Search for the Lustiest Lair mod, has full animated H-scenes, adult plot, skills, everything.
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why would you remake a DD clone in RenPy and switch the battle sides around? Are the mechanics a direct rip? What content does it have? Why switch the battle sides around?
Ok, fine. I'm going to play this due to the sheer "wtf is the Dev smoking", but don't expect a positive report if it's not doing what it's pretending to do.
We're in!
1) Ok, so... there's no rank / movement / placement mechanic.
1a) Forced losing battle. Sigh.
2) Oh, lovely... characters are locked behind a paywall and that "exclusive armor & weapons" smells like P2W to me:
3) Entered a lvl 1 dungeon with MC + 3 chars. By battle #3 my party was completely decimated. I have beaten DD. And the DLC. I'm no virgin when it comes to this kind of game... and this game has
ZERO balance. The
entire point of DD's placement system is so that various mechanics only work in slot #1,2,3,4 etc. Here the entire enemy section can just focus down rank #3 mages etc at will. This game manages to have a MP system attached so that by battle #2 none of your skills work. Potions? Apparently I have some, can't use them out of combat however.
3a) I cheated myself 10,000,000 gp, bought a shed load of potions (couldn't buy anything else as
nothing in the town works apart from the potion shop), went into another lvl 1 dungeon. I did 2 battles + 1 boss battle and even with infinite heals only made it out with 2 chars alive. Balance is non-existant, esp. since enemies get AoE stuns etc.
3b) If you've played DD, you'll know that the earliest mobs barely do more than 5-6 damage
maximum because your characters have like 19 hp total. Here goblin trash mobs can do 19 damage easily. And yes, your chars still have 21hp total. I'd beg the dev to actually play DD and read the numbers behind the mechanics. This ain't it Champ, esp. with AoE stuns (!!!) on trash mobs.
3c) I saw an animated (not CG) fuck mini-animation when a goblin killed one of my chars. But only once: the other times they died instantly. So?!? Other than that... no idea where, how or if H scenes are in. And the game won't tell you either - I didn't get one for defeating a mage + 3 naked minions and I didn't get one for completing a dungeon. Sooo ??? Who knows.
Whatever this is, it ain't good. Stick to Lustiest Lair, at least it understands what it is doing as a dungeon crawler.