Unity - Completed - FlipWitch - Forbidden Sex Hex [v1.5] [MomoGames / Critical Bliss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Good big quests with real plot and tru rewards. U need to actually play the game to progress in her, maybe id like to see more gold rewards to buy cosmetics more. Bosses are well designed but late game bosses are too weak in comparison with my character power. Animations are so neet and cool too
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good side scroller game with fun boss fights and great music. Only lacking really male to male content which is surprising considering this is a gender flipping game. As well as balancing around spells being not worth it and mana getting rarely used.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    To be fair, it's really good as a side-scroller game. The H-content is really rich too. But I think quality is more important than quantity. Maybe I'm just not too into the art style, who knows. So 4 star it is.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    actually fun as fuck and smooth game play, once you get used to it the movement is fluid and fast! Im looking forward for more from this developer, really surprised at the quality of this game, picked ti up on steam just to support the dev
  5. 5.00 star(s)



    In a fantasy world, the Witch of Chaos threatens to destroy the world. As Beatrix’s apprentice, you’ll have to explore the world in search of the keys to ward off this danger. During your adventure, you’ll meet a plethora of characters who are only too happy to help you and give you a good time.


    FlipWitch is a 2D metroidvania in its purest form. You explore a world divided into biomes, each with its own monsters and gimmick, while unlocking new skills that require backtracking to explore new corridors. The system is classic, but still highly effective. Unlike many eroge games of this genre, here the controls are pleasant and the adventure is full of secrets to discover and side quests. It took me six hours to reach 100%, which is very reasonable.


    The erotic content is very well done, scattered throughout the adventure via defeat screens, side-quest rewards and coins to be found in the environment. I loved the emphasis placed on monster girls, but the whole thing is sorely lacking in craziness. We’re often stuck on blowjobs or other classic positions, in stark contrast to the game’s wilder atmosphere. Artistically, it’s top-notch, with a consistent and unique style.

    What I didn’t like

    I would have liked more QoL for 100% after beating the final boss. There are also a few annoyances with the control system: I don’t like the fact that the person moves forward during the basic combo, as this causes you to run into the enemy sprite. What’s more, the magic uses a key combination that’s not very effective.


    FlipWitch is the epitome of what I call a good eroge. The erotic content is interwoven with the gameplay, so that we can enjoy both pleasurable gameplay and masterful eroticism. What a delight!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. It has a rough start but then it because a metroidvania with extra scenes with pretty good pixel art. I recommend this game. Don't be scared of the genderbender tag, it's more like having two protags. The scenes with the girl are centered on her and the scenes with guy are centered on the monster girls
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking amazing, 10/10 gameplay 11/10 scenes, keep going guys. The attention to detail and the expressive quality of the animations elevate the gaming experience, creating a sense of whimsy and wonder. From the character's joyful expressions to the dynamic interaction with the environment, the animations contribute significantly to the game's overall appeal.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's good. Erotic and fun, WAAAY better than the usual horny galleries that's for sure, it's an actual GAME. Also the controls are perfectly fine and really fun! I don't know what some of these bad reviews were playing, but it wasn't this. Art is great, soundtrack is great, and having played my fair share of metroidvanias, this one's really good as well and has nice level design.

    Now then, the only real problem I have is with the main feature of the game and a few of the upgrades:
    -The changing gender mechanic, while fun when used in sidequests, is really underused in the platforming and combat. It doesn't have to be much more complex, but they definitely should have used it more, specially combat-side, only bosses really use it, and very little.
    -The "magic upgrades", like the ghost and the slime, are pretty much impossible to use elsewhere, and while there are upgrades that work seamlessly to enhance your mobility, these ones feel underwhelming, specially the ghost one.

    Now the h-scenes, I liked them, there could have been more variety, not in characters, there's plenty of them, but in positions. I'm sure you can enjoy it, it's vanilla stuff, average, and the art is very pretty, so criticizing the scenes would legitimately amount to nothing., since this is entirely personal preference, all I'll say is, for me, they were great.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Too complicated to play with one hand and too bad to play as a normal game.

