
Jun 15, 2021
The answer to most of this besides the events that play where it's sometimes unavoidable, the player can always just opt into Paternalism, which seems to be pretty easy to get if all of your slaves are educated and happy. I didn't adopt it yet, but mine always says it's primed because only the fresh slaves are actually anything lower than devoted. You get a few events (and some alternate ones) where your Society option basically babies them. The descriptors just for the arcology even describes slaves as being precious and they deserve all the headpats, and it usually carries an air of some misguided utopia. Being a slave is actually better than fending for yourself out in the slowly dying world.

So yeah, anything offensive is mostly the players fault for not reading the fine print I guess.
There's also Chattel Religionism, which some time after adopting, has a Council to determine exactly what virtues and focuses the religion will take. And while you could easily make a religion that beatifies slave-owners that have massive stables of groveling slaves, it is equally possible to form a religion that sees comfortable, educated, and trusting slaves as the pinnacle of virtue.

Mix that with Paternalism, and you basically have slavery as little more than a formality, with the slave-owner being basically just an anchor point for the slaves to safely return to in their daily lives.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
I never tried the religion aspect, so I didn't know it actually went that deep. I always found the society mostly impacts how your rival decides to be a contrarian. This is turning into a game of Stellaris with playing around with traits and edicts.


Jun 1, 2020
I always found it funny this seems to be hard baked into the game. Even if you never touch the race content, what pops up in brothels always stuck out. "Your citizens prefer white girls like x," which by default means your white slaves will always preform better than any other race. If you wanted to min max, you'd just have every slave be white. I wonder if the original dev did that.
Yup, the innate 2-point bonus for white girls is FCDev's original work. So is the innate bonus for redheads with freckles, so I guess we know what his type was...

The answer to most of this besides the events that play where it's sometimes unavoidable, the player can always just opt into Paternalism, which seems to be pretty easy to get if all of your slaves are educated and happy. [...] Being a slave is actually better than fending for yourself out in the slowly dying world.
It's possible to play a paternalist slave owner as "not quite evil" if you are very careful (accepting only voluntary enslavement, setting rules to prohibit slave on slave rape, skipping the few events that have no true consensual option, and so on)...but the world around you remains pretty screwy regardless of your actions. If you take paternalism, your rival will take degrationism, so you'll always have your neighbors' behavior to remind you just how bad things are. It's a dark game...there's no avoiding that.

I feel like I should also point out that you could play with a low minimum slave age and children who you don't abuse too. Keep them around, dress them modestly, educate them, but wait until they're whatever age of consent your society prefers before you have sexual contact with them, like any respectable person would. But that's not going to keep folks from freaking out from the fact that the game will totally let you fuck them if you want to play as a kiddie diddler. The Free Cities are all about freedom of choice (for the slaveowner).

Mix that with Paternalism, and you basically have slavery as little more than a formality, with the slave-owner being basically just an anchor point for the slaves to safely return to in their daily lives.
I mean, this basically reads as "I am the leader of a literal sex cult, but I'm nice to my sex slaves once I brainwash them, so it's ok." Not trying to diss your idea of fun (Chattel Religionism is a terrific FS with a ton of great flavor content...one of the best in the game), but that's also pretty fucking creepy and dark, even if it is an awesome power fantasy.

This is turning into a game of Stellaris with playing around with traits and edicts.
I'm going to go ahead and take that as a huge complement for the game. The FS and policy system is great, and it really lets you play with how you want your arcology to look, feel, and act.


Jun 15, 2021
I mean, this basically reads as "I am the leader of a literal sex cult, but I'm nice to my sex slaves once I brainwash them, so it's ok." Not trying to diss your idea of fun (Chattel Religionism is a terrific FS with a ton of great flavor content...one of the best in the game), but that's also pretty fucking creepy and dark, even if it is an awesome power fantasy.
Eh, I've seen way worse power fantasies. Besides, the 'brainwashing' can be as little as making them wear a mask for a few months while they work as a maid in a nice dress. But that's a matter of coding the game. If I'd been the dev, I would have kept a hidden 'Resentment' stat that could fluctuate many ways based on treatment, so outwardly the slave could look all Devoted and Trusting, but secretly planning an assassination attempt.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
The diddles
I do find one child event cute if you ever catch one that's clearly incapable of talking to you because she's foreign, and she just wants to live there, so one of the enslavement options is a straight up fake adoption. It pisses off your people, but it makes her like you enough that she usually ends up in the positives when she joins you.

The cuteness of course ends when all slaves need to be naked to finish the process, so you can never avoid at least looking at them before you decide to dress them. Such is the formalities of registration.

I assume more somewhat realistic settings were put into later updates, because for all slaves, there's more harshness with pregnancy if they don't have the right size or body type. I remember older versions of pregmod had a healthy slave with 22 babies in the womb, and health didn't really drop until she gave birth. What a trooper.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
i've heard about pregmod but I assumed that was the version I was playing since there's no mention on the original post about mods. I figured if it was a separate thing then it would have its own page like Lab Rats 2: Reformulate.
It does have its own page on github. Google pregmod github and you should find it.


May 31, 2020
I always found it funny this seems to be hard baked into the game. Even if you never touch the race content, what pops up in brothels always stuck out. "Your citizens prefer white girls like x," which by default means your white slaves will always preform better than any other race. If you wanted to min max, you'd just have every slave be white. I wonder if the original dev did that.
There's an entry in the built in guide that explains why.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
It was the first time I managed it because I didn't know one of the collars was key to it because my people are IMPATIENT FUCKS, but I basically made it where you are not a woman unless you can give birth. Repopulation is basically sharing some of the gender traditionalism, except hardcore into breeding, to the point they dislike male slaves for not having a womb. If the latter degraded women into being objects, then this one literally sees them as a baby factory who's worthless if she's infertile. If you mix in the policy of incest, you basically get bonus approval for incestuous pregnancy too.

Also I learned going hardcore preggo actually makes it where the policy of getting slavers pregnant doesn't actually matter to them.


Jan 31, 2021
Is it possible that in the future the image packages can be fixed and improved? especially the nox/Deepmurk's one?


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Bro. I don't know whether to be extremely impressed or legitimately concerned.:BootyTime:
Whiteout as in the whole window just went white, nothing to click on even.

When it was still in twine, i always broke the endweek report, because 1000 iterations is the default in twine.


Jun 19, 2020
Whiteout as in the whole window just went white, nothing to click on even.

When it was still in twine, i always broke the endweek report, because 1000 iterations is the default in twine.
That is not what I meant, but I'm settling on a cautious amount of both, keep being you Z!
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