
May 21, 2017
Save your troubles with Steam, they aren't worth it, many H game devs, has been staying away from them.
Its probably worth the effort. Steam presumably would increase exposure and sales substantially. Also, FF is on the tamer end of the spectrum of adult games and will probably get through fairly cleanly.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
Its probably worth the effort. Steam presumably would increase exposure and sales substantially. Also, FF is on the tamer end of the spectrum of adult games and will probably get through fairly cleanly.
You have been living under a rock huh.... Steam is not a good place for game with any sex content at all lately.. FAKKU, Nutaku, MangaGamer, DLSite, Eroges.com, JAST and Denpasoft as well, are the best places for games with sex content, Steam has been even banning H-Games lately and has done a-lot in last year... They are better off at other places, than on Steam, till Steam fixes up their damn shit and gets their acts all together...


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
that secret room in jason bill's custom map was so hard I used ce to beat it.:p
increased my health to a big number to beat it.
damn ce is out of question then I should start practicing my skills for when the game is out:confused:
In the full game there'll be lots of powerups, so it'll be much easier if you use powerups well :)

Save your troubles with Steam, they aren't worth it, many H game devs, has been staying away from them.
This has been greatly blown out of proportion; in the time that Steam has allowed adult games on the service, they have banned a total of under 10 games, while allowing many more games on with bestiality, rape, necrophilia, tentacles, incest, you name it. I can't count on both hands and feet how many H game devs I know who put their game up on Steam and sold perfectly fine with it, no troubles, no bans, no nothing.

The only games that got banned off the service fall into two categories;
1) Underage characters either through blatant means (whether they have sex or not is irrelevant, if the game has sexually implied or sexually suggestive images of those characters, you're getting hit) or through saying the game's characters are "all depicted as 18+" which is a dead giveaway to steam that they're not (and even if they are, people who post that = nuked)
2) Characters in high school settings, as an offset of #1

Whether you agree with the policies or not is completely up to you, but the fact of the matter is, Steam is objectively far less restrictive than ANY other platform in existence when it comes to adult content besides DLSite, and DLSite ENG and JPN both require you to censor your work visually (as well as taking 40% minimum profits, up to 80% total, and having a fraction of Steam's userbase).

Plus, the "troubles" that come with putting your stuff on Steam is the same as any other service, in that you upload it to their specifications, go through their rules, the end. If we get banned off Steam, then that's not really going to somehow cripple us elsewhere, it'd suck, but not trying to get your game on Steam because of a few people who got banned for rules 1 and 2 above when your games have neither of those would be pretty much shooting yourself in the foot.

And as was talked about up above, our stuff is relatively tame compared to stuff that's gotten on there that's far more extreme and has had no issues selling and staying on the service.
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
In the full game there'll be lots of powerups, so it'll be much easier if you use powerups well :)

This has been greatly blown out of proportion; in the time that Steam has allowed adult games on the service, they have banned a total of under 10 games, while allowing many more games on with bestiality, rape, necrophilia, tentacles, incest, you name it. I can't count on both hands and feet how many H game devs I know who put their game up on Steam and sold perfectly fine with it, no troubles, no bans, no nothing.

The only games that got banned off the service fall into two categories;
1) Underage characters either through blatant means (whether they have sex or not is irrelevant, if the game has sexually implied or sexually suggestive images of those characters, you're getting hit) or through saying the game's characters are "all depicted as 18+" which is a dead giveaway to steam that they're not (and even if they are, people who post that = nuked)
2) Characters in high school settings, as an offset of #1

Whether you agree with the policies or not is completely up to you, but the fact of the matter is, Steam is objectively far less restrictive than ANY other platform in existence when it comes to adult content besides DLSite, and DLSite ENG and JPN both require you to censor your work visually (as well as taking 40% minimum profits, up to 80% total, and having a fraction of Steam's userbase).

Plus, the "troubles" that come with putting your stuff on Steam is the same as any other service, in that you upload it to their specifications, go through their rules, the end. If we get banned off Steam, then that's not really going to somehow cripple us elsewhere, it'd suck, but not trying to get your game on Steam because of a few people who got banned for rules 1 and 2 above when your games have neither of those would be pretty much shooting yourself in the foot.

And as was talked about up above, our stuff is relatively tame compared to stuff that's gotten on there that's far more extreme and has had no issues selling and staying on the service.

