Unity - Completed - FlipWitch - Forbidden Sex Hex [v1.5] [MomoGames / Critical Bliss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A freaking fantastic game with very enjoyable platformer metroidvania gameplay and even better scenes. I had a great time doing quests and exploring the map to complete quests for scene unlocks. I usually do not enjoy platformers, but this was an exception.

    My only complaints are grinding for some money and the gatcha rewards, but those aren't changing my 5 star rating.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing gameplay and the scenes are great as well.
    This could honestly work as a game even without the sex too it's really solid.
    I'm not finished with the games yet as I need like one more main boss then I can do the final one but I can still tell how much work was put into this and it's amazing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    FlipWitch - Forbidden Sex Hex es una joya para los fanáticos de los juegos de fantasía y contenido adulto, ofreciendo una experiencia única y envolvente que combina mecánicas de aventura, puzzles y escenas explícitas. El juego sigue a una joven bruja sin nombre que recibe la misión de explorar un misterioso bosque de goblins, donde, al completar misiones, se encuentra con diversas criaturas y desafíos. La historia se desarrolla en diferentes zonas fascinantes como el Bosque Goblin, la Mansión Encantada, y el Infierno, creando una atmósfera rica y variada.
    Uno de los aspectos más innovadores del juego es el orbe de cambio de género que la bruja obtiene, lo que le permite alternar entre géneros para resolver puzzles o desbloquear contenido erótico adicional. Esta mecánica no solo aporta una nueva capa de interacción, sino que también permite a los jugadores explorar diferentes facetas de los personajes y la historia. Además, el juego cuenta con una amplia variedad de jefes que, cada uno con su propia música característica, representan desafíos emocionantes que mantendrán a los jugadores comprometidos.
    La comunidad ha elogiado en particular el equilibrio entre las misiones principales y las secundarias, que ofrecen recompensas en forma de escenas +18 y monedas que permiten obtener figuras gacha. En resumen, FlipWitch - Forbidden Sex Hex es una obra entretenida para aquellos que buscan una mezcla de aventura, fantasía y contenido para adultos. ¡Una experiencia completa y adictiva!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is fun although it can be a bit tedious. The UI is a bit inconsistent (you can hit Q to exit some menus but have to hit Caps Lock to exit others - which is irritating because I've got Caps Lock mapped to my escape key already and I don't want to change my key mappings for a single game). It might just be my keyboard but trying to jump, flip a switch, then activate double jump can be a little frustrating and time consuming. As mentioned below some of the bosses are basically damage sponges; for example the battle with the Goblin Queen took me a bit because I had to hit them so many times.

    EDIT: I plugged in a controller and menus are easier to navigate. Some mechanics are still a bit sticky but it could be my hardware. It feels like the game was designed with controller usage in mind first and foremost.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice metroidvania with great art and sound. Quite a bit of backtracking, but if you enjoy metroudvanias this one's a must play. Some bosses have a bit too much health in my opinion, as the fights themselves aren't always hard, just long.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the better metroidvanias you'll find on this site. The pixel art is very on point and the soundtrack is a banger (especially the angel stage.) Tons of outfits for both male/female forms of the MC. Plenty of scenes for both genders. Game-play is fairly smooth. Has collectibles. You can put in over 10 hours if you go for a 100% run. You can re-bind all your keys to numpad + directional keys to play one-handed (4568 for movement, right arrow to attack, numpad-enter to dodge) although you still have to use wasd to navigate menus which is a little annoying.

    After about 50% of the way through the game the once great difficulty curve and level design drops off a hill. You'll find yourself just standing still melee-ing all bosses and mini-bosses down without much of a fight and going through areas that are pretty much designed exactly the same. The ero content while ok is not really good enough that you'll wanna re-watch any of it in the gallery. Items are 100% useless and would be a chore to collect and use in the game's current state if they were in-fact useful.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    After testing this game, I have mixed feelings.
    Visually it's superb, with quality pixel art, The music is correct.
    But, the character control clearly lacks finishing. It's rigid, unwieldy, the jumps lack precision and not to mention this hitbox which makes you get hit too easily.
    The fights against certain Bosses (in addition to being HP bags) are painful (e.g. the sniffer ghost). Maybe it's me who is bad (and/or the game is hard), but I really feel like the game lacks finishing (even if I haven't noticed any crashes or bugs).
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    - Excellent gameplay and cool mechanics.
    - Amazing pixel art.
    - Great map to explore with an interesting layout.
    - The gender swap mechanics for game play is well done.
    - Boss fights all have an interesting well executed mechanic.
    - Good difficulty level.
    - Characters are all so animated and full of life in their movement.
    - Great soundtrack.

