
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Oh I can't wait for more "mobility and exploration".
We're aiming for her to have things like a wall jump, destroying walls, combo attacks, jumping off of enemy heads, an actual run/jump momentum system, etc.

We basically want to make 2D Metal Gear Rising but with sex and a strong Super Metroid influence.

Since we'll be able to reuse a lot of assets from the previous game, boss fights should in turn be more epic, again like metal gear rising fights.

Serah Farron

New Member
Jun 2, 2018
Thank you for your response! <3 <3
I'm honored to have gotten a response from you and so eloquently written. :) I know there's a lot of links out their to the other versions, but I don't like playing like that, so I'm basing this off on the 0.27 demo version (I believe it is) that you posted on Newgrounds. Until I support your game, which I will very soon, I won't touch the versions you release to Pateron Supporters because I think that's not right. And thank you for caring about my finances too, but yeah, once I know I'll be able to support you (coming close to that mark), I will pledge to you.

And I just pulled up this game up right now, and I'm watching from the beginning, and if you don't mind, I might have a few questions you can answer, just to strengthen my knowledge. :)

Although there will be some gameplay questions, I have a couple of plot questions also. If it can be accessed by Patreons, you don't have to tell me.

First off is, will we know the childhood of Talia and Faye? I absolutely love Talia as a character and I believe our bond could be strengthened if I got to know maybe some hardships she lived through in her past? Did she even know Faye when she was a child? What about her family? Is Talia clone made or was she naturally delivered?

Would you consider Talia human? I mean, yeah, she is human, right, but since she has magic powers, I'm assuming that she had those powers infused, or are they naturally carried by her?

About the monsters, the reason they want to have intercourse with Talia is that because they are sexually deprived, right? Or is there another reason?

I recall you saying that the bar on the left is her energy, right? How when they attack her, the barrier protects her? So, what's the difference when Talia is stunned, and when Talia is on the floor?

And I'm assuming that female humans are rare in the factory she's in or is completely nonexistant?

And during the game over scene, the Worm Sergeant, what was his name again...Slotterdong or something like that, XD (Absolutely love that scene), reprimands the grunts for violating their code. So, having intercourse with women are forbidden? So that means, the machines and enemies that interact with her, all are in violation of their code? Also, when Talia escapes, the WORM Sergeant is enraged, and if I destroy Talia's mana once more, she gets captured again, right? Would the sergeant do something different to her? Will their be a game over scene where it's too late for Talia and she won't have any more chances?

Is there a reason why the machines have intercourse with her? Do they have those feelings, or is it programmed in them to do that to Talia?

And what is the backdrop about sex in society? Since sex is outlawed by WORM, it's mostly the males that are desperate for sex, right? Or is both females and males that are desperate for it? Does WORM have female employee's also? And since there are five kingdoms and the four united to take down the Spell kingdom, does WORM control the entire other four kingdoms?

And Vie's evil...? Hopefully she's not, because she's my second favorite character to Talia...and, remember the scene when a veteran grunt asked Talia not to kill him and his men? Well, I killed him, and those three other grunts got me good, lol. I felt kinda bad, but kinda evil too, lol. I really love how you can kinda guide Talia's personality throughout the game. In the full version, will Talia have kinda like an 'evil' or 'dark' ending?

And there are rebel grunts, so there are grunts who work for the king on the Spell Kingdom?
Would you say Faye is an antagonist or a protagonist who is like a jerk to Thalia?
And how is Vie related to the king and the Spell Kingdom?

And why do the Grabby Hands trap do high damage over a short period of time, compared to the others?

Whew...I'm so sorry. You don't have to answer all or any. Feel free to answer those you want. I was really curious, and having the answers would definitely fill the void of curiosity. Once more, thank you so much.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
And I just pulled up this game up right now, and I'm watching from the beginning, and if you don't mind, I might have a few questions you can answer, just to strengthen my knowledge. :)
I'm definitely about to answer all these, but I would suggest you watch the opening intro cinematic because it covers a lot of these (and clarifies some things that I think you're mixing up like time periods; Talia, Faye, their King and the Kingdoms are all from the year 1000 AD, and they time travel to the year 3000 AD, where all of the game takes place as well as where Vie and the WORM are at :p )

A good deal of this is also semi-answered in the databanks/cutscenes too vaguely, but don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining or anything like that with this, I just want to clarify that a lot of this is actually in-game and not just stuff i'm hiding from players or that you wouldn't be able to find on your own on an actual playthrough.

