
New Member
Dec 24, 2017
I remember in one of the earlier versions, back when it was just a fire level, there was "after-rape" poses for Talia, are those still going to part of the game and are you gonna make more for the newer levels?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I know this is a common thing here, given the nature of this site... but asking about the patreon only 0.29 demo of the game when the Literal fucking dev is posting above you, is kind of... dumb :V
I've actually said it before that I'm not going to DMCA anything besides the full game release, and I'd only DMCA that for about the first month or two of release, etc. so I'm not mad about this at all :p

I remember in one of the earlier versions, back when it was just a fire level
Those actually only came in during the Ice Level, they were in the Electric Level, and they will be in all levels :)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Generally people fall into three categories when it comes to piracy;
  • Have no interest in supporting the game financially prior, play the game, it's not to their taste, so they don't support it.
  • Have no interest in supporting the game financially prior, play the game, enjoy it lots, but they don't support it anyways or they're waiting for a final release.
  • Have no interest in supporting the game financially prior, play the game, enjoy it lots, end up supporting it.
Situations 1 and 2 are no loss to us, because they wouldn't have supported it anyways, and situation #3 just means we gained another pledge/supporter thanks to piracy. It's a complete win/win for us.

There's one more remaining situation, in that someone is interested in your game PRIOR to playing it, but then they pirate it and they feel it's not deserving of your money, and that's mainly on you, as the developer, to make your game better so that situations of that nature are few and far between. If someone's initially interested from your screenshots, description, and videos or animations, and you still lose their interest after trying it out, then that's definitely on you, the dev.

So going from that, our general thoughts with piracy are;
  • There's no point in fighting it, because it's unwinnable and just a huge waste of effort/time especially if we were to do it for every monthly demo
  • Some people are in parts of the world or in situations where they simply can't use Patreon to get the latest build, and we want as many people as possible to be able to enjoy our games (legally, of course, we don't want anyone underage or getting arrested for playing them due to their country's laws!
  • Piracy is a neutral or a win situation for us for the monthly demos, exceptionally rarely is it a loss
That said, we would like to ask that when the full version's out, people do hold off on pirating it at least for a month or so, because that's when the majority of sales are made, and while we're not trying to be greedy, we do want to continue to make games of this nature and quality and to do that we need a lot of money to afford said assets and to keep us going.


New Member
Oct 26, 2017
@HentaiWriter I fall on the "would LOVE to support the developer but payments through Paypal are hard to do outside of the USA so can´t support but has recommended to other people (who could indeed support) in it´s place because good H games outside of japan are few and precious"
Seriously tho, this game is SO good outside of the lewd and you get MAD respect for allowing this, (also I didn´t read the last 23 pages where you said you don´t care) and given me inspiration to try game dev again, feel proud right now because this is the 1st (serious) time I post in this forums, and feel proud again because you´re trying to deliver a good game 1st, and porn 2nd (which is where many other games fall flat)

EDIT: If you upload to Steam, I´ll see how I can buy it when game releases


Nov 10, 2017
Let me know when forest level has more animations than the mushroom and tree zombie. Id like to support again. But two months of the updates kept getting pushed out without new animation content made me pause for the time being.


Jul 2, 2017
Generally people fall into three categories when it comes to piracy;
  • Have no interest in supporting the game financially prior, play the game, it's not to their taste, so they don't support it.
  • Have no interest in supporting the game financially prior, play the game, enjoy it lots, but they don't support it anyways or they're waiting for a final release.
  • Have no interest in supporting the game financially prior, play the game, enjoy it lots, end up supporting it.
Situations 1 and 2 are no loss to us, because they wouldn't have supported it anyways, and situation #3 just means we gained another pledge/supporter thanks to piracy. It's a complete win/win for us.

There's one more remaining situation, in that someone is interested in your game PRIOR to playing it, but then they pirate it and they feel it's not deserving of your money, and that's mainly on you, as the developer, to make your game better so that situations of that nature are few and far between. If someone's initially interested from your screenshots, description, and videos or animations, and you still lose their interest after trying it out, then that's definitely on you, the dev.

