
Nov 7, 2022
Edited a file for some cheats on my 2nd playthrough, if anyone wanted it.

Can sell beautiful stone for 499999 gold.

Material Shopkeeper now offers:
Thousand Curse Slash, Merciful Strike, Cure All, Evil Eye, Hellstorm skill tomes for 10k each.

Most gear you sell in the regular shop now will be rebuyable.

Just replace st_item with the st_item in the zip in the src folder.


Dec 8, 2021
i hadn't play it for long time but i would like to replay it but i would wait for v4.0 but will take while since mofu is working on FutakinValley
May 27, 2022
I can try to run the japanese script through sugoi toolkit to get a better MTL, so the current english script (for 3.39) can be patched (parts of it look to be properly human translated, and other bits are definitely bad machine translation). I won't patch this myself though. The japanese script looks to be the the same between 3.39 and 3.40 other than a single number being changed on one line.

if someone has the script file from the new version, I can check if it's different and give this a go.

edit: I did a test run on the first 1000 lines of the script. Sugoi Toolkit is definitely better than the machine translated bits. It’s not as fluent as the human translations though.
And there are some issues: it replaces every blank line in the file with “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”, and it messes with some of the markers for character names a bit (including capitalising letters in those markers that might need to stay lowercase).
I’ll let it run the whole 3.39/3.40 script and upload that without the “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”s, but it’s for someone else to copy the useful bits into the existing translation.

new edit: I cleaned up some of the first 1000 lines of the script file (conversations with pia’s mom, and a bit of text from one other NPC), so I’ll upload my version of the 3.40 script and the mtl later, so people can continue to correct it if they want.

  • I'm uploading 3 files, the new mtl, my slightly modified version of 3.40 script, and a tool to fix line length if anyone tries to use the new mtl to fix the bad parts of the current translation's mtl sections.
  • If you're running 3.39 the only difference was the first ~5 lines of the file.
  • If you want to use either file, rename it to n_data.txt and place it into your SRC folder inside the game's directory.
  • the new mtl is likely unusable in its current form, as the translator occasionally messes up formatting of the lines.
  • on editing the existing translation (only small bits of it), I may have messed up the line length of those sections, so someone may need to re-run the line length fixer (called Script_Patcher - also attached)
  • I've updated the script edit slightly (and replaced it in this post), to correct some misspellings of character names caused by the original mtl. There are probably more, but I haven't noticed them.
  • Pia's mom's name was translated as Shear, Sheer and Shea in the original script. I've gone with Shea, but I think it might be better as Shia
edit 5:
  • I updated it again after spotting something weird while scrolling back through it. There was a bit in the original document translated as Sakubausy, but it was meant to say Succubus Eye. I think it was from the version 3.0+ section of the script - a lot of that is really illegible mtl.
  • I'm not sure how much of the script is from version 3.0+, but scrolling through the script, it looks like there's a lot of bad translation after line 9000 or so.
  • I also edited a few lines from scenes around line 20k (there are almost 26k lines) - I got tired though so I only edited some lines within these scenes, mostly the most egregious ones. But there were bits I left untouched because I had no idea what to do (what is a "clit dick insect", is there a better way to phrase that? why did the translator also call it a cricket, an insect and something else?). After going through those scenes in-game, I've definitely messed up the text spacing on those edits. So re-running the line length patcher would be good.
  • Remember, the new mtl is still just an mtl though. So it does need human clean up if you want to use lines from it.
edit 6/7:
I updated the translation some more, but this time in some plot relevant parts in the middle. See the n_data.txt file.
If I do any further edits to the script, it will be as a separate post. I also swapped the new mtl file for one with some character names corrected so it is easier to use for reference

Edit 8:
I think the updated script contains the fix for the arena bug that people mentioned on previous pages
how do I apply this translation? where do I put it?
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