Well, I'm going to have to say, I agree entirely with the one reviewer thus far.... it's a fantastic concept, but sullied somewhat by a reliance upon AI.
The gameplay itself isn't hardcore.... it's poorly balanced.
I went into my second dungeon, party members at level 1, and got two other "Hero" party encounters in the first five tiles.
The balance of these fights was atrocious. The first one was "challenging," but really just required an all-target-one gimmick and spamming health potions and healing to try to grind out a battle where the enemies have buffs that are far better than any spell or ability your party possesses.... then comes the second fight.
It wasn't even close. All the other party members had attack and defense buffs, could hit multiple party members at once for more damage than my strongest attacks - each, not spread out, but more than I can dole out single-target to two to four members of my party each attack - the MP recovery is wildly inadequate for the basic attack for each party member, considering enemies very clearly have no such constraints, and can just spam all their best abilities over and over endlessly, and with their buffs, my best attacks were lucky to break into the back half of single digits, as they hit for 12-20 on every hit, often to multiple party members at a time.
Then, there's the H-content, and the way the game plays generally.... I get it, you want to pretend your dungeon crawler is hardcore, and when someone dies, they're totally super-ultra-hyper-mega dead.... and yet when my mage was reduced to zero, she was taken doggy style by a goblin and creampied, was kneeling in the midst of the party, then when we won, it was "Morrigane has died."
I feel like because the creator is relying so heavily on what others have done - human or AI - there are serious missed opportunities for dynamics involving sexual corruption, pregnancy mechanics(and how it could temporarily sideline a party member), and a number of other serious shortcomings that just make this game pretty, but not all that much fun.
Make customer character creation. Let the player choose male or female. Introduce pregnancy and corruption mechanics that need management. Make the village more than just a veneer over the top of a table menu. In a world where life is so utterly expendable, wouldn't people be popping out babies as fast as they can? According to what I can make of the lore thus far, that seems to be the method most use: resources run long, but people to slow the tide of darkness are coming up short. An orphanage with breeding and skill mechanics - to make future party members and special classes, for later recruitment, without a gold cost for recruitment, since they're technically "family," would make this game utterly unique, and it would shine like a diamond.
Just some food for thought, if the creator ever wanders this way.