First off is, will we know the childhood of Talia and Faye? I absolutely love Talia as a character and I believe our bond could be strengthened if I got to know maybe some hardships she lived through in her past? Did she even know Faye when she was a child? What about her family? Is Talia clone made or was she naturally delivered?
You won't ever know this unfortunately besides what I'm about to say here, and there is a reason for this; I intentionally don't want to define Talia and Faye's backgrounds super well because they essentially serve as the player avatars to a fair degree in their respective games, so giving Talia a background like "She saved kittens and went to church every day" is going to make it real hard to believe a playthrough where she just picks all the Hatred or Cynical-based choices.

There's a second reason why I didn't define them super well in-game oto, but that'll be discovered as time goes on. ;)

For the questions, though;
- She actually didn't really have any particular hardships; she lived life fairly average/healthily (as much as a person in the 1000 AD era would, at least)
- She never met Faye until the King recruited them both into his magician program
- She has a mom and dad, but also going with 1000 AD culture, they both were working nearly nonstop and so she, along with most of the other kids in her kingdom, were "raised by the village", so to speak
- Talia, given that she comes from the year 1000 AD, is definitely not a clone :p

Would you consider Talia human? I mean, yeah, she is human, right, but since she has magic powers, I'm assuming that she had those powers infused, or are they naturally carried by her?
Talia's powers are entirely magically taught; in the universe of the game's setting, magic is a learnable skill just like anything else, but it's shrouded in secrecy, so it's not something you can just go to school to learn (especially for women, given that in the year 1000 AD in Europe in real world history, they weren't allowed to attend school of any kind, let alone learn magic).

That's why the King rose to power so quickly, because magic was a rare skill back then, let alone someone having as much power as he, and then the benevolence and skill to teach it to the public in order to defend their kingdom.

About the monsters, the reason they want to have intercourse with Talia is that because they are sexually deprived, right? Or is there another reason?
Each level's enemies have a different reason;
- Fire Level half-human/half-"demons" are sex-deprived as well as being even more into wanting to propagate the "demon" DNA within them per orders from the "demon spawner" (which of course won't do anything to Talia given the incompatibility with her DNA)
- Ice Level Celodst are just scientifically interested in her (as well as being fascinated with the sex acts they've seen on their monitors/computers due to the reception getting permanently affixed to the underground networks thanks to Seeber's attacks while they were stationed there), so they have sex with her using holographic addons to their body
- Electric Level Gratters are intentionally designed for sex, that's basically their core function
- Earth Level Melius Mutabilis are all about getting "energy" from Talia for the ruler of the Wildwoods, and once they don't detect it on the outside of her, they need to check everywhere, so...

I recall you saying that the bar on the left is her energy, right? How when they attack her, the barrier protects her? So, what's the difference when Talia is stunned, and when Talia is on the floor?
That's right; the reason Talia gets stunned is because the magical barrier can only take so much at once, so if you take a lot of "damage" in a short period of time, it overloads, and the magical feedback distorts Talia's equilibrium, making her off balance until she regains her footing.

And I'm assuming that female humans are rare in the factory she's in or is completely nonexistant?
Yeah, they're completely non-existent; there's a strong segregation of the sexes, especially in Gratification Factories, to prevent abuse of the Gratter devices (as ones designed for females are made in Factories populated by men, and vice versa).

And during the game over scene, the Worm Sergeant, what was his name again...Slotterdong or something like that, XD (Absolutely love that scene), reprimands the grunts for violating their code. So, having intercourse with women are forbidden? So that means, the machines and enemies that interact with her, all are in violation of their code?
That is indeed all true; sex with another person, for any reason is forbidden within the WORM as they believe it wastes time/energy and people are entirely birthed through cloning anyways, but the reason for punishment is fairly different per area;

- Fire Level half-human/half-"demons" are exiled and their half-"demon" capabilities stripped from them to be used on other reliable soldiers
- Ice Level Celodst can't be "exiled" by the WORM because they're just simply magnitudes stronger than the WORM, but their obsession with sex and trying to have it with Talia is viewed very negatively by the Celodst homeworld/higher-ups, to the point that they're ostracized from their society and banished from ever returning
- Electric Level Gratters are designed for sex, but they're not supposed to engage with anyone but their designated purchaser, so having sex before being purchased is forbidden and leads to decommissioning the unit
- Earth Level Melius Mutabilis have a very limited energy supply trickled down to them by their leader, so any time they have sex with Talia, it's eating up their energy resource, usually leading to expiring/punishment from their leader for wasting his energy without finding a new source of it in return

Exile in general with the WORM is the strictest punishment possible because you're severed from the Save Pads, so you can't effectively be immortal anymore, and the WORM doesn't want to waste the effort killing someone, so they just let them wander aimlessly on the surface of the earth outside of the domed cities of the WORM (and they're domed for a reason; outside of them, the earth's surface is basically a desert/wasteland).