    - The H art though well done is nothing erotic. Naked characters and very vanilla scenes. I just found it cute and well drawn, and appreciated it for that, but I don't think there is anything that you'd ever jerk off to in here.
    - Story is very basic just to push the flow of the game, but at least doesn't waste your time.
    - I gave up halfway through because the map just wasn't that helpful. I couldn't remember everywhere I had to go back to when I got a new exploration perk and marking that all down on my own seems way too tedious. Standard kind of metroidvania fare through if that doesn't bother you.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality h-game. It's a solid metroidvania. If you're looking at reviews to see if you should play this, definitely give it a try.
    I guess the only things I can say about the gameplay is that the magical items felt useless and thus I forgot I ever even had an MP gauge. They were often less effective than your melee/ranged attack and were unwieldy to use.
    The level design gets pretty sloppy after a certain point too. Gender blocks where they're not needed, boring hallways of enemies, enemies placed too close to exit/entrances, etc. The intricate level designs fall off very abruptly at slime citadel and then never recovers. You can tell the devs were burning out.

    Personally, I found the h-content lacking. Not in quantity mind you, I just didn't find it very erotic. It's not as if it's badly drawn either. It's just... boring? I guess? Maybe it's the rather short looping animations. It's also not a game where you fuck everything you can see. I think that's a huge miss because there are some enemies that are straight baddies. Like the demon queen, the angel boss, etc.

    Still, great game though.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a game for a fap but a really good game overall.
    If you are looking for lots of sex hentai and fetishes this game doesn't have it. There are plenty sex scenes but they are not incorporated into the gameplay . Sex scenes are triggered if you lose or if you get them in the slots machines for lucky coins. There are sexy elements, big naked tits, lingerie, some erotic scenes, revealing clothing.
    It's not a porn game, it is a NSFW metroidvania.
    And the metroidvania element is where this game shines. The gameplay is amazing, there are lot's of things to do and you do not get bored overall. Plenty of quests and combat keeps you playing of you like this kind of games.
    One of the best aspects of the game is the soundtrack, GODDAMN IS IT GOOD.I don't know who came with the idea to hire a composer for a simple metroidvania nsfw game but this was the right move. I can't even begin to describe the feeling when fapping to tits and asses into this game changed to head-bobbing to the music.
    Overall this is a good game but not a porn game
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's one of those games that you would play without needing the adult content. It's just that good. Also the music is absolutely amazing and I actively listen to it. I am excited to see their future games.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Game deserves 4 stars but since pixel-art sidescroller/metroidvania are rare, and when you find one usually they are not that good, this one gets 5.

    Its not Succubuss Affection, but its pretty good nonetheless. Art is pretty, animations are decent, combat and map design could be better. I liked bosses and overall enjoyed it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly detailed pixel art and amazing OST - probably the best I've seen and heard in a nsfw game. Many sidequests, characters and dialogue to help change things up. Fun gameplay - your typical metroidvania. Although I do wish the ending had a bit more of a wow factor. Do note, sex scenes are more on the vanilla side - might be okay for some but not enough for those who want something more.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Play it ONLY if you want to look at pretty art and listen to a pleasant soundtrack. These are the only aspects this game will deliver on.

    This game only barely passes as an enjoyable experience mainly because:
    • Many area's lack polish, or thought put into the level design.
    • H-content is rarely creative, barely passable even if you're only into vanilla.
    • The moment to moment gameplay is a disguised money farming simulator. None of the enemies are interesting to fight and are essentially walking gold bags.
    • Story is constant MMORPG description flavor text, there is barely any context attached to the H-content aside from "Let me repay you in a sexual favor"
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Flip Witch is a typical metroidvania. A 2D action platformer where your main objective is to explore a big map, gather the items to upgrade your movement and explore further the paths you couldn't before, leading to boss fights and the conclusion of the story, with a myriad of different flavor upgrades, magics, collectibles etc. Without a doubt this game is very well made. The gameplay aspect is top notch with smooth movement, great platforming, great controlling and plenty of fun enemies and big fights to entertain you. The game also has a mechanic of costumes you have to buy in order to complete side quests that eventually make you stronger. Those, and the available items in stores, require quite a bit of money grinding, so the first item I would advise you is the money upgrade. The game has a very detailed and impressive animated pixel art. The girls are very bouncy and while attacking and dodging you will have beautiful images to gorge your eyes on. But the big moments are the individual short scenes you come up with when you complete quests or when you are defeated. The scenes are plentiful and you will have access to a big gallery when you collect them all. Unfortunately that is also the biggest gripe with Flip Witch. The scenes are very boring. After you see four or five of them, they will look very similar, because the game does not go deep into different kinds of scenes, they are all variations of the same basic acts. In a game with this much content, this much different enemies and creatures, and this many scenes, one would expect much more variation. Considering the genre of these kinds of games, the public always prefers more different content than just the same content over and over again with different angles or positions. Besides that, another aspect that I disliked was the voice acting. The voice simply did not fit with the aspect the girls have in the game, too dense for the cute artstyle chosen. And you can not specifically control the voice volume.The music also deserves praise, specially the boss fights and the club. Definitely a recommendation, it has great gameplay but has its flaws like the repetitive scenes.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I will be honest here. From an eroge enjoyed perspective? This game is ultra vanilla and the erotic stuff are down right just mouse drags at best and mspaint move tools at worst. There are very little "ultra" erotic things that are worth getting off in this game.

