
Nov 19, 2023
This thread used to get purged by moderators whenever someone called Scamstation for what he really is. Happened numerous times before. Banning from F95?! F95 has actively participated in his scam, they'd rather ban the people who complain about it. Had not checked this thread for the past few years. Looks like nothing has changed, except most zealot fans seem to have deserted it, but whatever, better to let it die, unless of course you find the pathetic antics of a pathological lier amusing.
I admit, I do find it amusing. The current weekly apology-fest, the endless groveling, the bargain basement manipulation attempts, the ridiculously pompous imaginary planning documents combined with the comments in the thread give me more entertainment than I ever got from the rough draft FA story and other assorted scribblings published to date. That being said, I do think the thread should be terminated with extreme prejudice as a public service. The money this game siphons would be far better served going to reputable developers who actually want to release fresh content.
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Nov 19, 2023
FA blew up during the pandemic when people were stuck inside. Most of his support are people from then who just never unsubscribed. Most have probably forgotten the game exists
So you're saying a lot of them died from Covid and are still collecting Social Security, which is then transferred to the FA Patreon? This is an even bigger scam than I thought...


New Member
Dec 9, 2023
even if the game *eventually* gets finished, how was it worth it for how much the patrons have paid for it? This entire model for porn games is terrible. Let me see the product, then maybe I'll buy. This is why japanese games are always finished and western ones almost never are. Seriously, mess with the tags and see how many games are abandoned, its ridiculous. You have people paying for the promise of a game that almost never comes. The Dev has no motivation to complete it because they are already being paid, and in fact they are motivated NOT to finish a game because that means no more revenue. I honestly no longer want to see this game updated, unless the next update was the entire rest of the game, and even then. Slap an abandoned tag on it and forget, better yet take it off the site so no one else falls for this. No developer that takes 8 years to complete a text game, especially one this short, can possibly be a good developer. This is a scam
90% of the indie games are crap and are made by naive and overly ambitious individuals. The remaining 10% are worth it, yes. But paying for early access in such a climate? Might as well go and gamble in a casino, that would be more productive use of your money. Early Access is a mistake, Patreon is a mistake.
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Mar 10, 2021
Patreon works really well for supporting people in quite a general sense... Like, if someone is making art that you like, or putting out a podcast, or just generally being fun and entertaining online then it's a neat way of saying Thank You for the entertainment that they have provided. It also works quite well if you are a super-fan of an author or an artist and you buy their stuff but want to be even more supportive than regular capitalism allows. Patreon works in these cases because support is not tied to any tangible results... you give people money because you like 'what they do' and you stop when you stop liking what it is they are up to: You are effectively saying 'Thank you' until you no longer feel the need to be grateful.

Conversely, Patreon is *really bad* when it comes to supporting specific projects as it sets up this weird balancing act whereby creators are slow-rolling their output so that a project doesn't end while also doing the absolute minimum possible to ensure that their numbers don't dip too far.

The problem is that there isn't a clear boundary between the people who will be helped by Patreon support and the people who will wind up getting absolutely ruined by it. By and large, the people who will benefit from Patreon are the people who have managed to get themselves into a place where you can imagine them doing the work indefinitely: EvaKiss clearly has a really good work ethic and you can imagine her finishing her current project and moving on to the next one. Ditto that Femdom specialist who has two games on the go and does one update for each every year... they're slow as fuck but they have four games to their name and you can tell they're a perverted nerd who will never stop making games about women who are 7 feet tall who want to sit on your face until you pass out.

Crush, on the other hand, is an excellent example of someone who has been absolutely ruined by his success... at this point, people are paying him 5k a month just to produce excuses for his refusal to do any actual work. He's like an American farmer who is being paid a fortune by the government not to grow corn. There's no way that he's finishing this game and the idea of him finishing this game and then starting a second game is just laughable. Crush is a perfect demonstration of the problems with the Patreon funding model... he's like those Youtubers who only produce one 4 hour video a year; he's someone who used to do good work but has now completely checked out of what he used to do. However, because he was so massively overpaid for what he once did he can't really afford to walk away from the money and so he's trapped in a gilded cage... getting paid a professional salary to produce endless excuses for not doing any bloody work.
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