But...why? Is she just that badly written? Does she get up to some heinous action? I'm gonna try the game soon, but i've never seen a reaction to a character like this that wasn't either a NTR thing, or a Trap thing. And even then they don't try to mod the character out alotgether. lol
I think chp 1 could've done a better job communicating Guy's and Nicki's prior relationship, and to some degree her intentions as well. But the author is already aware, so that's going to be resolved next update with the chp 1 remake.
But, it basically shows you what appears to be a textbook case of a woman who's trying to use sex appeal to get money from our MC, who's supposed to be her friend. She tries to explain her situation. Will the player accept it?
I honestly think everyone's reaction just depends on how naturally trusting or distrusting they are. Which ends up reflecting how trusting or distrusting the MC is, actually. Pretty brilliant, really.

I'm convinced that explains most of the disagreement on this. I'm sure many others won't see it that way and think it's purely that her character just needed to be executed better. Maybe. Yet, lots of others didn't have a problem with her. I think it's because we're willing to take the character at her word. I'm curious how the remake will affect all of this

But you should honestly play it and decide for yourself, I wouldn't pay too much attention to others' opinions because the game is definitely great and absolutely worth playing. Even if you end up hating Nicki.
If you really, really wanna know, it turns out the situation isn't actually what it seems, and if MC is patient and understanding and treats her well through the game, he will get a much better glimpse of what's actually going on in her head and why she does what she does. Hell, even in that very first scene, you can get a number of hints.
On the other hand, if MC wants to jump to a conclusion and smack a bitch to make himself feel better, he'll never figure that out. It's reflected in the story in that dark Guy only sees the bad in everyone and he has no trust he's willing to give, so Nicki's explanation just looks like a convenient sob story to manipulate him out of his newly found wealth; nice Guy sees people more positively, and is willing to give the benefit of the doubt. That's basically what Nicki needed.