Actually... Steam has removed OVER 40 so called H Games from their platform... Yeah they "did" allowed Adult Games on their platform, but... It was till not even a full fucking week later, is when they start removing H Games from their platform... Also being band from Steam will and does effects you and others as well, in some ways, even hurt the growth... JAST and a few others, are the best, at least you can provides a Adult Uncensored Patch, without any worries at all, yeah I know DLsite can be very picky, but they do allows uncensored games, if there was a patch, but they'll puts the Uncensored Patch up for sale though... I and a few to many others as well, we all know that, there is major problems with Steam at the moment, there have been not just one, but two, some may say three, rogue employees working at Steam, that's actually going against Steam's own T.O.S and it's new Adult Game's Policies as well... I know you want to sell you games on many platforms there is out there, to make good money, I do gets that, but... How things are with Steam, I rather wait till the dust gets settled down with them, till I make my move to sell on their platform, since there are some "communities" I will say per se, I'll leaves it up to you, to know what I am talking about... That are even going after some of the game devs, of their game with some kind of H content, behind closed doors and out of public's eyes and causing some devs problems and troubles in the process... I am just looking out for you, you have a much better chances at other places without having any worries at all, other than Steam.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Actually... Steam has removed OVER 40 so called H Games from their platform...
Can you get me a list? I've been keeping up and I've seen less than 10.

If you're counting the troll games that were cash grab asset flips, then yeah, it's been over 40, but those were never intended to be actual H-games to begin with, so those aren't what I'm talking about. They were literally people stuffing 20 assets into a game and a pre-made engine with about 10 minutes of work and calling it a day, the game breaks 95% of the time you play it and there's about 2 minutes of gameplay with stolen artwork.

Yeah they "did" allowed Adult Games on their platform, but... It was till not even a full fucking week later, is when they start removing H Games from their platform...
They still do. There are still countless adult games on there.

JAST and a few others, are the best, at least you can provides a Adult Uncensored Patch, without any worries at all
You can do this on Steam, too. The difference is, you don't need the patch, because you don't need to censor anything there. (You don't need to on JAST either, but yeah.)

yeah I know DLsite can be very picky, but they do allows uncensored games, if there was a patch, but they'll puts the Uncensored Patch up for sale though...
No, they do not, under Japanese law, which is where DLSite is situated. If your game goes up uncensored, they'll ban it; I know this because I have a game on DLSite that I had to re-censor more and more excessively, with back and forth builds being sent to them, before they were satisfied with the censoring.

Going back to an earlier point, what will hurt the industry and other places is if you rely on trying to circumvent the system by doing uncensorship patches, because then companies will start to crack down even harder on h-games instead of becoming more accepting of h-games. It's the same way as if you're trying to go behind your employer's back, they would punish you more harshly than if you just abided by their rules in the first place, at which point playing by their rules would likely have them give you the leeway enough to do what you originally wanted to do in the first place.

I and a few to many others as well, we all know that, there is major problems with Steam at the moment, there have been not just one, but two, some may say three, rogue employees working at Steam
Literally assumptions, with zero proof one way or the other because none of us work at Steam and have no idea what Steam's actual policies are with this stuff and who is giving the orders (or if anyone else is giving the orders). Many companies like this have orders being brought down from on high and people at the employee level you're talking about are forced to enact those rules whether they want to or not.


In general, one of the things I absolutely hate more than anything else is assumptions, and guesses at what the truth to a situation is, especially when those assumptions and guesses are passed off as fact and truth.

Stuff like that is one of the worst things in the world today because that's how misinformation and misunderstandings spread throughout a culture and even humanity as a whole; it's far better to not throw out accusations or claims of something unless you have absolute grounded proof of what you're claiming of someone/something/a company or group.

People doing/saying otherwise in regards to a situation or event, can end up doing far more harm to the very people they're trying to protect or inform, than what the event or situation could have possibly done by itself.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
Can you get me a list? I've been keeping up and I've seen less than 10.

If you're counting the troll games that were cash grab asset flips, then yeah, it's been over 40, but those were never intended to be actual H-games to begin with, so those aren't what I'm talking about. They were literally people stuffing 20 assets into a game and a pre-made engine with about 10 minutes of work and calling it a day, the game breaks 95% of the time you play it and there's about 2 minutes of gameplay with stolen artwork.

They still do. There are still countless adult games on there.

You can do this on Steam, too. The difference is, you don't need the patch, because you don't need to censor anything there. (You don't need to on JAST either, but yeah.)

No, they do not, under Japanese law, which is where DLSite is situated. If your game goes up uncensored, they'll ban it; I know this because I have a game on DLSite that I had to re-censor more and more excessively, with back and forth builds being sent to them, before they were satisfied with the censoring.

Going back to an earlier point, what will hurt the industry and other places is if you rely on trying to circumvent the system by doing uncensorship patches, because then companies will start to crack down even harder on h-games instead of becoming more accepting of h-games. It's the same way as if you're trying to go behind your employer's back, they would punish you more harshly than if you just abided by their rules in the first place, at which point playing by their rules would likely have them give you the leeway enough to do what you originally wanted to do in the first place.

Literally assumptions, with zero proof one way or the other because none of us work at Steam and have no idea what Steam's actual policies are with this stuff and who is giving the orders (or if anyone else is giving the orders). Many companies like this have orders being brought down from on high and people at the employee level you're talking about are forced to enact those rules whether they want to or not.