This inadvertently though fuels the Rebel armies, as many WORM members exiled for lesser crimes that are more morally tolerable are recruited by the Rebels, bringing all their expertise, intel, and desire for revenge against the WORM with them.

Also, when Talia escapes, the WORM Sergeant is enraged, and if I destroy Talia's mana once more, she gets captured again, right? Would the sergeant do something different to her? Will their be a game over scene where it's too late for Talia and she won't have any more chances?
So the second game over sequence is where it stays indefinitely unfortunately, because as much as I'd like to make third or fourth or fifth variations, we'd be stuck on them to a point it would be extending the project time out pretty far given the number of game over CGs!

There won't be any game over scenes where she won't have anymore chances, either; we personally feel the idea of a "game over" for this sort of game shouldn't be permanent, because the player is just going to reload anyways, so better to reduce the steps involved etc.

Is there a reason why the machines have intercourse with her? Do they have those feelings, or is it programmed in them to do that to Talia?
They have intellect/emotion/desire of their own, which is why people do become addicted to Gratters as noted in a few of the databanks, because they're effectively robotic partners, exploiting a loophole in the WORM ruling about no sex with humans that has some people challenging it to reduce Gratter usage in an available day by a significant amount to prevent addiction.

And what is the backdrop about sex in society? Since sex is outlawed by WORM, it's mostly the males that are desperate for sex, right? Or is both females and males that are desperate for it? Does WORM have female employee's also? And since there are five kingdoms and the four united to take down the Spell kingdom, does WORM control the entire other four kingdoms?
Women are just as desiring for sex as men are (both in this game and in the real world!) and the WORM does have entire Facilities full of just nothing but women (there's a cutscene where you can hear one of the Grunts talk about how "patriotic women" sign up to get milked to fuel the Milk Fusion chambers, sort of like donating blood in our world).

The kingdoms thing I explained up above with the time differential of course, but the WORM does control about 95% of the planet in the year 3000 AD.

And Vie's evil...? Hopefully she's not, because she's my second favorite character to Talia...
I can confirm that Vie isn't evil. She isn't good, either though; in fact, none of the characters in my games are objectively evil or good. They all have different "shades" of "bad" and "good" behavior, some of which is objectively bad behavior, but it doesn't make that person, as a whole, objectively 100% bad.

and, remember the scene when a veteran grunt asked Talia not to kill him and his men? Well, I killed him, and those three other grunts got me good, lol. I felt kinda bad, but kinda evil too, lol. I really love how you can kinda guide Talia's personality throughout the game. In the full version, will Talia have kinda like an 'evil' or 'dark' ending?
You can definitely get multiple "bad" endings where Talia is pretty harsh to others.

And there are rebel grunts, so there are grunts who work for the king on the Spell Kingdom?
Would you say Faye is an antagonist or a protagonist who is like a jerk to Thalia?
And how is Vie related to the king and the Spell Kingdom?
Covered the first one above, but to change it to work with the actuality of the game, there are double agent Grunts (a few are in the databanks and in cutscenes) and double agent Rebels, too.
Faye isn't the antagonist; she's more of a thorn in Talia's side, but that's about it.
Vie isn't related to the King or the Spell Kingdom because it was 2,000 years before her time :p

And why do the Grabby Hands trap do high damage over a short period of time, compared to the others?
They should do the same amount of damage as any of the other traps, odd; I'll check into that.

Whew...I'm so sorry. You don't have to answer all or any. Feel free to answer those you want. I was really curious, and having the answers would definitely fill the void of curiosity. Once more, thank you so much.
No problem, I enjoy answering questions! Glad to have people be passionate about the game :D


Sep 4, 2017
I got the impression of Faye might be getting constantly captured and banged because so many things in this era has range and she is stuck in melee because of her brawler style.