    From a normal gamer perspective, Flipwitch is an ecchi platformer game with downright amazing art and smooth combat animation with many interesting game mechanics that are fun and quirky, the characters are charming and the enemies are good-looking.

    Downloading/buying this game is for the GAMEPLAY, not the ero part. Frankly, if this game didn't have a solid gameplay part of it, the art would've been mediocre at best.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The guy below me already wrote a long and detailed review that I fully agree with, so I'm going to keep it short. Really fun metroidvania (not perfect, but super charming) with sexiness implemented very well into the game (nude enemies, sexy outfits, bouncing tits everywhere etc) as well as bigger reward-scenes for finishing quests.

    This game is good enough, that I actually recommend buying it on Steam once you've checked it out here.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Flipwitch is one of the rare examples of a Hentai Game that manages to be very fun even without the porn!

    It is a very well crafted metroidvania with a simple main mechanic: the Gender-flipping gimmick, that as the name implies changes the Main Character's gender, feels easy to use and is rather unobtrusive on the main gameplay loop. It's main function is to provide interactions with NPCs (some will have different dialogue depending on your gender, and quest require the gender locked costumes to initiate of finish) and it is used as a combat/platforming tool as it allows to interact with certain color-specific platforms and projectiles. It works great as both a mechanic and allows for fun/sexy moments to swap the "point-of-view" without breaking the flow & immersion of the game, that's pretty good/smart design!

    For me, such accomplishments would already net a 4/5 alone, but the sheer charm of the game has completely won me over!
    The characters are all fun and quirky in a very positive manner, of course there are the sexy gals "built for oogling" as this is a porn game at it's core, but at multiple times I've found myself exhaling from my nose, and even letting a genuine chuckle from the writing!

    The visuals are amazing: truly high-quality pixel-art! From the characters, to the menus, to the backgrounds, the items, the enemies and the bosses, all really professional-grade, high-standarts, chunky & creamy pixel goodness.
    Not only in quality, but quantity too! Every area has it's unique enemies, color-scheme, game over animations (for both sexes!) and NPCs, and adding the multiple (very cute looking) costumes to unlock, it is obvious that a lot of work was done by the team, and it pays off greatly!
    They really help to sell and characterize the cheery ambiance of the game: the city & alleyway truly blew me away at all the creativity and detail poured in every corner that went into the making of this game!

    One detail I did not expect to be able to also praise this game: Sound Design!

    All the songs are all very nice and full of personality, ( all of them remind me of the maplestory OST, and that a really good win in my book) and never overstay their welcome. The combat feels like it has weight and hits manage to both feel impactful and not melt your ears with constant ear-splitting noise! The sex scenes also have nice voice acting and aren't screaming matches!

    Lastly, the sex scenes: I have to admit that the sex scenes are fairly serviceable (honestly, I prefered the overworld sprites to some of the animations, but mostly because the sprites are very, very good), and work really well as the rewards they're supposed to be!
    They come mostly in three categories:
    1 - Defeat Scene - Both in Female & Male points of view for each area of the game, showcases the enemies of the area, love all of them!
    2 - Quest Reward - After completing a quest, you're treated with either a nice view or a fun-ride with the related NPC, both cases are really nice, especially because (again) the character design is sooooo good!
    3 - Progression Reward - As you advance through the game, you get a few special animations as a reward for completing portions of the game, as with the other, looks very nice!

    Overall, this is one of the best H-games that I've ever played, and would really recommend! Excellent game with good porn! Made me go to Steam and buy the damn game, and honestly you should too! Will watch MoMoGames closely for any new games they launch! Truly a 5 out of 5 game!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is gorgeous, not just the sex scenes but in general. Music is good and sound design is generally good. Gameplay is fun enough and decently engaging for a porn game. The dialogue is pretty witty and fun. Not to mention it's an actual COMPLETE game and not a v0.1 that dies a year in. I'm actually going to be buying this game to support the devs and I urge you to consider doing so as well.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    ya need log in to see uwu

    I'm about halfway through and even without the H scenes this easily is a top tier game.

    The combat it weighty and satisfying, the music's solid, platforming is fun and makes good use of the flip mechanic, the level design has that balance of peak metroidvania without making the player feel lost. the boss attack patterns are enjoyable challenging and memorable, the quest upgrade system is a great way to incentivize doing quests, I really like the way collectables are handled in this game and of course the H scenes while a bit basic and short, are beautifully drawn and animated.

    I have few minor complaint though. My main complaint being that its a waste to have the genderbender mechanic but no yaoi h scenes. The amount of Yuri's in the game is lacking too. but since this isn't a Run Or Rape game as the h scenes with enemies are only in the game over it doesn't really detract from the experience too much. A male gatcha or attractive male characters having their faces visible in m/f scenes (or just not being turned blue) at the very least would have been nice. Maybe more male oriented content could be added in dlc or a future update. Other then that and few minor nitpicks, like some of the key choices making it hard to platform and The dev forgetting to make a male ghost form and there not being much of an opening cutscene explaining the story, this is still a great gaming experience and I look forward to finishing the game.