In general, one of the things I absolutely hate more than anything else is assumptions, and guesses at what the truth to a situation is, especially when those assumptions and guesses are passed off as fact and truth.

Stuff like that is one of the worst things in the world today because that's how misinformation and misunderstandings spread throughout a culture and even humanity as a whole; it's far better to not throw out accusations or claims of something unless you have absolute grounded proof of what you're claiming of someone/something/a company or group.

People doing/saying otherwise in regards to a situation or event, can end up doing far more harm to the very people they're trying to protect or inform, than what the event or situation could have possibly done by itself.

Listen... I know you aren't on the internet a-lot, because you rather spend your time with to developing your game, instead of wasting it on chat rooms or at places like Discord servers and Twitter, but... Me and not 100's of others, but many 1,00's of others do know what in the fucking Hell is going on with Steam, we know a Hell a lot more about Steam than you do... not many of us or hardly any of us, is gonna gives you anykind of proof, without having a target painted on our backs, just in case, if there is any lurckers lurking around about in places and ready to strike... It's not about "assumptions" as you put... It's about having Common Sense and waking the Hell up... We haven't had any news from fucking Gabe himself, the damn guy that made and runs Steam/Valve, out in public, about of what's going on and down with Steam... The last time he ever actually did, was over a damn year ago, witch is very sad and very damn pathetic if you ask me.... But me and others, are in many places and gathering up as much facts and evidence, as much as we can, but we won't be showing them out in public, without the aid of legal terms, so at least that we have some kind of a safety net to falls back on, if things do or does fails with us about it... The thing is though... It's not just a big group of people handling the bans and what-nots about the Adult Games or games with adult contents, it's just a very few people, less than 5 or under.... Also all of their replies to the devs.... All said the exact same thing... Like well dare a say NPC/SJW... Or some kind of a automatic system bot, and yes, even that is a fucking thing... You may not belong in a very Tight-Knit group, like some are, that do have others doing some behind the scenes investigations, to gets to the truth of it all, while watching their own backs in the process... I am just telling you of how it is and what's going on as well, take it what you will... But how things are today's day of age and even with the Political Environment and how big major companies are now-a-days... All I am ever saying to you, is take things I say, into consideration and as a strong suggestion as well please... Because me and many many many others, are going placing many bets about what Steam is gonna do in the future and its not pretty at all and we all are calling it here and now...


New Member
Jan 10, 2019
i'm just reinstall win 7 on my laptop and now i cant play this game. it's still has sound responded but the screen gone black completely
i think i'm lack of some requirements for it but i don't know what is it
can some one help for a bit?
(i'm quite bad in english XD)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
i'm just reinstall win 7 on my laptop and now i cant play this game. it's still has sound responded but the screen gone black completely
i think i'm lack of some requirements for it but i don't know what is it
can some one help for a bit?
(i'm quite bad in english XD)
It's highly likely that you need DirectX if you just reinstalled Windows; just google "Download DirectX for Windows 7" or something similar, that'd be my best guess.
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Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
Also, about the cheat engine thing, we'll probably have an ending that appears if people use that, too. :p
Ooh. That's interesting. I would love to get an idea of how you will detect that. Surely there's not a way to 100% detect CE usage? If you don't want to share, that's fine as well. Keep it fair and all.
that secret room in jason bill's custom map was so hard I used ce to beat it.:p
increased my health to a big number to beat it.
Why not simply freeze your health instead of putting it at a high number? And I remember having some trouble finding stuff like health with CE. Or maybe that was just ... I don't remember. Anyway, do you remember what type you searched for at least? If not, that's no big deal. I probably won't play around with CE and this game until release or a substantial update.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Ooh. That's interesting. I would love to get an idea of how you will detect that. Surely there's not a way to 100% detect CE usage? If you don't want to share, that's fine as well. Keep it fair and all.
It would just get detected if anything was outside of the normal range of things; for example, if you set health orbs to heal you for 2x and you don't have a powerup equipped that lets you do that, we'd have a check for that.

If you gave yourself infinite life and weren't using a normal cheat code or didn't otherwise do something that the game would give you invincibility on, we'd notice the first time you took damage (or you were supposed to take damage, at least).

And so on, pretty much "if this doesn't fall within normal parameters, we know you're using a cheat engine" etc.


Nov 7, 2018
i have problem maybe this is bug when i jump here after talk with Vie then comes soldier's and in first time i play talia turn around and i can fight with them but now i can't beucese they sneak and grab and fuck her i try again and die here if i jump here sory for my englis i have i hope you understand me Bez tytułu.png


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
i have problem maybe this is bug when i jump here after talk with Vie then comes soldier's and in first time i play talia turn around and i can fight with them but now i can't beucese they sneak and grab and fuck her i try again and die here if i jump here sory for my englis i have i hope you understand me
This is a user-made map, so unfortunately it's possible that there's softlock sections like that where you can't get back out; we don't make those maps, so you'd have to contact Jason Bill on the backer discord to talk to him about it.
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