Is that the reason or despite being a powerhouse she just has some E level Luck?(maybe Talia is right and she does enjoy it so much?) XD


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I got the impression of Faye might be getting constantly captured and banged because so many things in this era has range and she is stuck in melee because of her brawler style.

Is that the reason or despite being a powerhouse she just has some E level Luck?(maybe Talia is right and she does enjoy it so much?) XD
Faye gets captured mainly due to arrogance; she also has canonically awful luck, as in my game universe across all my games, certain things like "luck" and "will power" and such are actually existing, quantifiable things; they aren't completely scientifically defined/examine-able, but the human race in the universe for my games knows they exist and that some people have more/less than others.


Jan 20, 2018
Faye gets captured mainly due to arrogance; she also has canonically awful luck, as in my game universe across all my games, certain things like "luck" and "will power" and such are actually existing, quantifiable things; they aren't completely scientifically defined/examine-able, but the human race in the universe for my games knows they exist and that some people have more/less than others.
I do have a question. Will Faye's storyline be a prequel to Talia's, or will it be side to side?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I do have a question. Will Faye's storyline be a prequel to Talia's, or will it be side to side?
It'll be somewhat side to side, with Faye encountering different characters/bosses and the enemies will have altered attacks, as well as different maps and gameplay mechanics, of course.
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New Member
Jun 16, 2017
The next (and last) public demo will be the Fire Level again, but this time it'll be 100% finished as it'll be the literal first level from the finished game.
Is there an ETA on when that one's coming out? Apologies if you've already mentioned it somewhere.


Aug 13, 2017
Since you seem to be planning on making a Faye spin-off, how long do you think that would take assuming you'd have some recycled assets to work with?

Also, regarding your Patreon. Do I only get the latest demos you put up or do I get any demo you've put up in the past? Was curious.

Hope you're doing well, keep up the good work.

Can't wait to see the fire level re-done. While I did enjoy it, after playing the electric level, the difference in quality is noticeable to say the least.

I haven't been keeping up to date with your streams but can we expect similar length/quality of the electric demo for every stage or are some stages going to be much longer/shorter than others?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Is there an ETA on when that one's coming out? Apologies if you've already mentioned it somewhere.
December 2018-April 2019, but I'll tell you right now it's heavily leaning towards the latter, just because while we're working on it as fast as possible, we want to make sure it's quality too; we don't want to rush it out and ruin the quality of it after all this time has been put into it, so it's a balance between the two things.

Since you seem to be planning on making a Faye spin-off, how long do you think that would take assuming you'd have some recycled assets to work with?
We're probably looking about a year/18 months or so, as there is still a good deal of new content to it, as well as reworking the entire gameplay mechanics for the game, abilities, etc.

Also, regarding your Patreon. Do I only get the latest demos you put up or do I get any demo you've put up in the past? Was curious.
You'll get all the demos we've ever put out except for the Fire Level demos, as those were on an old engine we no longer use. Come end-development, we'll be revamping all the prior levels to bring them up to quality control standards in one sweep for the game as a whole, and at that point we'll put out another Fire Level demo as we revamp it too.

Hope you're doing well, keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot! :D

I haven't been keeping up to date with your streams but can we expect similar length/quality of the electric demo for every stage or are some stages going to be much longer/shorter than others?
You can actually expect more than that in terms of content; there is still the value system to add to the cutscenes, which will change quite a few of them significantly as well as about 5-6 cutscenes I didn't get to add in the public Electric demo, a lot of the abilities reworked, powerups will be 5x as many as there were in the Electric demo roughly, lots of quality of life improvements, etc.

But generally, yeah, every level will have 6 paths, with 4-5 maps per path, a hub map, and 3 "explore maps" that are the larger maps connecting the paths to the hub.

Each level will also additionally have (minimum/on average);

  • 4 enemies with 1-3 attacks each
  • 1 boss
  • 1-3 environmental sex "traps" (like the sex machine and grabby hands from the electric level), 3-4 level gimmicks/mechanics
  • 1-3 environmental hazards (think the laser beams, electric cannon from the electric level)
  • 3 tilesets and 3 parallax backgrounds
  • 30 cutscenes roughly
  • 30 silver databanks and 3 gold databanks
  • 2 Fragments to find
  • 1 Faye sex cutscene
  • 1-2 Talia sex cutscenes
  • Full voice acting, of course
  • 5-10 song variations
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