My best hypothesis is the real game is how to farm for fools, but I doubt he's finding them on F95. And a very specific set of fools because they must have a masochistic side, to be smart enough to earn disposable income but dumb enough to pay him 16 months based vague promises of how hot the next release will be without ever actually asking for any proof of work. Anyone know where he's finding them? Curious as to his marketing, which is definitely Crush's forte.
I feel them, because once upon a time, I had hopes of seeing this game reach an ending (albeit a rushed one). The truly frustrating part is that if he instead applied his creative writing to the story, with the same effort he's posting on community and elsewhere, he'd literally have written a novel by now. The only reason not to finish main story first, outside of running a scam, would be he has no real clue how the story continues beyond getting to BKK.
2 more years till FA development reaches 1 decade, let's hope the fools keep funding it till the next reboot is called "Granny Agent" then we can have him develop death path too (the mission is to beat inflation, dice roll for chronic illness, fighting random aches and pain, for virgin run you can unlock nursing home AND customise the diaper, wheelchair and casket) It's gonna be greta and so sexy, to be released in Winter (year TBD).