    Too complicated to play with one hand.

    Looking at the game from the perspective of the adult genre, despite the decent artwork and a relatively large number of scenes, the scenes themselves are very short, and between them, there is a long and highly concentrated gameplay that takes all the player's attention. This makes elements like nude NPCs less satisfying as fan service. In the end, you get 10 minutes of gameplay (or 20 if you play without guides or if you're a bit slow like me), followed by 10 seconds of a scene.
    Too bad to play as a normal game.

    One might assume that if the gameplay takes all the spotlight, then maybe the game isn't bad as a... game? But here, too, there are problems. In short, the game is a 2D platformer with Metroidvania elements. We have multiple locations/rooms. In each of them, there are hostile NPCs and some spatial puzzles leading to transitions to other locations/rooms. Sometimes paths in locations are blocked by obstacles that can be overcome by obtaining a tool through the main plot, motivating the player to return to previously cleared parts of the map.
    What problems does the game have: level design and enemy design suggest a fast pace of progression, but starting from the middle of the game, the main character lacks the toolkit to keep the pace consistently high. Using magic requires holding a button and pressing the attack button after the animation appears, which will be impossible in high-intensity combat, as the character won't attack in such a case. Moreover, the magic holding button may simply not work if pressed after another movement to prepare the ability in advance. Melee attack has only one combination and strictly forward, making it impossible to attack someone slightly above or below the hitbox, not to mention flying enemies. Furthermore, performing a combination moves the character forward, making the combination unusable in narrow spaces, especially noticeable when fighting bosses. The ranged attack does not change throughout the game and is simply firing projectiles forward. The character takes damage from touching the enemy frame, even if it does not attack, which sometimes leads to issues with hitboxes. Some "spatial puzzle" levels are quite often populated with such enemy placements that force you to clear enemies before moving around the map.
    All of the above gains more weight considering that some locations will have to be overcome dozens of times, and enemies respawn when entering a room anew.
    In the end: As the story progresses, the locations become more challenging, and the main character gains new tools for navigating the area, but their combat abilities remain the same as they were at the very beginning.

    I didn't mention the main feature of the game: the protagonist can change gender with the press of a button. However, gameplay-wise, it doesn't have a significant impact. Non-hostile NPCs simply dismiss dialogue with the 'wrong' gender, making one branch of the dialogue always a dead end. In battles, it doesn't affect anything, and the changes in activity platforms or moving platforms, in my personal opinion, don't look particularly impressive.

    In conclusion: Nice art design of the game, adult content looks good, but with such a strong emphasis on gameplay, the adult content could be completely removed from the game, and little would change. As a Metroidvania, the game quickly becomes routine and does not bring pleasure from the gameplay.

    Personal comment: I would forgive the game a lot if they added many more close combat attacks allowing attacks from more angles relative to the character, not just forward. This is especially relevant against flying enemies that ignore obstacles moving strictly towards the character from somewhere above.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Magister Masquerade

    I think people are overhyping this game way too much. It's definitely a decent little title and hey kudos to actually releasing a fully functional complete game, a rock-bottom test 90% of pron games fail so maybe that's why everyone's slapping a 5 on it.

    As a game, it doesn't really do anything interesting or new or especially well, and if not for being a pron game, it'd be immediately buried and forgotten among a ton of other better side scrollers.

    However, as an ero game, it is definitely among the better ones. I seem to not be as amused by the gender flip mechanic as much as others, as while I really enjoy it there really isn't any mechanical complexity to it and I just feel as they left meteoric potential on there in terms of gameplay.

    Pron-wise, it's pixel pron with some really well-done scenes. Pretty vanillia and not that bountiful, but what's there is good enough.

    My standards aren't so low as to call this one of the best, but it's definitely a good first showing for the studio and I would like to see more (longer) games from them.

