They vary from "work fine in most situations but are still a bit janky in certain others" (clitoral penetration, most experimental interactions and events, sex overhaul, RA sorting) to "will completely fuck over your game" (nursery).How "experimetal" are the experimental features of the game? Like game breaking? And will the experimental features eventually be moved out from that portion based on past knowledge on updates to pregmod? Or are all the expiremental features not being worked on ever since the base game got abandoned?
Most experimental features do eventually move into mainline code. The likelihood of them doing so drops the longer they're in experimental, though, and it sometimes becomes a kind of purgatory state for old broken features that nobody seems to have any interest in fixing properly.
I'm pretty sure the Experimental section didn't even exist in vanilla; none of it is that old, except maybe headpats. It's all mod stuff.