will be handled yet but I'll keep posting updates as things progress. First step is just getting the basic system in.

Thanks, hah believe me I want to get some time and finish the goblin girl scenes. She really needs some facial animations in there too. Similar thing with the cum systems I really want to get them in the game but I haven't found a way that looks good and performs well yet. I'm still experimenting but it will be in there at some point.

Yeah the character creation I want to put a bunch more color presets for everything. The sliders are there but they're sort of a pain to use and it's much easier to just have a button that gets you pretty close and then fine tune with the sliders. I also need to organize all of those screens better. It's all on the "todo" list.

What bugs were you running into with the clothing toggle in character creation? It's pretty common for bugs to slip by me as I'm only testing on my machine and I'm not testing super thoroughly. Usually I just click through and make sure nothing blows up so bug reports can really help me out.

Thanks! That's sort of the plan moving forward and the goal that I'm really hoping to reach. I'd love to be able to bring on some other developers at some point but first I need to get a solid platform and a steady income so I'm not asking people to work for free. Game development is a ton of fun but it's also time consuming and people have bills to pay and I don't want to be one of those developers that promises to pay people in royalties and "exposure".
hi bud, talk with one of the staffs and get the game developer tag,
BTW discovered this game for the first time, now its in my download queue..gonna try it..
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