    I debated over giving it four stars, but ultimately decided against it as its sexual content is the weaker side and that's kind of the main point of these games.

    As it stands, I'd call Flipwitch more of a mediocre sidescroller/metrovania with decent enough erotic content to make it worthwhile, but then again, I'm not someone whose only experience with indie side scrollers are janky pron games so eh.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this is an excellent side-scroller platform game. it has great power ups, transformations and memorable bosses that makes this game all a must of side-scroller games. furthermore, it has a great mechanic changin the sex of the protagonist. Highly reccomendable.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I agree with the sentiments of a user who said the following: "Stop analyzing the game as if it's a AAA title."

    People are giving it a low score as if the game were developed by Ubisoft or Rockstar. For a game from a small team, probably made by three people, and considering the hgame genre, it is undoubtedly the best game released so far for those seeking a balance of art, gameplay, and erotic scenes.

    I hope the game sells well and inspires more developers to create games like this
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is more of a game than a H game. The Art is amazing, and the combat relatively nice. You might feel the controls to be a bit sluggish since it takes a second to register a dash and you might end up going the wrong way, but that's fine.

    The H content, while good, is super sparse for the art they had at hand.

    Play it for an echhi momodora experience (Much much easier than it though), and not for the H.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    very hard to find a horny game that also has fun gameplay, and this is one of them. at this point the sex is just an addon to a great game. i like the artstyle, the animation is great, there's not much to complain about.
  15. 5.00 star(s)



    Very fun game that is easy to pick up but hard to master, giving it lots of replayability if you want to do things like speedrun or do no hit runs of bosses and the like. Very tight controls allows for lots of freedom in how you maneuver around especially the more upgrades you receive. The H-Scenes leave a little to be desired and the way the game fails to convey certain things can be a little frustrating. Regardless, the game is very solid and I would absolutely recommend buying it to support the devs!


    Came for the porn and continue to replay for the gameplay!

    This game, while not perfect, has a lot going for it. Good music, nice animations, smooth and tight controls, and a easy to learn but difficult to master learning curve that can make replaying this game over and over again really fun. As an avid fan of metroidvania games I can confidently say this one sits nicely alongside many others. It's not the most standout title but it is definitely a very enjoyable one. There are some issues with properly conveying what to do to the player which can make for frustrating times but I can see the devs are patching these things out as time progresses and relatively quickly as well.


    I like it enough. I'm a girl so idk if I just don't desire penetration scenes as deeply as the target audience might have, but I much prefer what we got as opposed to lots of penetrative sex. I will say that I'm disappointed there are no boss scenes as well. I like the defeat scenes and I like the stuff we get from completing side quests a lot though. Kinda wish they were voiced as well but I know that's asking for a lot.


    • Tight, Responsive Controls
    • Solid Aesthetics (Music, Art, etc.)
    • Nice Learning Curve
    • High Replayability
    • Very Easy to get into for newcomers in terms of both Metroidvanias and H-Games seeing as the game is super vanilla and unlikely to deter newcomers to H-Games.
    • Devs are Constantly Updating meaning many issues are being corrected and fixed.