So going from that, our general thoughts with piracy are;
  • There's no point in fighting it, because it's unwinnable and just a huge waste of effort/time especially if we were to do it for every monthly demo
  • Some people are in parts of the world or in situations where they simply can't use Patreon to get the latest build, and we want as many people as possible to be able to enjoy our games (legally, of course, we don't want anyone underage or getting arrested for playing them due to their country's laws!
  • Piracy is a neutral or a win situation for us for the monthly demos, exceptionally rarely is it a loss
That said, we would like to ask that when the full version's out, people do hold off on pirating it at least for a month or so, because that's when the majority of sales are made, and while we're not trying to be greedy, we do want to continue to make games of this nature and quality and to do that we need a lot of money to afford said assets and to keep us going.
Just because of this, I've decided to support you guys as soon as I get my next paycheck - devs that are logical and understanding are few and far between, nowadays. I don't have the financial luxury of being able to purchase even a fraction of the games that I play, meaning I rely on piracy to try them out, but I always vote with my wallet and purchase the games that I do end up liking, because that's the best way to show support for the hard work someone put into making a game I enjoy.

That said, as a side note - I know you brought up earlier in the thread that the hypnosis/mind-control animation from an imp in one of the earlier demo builds will be removed because it doesn't fit with the atmosphere/lore of the game, but I feel like it's honestly a waste to just throw away an animation of that quality. Do you guys have any plans to include an "extra" section with cut content/unused assets where you could still display it without having it be part of the main game? Even something like just a folder within the game directory with some gifs of the animations would be great, since I feel like it would be a nice side bonus for supporters, while not requiring any extra work (as it'd only be for work that was already done, rather than having to add extra content)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I tip my hat to you, shall support you on your final release :) You're probably the first dev I've seen who holds an opinion like that.
Well thanks a lot! There's other devs like that out there, they probably just don't talk about it publicly or you haven't seen it, but I promise I'm not the only one :p

@HentaiWriter I fall on the "would LOVE to support the developer but payments through Paypal are hard to do outside of the USA so can´t support but has recommended to other people (who could indeed support) in it´s place because good H games outside of japan are few and precious"
Out of curiosity, what language do you primarily speak? We plan on translating the game to a number of languages, first Japanese and then other ones as we can afford it, so just curious if that'd help you enjoy the game at all :)

Seriously tho, this game is SO good outside of the lewd and you get MAD respect for allowing this, (also I didn´t read the last 23 pages where you said you don´t care) and given me inspiration to try game dev again, feel proud right now because this is the 1st (serious) time I post in this forums, and feel proud again because you´re trying to deliver a good game 1st, and porn 2nd (which is where many other games fall flat)
That's definitely our intent with the good game first, porn 2nd (but not taken any less seriously!); if you are serious about starting up game dev, PM me and I'd be happy to link you to an adult games development Discord server I run, could help you get up off the ground with your own game :D

EDIT: If you upload to Steam, I´ll see how I can buy it when game releases
We definitely want to get it on Steam!

Let me know when forest level has more animations than the mushroom and tree zombie. Id like to support again. But two months of the updates kept getting pushed out without new animation content made me pause for the time being.
While I do agree with you that this month's demo didn't have a lot, to be fair, it did have one new animation and two game over sequences :p so it's not completely without new animations, but the next demo (at the end of May/early June) will have more content, and then the demo after that (end of June/early July) will be a gigantic leap in content.

Just because of this, I've decided to support you guys as soon as I get my next paycheck - devs that are logical and understanding are few and far between, nowadays. I don't have the financial luxury of being able to purchase even a fraction of the games that I play, meaning I rely on piracy to try them out, but I always vote with my wallet and purchase the games that I do end up liking, because that's the best way to show support for the hard work someone put into making a game I enjoy.
And this is exactly why we don't go crazy trying to stop it, is because you're definitely not a tiny minority demographic, there are a lot of people in your situation, and the last thing we want is people breaking their back to support us financially; more money is always great for more assets and more content to go into the game, but not if it comes at the cost of ruining someone else's finances.

Additionally, that's why we have our Patreon setup as we do; if you pledge $10 in any form (10 $1 pledges, 2 $5 pledges, 1 $10 pledge, so on) you get the game at launch, and as we plan on selling it between $15-20, that's basically 50% off; you keep that game at launch reward even if you never pledge again.

The same goes for the other pledges too, like the "get your name in the game" or "level editor" or "soundtrack" tiers, all of them you'll get indefinite updates on through the completion of the game even if you never pledge again at that tier.