    • Poor Conveyence
    • H-Scenes May Not Be For Everyone (Not alot of Penetration)
    • Rushed Ending
    • No Boss Scenes
    • A game this good should follow Castle in The Clouds footsteps and have an SFW version as well just saying.
    • Still somewhat buggy.
    All in all I had a fun time with it both as a game and as an H-game. Is it the best metroidvania out there? No. I'd argue Castle in the Clouds DX was leagues better but not many metroidvanias are this fun to play over and over again and for that it FlipWitch has a high approval from me!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    For being MomoGames' first game this is extremely good.
    As for the game itself it is what you would expect from an indie NSFW metroidvania. It has it's shortcoming but it is a good experience most of the time.
    The good:
    • The art style is very pleasant to the eye with bright vibrant color that combine, complement and contrast well with one another.
    • The gameplay at it's most basic level (jumping, running, melee and range attacks) never stops being intuitive and competent.
    • The story is not too mindless or complicated. It is as simple and funny as it needs to be.
    • The level design is average or better than your regular indie metroidvania games. It's never really a problem.
    • The music is pretty good. No complaints there.
    • The NSFW animations are good and there is plenty of them. They are pretty vanilla for the most part and the most extreme ones are four scenes with furry characters.
    The bad:
    • (May be because my PC was too weak but) In some stages the frames dropped hard. This brought other problems like the first melee attack not having a hitbox, getting stuck at the second melee attack or double jumping being more difficult than the game itself (this mainly hapened in the ghost, fungus, and slime stages).
    • Many of the abilities you get that allow you to open new stages don't matter for anything else besides that (with the exception of the ones that let you jump higher or further). Sometimes it feels like they just put random obstacles in a room to force you to use them.
    • The NSFW part of the game feels incompleted. There's no scenes with the bosses or mini bosses (except one), no gay scenes (since there's lesbian and het scenes), one defeat scene is missing (there's no rat defeat animation for the guy)(fixed in version 1.4) and the gallery only includes the quests animations (missing the gacha ones and the defeat ones). (fixed in version 1.5)
    • The enemy variety get's really small towards the end. The second last stage only has 3 types of normal enemies and the last stage only has 2 (and its only 1 of each in the entire stage, only 2 new enemies used only once). Also there's no quest in the final stage.
    • You don't get anything special from Sensei for completing all the quests. In fact she keeps giving you the usual message like they forgot to change it after all was done. (fixed in version 1.5 you still dont get anything new though)
    The ugly:
    • The way the game prolongs its longevity is by making getting 500/1000 gold to buy outfits. Can get tiresome at times.
    • At the time I'm posting this, there's a bug with the summoning stones that makes it impossible to complete. And the mushroom boss can be cheesed by accident. (fixed in version 1.4)
    • Most quests are very samey with a few exception. Not really a problem but you lose the excitement of doing new quests outside of the porn reward. (a couple make you fight mini bosses so those are cool)
    TLDR: The bugs will get fixed so those can be ignore.
    It is a good metroidvania game but it's not groundbreaking.
    If you like vanilla the sex scenes there are will turn you on but most likely not get you to climax. And the ones that aren't there will let you wondering why they aren't there.

    Edit (1.4): the bugs aren't in the newer versions. so it's fixed forever. 4.5/5
    Edit (1.5) added the defeat animations to the gallery and improved gameplay 4.6/5
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I quite enjoyed this game, I think the gameplay itself is very fun...

    It's true that this isn't the best game to jerk off to, but I like games with a sexy "theme" that aren't necessarily just there as semi-interactive porn. I guess it depends what you want to get out of a game, but for me personally I think these style of games are very pleasant and something that I'll play even when I'm not trying to crank one out.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    People on here unironcially reviewing this like a triple-A release. What the hell guys, we should be supporting insanly hight quality games like this.

    The main mechanic is really interesting as a concept.

    Excellent Art. Gameplay. Progression.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a bit of a bug-problem but compared to most H-games its pretty great.
    The movement feels relatively smooth, exploration is pretty organic and it's not really something for people who get frustrated quickly due to loss of progress when dying. People who are into metroidvania-type games and pixel-art hentai will probably like this game a lot... that is after some of the more annoying bugs have been fixed like textboxes not appearing anymore for some reason, softlocking yourself because a miniboss in the fungal area only spawns upon entering the area the second time or being unable to complete a quest since the second summoning stone didn't spawn.

    Really waiting for the bugfix for the second summoning stone.
    Still gets a 5 star for me since it's still better than 95% of the games on here and I have faith that the devs will fix the bugs mentioned rather quickly.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really hard an well made platformer.
    The porn isn't as hardcore as other games, but it's really well integrated into the gameplay.
    I'm a bit sad to see lower star reviews. This is one of the best games I've played on here lately