The only thing you need to stay pledged for is the activity feed access and the monthly demos, and even the Discord we won't kick you out of if you stop pledging; we want this to be something where people should only be pledging to us if they can afford it and they feel we deserve their money, not to entrap them in some sort of financial bondage where we go "oh, you pledged like $400 to us over 3 years but you stopped pledging so now you don't get the game or your reward, sucks for you!"

That said, as a side note - I know you brought up earlier in the thread that the hypnosis/mind-control animation from an imp in one of the earlier demo builds will be removed because it doesn't fit with the atmosphere/lore of the game, but I feel like it's honestly a waste to just throw away an animation of that quality. Do you guys have any plans to include an "extra" section with cut content/unused assets where you could still display it without having it be part of the main game? Even something like just a folder within the game directory with some gifs of the animations would be great, since I feel like it would be a nice side bonus for supporters, while not requiring any extra work (as it'd only be for work that was already done, rather than having to add extra content)
Due to a lot of reasons, both with how the gallery functions and just our own vision for the game, as much as people might hate it we don't intend to keep that animation in in any format; I know that's disappointing to people, but it really is the only animation we ever plan to get rid of, as while that was going on we swept over the other animations gameplay/lore/interactivity-wise and didn't feel any of them would need to ever be replaced entirely.

(Also, thanks to all of you for the kind words and support in general in this thread :D)


New Member
May 5, 2018
awesome game, sadly it lags for me on newgrounds or gamcore, so im gonna download it and hope for the best, also, thanks god that you can change the controls, since i have an qwertz keyboard lol


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
@HentaiWriter Now that you mention that people having pledged $10 will get the game at release, I started to wonder how you keep track of that. Is there some Patreon feature for creators that let's you query all past pledges and find out who's pledged a total of that amount in the past, or do you do it in a different manner? And how should we expect to receive the final release? Or will that become apparent when the time is there?


New Member
Nov 20, 2017
This game is awesome and your interest for the people in this site is more awesome.I can't use PayPal in my country but if i ever get the chance to do so i definitely will.Also i can help for the translation to my mother tongue as well.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
awesome game, sadly it lags for me on newgrounds or gamcore, so im gonna download it and hope for the best, also, thanks god that you can change the controls, since i have an qwertz keyboard lol
The download runs much smoother than the browser version, for sure :)

@HentaiWriter Now that you mention that people having pledged $10 will get the game at release, I started to wonder how you keep track of that. Is there some Patreon feature for creators that let's you query all past pledges and find out who's pledged a total of that amount in the past, or do you do it in a different manner? And how should we expect to receive the final release? Or will that become apparent when the time is there?
So there's two ways I keep track of that;

1) For years, I've been keeping a gigantic spreadsheet that covers the emails of everyone who's pledged and responded back to their questionnaire that I send for their reward tier, as well as what they wanted for their specific reward, so that covers their email for re-contacting them back to send them the game

2) Patreon just introduced a feature that lets you see not only your current patrons, but all of your pre-existing patrons who'd ever pledged, as well as the full amount they've pledged, and then you can download an Excel file and organize that by numerical value to see everyone who'd done $10 or more, so come launch we'll use both of those to check on who gets the reward.

For the final release, you'd be getting it in the email you signed up to Patreon with :)

This game is awesome and your interest for the people in this site is more awesome.I can't use PayPal in my country but if i ever get the chance to do so i definitely will.Also i can help for the translation to my mother tongue as well.
Glad to hear it on all counts, we definitely intend to get it translated into multiple languages!


Oct 28, 2017
Does anyone have a walkthrough for this?

Basically, all I'm missing is 1 fragment, and 1 Silver databank (26/27).
I must have missed some things obviously, but searching around the factory seems long and tedious, and I DONT WANT to go to the boss without having collected everything (minus the power-ups, they're not that important).


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Does anyone have a walkthrough for this?

Basically, all I'm missing is 1 fragment, and 1 Silver databank (26/27).
I must have missed some things obviously, but searching around the factory seems long and tedious, and I DONT WANT to go to the boss without having collected everything (minus the power-ups, they're not that important).
Going to the boss with everything doesn't change anything, to note, but there's one fragment in p4m2 and one above p1m3 :)

For what databank you're missing, I'm not sure, but the later builds will have icons on the map showing what you have and haven't seen!
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